
Chapter 19: Teams Form Up! 1/2

Quite a few of you actually surprised me. You all really liked my last chapter. So I guess I freaked out over nothing.

So, now it's on to the new chapter! I hope you all enjoy this!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Assassin's Creed. They are the property of Masashi Kishimoto and Ubisoft respectively.

Chapter 19

Teams Form Up!

Sarutobi quietly studied the pile of folders before him, with each folder containing notes on the graduating Academy students. His eyes lingered on Naruto's folder, and he let out a sad sigh. He still felt guilty about what the boy had to go through the previous evening, but the boy had accepted the mission, both as an Assassin and as a shinobi of Konoha. He could only pray that things became easier for the boy as time went on. Mizuki had been listed as a traitor who had been eliminated, while Naruto was unofficially paid for completing a B-ranked mission.

For now though, Sarutobi had something else he needed to focus on. It was time to form the graduating genin into teams. He looked up as his secretary opened the door to his office. "The jounin you requested are here, Hokage-sama," she said.

"Ahh, please send them in," Sarutobi said. The secretary nodded and stood to one side, allowing the jounin to enter before closing the door. Surprisingly, Kakashi was on time, though he still had his face buried in his book. Next to him, Anko was rolling her eyes.

"You know, having a woman you could actually have sex with would definitely be better than just reading about it," she murmured to Kakashi, who didn't even look up from his book.

"Anko-san, are you propositioning me?" He asked, making Anko glare angrily at him. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Sarutobi spoke up.

"Enough please. Let's get down to business, shall we?" He asked. The four jounin present all stood at attention as he indicating the twelve folders in front of him. "I want each of you to tell me the genin you want for your team, and why. Afterwards, I shall judge whether the teams you've asked for are the best, or if alterations need to be made. Genma-san, you first," he said.

Genma Shiranui, a jounin with shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing his headband like a reverse bandana with the knot in the front and metal plate in the back, slowly removed the senbon he had in his mouth like a tooth pick. "I request Manabu Akamon, Fuki, and Gennai. From what I saw, their overall skills best mesh with each other, and don't really compliment any of the other genin's skills or abilities. I also feel that I can offer more to them since they are civilian born students then I can offer to any of the clan based graduates."

Sarutobi nodded quietly. "I see then," he said, writing the information down on a piece of paper, before moving on. "Asuma, which students do you think you'd like to teach?" He asked.

Asuma Sarutobi was the son of Hiruzen Sarutobi. He was a jounin of Konoha, and was once a member of the Twelve Ninja Guardians, twelve ninjas who had sworn to protect the daimyo. He now wore a sash with the kanji for fire over the pants of his standard Konoha jounin outfit. He had spiky black hair and a beard, and often was smoking a cigarette, like how his father smoked his pipe. He now pulled it out of his mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke. "I request Ino Yamanaka, Chouji Akamichi, and Shikamaru Nara. I believe I can shape them into an even better version of their fathers' team by offering to them new options and jutsu, helping them study their fathers' techniques and missions, and how to improve on what their clan's abilities and how they work together," he said.

Sarutobi just nodded, before glancing at Anko. "Anko Mitarashi, what team do you want?" He asked.

"I would like Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Mitarashi, and Ino Yamanaka," she said, causing Asuma to blink in surprise and for Sarutobi to raise an eyebrow as she continued. "Hinata and Naruto have already been training together, and their teamwork is above anyone else's. They both were among the best in the stealth and assassination portion of the exam, while Naruto was better in the taijutsu portion and Hinata in the ranged weapon portion of the exam. Adding in Ino's abilities from her clan, you have the perfect set up for a team specializing in infiltration and assassination. Ino's knowledge of flowers and plants can also easily translate to her being able to utilize poison and medicinal herbs."

"I see," Sarutobi said quietly. "And why should you be allowed to have Ino instead of Asuma-san?" He asked.

"With all due respect to Asuma-san, trying to recreate or improve upon a team that already has existed is a bad idea. Other villages will also have been studying the methods of the Ino-Shika-Cho combination, trying to find ways to defeat them. If any of them have found ways, and they've taught it to their shinobi, then Ino, Shikamaru, and Chouji would find themselves at a disadvantage against enemy shinobi. Even if they learn new skills or abilities, the core of their success would be their ability to work together and use their abilities in tandem with each other. Disrupt that and the team will fall apart," she said. (1).

"You make a convincing argument, Anko-san. Asuma-san, any rebuttal?" Sarutobi asked.

