
The Lord

Anne Neville:

But before that I also give Issy advice. But the advice I give her, is to strengthen her, not bring her down. "You must question him when you are Queen... You may do then." I whispered so that Father and Mother do not hear.

Margaret Beaufort:

"Husband?" I ran happily through the halls as I looked for Stafford. I had exciting news to share with him. It's not everyday that you get happy news, especially not in this Kingdom, those York's bring hell upon us every chance they get.

"I have word from Jasper Tudor! Jasper says that Parliament is sitting at York and they will decide what to do with Edward. They should just cut his head off" Then That is when I will get my little Henry back. And I will not have to suffer through this pain.

"Is that what You'd do Margaret. Take a man's life so readily." Of course I would, that is out of question. The real question is who wouldn't? "He has gone against his rightful King and God." We were in a little charity case, helping out the poor.

A little girl came right up to us and gave Stafford a few flowers, "My Lord". "Thank You"

"I'd do it myself if I were a man. I would do it myself anyway, as Joan Of Arc would have done." Everyone knows that a woman like me, could not get any close to the throne even if they tried. That is if they haven't met me. "Well then perhaps we should be grateful that is not your choice to make."

"It is not I who choose it, but the lord. He tells me of His will and I carry out his work. He has ruled Edward should loose the throne. And soon he will reveal the way my son shall come upon it." My Lord is the only person I shall ever listen to. He is the one, who indeed knows everything. Without the Lord there is no one else.

"Or you will decree what ever action that you take to be God's will." And he demonstrates that with the flowers he was given by the little girl. To Stafford, anything that comes out of my mouth is nonsense. He believes I am crazy, but I do not care about what he thinks.

I only care about what the Lord Himself thinks, his will the best of all. When knocks down one, it is for a reason. God is knocking down Edward, because he believes my little Henry is the rightful heir that deserves to be put upon the throne.

"Jasper understands all of this. I did not imagine that you would!" Those who do not believe in the best, will only recieve the worst. The Lord is the best, and that is why I believe he is telling me that My Little Henry will one day rule England. With me alongside him.

"Ah, yes Jasper Tudor. Does he share your blood-lust too, Margaret. Would he lop off the head of a King ordained by God." I think Stafford is being ridiculous. He gets angry at the mention of Jasper. How am I not to mention him when the uncle of my child believes me more than my own husband.

"Jasper and I are one in all things." Jasper wants whats best for Henry, and what's best for me. At the very least that is more than my own husband would.

"No, Not all things Margaret. You are not married to Jasper Tudor, You are married to me!" He said to me in a low voice. He thinks he will get something out of me talking like this. But it only brings out more hatred.

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