
The poor state of the Sandy Town

Chapter 399 The poor state of the Sandy Town

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Leo and the others were toured around the entire Sandy Town by the enthusiastic Mayor Jong.

First, they visited the medium size farmland in the south. Just from the sky alone, they already saw the state of this farmland. The only word that can be used to describe the Sandy Town farmland was miserable.

Indeed, it was. Aside from a few greens that he can spot from a few tens or so of meters apart from each other, the other plants were practically wilted. Aside from that, the soil was showing an obvious sign of not being watered regularly as the grounds were already cracking due to the heat of the sun.

Though they could still see a few farmers from the Sand race were still trying their best to save this farmland, watering and putting some fertilizer on the plants.

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