
Thee Scorpio

Markus : " Uhm who was that? "

Kimolina : " The mail man "

Markus : " Boring, whats in the box? "

He walks to Kimolina hovering over her waiting for her to open the box

Kimolina : " A gift for Jleen "

Markus : " Uh..why?"

Kimolina : " Cuz, her birthday is coming up "

Markus : " Huh? Oh i've heard about that! Its the day of your birth! "

Kimolina : " Thats one way to put it "

Markus : ". Well.I never really celebrated a 'birthday' before "

Kimolina : " I can show you! "

Markus : " Um no- "

Kimolina : " Too bad! "

She grabs him by the hand dragging him to the couch making them both sit down

Kimolina : " Okay, any history of hearing about a birthday party? "

Markus : " We just discussed about me hearing about it dummy "

Kimolina : " Oh yeah! Well then, do you celebrate birthdays in your realm? "

Markus : " Uh...no- "

Kimolina : " What?! Do you know your birthday??? "

Markus : " Well yeah, but it's not a big deal lady "

Kimolina : " Ooh what year and day? "

Markus : " October...23..2002 "

Kimolina : " Ooooh!! Your a scorpio-"

Markus : " DONT SAY THAT! "

Kimolina : " -Wha? "

Markus : " A scorpio is evil! "

Kimolina : " Well your dragon form colors are red and black, plus your kinda evil- "

Markus : " W-Well that- I- "

Kimolina : " Scorpio doesn't have to mean your 'always' evil "

Markus : " Hah- Whatever "

Kimolina : " Cant take a fact "

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