
Story Of My Parents

Another event was what happened four years ago.

"Hayley and Alissa are becoming top upcoming stars, I must say, you really have eyes for talents," Jake France called her one time.

"It was obviously because of their own strengths. They were motivated enough after all."

"*laughs* Anyway, we are ready for an opening. I have also finished the papers, all that I am waiting for is for your go signal and the company name."

"Aunt Jacqueline? You didn't pay for any of these right?"

"Of course not, my money is precious why would I bring out some when you have it anyway," Jake France replied.

But in reality, it was because he knew that Amber wanted everything to be spearheaded by her.

He respect this, so he didn't try to help her in anyway regarding money.

"That's good, then we can start at anytime. The company name shall be known as Capa, with a c."

"Capa Entertainment? Say where did you get that name?"

"Just another term for Sarah," she replied with a smile.

Being in a video call, Jake France could see her looking happy and sad at the same time.

"Very well then, Alissa shall be the first talent. Hayley and I will have our clothing line under it as well."

"That's right, don't let anyone know of it yet. Let Alissa do her jobs just the same. But when scouted, she can tell that she already has a company," Amber added as they are nearing the end of the call.


"Mysteries are the best, anyway you can open uhmmm a shop... Ah a coffee shop close to the company. First everyone whom you are able to scout shall stay there."

"Let them train to interact with people and develop their talents by organizing a few events for the shop."

"That way, people would assume that the company they are truly in was that shop."

Amber drummed her finger on the table as she keep thinking.

"Let Capa slowly rise with that shop as its cover, of course the coffee shop will have the same name."

"So you're saying that the coffee shop will be like a scouting agency while the main company will remain on the back."

Amber nodded her head.

"No one will know that the talents will then be transfered to Capa Entertainment, this will allow us to steadily climb up without getting the attention of the other bigger companies."

Jake France smiled, "Then we will drop the bomb once we have more than enough people to back the company up?"

"I know were on the same page in here aunt. I really am much more at ease with letting you handle this matter," Amber gave a thumbs up.

"So for now, the only area under Capa, will be my clothing line, Clover, and Hayley's upcoming clothing line, Leaf. Alissa will be under it but in the outside she will be under the Scouting agency?"

"Having a great person as a partner is really the best."

"I have heard that even you being the CEO of SNN is being kept a secret," Jake France shook his head as he looked at her.

"I already told you, we have to slowly get inside their companies. That includes having doubles."

Jake just silently looked at her through the monitor. He has a smile on his lips.

"What is it?" seeing this Amber smiled and asked.

"You and your mother truly are quite alike, having such positivity that makes people trust you unwaveringly."


"I already told you back then, your mother have pulled me out of my slump. She then willingly took the job of being my model without second thoughts. Her words back then was..."

"'If I can help in anyway then let me help, I still haven't found my own path yet. Being of help while searching for it was already a blessing. Who knows through it I might fiind my own path.' She said."

Jake was smiling happily as he remembered all those times. Then he looked back at her through the monitor.

"Who would have thought that she really would meet her path through it. She met your father who was looking around that place back then."

Sarah was sitting on the side wearing a frilly dress as she was waiting for her turn. Nathan came to Ceres country to close another deal.

It was not uncommon for there are times that the other empire would visit another empire's main country.

The hotel where the shoot was going on was the same hotel he had just finished his business transaction.

He chanced upon the place and watched, the girl on the side sitting quietly on a chair caught his eyes.

"Look, they are even having a life like doll," one of his companions said as they approach where she was, they are close to her anyway.

Sarah who noticed this was ready to look at them and tell them that she was not a doll when...

"Don't be rude, that young miss is a model. She's not a doll, look she's even breathing," Nathan stopped his companions and motioned with his chin.

Sarah looked at him in surprise, she didn't know him and most of the people she didn't know, once they see her sitting without moving would always see her as a doll.

"Their first meeting was truly remarkable for her. I think you must be having such difficulty as well right? Telling people that you are not a doll, or having others shouting at your face," Jake said after telling the story he heard from Sarah.

"That was the first, the first time I heard of the story of my parents. They never told me anything as well, maybe they were shy and such," Amber was feeling giddy.

She never knew how her parents met, she thought her mother had always been in Celestial country or Apophis country.

"Well, I too didn't know that your father was a Price. She never told me his family name and would only tell stories. I never met him myself," Jake said.

"This makes me happy, atleast my parents had a very loving and pure memory," Amber lamented as she smiled sadly.

For as long as she had remembered, there were very little time that she saw her parents being happy. Most of the time they were worried.

Either worried for her or worried for their well being, including her brothers.

"Surely there are more stories to tell about your parents, why don't you search for their friends once everything is over?" Jake tried to cheer her up.

Amber then laughed, "I think I am quite close to some who are very much close to them. Maybe I should try asking them to tell me stories of my parents?"

"Aren't you lucky then? You already have such informants."

"Anyway, I have heard about Alissa's choice, why did she suddenly choose to study Electronics Engineering?" Amber suddenly remembered another reason why she had called Jake France today.

"I also asked that young lady, she said that she truly wants to become an engineer and since the hotel was already doing great, she no longer needed to take up hotel mangement."

"Does she really?"

"She looks serious though, at the same time she said that she shall be majoring in broadcasting. She said that since you are going to build an entertainment empire yourself."

"She wanted to be of help to you through a broadcasting company."

Amber felt touched, she ended her call with Jake and called for Alissa.

"Alissa if you are taking up electronics engineering because of me, then don't. You have to take up what you really want."

She then heard Alissa laughing on the other side, "Amber, it just so happens that your plans have coincide with my dream. I never tried to pursue it because we have no money before."

"I admired how we are able to watch TV dramas or news, I wanted to be a part of that as well. I can take up broadcasting major but I also wanted to understand every equipment that shall be used."

"So don't think that I am doing this because of you, I am also doing this for myself. My buried dream was unearthed and I can happily do it now."

"Fine, if you insist. By the way, congratulations on your first successful modeling event. I've heard you became the star of the show," Amber finally sighed.

"Congratulations too, your first company are making big, even here, it is being broadcasted in the news. They said that the company is planning to go international in the near future."

"You got it right, just wait a bit and SNN shall be renowned in every country. Especially Celestial."

They spoke a bit more before she hang up and walked to the window behind the desk. She's almost done with her studies, she needed to make SNN big enough already.

Things might seem smooth sailing but it was not, her attempts to contact Cooper Empire was not going the way she wanted.

She managed to contact a few minor shareholders but even them, their conditions are quite difficult to achieve.

But it is a good thing that not one of them knew, she had contacted more than just one.

Thank you once again...

5/5 ^_^

Llaellencreators' thoughts
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