
Chapter 17: A New Era Approaches 1/2

And here we are, onto chapter 17. Quite a lot of you had comments and questions concerning Kiseki and Mukei. Well at least some of those questions will be answered this chapter.

Also, in other words, I recently posted a new fanfic in a new fandom: a Beast Wars fanfic. If you're interested or a fan of Beast Wars, please check it out. *nods*

Next, got a challenge message for everyone! The author lovinaelita has a Naruto challenge for anyone who's interested! The premise is this: following the Mizuki incident, Naruto realizes the dangers of the shinobi world, and his own limitations. So, he disappears, reappearing months later during the Wave Mission as a stronger, smarter Naruto. It's a NaruHina fanfic idea, so if anyone is interested in taking up the challenge, pm lovinaelita for the details!

Now a lot of people have been talking about the last pair of chapters of the Naruto manga that finally came out. All I have to say is 'meh'. I'm happy that NaruHina became canon, but really, the rest of the end I was mostly neutral to, or angry with.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Okay, speaking of NaruHina, I've got a bone to pick with some of my fellow NaruHina fans. I don't have names, but I do know they support the pairing. But some of them out there are being real a-holes to people who like pairing Naruto with other girls, especially Sakura. I have a friend who is a NaruSaku fan, and he's getting all kinds of crap from NaruHina fans. So much so that it's really bringing him down, and making him question staying on FF.

Look guys, just because the pairing we like became canon doesn't give us a right to be jerks to people who still like other pairings. This is fanfiction, where we're supposed to be able to write what we want. As such, we should respect that there will be people out there who write or read other pairings because they enjoy it. Don't be jerks just because someone likes NaruSaku or something. If Naruto had ended up with another girl, would we want people who like that pairing to be jerks to us? No we wouldn't. So please, be courteous to others out there, unless they're jerks first.

Well I guess I've rambled enough here. On with the show!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Assassin's Creed. They are the properties of Masashi Kishimoto and Ubisoft respectively.

Chapter 17

A New Era Approaches

Yugito took a deep breath, calmly waiting outside the Hokage's office while silently flexing the ring finger on her left hand. She could still feel the raw flesh from the burn, signifying her ascension to the rank of a full assassin. She smiled softly at the thought, feeling good about it. She felt like she belonged to a group, a family, not because of what she held, but because of who she was. In Kumo, everyone only cared about her because of Matabi. Not because they cared about her.

In her mind, she felt some sorrow come from her tenant. "I'm sorry, little kitten. I never wanted to cause you such pain and loneliness."

Yugito just smiled. 'Don't worry Matatabi. Everything has worked out in the end,' she thought, making the biju purr in contentment.

She was pulled from her thoughts as the door opened and Iruka stepped out of the Hokage's office. The scarred chuunin smiled at her as he saw her. "Ahhh, Yugito-san! Here to see Hokage-sama?"

Yugito nodded as she stood. "Yeah, he sent for me. How's Academy life treating you?" She asked.

"It's going well. Though the kids can be stressful at times," he said with a rueful chuckle.

Yugito just giggled softly in agreement. "That they can be. Well good luck with your classes," she said, as she went to move past him.

Iruka suddenly became nervous, before blurting out, "Would you like to have dinner?"

Yugito stopped and blinked at him, eyes widening. "W-What?"

"W-Would you like to have dinner with me?" He asked more slowly this time, blushing and looking down a bit.

Yugito just blinked, before stepping closer to whisper to him. "Even though I'm a jinchuuriki?" She whispered quietly.

Iruka looked up at her, his face become more serious. "I'll admit…when I first learned about you, I was nervous. I saw the Kyuubi attack the village here. I saw the destruction. And…I…lost my parents that night," he said softly, Yugito slowly put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, as he smiled at her. "But then when we were on that patrol together, and got to talking, I realized how wrong it was to judge you because of the biju inside you. You were funny, sweet, supportive of my dream, and well…I'm really making this awkward, aren't I?" He asked, blushing as he realized what he had said.

Yugito was blushing as well, and turned away, before smiling to herself. "Tonight, seven o'clock. Pick me up at my apartment," she said, before heading into the Hokage's office.