Asuma just blinked, before shaking his head. "No, Hokage-sama," he said, sounding a little shaken. He hadn't given any thought to a situation like Anko had just described. He had simply assumed that if it had worked once, it would work again.

"Very well then, do either of you have an alternative choice, to replace Ino Yamanaka?" Sarutobi asked them.

"Sakura Haruno, Hokage-sama. She's a relatively clean slate, and I can train her in any number of fields," Anko said.

"Shino Aburame, Hokage-sama. His clan's abilities allow him to help disrupt and capture enemy shinobi. Those abilities will support Shikamaru and Chouji's abilities," Asuma said.

"Very good," Sarutobi said, writing the information down. "And now you, Kakashi-san," he said.

Kakashi closed his book, looking up lazily as he did so. "I request Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzumaki for my team. I believe the three of them combined will make an excellent assault team, perhaps even becoming as skilled and dangerous as the sannin themselves one day," he said, while Anko flinched at the mention of the sannin. "Sasuke Uchiha, as the tests in the Academy showed, has a lightning affinity like myself, so I'll be able to help him learn how to utilize lightning jutsu more effectively. I can also teach him how to be a very effective and deadly shinobi without his Sharingan, which would translate to him being deadlier with it. Sakura Haruno, as Anko-san stated, is a blank slate, and can easily fill any number of support roles with proper teaching. Her chakra control especially lends to her becoming a skilled field medic or genjutsu mistress. And Naruto Uzumaki is a chakra power house. I can easily teach him any number of ninjutsu for him to simply plow through his enemies with. I also think having Naruto on the team will help inspire both Sasuke and Sakura, becoming the heart of the team, if you will."

Sarutobi nodded quietly at that. "I see. Anko-san, do you have a rebuttal?"

Anko nodded quietly. "I do Hokage-sama. What Kakashi-san fails to note is that Naruto's skills and mindset are not geared towards being an 'assault' style of shinobi. He's been training for the past several years in stealth and assassination. Putting him on a team like Kakashi mentioned will force Naruto to start over from scratch, to not only learn a whole new skill set, but also a whole new mindset of fighting. This will hinder Naruto in the long run, rather than benefit him."

"Ah yes, because he's part of that little band you're a part of," Kakashi said with a hint of condescension in his voice. The jounin of Konoha and even some of the chuunin knew about the Assassins. Not the full details, but Sarutobi had told them about the group so they wouldn't be targeted by the shinobi of Konoha, unless they had done something to cause said shinobi to attack them. "Naruto may be part of your 'assassins', but his skills and potential are wasted. You don't have what it takes to bring out his true capabilities."

Anko's eyes narrowed as she got into Kakashi's face. "And what would you know of his potential?" She growled out softly. "On his sixth birthday, I was there defending him while you were nowhere to be seen. For the past seven years of his life, I've been there for him, teaching him, consoling him, helping to undo the damage this village has done to him. I know more about Naruto Uzumaki then you could possibly hope to know."

Kakashi just stared at her lazily. "Last I checked, I was the one with the experience and seniority," he said.

"And what, that automatically makes you right?" Anko snorted. "Let's not forget that you've never taught any genin students for more than a couple hours, before failing then. While I've been teaching kids for more than a few years now. Tell me, who sounds like they have better judgment?" She asked.

"Enough!" Sarutobi shouted, causing the two jounin to separate. "This is an official meeting, not a schoolyard brawl! You will both refrain from insulting each other while we're working here, is that clear!"

The two jounin quietly nodded, before sighing as he sat back in his chair. "Do either of you have back up choices to replace Naruto Uzumaki on your team, should you not get him?" He asked quietly.

Anko sighed quietly. "Shino Aburame, Hokage-sama. His skills lend himself towards supporting Hinata and Ino, if need be. And I think he'd work well with them both."

"Kiba Inuzuka. He's an excellent tracker, but also has the skills to fit in an assault role," Kakashi said, reading his book again.

Sarutobi nodded, writing the information down. "Very well then. I've heard your suggestions and arguments, but there are other things to take into account, before I make my decision. You all are dismissed. I shall inform you of my decisions Friday morning, before informing Iruka-san so he can give out the team assignments to the students."

The jounin all quickly nodded, before leaving. Sarutobi quietly studied the requested teams, wondering what he would do. At least Genma had requested genin that no one else had wanted for their teams. But Asuma, Anko, and Kakashi all had requested students the other two wanted. And there had been merits to their reasons for wanting them as well. Which left him with the problem of deciding whose arguments were the soundest.

