

"What is this ruckus about?" after that loud scream, someone inside rushed out to see what was happening.

"The lights flickered and... she moved?" an attendant replied as she pointed at Amber who was covering Ashton's ears.

The moment this woman shouted, she somehow instinctively covered his ears for he was closer to her filthy mouth.

And now, the woman was sitting on the ground looking at her, terrified.

Amber slowly looked down at her while still holding Ashton's ears, her eyes were no longer the same as a while ago where it was dead. This time she was looking at her sharply.

'For her to actually shout like that for a mere fright?'

It seems that she had forgotten that she looked like a doll and is currently wearing a dress that matches her very well. So with everything, no one would really be left unscathed by her 'little' frightening.

Lily finally returned to her senses upon seeing this sharp look. She stood up and fixed her dress.

She then pointed at Amber, "How dare you!!"

Amber only raised an eyebrow without speaking.

Just as Lily was about to speak again.

"Blake Thomas? A surprise to meet you here, how's your parents?" the one who came out who was first stunned by Amber's appearance, caught glimpse of Blake and the others.

"Uncle Jake- Ow," Blake looked back and was pleasantly surprised to see his parent's friend.

"Aunt Jacqueline, I'm your aunt Jacqueline," he emphasized.

This once again caught Lily's attention. The real reason why she was here and why she specifically wore such dress. She was tasked by her mother to come and invite him upon finding out that he was in the country.

This would be their birthday gift for her grandfather. Knowing full well that her grandfather was a fan of every fashion designers, specially those who were at the top. The reason why their clothing shops were first built.

Even Hayley had her eyes twinkled upon seeing this person.

Jake France, one of the top leading person in the fashion industry, his clothing line, Clover, have won multiple awards all over the world and he has a shop in every country.

Since this was a small country no one anticipated that they would be meeting such a big personality.

But it seems that a few noble families have heard about it.

The shop they were in was obviously Clover and all the clothes in there were designed by Jake himself. Most may not be a part of his premium designs but every clothes in this shop have exceeded the norm.

"Good afternoon, Miss Jacqueline, I may be young but I have heard of you and was amazed by all your designs. I am Lily Brown, my father owned this mall and we are very much honored to have your shop here."

As she was busy with her speech, she didn't notice that Jacqueline have looked at her up and down and already had a raised eyebrow.

"I am also a junior of Blake Thomas at University A. A student of Fashion Design Department."

Lily brought out the invitation, "This here is an invitation for my grandfather's birthday party, Benedict Phillips. He was also your fan, we hope we would be able to meet you there."

Without speaking much, Jacqueline once again looked at her clothes, before taking the invitation. He only gave a "hmmm" sound.

"Thank you very much," Lily happily said as she looked at Hayley arrogantly.

As if she was saying, 'Look at that, you are nothing compared to me. I can even invite someone as famous as the fashion designer of Clover.'

"Then I shall be going, senior," she then bowed down to Devon and Blake.

After all she still has some shame in her, she knew what she had just did a while ago was so unlady like. Anyway she will see them again in the birthday party, she'll just change their minds towards her by then.

She looked at Ashton, but was still scared witless by Amber who was sitting there quietly just looking at her with a dead look.

"Woah I never thought you are fond of going to parties," Blake then said to Jacqueline.

Jacqueline gave the invitation to one of the attendants, "Go and throw that trash somewhere."

Alissa and Hayley looked at each other.

"Does she think by mentioning this mall being theirs I'd bow down and happily accept? And have you seen how she wore that dress? Please, I feel sorry for that dress, she had just murdered it," Jacqueline then said to Blake.

Facing such a big person, Alissa and Hayley could only keep quiet. As Blake, Devon and Jacqueline chat.

"You can let go of my ears now," Ashton said.

In actual fact, Amber had been holding his ears for the whole duration. Even when Lily looked back at them.

"Oh sorry about that, I didn't realize," Amber said but she was not flustered as she removed her hands.

"Was that your doing?" Ashton asked after Amber sat quietly once again.

"The lights? Yes, while changing I've heard her irritating voice and I noticed how the lights could be tampered with using some hacking. And when I looked at my reflection at the mirror, the idea just came up. Aren't I good?" she moved her eyebrows as she grinned at him.

Upon seeing her come out a while ago, he too was shock, he was just better at keeping his emotions inside.

He knew how doll like she looked but who would have thought that when she actually dresses up, she would look more like an innocent mannequin.

"That's right!!" Jacqueline suddenly exclaimed.

He completely forgot about Amber due to the appearance of that dress murderer girl. So when Blake pointed that Ashton, of course he knew Ashton's real identity, his eyes once again saw Amber.

"Come here dear," he pulled her up and circled her.

"No wonder that dress murderer have shouted that much. Indeed, I like it. Can you try some more clothes for me? I need a model for my clothes but no one is good enough. I was already being stressed by it and decided to run to this country to have a bit of breather, who would have thought I'd see you?"

He was talking non stop and Amber looked at the others helplessly. Especially at Blake whom she found out was actually a friend of this person.

"Come on aunt your scaring her," Blake stepped in.

"You know her? Why didn't you tell me you had such a friend? I have been searching for so long," then his eyes went to Alissa.

"You... you... you...."

He walked closer and looked at her up and down, she was not wearing any make up but of course Alissa was a beautiful person. Not that universal one but it was enough to make people have a second look.

"Long legs, right body proportions, I found my models!!"

Without asking them anything, Jacqueline tasked his attendants to close off the store.

"Let's see, let's see," he walked to the dresses that were in the premium part of the shop.

The reason why he was well known was because of the fact that his designs were in variety and even with those, each have it's own characteristic not falling behind the others.

As he started rummaging through the clothes, Alissa and Hayley couldn't help but to walk behind the guys. He looked like a hungry wolf to them.

The three guys stood side by side watching him, Amber stood beside Ashton, with her head tilted.

'Why do I feel like, he is someone familiar? Have I seen him somewhere before? Or maybe heard about him? But he was famous, obviously I would have heard of him.'

She haven't changed yet as she stood there, she then straightened her head as she kept pondering.

'But the familiarity was that of me not just simply hearing about him, due to him being famous.'

Jacqueline turned around while she was staring hardly towards him. And since she was not moving and her eyes had no emotion.

"STOP THAT!!" he couldn't help but jump in fright.

She looks too much like a doll and when she's not moving, together with such piercing look. Anyone would have thought of a horror scene.

Amber jumped up and snapped back to reality.

"Gosh this friend of yours is peculiar, I have once had such a model but this one exceeded that girl," Jacqueline held his chest as he calmed down his heart.

He may not look like it but Jake France is already in his late 50's.

"Too bad, that one disappeared after two years," he suddenly said as a flash of melancholy appeared in his eyes.

"IT'S YOU!!"

This time it was Amber who suddenly shouted in recognition.

All her friends and even Jacqueline looked at her in confusion.

But Amber's eyes went to Hayley before it went back to Jacqueline before she suddenly grinned.

"Why do I feel like I don't like that smile?" Jacqueline said as he took a step back.

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