Iruka just stared, before grinning and jumping. "YES!" He shouted, before rushing off excitedly.

As Yugito closed the door to the Hokage's office, Sarutobi smiled a bit. "Iruka-san sounded quite excited about something," he said, noticing the blush still on Yugito's face.

"O-Oh it's nothing, Hokage-sama," Yugito said. "You called for me?"

"Yes, I did," the aged Hokage said, standing up. "Tell me Yugito-san, what do you know about the Kyuubi attack nine years ago?" He asked.

"I know the rumors that circulated to Kumo about it. And what the people here have said. That the Kyuubi attacked unexpectedly nine years ago, and the Yondaime Hokage sacrificed his life to kill it. However, I think we both know that's not the truth, is it?" She said, tilting her head.

Sarutobi nodded, as he turned, facing out the window with his hands behind his back. "Indeed. What I'm about to tell you is known to shinobi of Chuunin rank or higher. The only reason you haven't been told yet is-."

"Is because you weren't sure about my loyalty. Understandable," Yugito interrupted him. "I could have been a sleeper agent this entire time. I still could be, couldn't I?" She suggested.

"I think by now we both know that is highly unlikely, don't we?" Sarutobi asked, turning to her. "No, in truth the Yondaime Hokage died sealing the Kyuubi into a new host."

"And that host is Naruto, isn't it?" She asked, causing his eyes to widen in surprise. "To be fair Hokage-sama, it is not hard to figure out if one finds a few facts. Official records show that the Kyuubi attacked on October 10th, nine years ago. Naruto Uzumaki has a birth certificate dated October 10th, nine years ago, though his parents are not listed. The majority of the village ignores him or treats him coldly, which is sadly a rather common treatment for the majority of jinchuuriki throughout the hidden villages. Kumo and Kiri are the exceptions, considering Kiri's jinchuuriki became Mizukage, and Kumo respects the power of their jinchuuriki. Not to mention that Naruto has those rather distinctive whisker marks on his face, something that have never been seen before in the entire Elemental Nations."

Sarutobi just stared at her, before groaning. "I see then," he said, rubbing his forehead as he felt a headache coming on. "Well…now that you know, I can get down to why I called you here. Naruto recently learned of the Kyuubi residing inside of him. I had planned to inform him on his graduation to genin, but like many things, my hand has been forced. Now that he knows, I was hoping you could help him handle his biju."

Yugito blinked at that. "What do you mean exactly by handle?" She asked.

"Help him to understand how to communicate or handle his biju, and its chakra. I doubt you can teach him to utilize it in battle, but if it leaks out unconsciously, perhaps you can teach him how to suppress it or use it. Just basically…how to survive and live with his biju inside him," Sarutobi said.

Yugito closed her eyes, as she reached into her mind. 'Matatabi…what do you think?'

"It won't be easy, kitten. Out of all us Ku-Kyuubi was one of the two most prideful of our group later in life, along with Yonbi," the Nibi said. "But I think with time, we can help them perhaps. We'll have to tread carefully though."

Yugito opened her eyes and nodded to the Hokage. "I think we can do that, though we can't guarantee anything. A lot of it will depend on Kyuubi itself."

Sarutobi nodded as he sat down. "Whatever you can do to help him would be appreciated. Thank you," he said. "I also understand congratulations are in order," he said, nodding to her outfit.

Yugito shifted a bit, glancing down at her assassin uniform. "Thank you Hokage-sama," she said. "Will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you. You're dismissed," he said, as Yugito bowed and left. As the door closed behind her, the aged Hokage sighed. "Eavesdropping on the Hokage could be considered treason," he said.

At that moment, Jiraiya entered through one of the windows. "Awww, and I was just curious Hokage-sama," he said.

"Curious about what exactly?" He asked, turning to Jiraiya. "Curious about what I was planning for Naruto?"

"Well…yes," he said. "You know Naruto isn't ready to start training in using the Kyuubi's chakra. I'm the only one who can train him in it."

"I'm not asking her to train him in using the Kyuubi's chakra. I'm asking her to help him handle the residual chakra that will leak out," Sarutobi responded. "Besides, what makes you think only you can train Naruto, considering you haven't even bothered trying to raise him or get to know him?"

