
Geniuses Gather Atop Barren Lands! III

The pull of destiny gathered many beings towards a land filled with heavy mist, where one wouldn't even be able to see or hear another if they were a few meters away.

The vision and hearing of all beings in the area…restricted! It was a wondrous result that came about through unfathomable means.

And given the heavy restrictions that only became more prevalent the deeper one went into this Unexplored Grotto Sanctum, it meant one's will, hearing, and vision were limited to a few meters around them!

Those who had arrived in these vast lands first didn't know who or what else lay around them as they were displaced for an unknown number of miles.

After their entrance, others gradually made their way up with their own means as they arrived later, the other set of beings coming later including the vibrant astral existence known as Juliette- her Astral visage adorned with a red battle dress as her head danced with crimson flames.


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