
Intermission Ch 29

Before this start there a specials thanks to everyone who gives stone;



















Thanks to you guys, from the very beginning my goal was to show as many people this story I found. Still it would be a disrespect to just copy the novel and decided to fix any mistakes and later the omakes where born.


As the group slowly started to wake up from their slumber, a sense of serenity in their little camp. Last night had been heartwarming one, and there weren't any sleep complaints either.

"Morning," said Azula, as the first sleepy face started to appear.

"Hi!" replied Suki, stretching out. "I thought Katara would be making breakfast."

"You think I can't cook?" asked Azula, in a mocking tone, occupied with making soup in a large pot.

"Nono...just didn't expect that from you," said Suki, laughing. "A princess..."

"So...how many times?" asked Azula, ignoring the previous statement.

"How many what?" asked, Suki confused.

"Did waterboy faint?" asked, Azula grinning.

"Oh, Sokka..." laughed Suki. "...about five times.."

"Seriously? Why didn't you drag him out?" asked Azula, adding some flame to heat the huge-pot.

"Yeah...after the fifth time, me and Ty Lee decided to drag him out," replied Suki.

"A so-called swordsman and fighter, who fights firebenders every day, yet faints when he sees his mother?" asked Azula, laughing at the thought.

"Hey, that was a shocker for both of them," replied Suki. "Your boy is a regular hero..."

"Yeah...he usually is," said Azula, as both of them chuckled.

"What smells so good?" asked Sokka's groaning voice, smelling the air.

"Here you go!" said Azula, handing Suki the wooden spoon giving an 'I've got a reputation to protect' look. "Soup..."

"You feeling better? Or you want to try around six?" asked Suki, chuckling with Azula.

"No, no. This time I'm prepared," said Sokka.

"Fainting in front of your mother? Even I'm not that weak-in-the-knees," added Azula.

"Yeah, several years of your mother known to be gone, and then...she is in front of you..." he added. "Kinda problematic for a guy."

"What else isn't?" asked Azula, earning another round of laughter.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up," replied Sokka. "..women.."

"Though how is Katara?" asked Azula.

"Well...she is...the happiest in her life than she had ever been," said Suki. "You brought back a person, that Katara had buried, along with her childhood."

"Well, I didn't too much," said Azula, pouring a bowl of soup for her. "Sleeping-boy did!"

"He does have some skills..." added Suki, tasting the soup.

"But he can't dance," said Azula, chuckling.


Around midday, the atmosphere was still quiet around the camp, namely with Katara, caring for Kya.

"Easy...easy..." said Katara, slowly healing the wounds on her mother, which were a lot.

"Hey, you doing okay?" asked Aang, checking up on her.

"I'm fine," replied Katara, keeping up the healing.

"You should rest, take a break," said Aang. "She isn't going anywhere, relax."

"Oh..." mumbled Katara, letting the water return to the nearby bowl. She hadn't realized how exhausted she was.

"Come eat," he said, taking her hands and helping her outside.

"How is your mother?" asked Zuko.

"Resting..." she replied, still worrying.

"She is here now..." replied Zuko, trying to comfort her. "Eat now.."

"Thanks," replied Katara, getting handed a bowl of the lukewarm stew. Yet a groan interrupted her action, as she sprinted back into the tent; Aang barely catching the bowl.

"Mom?! Mom?" asked Katara, arriving back in her tent; her mother had awoken.

"Hey...sweety..." muttered Kya, half-tired.

"Hey..." replied Katara joyously, holding her hand.

"Katara?" asked her brother, arriving at the scene. "Oh..."

"Not again!" came another voice Zhan, gave Sokka a good slap and doesn't faint again. "Wakey-wakey, now say hello!"

"I'm good, Stop with the slapping!" replied Sokka shielding his face.

"There's my brave warrior," added her mother, slightly laughing at the scene.

"Yeah..." replied Sokka, laughing to himself. "Hi..mom..."

Zhan had meanwhile stepped outside, to give the family some privacy.

"Hey you," said Azula, as he exited the tent. "Is your hobby fixing the world, one family at a time now?"

"Nope, that's the Avatar's job," laughed Zhan.

"I don't know it seems like he has some competition," replied Azula.

====================================================Omake: How you know this?====================================================

"Aren't you going to go check on Zuko?"

"Huh!?" She was surprised by what Zhan told her.

"Well, that would be a little bit..." She tries to deny while waving her hands.

"I mean when we just have a professional relationship..."

"I did buy these from him, but a meeting suddenly got crammed into my schedule. So I need you to deliver this to him instead." Zhan brought a bag with food and other things.

"Were you even listening to me!? Mai scream to Zhan.

"It'll be fine! Don't worry."

"But chief, I, um..."

"Here," Zhan handed, to Mai the bag.

"I'm forcing this on you, Mai... Workplace harassment, you could say," he said while giving a soft smile while placing a finger close to his mouth.

Mai was shocked, she was blushing and flustering while holding the bag Zhan gave her we can even see smoke coming out of her ears and head.

"Where on earth did you get this from!?" Mai Scream, she felt so embarrassed.

"Fu, fu, fu," Zhan felt so happy for both Zuko and Mai, while he went to work while ignoring Mai.====================================================

On a shady alley dark at night, we find two-man.

"You got the stuff?" said one man with a trench coat.

"Yes now did, you bring the product? Said the other man while lighting a cigarette.

"Here it is as promised," he reaches, inside his trench coat handing a folder to the other guy, "now will you give me my payment?"

"Here, take this briefcase inside you will find the stones you ask for," passing it over.

The man on the trench coat slowly opens the briefcase to find it empty inside, "What is the meaning of this?" To been greeted by a gun.

"Is easy I will just add to my collection, use no stones and not even leave a comment, or I will put a bullet in your head," he said while smirking.


PS: Thanks for everything and don't be like that guy give me all your stones.


DriedSnugcreators' thoughts
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