Jiraiya looked away. "Sensei, you know if I get involved in his life now, it'll put him in danger. Forces outside Konoha will target him as a threat."

"Oh that might be the official reason. But I'm not some star struck genin or paid geisha who believes every word you say," Sarutobi said, lighting his pipe and starting to smoke it. "I trained you Jiraiya. I know you. You're avoiding Naruto because of Minato, aren't you?"

Jiraiya kept his face down. "Fine. Yes, I'm avoiding Naruto because I don't want to be reminded of Minato. Happy?" He said.

"Hardly," Sarutobi said. "I'd be happy if you actually tried and raised the boy. He spent six years of his life alone and hated. And it is only in the past couple of years he finally had people who cared about him," he said.

"I want to talk to you about that. These Assassins, are you sure you can trust them?" Jiraiya asked.

Sarutobi just stared at them. "Jiraiya…you've told me about your mistrust of Raphael ever since you first met him. Yet he has done more to help Naruto in three years then you've done in the nine years Naruto has been alive. Why do you mistrust him?" He demanded.

Jiraiya clenched his hands, before standing up. "I don't want him teaching my godson to be a killer!" He finally said. "I don't want him near my godson!"

Sarutobi raised an eyebrow, seeing the pair of ANBU who had appeared when Jiraiya started yelling. Both of them stood at the ready, hands on their swords sheathed on their backs. He raised a hand, and the ANBU disappeared, as he looked at Jiraiya. "I must say Jiraiya…I'm disappointed in you. You're unwilling to give Naruto the love and affection he needs growing up, yet you're now trying to take away the first person who helped him and taught him anything of worth. I'm wondering if Minato and Kushina made a poor choice when they named you godfather."

Jiraiya growled at him. "How dare you-."

"I dare Jiraiya," Sarutobi said, cutting him off. "I dare because you have done a poor job being the boy's godfather. I dare because someone needs to tell you the truth. If you are so concerned about Naruto, go and take custody of him right now," he said.

Jiraiya glared at him, before deflating, sitting down and sagging into his seat. "I…I can't…I'd just make him miserable…and I'd make myself miserable."

Sarutobi looked at Jiraiya with disappointment in his eyes. "If that's your decision, then fine, Jiraiya. But do not be surprised if when you decide you're ready to take care of the point, he has no interest in ever meeting you," he said. "Now unless you have any information for me, I suggest you leave."

Jiraiya just nodded tiredly, before getting up and exiting through the door. Sarutobi sighed, leaning forward and rubbing his forehead tiredly.

Meanwhile, at the Academy, Hinata spun around a sloppy punch thrown at her by a girl named Ami, before striking at her side with a couple of jabs. Ami winced, stumbling back and holding her side, only for Hinata to get close and deliver more jabs to her shoulders and chest, before ducking low and sweeping Ami's legs out from under her.

On the sidelines, Naruto grinned as he watched. He wasn't sure what had happened but Hinata seemed to have a new fire in her today. And that new fire was showing, as Hinata had basically been controlling this spar from the beginning. Now, as Ami lay on the ground, Hinata stood ready to continue the fight, until Ryu-sensei moved forward. "That's enough. Round goes to Hinata," he said, as Naruto cheered excitedly as she came over to him.

"You did awesome Hinata!" He said, hugging her. She blushed but grinned as she hugged him back.

Nearby, Sasuke watched them. He was intrigued by the former Hyuuga heiress, as she was the strongest girl of their year group. And that strength had increased quite a bit recently, since her association with the Uzumaki boy. He wondered if there was a connection to that. He immediately pushed those thoughts from his mind though. In the end, he needed to focus on his training. He needed to become strong, so that he could protect the clan and make it greater. And to one day bring his brother to justice. That was all that mattered.

He looked up as Ryu-sensei was about to call the next match, only for one of the newer chuunin teachers, Mizuki, to tap him on the shoulders and whisper something into his ear. Ryu glanced at him, before sighing. "Alright students, I need to go handle something. Mizuki-san here will be supervising the next match," he said, as he headed off, while Mizuki took his place.

