
Ch. 61

The walk back to my apartment was quiet. Many people crowded the street. I look back at my hand that had been glowing. It still flashed slightly but less than before. I looked back up to where I was walking. I glanced at Zack, he was looking at me.

"Your hand. Why is it glowing?" he asked quietly.

I paused before answering. "I- I don't really know."

I didn't.


We continued walking.

"You lied about your aunt, didn't you."

"Yes, I did."


I stopped walking, Zack did as well.

"Because I had no other choice and I didn't want to be rude."

"Ahhh, I understand that."

We began walking again. I looked at the back of my hand again, it still flashed slowly. 'why?' I wondered.

I looked up just in time to see that we had reached the cross walk. As we waited it seemed as if things around me got hazy. I looked around.

"Myira." a female voice said.

I looked in the direction it came from. There was no one, only people waiting to cross the street. I looked around a bit more before the people around us started to cross. Once we made it across the group of people went their separate ways. I looked at Zack, he wasn't there.

"Zack?" I called out and began looking around.

My heart began pounding. Where did he go? Did he leave me?

"Zack!" I yelled this time.

I turned and walked into the crowd of people. He couldn't have gotten far but where did he go? I looked and looked, he was no where to be found. I sighed, "Fine." I whispered and turned to head back to my apartment.

I took two steps before a hand grabbed my shoulder. "Hey!" a voice said. I flung myself around to throw whoever it was off guard.

I looked at their face, Zack!

"Woah." he said holding his hands up.

"You scared me! Where did you go?" I half yelled at him.

"I'm sorry! I had to help a woman with her son cross the street."

"Oh! I thought you left me."


We began walking again. This time I made sure to know where Zack was at all times. Why was I being so protective of him?

Soon we reached my apartment. I turned to Zack "Thank you for walking me back." I said and took him into a hug.

"Your welcome."

After we let go his face glowed with a slight red. I smiled and things got awkward. I turned to the door and found the spare key. As I unlocked the door I realized my hand had stopped glowing. I looked back at Zack. He smiled.

"We should hang out again this weekend." he said hesitantly.

I looked at him blankly. "Definitely!"

"Alright!" he paused, "Well I better get back before mom has people look for me." he said laughing. "See ya." he said with a two finger wave.

"Bye!" I waved back.

I watched him walk away then walked into my apartment and locked the door behind me. Tears began to grow in my eyes and I sat down infront of the door. "Why?" I whispered. "How can you be so kind to me." I said even softer and began sobbing.

I don't know how long I sat there before I was so tired I could barely keep myself up right. I got up and went to bed, even though it was the middle of the day. My body was so drained after stopping the beast it didn't have enough time to recuperate.

I lay down looking at the ceiling. Many thoughts drifted through my head about my reputation as a 'human' all of my life. To think of it makes me sad to know that I lied, to all of them. After many thoughts one in particular struck my mind. Elementary school. When my mom had just sent me to this island because she feared great danger would face them. She told me to act as human. But how would I do that? I never even saw a human other than the young boy Zack. For a few months I studied their movements and decided that the best human like thing I could possibly do for my age would be to a place called school. But how would I make that possible? I need a parent to sign me in. I don't know or have anyone that sign me up and act as my parent.

There was less than a month left before the class I was supposed be in was to start. I communicated with my parents through telepathy and we decided that the only member of light who could act as my guardian was Grandmother Veraza. When she was younger she made her way to the island of humans. When she found out they were not of celestian blood she fled immediately. She did mention one thing, "For the short time that I was on their island I felt like my power was being drained from me. As if some power was constantly eating away at me." she told me when I was younger.

After she came to the island and acted as my guardian, I was enrolled. I was honestly happy to go to school with humans. But little did I know I that I would be meeting Zack again. He was the only person that I made friends with. I even made a few bullies. Rolland. He always 'teased' me about my ears and for what? To make him seem cooler? It was honestly annoying. Come to think of it, maybe that was the only reason I didn't go to school for all of those years and instead had a tutor. But why was now different? What made me come back? Honestly I don't even know but I'm glad I did.

Hey! Sorry I haven't uploaded a chapter in a while! I have been busy trying to figure new ways and places for Myira to go on her journey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D

Twilight_3creators' thoughts
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