Asuma had raised a good idea of trying to make an even better version of the Ino-Shika-Cho team, but Anko's argument had shown the greatest flaw in that idea. Anko's team request would make for a very deadly strike team, capable of striking key enemy targets and gaining valuable information. But Kakashi had raised a good point as well concerning Naruto becoming a ninjutsu powerhouse. Kakashi had raised a good point regarding his team making an excellent assault team, one that could even rival the sannin with the right training and situation. And yet Anko had raised an equally fair point regarding Naruto as well, how the boy would have to start from scratch, hindering him in the long run. And if he was honest…he wasn't that eager to remake the sannin. Orochimaru had become a monster and a traitor, pushing and breaking the boundaries of humanity in his own quest for immortality. And Tsuande Senju had become a gambling drunk, abandoning Konoha to wander the world, and to forget past pains. Jiraiya was the only one of them who was still an active shinobi of Konoha, which made Sarutobi chuckle softly at the irony. The dead last had proven more loyal and dedicated to Konoha then the clan heiress or the prodigy had.

Sarutobi slowly began going through the folders on each of these students. If he was going to make these choices, he had to ensure he made the best possible choice he could make.

Assassin Warehouse, that night

Naruto took a shaky breath, as he stood in the entrance to the Assassin's meeting hall. At his side, Tomo was quietly sitting there, his tail wagging as he looked up at Naruto. The young fox kit had matured quite a bit now, yet strangely at a slower pace than normal for a fox. Anko and Yugito had theorized that possibly the young fox had the ability to utilize chakra like the dogs of the Inuzuka clan and thus the chakra was slowing the young fox's growth rate, but so far there had been no signs or evidence to show Tomo could use chakra.

Naruto just smiled, kneeling down to pet Tomo, before standing and adjusting his new Assassin outfit. He had designed it a few months ago, and Anko, after getting his measurements, had taken it to get it made, since he had some problems with the store owners and such. Most store owners didn't deny their services to him, but they did usually give him poorer quality material since he was a civilian and not yet a shinobi. Anko however, being a shinobi, was able to get the outfit finished and from well-made material.

Naruto's outfit now consisted of a dark navy blue long sleeved shirt and matching pants, with bandages tied around his ankles, and black zori on his feet. His dual hidden blade bracers covered his forearms, complete with fingerless gloves. On his shins he had a pair of hardened leather greaves.

Over this was his Assassin robe, which was more of a coat. Naruto had decided that like his father, Minato Namikaze, he wanted a custom haori. However, unlike his father's white and red high collared haori, Naruto's haori was a dull black, almost charcoal in color, and had a peaked Assassin hood rather than a high collar. On the front, the haori had dark, dull orange stripes running down the edges from his lapels to near the bottom, where the orange border tapering towards the vertical edge of the coat. There were also two thin orange lines running from the lapels over his shoulders and down his back over his shoulder blades and further down to a split in the back of the haori, which allowed for easier movement. The two orange lines met at the top of the split, before running along the edges down to the bottom edge of the haori. The two short sleeves of the haori each had an orange cuff at the end of the sleeve as well. Over this coat around his waist, he now wore a orange sash, over which he had his supply belt with a belt buckle shaped like the Assassin emblem. He also had a second leather belt running diagonally over his right shoulder, down to his left hip, and back up again over his back. Attached to the second belt were his ninjato scabbard and the sling for the crossbow he had gotten from Ganzo, a specially designed crossbow with collapsible bow blades, making it easier to stow away and carry. Lastly, he had a hardened leather pauldron attached to the left shoulder of his haori, to protect it since his defense was weaker on that side. (2)

He slowly stood, adjusting the headband around his forehead. He had replaced the blue cloth strap with a thinner, black one to go with his outfit. Afterwards, he pulled his hood up, his face becoming shadowed as he did so. Taking a deep breath, he entered the hall, with Tomo trotting after him.

Anko, Yugito, Hinata, and Kiseki stood on either side of the center walkway, two to a side. Kiseki, having already become a full ranked Assassin, now wore a dark blue, short skirted Assassin robe with no sleeves that was secured in the front by several small clasps. Underneath she wore a short sleeved mesh armored shirt, with black shorts on under the skirt of her robe, and black kunoichi boots. She also had a single hidden blade bracer on her left arm with a poison blade and dart attachment, with a black sash around her waist, over which went her supply belt with an Assassin emblem belt buckle, and her twin tanto secured in the back.

Naruto slowly advanced down the aisle, as the four girls stood facing the aisle. As he passed them, they turned and faced forward as Naruto stood before Raphael, placing his left hand over his chest and bowing. "Mentor," he said.

Raphael smiled quietly. "Naruto Uzumaki, recruit of the Konoha Assassin Brotherhood. You stand before your sisters and brother, an example to them. You have completed your training and now stand ready to join the ranks of the Assassins as a full member. Do you swear to uphold the tenants and axiom of our Creed?"

Naruto took a few moments, before nodding. "I swear, Mentor," he said.

"Then please join me," he said, as Naruto stepped up next to him. Raphael turned to the brazier, spreading his hands. "Laa shay'a waqi'un moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine. The wisdom of our creed is revealed through these words. Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember."

"Nothing is true," intoned Anko, Yugito, Kiseki, and Hinata.

"Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember."

"Everything is permitted."

Naruto slowly held out his left hand, extending his ring finger as Raphael removed the ring tongs. Naruto winced in pain as the heated tongs clamped around his finger, burning the flesh and leaving a scar. When Raphael removed the tongs, Naruto bit his lip, looking at the scarring around his finger, silently thankful that he had convinced the Kyuubi not to heal it.

Raphael meanwhile set the tongs back into the brazier. "We work in the darkness, to serve the light," he said, turning back to the other Assassins. We are Assassins."

Raphael pointed to the ladder, and Naruto climbed up it, followed by him. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out onto the platform, looking at the hay cart below him. He took another deep breath, and spread his arms, slowly leaping off the platform. He flipped through the air, the wind rustling his air and coat as he landed in the hay cart. He slowly hopped out, looking up as Raphael smiled down at him. "Welcome to the Brotherhood, Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto grinned as he entered the warehouse, only to be grabbed in a headlock by Anko who pulled his hood down and noogied him. "Finally made it gaki!" She said with a grin as he struggled in her arms.

"Nee-chan, stop it!" Naruto protested, wiggling in her grasp. And finally escaping, as Tomo barked and hopped around Anko a bit, tail wagging.

Yugito grinned softly at Naruto. "Well done brother," she said, shaking his hand once he was free of Anko's grip. Hinata grinned as she hugged Naruto in congratulations, leaving Kiseki.

Kiseki always felt a bit awkward around Naruto. Mostly due to the fact that one of her clansmen had tried to kill him, and in turn, Naruto was forced to kill the man in return. Mostly, Kiseki was worried Naruto might harbor some resentment or fear of her, due to being part of the same clan. And initially, it did seem that way, as Naruto always was a bit wary around her. But as time went by, he seemed to have calmed down about it. Now she offered him a smile and bowed her head. "Congratulations," she said.

"Thank you Kiseki-san," Naruto said with a smile back, as Raphael joined them.

"Indeed, congratulations are in order Naruto. You've achieved the rank of full Assassin. That being said, do not believe you can relax. There is still much you can learn," Raphael said. "But for now, let's celebrate."

Naruto grinned and nodded. "I understand, Mentor," he said, as Anko cheered.

"Dango time!" She shouted, rushing a table that had some snack foods and drinks on it, as everyone else just sweatdropped.

A few minutes later, as everyone was eating, Naruto grinned at Hinata. "So, any thoughts on who you think your teammates will be?" He asked.

Hinata nibbled on a cinnamon roll, before speaking. "Well…I'm not sure exactly," she said. "I think I could work really well with you, Shikamaru, Chouji, and maybe Ino and Shino," she said. "But skill wise…I guess I'd go best with you, Kiba, or Shino."

"I hope it's not Kiba. The guy's a jerk," Naruto said, feeding Tomo a small piece of meat from his plate. "For me…well obviously you, cuz we both know how the other fights so well. And I could definitely see myself working with Chouji and Shikamaru. They're cool guys. Not sure about anyone else really," he said.

Hinata glanced at Anko. "Hey Anko nee-chan, do you know who's teams we're on?" She asked.

Anko glanced up from her dango, and shook her head. "Nope. I know who we all requested, but Hokage-sama will tell us Friday morning, before you all know," she said. "And even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you cuz it should be a surprise," she said, sticking her tongue out playfully at them.

The two just sweatdropped again at that, as Anko just giggled and went back to eating her dango. "I will say this though. Hokage-sama will make the teams in a way he think will best benefit the village and each other," she said. "So if you end up with people you don't like, try not to take it too badly. Hokage-sama will have his reasons for what he does," she said.

The two of them nodded in understanding at that, as Anko grinned, turning back to Yugito. "So, things between you and Iruka going nicely?" She asked.

Yugito just smiled happily. "Oh he's amazing. He's sweet, he's funny, he's confident in his own quiet way. We have so much fun together," she said.

"Ooohh, you have fun, or you have…'fun'," Anko said with a mischievous smirk. Yugito immediately blushed heavily at the implication.

"N-No, we don't have that kind of fun," she said, blushing madly.

Anko just smiled. "Hey, just teasing," she said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I'm glad you're having a great relationship."

"W-Well what about you?" Yugito asked. "You ever going to get yourself a boyfriend?" She asked, as Anko blushed lightly.

"Aww, you know me. Like my freedom too much. Wanna play the field," Anko said. "Besides, what guy could handle this?" She asked, posing with a grin.

"I can think of one. And he's actually in the building," Kiseki said with a bit of a grin, as Anko's blush increased.

"W-What, Raphael? No, c'mon now. He's far too busy to think about stuff like that," Anko said. "Besides, who says I even like him that way, or he likes me that way?"

Yugito shrugged. "You could always ask him out. Maybe just as friends, see how it goes?" She suggested, before yawning a bit. "As for me, I think I'm going to head home. Been a long day for me," she said.

"Mmmm, same here," Anko said. "Hey hime! Ready to go?" Anko called out to Hinata, who looked up.

"Oh ummm…I guess so," she said, having been enjoying talking to Naruto. She turned to Naruto, before gasping. "Oh, before I go, I almost forgot," she said, pulling a small package out from one of her pockets. "I-I actually just finished this today, and…well here," she said, blushing a bit.

Naruto blinked, as he took the package and unwrapped it, his eyes widened. Inside were two folded up pieces of cloth, which as he unfolded them, revealed an orange scarf and a small mini red cape with hood, with two holes in the hood. (3)

"I-I thought you could maybe use that scarf to h-hide your face and stuff. A-and to keep warm," she said. "A-And I made the hood for Tomo. They're sort of a…c-congratulation gift, on becoming an Assassin," Hinata said, blushing.

Naruto grinned at her. "These are so cool! Where did you buy them?" He asked, looking them over.

"Oh ummm…I…I actually knitted them myself," she said, feeling shy. "My…my mom taught me how, as part of my education. So do you like them?" She asked.

"I love them!" Naruto said, hugging her, before quickly wrapping the scarf around his neck and grinning as he did so in a way that he could pull it up over his lower face. As he excitedly knelt down so Tomo could sniff the cape, he missed seeing Hinata's blush increase due to the hug. He grinned as he put the cape on Tomo, sliding his ears through the holes in the hood. The young fox blinked and let out a snuff like sneeze, waggling his head adorably, before excitedly running around in his new cape and hood.

"And he loves it too," he said, as Tomo kept running around happily, before leaping into Hinata's arms, licking her face happily. Hinata giggled, trying to hold onto him, before setting him down as he excitedly raced off again.

"I-I'm glad. I-I wasn't sure if you'd like them, and I'm glad you do," she said. "So…y-yeah…I-I guess I should get going," she said. She turned, only to blink as Naruto hugged her from behind.

"Hey Hinata? Thanks…for this…and for being my friend," he said softly but happily. Hinata just smiled, hugging his arms against her chest even as she blushed.

"You're….you're welcome," she said, before he finally let her go. She gave him another smile, before heading over to Anko, who was grinning. "J-Just shut up," the grinning, blushing ex-Hyuuga said, walking past Anko.

"What, me? Wasn't going to say a thing," she said with her wide grin, following Hinata out of the warehouse.

Naruto was blushing a bit too, as he admitted it was nice hugging Hinata. He shook his head, as he turned to pick up his plate, only to blink as Raphael moved next to him.

"Naruto…how are you doing?" He asked softly.

Naruto looked up at him, before letting out a sigh. "I'm okay. I am, really. It…it was…weird, killing Mizuki. But I…I'm okay," he said.

Raphael nodded as he patted Naruto on the shoulder. "That's good, Naruto. But if you do need to talk to someone, please come to me, Anko, Kiseki, or Yugito," he said.

"I will. Thank you Raphael," he said with a half-smile, before yawning. "I think I'll head off to my apartment as well. Feeling pretty sleepy," he said.

As Raphael nodded, Naruto gathered up Tomo, smiling at Raphael, Yugito, and Kiseki. "Good night everyone! See you tomorrow!" He said, heading off.

At his apartment, he removed Tomo's hood and got him some water before sighing as he changed into his pajamas and slipped into bed. Instead of sleeping though, he closed his eyes and concentrated. When he opened them again, he was standing in the warehouse mindscape, where he was looking up at the Kyuubi.

The fox humped as it stared down at Naruto. "So you've finally graduated from your little group," it said, shifting its paws. "I suppose some form of congratulations is in order."

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