
Never for me

Elizabeth Woodville, The Queen Of England:

"Damn him!" I spoke with hatred towards George. He completely disgusted me, I would never think about turning my back on any familly memeber, if might even go towards Richard!

"We must go and scotch this snakes' nest before it comes out of the ground." For a second I believed Edward was gonna throw everything off of the table.

Anne Neville:

"Annie! Annie!" I was sleeping peacefully, but was awoken by the sound of Isabel screaming. I quickly woke up to see what was wrong, had something happened at the wedding?! What could have possibly happened?

"What is it? Was George bad to you? Has he hurt you?" I was worried by the expression Issy has on her face. She seemed to be sad and frightened at the same time, if he hadn't hurt her, what had he done to her?

"Yes, but no more than Mother said I should expect. That's not it. It's very much worse, Annie. My wedding was never for me at all." I know Father had wanted Isabel to marry George, and me Richard, but what happened that made Issy believe his?

Had Father done something bad again? "It was a sign from Father that men should rise against the King." My eyes widened in shock. Father has worked so hard to get King Edward on the throne, just to throw it all away.

I know Edward refused my father, but that is no excuse to turn your back on him. We all love KIng Edward, who could Father possibly replace him with?

The next day, Me and Isabel stared outside the Window was we watched father and George Departure. Father called out to George telling him to follow. I looked at Issy, she had an unknown expression on her face. I grabbed her hand to comfort her.

I was scared that maybe Father was gonna go get himself into trouble. He might even start a war with the King Edward. There's nothing stopping my Father now.

Elizabeth Woodvile, The Queen Of England:

I chased after Edward, he was still very angry and shook up from the news he got Yesterday. We had to take care of it, so now we were working hard with hands more full than they should be.

"Go to the city of Norwich. Be a Queen, Look unconcerned." I couldn't handle all this pressure being put on me. I knew being Queen was hard, but I was willing to do it for Edward.

But never did I imagine I would face this time of betrayal, and nor did my husband. Now we must go to battle with Warwick, and my Father and brothers must go along with Edward. I could be asleep, while they are out there getting theire heads chopped off.

Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn in every way. "I just cannot bear that this is happening. You must take care. Please, all of you! Father, stay safe." In hugged my father, hoping this would not be the last time.

"Trust no one, Elizabeth. Show them you are Queen. We will be back soon." I always took my fathers advice in situations like these. Now I must work with my self no one to be trusted.

I look at my brothers, they're too young to die. I must not think so negative right now, but I cannot help it. My other sisters came in rushing to hug every single brother before they leave.

Then when Edward turns to leave he reaches out to me and pulls me into one more Kiss. It is soft, and calming, but is cut short from the fact that Edward must leave now.

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