"Yes, well time for the next match," he said with a smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "And I think we should change things up. So for the next match…it'll be Sasuke Uchiha versus Naruto Uzumaki versus Kiba Inuzuka," he said.

This caused everyone to gasp in surprise and look at each other. Before anyone could protest, Mizuki spoke up. "Please remember that in the real shinobi world, the unexpected will happen. You cannot expect everything to be the exact same."

The students looked at each other, before the three boys headed to the sparring ring. They faced each other, as Mizuki watched them. "Now the rules are the same. Except in order to win, you must be the last student standing. Are you ready?" He asked.

Kiba glared at Naruto, cracking his knuckles. He was still smarting over their first sparring match, and the fact that ever since then, Naruto had continually been able to hold his own against him. With this match, he was sure he'd show he was the top dog, by taking out both Naruto and the best student in class, Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke meanwhile watched both boys. He knew of Kiba's animosity towards Naruto, and he planned to exploit it. He'd hang back, letting the two of them wear each other out, before finishing both of them off. That way he'd conserve energy and easily win. He smirked, settling into his stance.

Naruto warily glanced at both boys. He knew of Kiba's capabilities, as he had fought him several times in the past. Sasuke however, he had never fought before. Somehow they had managed to never be in the sparring ring together. But he had studied Sasuke's matches against other students, and studied his taijutsu style. It was a somewhat acrobatic and flexible style, meaning Naruto would have to incorporate dodges to help keep up.

Mizuki smirked, as he raised a hand. This would be his chance to hurt the Kyuubi brat, as he had no doubt that Kiba and Sasuke would focus on taking him down. No matter what, Naruto would lose. "Begin!" He shouted.

Almost immediately, Kiba lunged forward, trying to punch Naruto before he could get his defense up. Naruto side stepped, trying to keep both Sasuke and Kiba in view as he raised his arms into position. Kiba whirled, trying to back hand Naruto, only for Naruto to grab his arm and punch Kiba in the side before side kicking him away, making Kiba stumble and hold his bruised right side. Naruto quickly backed up, only to blink as he saw Sasuke was standing back. 'So that's your game,' he thought, realizing what Sasuke was doing. Sasuke was going to wait, and let Naruto and Kiba tire each other out.

Kiba growled, getting ready. "You're not going to win this time loser!" he shouted, rushing Naruto again. Naruto raised his hands, blocking Kiba's punch, only to get a blow to his stomach. He hunched over, glancing up as Kiba punched down at him. He rolled forward, avoiding Kiba's blow, before taking a leaf out of Hinata's book and sweeping Kiba's legs out from under him. He rolled over onto Kiba, pinning him and starting to punch Kiba in the face.

Kiba growled, trying to grab Naruto's arms. When he succeeded, he tried head butting Naruto, but the young blond leaned back, yanking Kiba up as he fell onto his back. As he did so, he got his legs under Kiba's chest and flipped him over his head, making Kiba slam onto his back as Naruto got up.

As Kiba gasped for air, groaning, Naruto turned only to barely duck a punch from Sasuke, who followed up with a knee that took Naruto in the chin, knocking him on his butt. Sasuke spun, kicking at Naruto, who barely blocked it and rolled backwards onto his feet.

Sasuke smirked as he settled into his stance, while Naruto winced and shook his arms out from blocking Sasuke's kick, settling into his own. The pair carefully watched each other, slowly circling.

From the sideline, Mizuki smirked as he watched. He knew the demon brat would get what was coming to him. And he was going to enjoy watching it. His smirk widened as he saw Kiba standing up.

Naruto mentally groaned as he saw Kiba back on his feet out of the corner of his eye. The feral boy was a bit dazed, but growled as he shook his head, and readied himself to come after Naruto again. Sasuke meanwhile kept his stance up, grinning as he watched Kiba lung at Naruto.

Naruto ducked under a vicious swipe from Kiba, and back stepped from right cross, before blocking a left cross and countering with a left jab to Kiba's face. As Kiba stumbled back, Naruto stepped in, punching Kiba twice in the stomach, causing him to bend over in pain, gripping his stomach. Naruto, remembering a trick Anko had taught him, then clapped his hands on either side of Kiba's heads, causing his head to ring and disorienting the dog boy. Kiba stumbled back, as Naruto lashed out with a front kick, sending Kiba flying out of the ring, causing several students to cheer and for Mizuki to scowl a little.

Naruto immediately turned, just in time to check Sasuke rushing at him to take advantage of the momentary distraction. The pair began to circle again, watching each other. Naruto stayed defensive, knowing he was better reacting to his enemy.

Unfortunately for him, Uchiha fighting styles generally revolved a similar style as the Assassins. They tended to be defense oriented, using their Sharingan to predict their enemies movements and counter their attacks. Sasuke however, due to not having his Sharingan, tended to be a bit more offensive in his style. Something he showed when he lunged forward, striking at Naruto with a straight right.

Naruto tilted his head to the right, grabbing Sasuke's arm and punching Sasuke in his right shoulder. Sasuke yanked his arm backed, spinning to try and back hand Naruto, who ducked under, only for Sasuke to kick him in the face. Naruto fell back, lip bleeding from where it was cut due to the kick. Naruto then stumbled back to his feet as Sasuke smirked at him.

Naruto growled a bit in anger, struggling to keep calm. He remembered Ryu-sensei's words in his first spar with Kiba, and Raphael, Anko, and Yugito's lessons following that. Each of them had told him to keep calm in a fight, and had even gone through the trouble of taunting him, trying to teach him patience. The lessons were working…sort of, as he managed to reign in his anger at Sasuke's smirk, and resettled into his stance.

Sasuke just grinned, moving forward to attack Naruto again. This time he led with a side kick, but Naruto was ready. He caught it and quickly drove an elbow into Sasuke's knee, making him yell in pain and back up, limping a bit. Naruto didn't let up, following him and delivering a quick pair of punches to his stomach, before delivering an uppercut. As Sasuke was knocked up by the uppercut, Naruto drove a kick into his stomach, sending him flying back, almost to the edge of the ring.

Mizuki scowled at seeing Sasuke get knocked around. This wasn't supposed to happen. He growled in annoyance, only to smirk as he saw something.

Naruto was slowly moving towards Sasuke, who was getting to his feet, only to be grabbed from behind, spun around, and Kiba punched Naruto, making him gasp out as he doubled over. Kiba growled angrily, punching him in the back and knocking him to the ground.

Hinata gasped, and tried to rush forward. "S-Stop this, he was already knocked out of the ring!" She shouted.

Mizuki just smirked. "Life lesson. There are no rules in the real world," he said simply.

Hinata growled, and prepared to rush forward, only to stop as a figure materialized behind Kiba, grabbing his arm.

Ryu was glaring, not at Kiba, but at Mizuki. "What is going on here?" He demanded, as Mizuki stepped back slightly. "These students were not supposed to begin multiple opponent matches for a year or so now. And unless I'm mistaken, Kiba was already disqualified."

"I…l-like I told the girl, this was a life lesson," he stammered out. Ryu just kept glaring at him.

"Get out of my sight, Mizuki. Hinata, please take Naruto to the Nurse. Sasuke, I suggest you go as well. You, Kiba, are coming with me. Everyone else, head to your next class," he said.

Hinata slowly helped Naruto up, who grinned weakly at her. "I'm okay Hinata," he said softly.

"Y-You'll be fine when the nurse sees you," she said softly, helping him to the Infirmary.

Behind them, Sasuke watched them a bit, as he limped after them. He had not expected the Uzumaki boy to catch him off guard. If it hadn't been for Kiba, he could have lost that match. And yet…how could the boy be so good as to beat him? He trained hard every day, to be the best. To know that this boy could beat him was unnerving and aggravating. He just growled, silently promising he would train even harder.


Kiseki Uchiha quietly glanced around, sitting down on a bench in the marketplace. She glanced at a nearby clock, which was striking the hour at ten, before glancing back down again.

Following her fight with Anko and Raphael, she had gone to the Hokage, to discuss with him her future as a shinobi of Konoha. She had mentioned the offer form Raphael and Anko, and had been surprised at his reaction


Sarutobi chuckled softly as he looked at Kiseki. "I wonder if I should worry about our friend Rpahael-san recruiting so many women into his little group," he said, before sighing. "I must say though, I'm not pleased that you engaged in a spar so soon after getting out of the hospital. Or that you attempted to kill Raphael-san."

"I-I understand Hokage-sama," she said, head bowed. Sarutobi just waved his hand.

"So long as this doesn't happen again, it is in the past. Now though, to discuss the offer before you…I think you should take it," he said, causing her to blink in surprise.

"H-Hokage-sama? Y-You think I should meet with them?" She asked.

The old Hokage simply nodded, as she sat back in his chair. "I do, for differing reasons. You do hold information about them that both they, and myself, would rather not have fall into people's hands. By talking to them, and joining them, that solves that problem. However…I also feel that perhaps they can help you deal with your emotional problems. Each member of the group has bonded well with each other, and it has helped them deal with their own personal problems. I believe they can do the same for you. And…I'll admit I've taken an interest in their group. So far, Raphael-san has done a fair amount to help Konoha. I feel that helping him in return is only fair."

Kiseki blinked in surprise. "I-I see then Hokage-sama," she said softly. "But…can I be part of their group, and still a shinobi of Konoha?"

"So far, Anko has found no such problems, nor has another member of their group. I see no issue there, unless you feel it will create a conflict for you. In the end…this is your choice Kiseki. But may I assume then that you wish to remain a shinobi of Konoha?" He asked.

Kiseki bit her lip, remaining silent for a few moments. "…Itachi did what he did…to protect the clan and the village...I do not know if I can fully trust you and the leadership of Konoha…but I do know I will not negate his sacrifice. I will remain a shinobi, if for no other reason than to protect my clan, and to protect the citizens of Konoha," she said.

Sarutobi nodded in response. "I understand Kiseki-san, and I can respect that decision. You will be on light duty until such time as your mental and physical stability is confirmed. Welcome back to the shinobi ranks, Special Jounin Kiseki Uchiha," he said with a smile.

Flashback Ends

Kiseki was drawn from her thoughts as Anko sat down next to her. "So you came," she said with a smile, wearing her assassin dress/robe, but with the hood lowered. She was currently snacking on a skewer of dango. "I take it you wish to meet with Raphael-san then?"

Kiseki slowly nodded to her, and she grinned, finishing her dango. "Alright. Stand up," she said, pulling out a long cloth. As Kiseki stood up, she held it up. "Unfortunately, I'll need to blindfold you. For safety," she said.

When Kiseki nodded again, Anko tied the blindfold on securely, before shunshing away with Kiseki. They arrived behind the Assassin's hideout, and she led her through a secret door in the back, and into the ceremonial hall, where Raphael was sitting. With a simple pull, the blindfold came easily off, and Kiseki blinked, her eyes adjusting to the light in the Ceremonial Hall.

"Welcome, Kiseki-san," Raphael said, standing up with a smile. "I'm glad you decided to hear us out. Though I apologize for the blindfold," he said. "We wish to keep our location secret."

Kiseki nodded in understanding, as Raphael continued. "Now I'm sure you have questions, but I ask that you wait until I've explained everything," he said.

When she nodded again, he began to tell her all about the Assassins. He started with their history, as he was told by Ezio. He told her of their purpose, their beliefs, the Assassin's Creed and tenets. He told her about his arrival in Konoha, and what they had done so far, both for the good of Konoha and the common people across the Elemental Nations, by targeting bandit groups and black market arms dealers (1).

When he finished, over an hour later, Kiseki was just sitting there, staring at him. "That is…quite a lot to take in," she said softly.

Anko just grinned. "Tell me about it. I got the information spread out over several weeks, and I still had trouble accepting it all. You got it all in one sitting."

"Do you have any questions?" Raphael asked her.

The female Uchiha slowly stood, pacing a bit. "I'm…not sure to be honest. I…I just am not sure if I can understand what this Creed means exactly. I mean…what does it mean, 'Nothing is True, and Everything is Permitted'?"

Raphael smiled at her. "Tell me…what color is the sky?" He asked.

Kiseki blinked in confusion, before answering. "It's blue," she said, only for Raphael to shake his head.

"No, it's green," he said. "That is what I believe. Does that make what I say true?" He asked.

"No, because the sky is obviously blue," she said, now feeling annoyed.

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