Many eyes close by and afar were glancing towards a single figure- a single human that had a wobbly slime atop his head as his eyes seemed to blaze with a profound light!
He seemed to very well know that all eyes were on him as he glanced at the solemn Old Man Khan who had the party of Holy Prince Rudolf, Princess Anastasia, and Princess Anna with him.
His eyes glazed over them as they turned around to face the blank chaotic void where millions of Ailerons used to be. The area was devoid of any life but Noah knew that further in, there were still multiple Ailerons putting their lives on the line to uncover more information and report what was happening here back to their command bases!
So he stared out towards the blank chaotic void as he voiced out grandly.
"The Entity Vast was only so-so, and the Aileron Legion was even worse to match against! I hope the next battle will not be as disappointing…"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: