Every shred of his soul had been taken into the dazzling Rune Scriptures of VITALIS and VACUOUS and was released as a unique type of Extremity Soul!
Every shred.
The different parts of his soul spread across the Vitalis Havens.
His Reified Source of Quintessence taking the form of a Vacuous I Entity. His body following the Tier 4 Hyperversal Extremity Titanosaurus who was leading him to a unique domain within the Obsidian Havenly Saurischian Archipelago.
His body that was situated in front of the Adjudicator of Dissolution whose gaze towards him changed greatly at this moment!
{You…have achieved Extremity?!}
She had felt the body before her become entirely empty as a moment later, it was filled with a shockingly abundant and powerful Extremity Soul that radiated a ferocious power that was only increasing with every passing second.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: