The thundering archaic voice he had been waiting for for so long finally arrived, and it was the will of the very same Universe he had just saved from Ruination two months ago!
<You were searching for the core of Dark Universe that does not exist. A has no central core, with its will exerted throughout billions light years.>
That was right! For the past months, Noah had searched for and wondered where the core of the Dark Universe would be, the Dao of Destiny only telling him he would get answers when the upgrade of the Infinite Galaxy finished.
He just didn't would play put this way!
This was a truth that an infinitesimal amount of beings knew- the fact that a Universe actually did not have a central core, being something that could not be destroyed...unless its source of sustenance was cut off and it was swallowed by the Ruination Sea.
That sustenance...was the Primordial Cosmos!
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: