Tang Shaoyang did not know what those alchemists did to those hearts and eyes. The thought of drinking a potion that contained the heart and the eyes of a creature grossed him out a little bit. It was just fortunate that he rarely drank a potion.
His natural regeneration took care of most of the wounds. Ever since he reached the Demi-God Rank, he never met an opponent on the same level with the Divine Dragon as an exception. He almost died back then, but his natural regeneration healed him back.
He never used such as Strength Potion, Speed Potion, or any other potions even though Yu recommended him to take those potions.
"I found a group of three lizards."
Tang Shaoyang signaled his party to stop and pointed at the tree where the three lizards camouflaged.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: