
Ch 322: Air power demonstration.

"Harriet please have a seat." Smith says

"I honestly prefer eating with the normal men sir it's known to boost moral." Harriet says

"Right." Smith says

"So your mother stopped by and left us with a portion of Niwaki's Air Force leaving it under your command." Hazama says

"Why don't we go out and meet them then im sure you wanna see our planes." Harriet says as she gets up from the chair with the Japanese and American commanding officers following after her.


Several soldiers from Japan and America are watching the Niwaki people work impressed with their speed. While some are just watching the Faunus.

"Well this is impressive." Smith says as they walk up to see the fanus putting up temporary tent hangars and the Hunters engineering Core work with transfiguration to make the fuel storage. Since recently graduated hunters have been learning magic and the offer still stands for active and retired hunters to come back and learn it too.

The 20 or so F4Us have their wings folded like how they would be if they were stored on a carrier. As they are towed across the dirt runway to their tents. Where the team of Faunus mechanics are already beginning work on checking the engines and weapons. To make sure the planes are combat ready.

"Are those veterans from your last war?" Smith asks

Harriet looks out seeing not many veterans from the last war.

"Not really a majority of them are new. Mom probably wants to use this as a proving grounds for them since it's a lot safer." Harriet says

"Harriet!" A cat Faunus shouts running up.

"Is that you Nia? you finally became a Pilot congratulations!" Harriet shouts as she hugs one of her childhood friends that she played a lot with in the village which eventually became the capital of Niwaki.

"Not just a pilot, I'm a squadron leader." Nia replies puffing out her chest a bit.

"The two other commanders here wanna see the planes and probably the interiors. I personally think a demonstration of its flight capabilities would be best if your up for it." Harriet says with a smile.

"Right but your gonna need Kora to sign off on it aswell, she's in charge of the mechanics that came with us. Even though the squadron was left to your command you know the rules." Nia says as she runs to grab her flight suit and helmet knowing Kora won't deny Harriet it the plane is flight capable.

Harriet smiles seeing that.

"Let's go find Kora then." Harriet says

"Are all powerful people in your nation women?" Smith asks out of general curiosity.

"Not really a majority of our representatives and current president are men, but we don't really divide by gender. Since the opportunities for growth and strength are equal for men and woman in our world." Harriet says

As they walk up to a group at the side of the runway that's more than likely to be used for landings.

"Get those arresting wires set up! We have a short runway and I would rather not have our planes and pilots go off that cliff over there or hit the base!" Kora shouts

"What are the propellers made out of anyway?" Smith asks

" a very shock resistive material so it doesn't cause a lot of drag once it breaks the sound barrier." Harriet says knowing Kyra keeps the alloy secret.

(A/N I wonder what type of metal absorbs shockwaves. Hint Same as a certain shield.)

"And the fuel it runs on?" Hazama asks

"A kind from our world that is extremely potent but it loses its power outside the atmosphere." Kora answers her Jaguar like ears more than visible.

"So what can I do for you Harriet?" Kora asks

"I wanted Nia to give these guys a flight demonstration of what our planes are capable of." Harriet says

"I'm also wondering if could we also borrow the troops that made the fuel depot." Smith asks having seen them manipulate the earth with a form of magic.

"You will need to talk with Noir he's in charge of the hunters engineering brigade that came with us." Kora says

"I though hunters are independent from the army?" Smith asks

"Most of them, some still join the army since the armed forces also hunt often." Luna says

"Hunters can also sign up for the reserve rather than direct service." Harriet says

"Right, I can say 1 F4U just finished inspection of Nia is up for it, it's not her usual F4U." Kora says

"Im ready," Nia says walking up in her flight suit and her helmet made for her ears.

"Cool let's get you in the air then." Kora says as she takes Nia to the F4U that's been cleared.


Eventually everyone is watching as a F4U lines up on the runway.

The engine turns on kicking up dust behind the plane as it basically catapults forwards before pulling up going vertical immediately and continues to climb gaining speed.

"What the hell." Hazama says in shock.

"Okay shes just showing off." Harriet says

The F4U levels out before a Mach cone starts to form after a few seconds as it starts pulling maneuvers that should rip any planes to shreds.

"That I can only compare that maneuverability to maybe an F-15 no... maybe an F-22...." Smith says in shock

"Yeah but it doesn't have the speed to match." Harriet says much to everyone's shock.

After all the base metal for the supports and such are significantly better than anything earth can produce.

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