
Fairy Godmother

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight." Lillian pointed to roman who was busy admiring her family pictures hung all around the room. "He is the emperor now? How did that happen?" 

"Well, it is quite a long story," Jasmine said, chuckling. "It has something to do with us too." 

"What happened while I was gone?" 

"Let me tell it," Rose said as Ray walked to Roman and the two were busy looking at Lillian's photo album and gushing over it. Vaille joined in while Remus helped Jasmine in the kitchen, making tea. 

"So, when you disappeared, the king was devastated. But he still went on with his work. The people were accepting of him, a little too much actually.

"Anyways, so he was busy with work but one day, he was walking in the garden and … do you know that he can talk to the Old Sage? No magic and he can talk to it. Ironic.