
Starting out {old}

Drake: so you have a name system

System: yes I do it's Vega ( thanks to the author of dxd golden King of lucifer for allowing me to use the same name for the system as in his latest novel since I love the doom franchise I wanted to use this, rip and tear baby )

Drake: so what are your functions Vega

Vega: I have only three main functions

1 timeline guide

2 power guide.

3 World travel

Drake: OK self-exploratory so Vega what is the catch for summoning my servant

Vega: there is no catch except that you would have to be careful who you chose they will have complete loyalty but will be with you for the rest of your life

Drake: OK then I have someone that I have in mind

Asuna: master the bath is ready please come down

Drake: OK Asuna san

{after drake takes a bath}

Drake: Vega do you think I should tell you about the supernatural

Vega: that's up to you host

Drake: well she is the only person that I open up to other than my mother and father so it would be better

Drake: what is the amount of power I have

Vega: the amount control that you currently have over the powers is low - high class since it mostly depends on the imagination and once you get the hang of it you will be at least able to take down great red or trihexia without breaking a sweat

Drake: damn that's op but are there no backlashes

Vega: for that, I recommend trying to evolve your self using either the genesis or evolution stone

Drake: then make me into a celestial using the genesis stone

Vega: as you wish to host but be warned it would be very painful

Drake: how much time will it take

Vega: probably 5 to 10 minutes

Drake: then do it in the bath

Vega: sure host

{after drake takes a shower}

Damn that was painful it was like a thousand tiny needle stabbing you through your entire body

Vega: I have put a cover spell on your body to hide it from the supernatural

Drake: thanks

Asuna: master drake the breakfast is ready

Drake: thanks Asuna san

Asuna: is there something wrong, master

Drake: I wanted to tell you about something

Asuna: what is it master if something is bothering you please tell me

Drake: Asuna san do you believe in the supernatural

Asuna: you mean Gods, yes I kind of believe it

Drake: and what if I told you that it was all true all the legends and myths about the worlds pantheon then would you believe me

Asuna: master do you need some help or is are you having a headache

Drake : * uses reality stone to create an orb of light in his hand* and what about know

{Asuna pov}

Am I seeing things right did master drake create a ball of light out of nowhere

{3rd person pov}

Drake: I am a member of the supernatural World but the thing is my parents were not

Asuna: what are you then master

Drake: I am a species called as a celestial the only one of the kind and the reason why I am telling you this is because I don't want to hide anything from you

Asuna: thank you for having so much trust in me I will keep your secret hidden

Drake: Asuna I want you to stay by my side for the rest of my journey since you are the only person I can open up to

Asuna: ' wait is that a confession, I mean I did have a crush on him but I am still 3 years older than him will he except me' master are you sure you want to I am not someone who is strong

Drake: I can make you strong as I get stronger myself but are you willing to stay by my side

Asuna: master I wanted to tell you that from a few years now that I fell in love with you and wanted to marry you but with our age difference I thought you would not agree

Drake : *scratches his head * well to be more precise I also had a crush on you

Asuna: thank you for allowing me to stay by your side

Drake: but I have a question. Do you mind me having other women

Asuna: I don't mind as long as you don't forget me

Drake: I will never forget you

Drake: 'Vega is there a way through which I can give her some kind of power'

Vega: there is but for that, you will have to use one of your stones or take someone else's sacred Gare and give it to her

The system will allow you to extract it without killing the person

Drake: 'then I know exactly which person to take the Gare from' (take a guess)

Drake: Asuna I want you to know that it will take me some time to give you some power but it will be worth it so please wait

Asuna: don't worry master I can wait a little

Drake: you can call me drake when we are alone

Asuna: as you wish drake


Author here

Net chapter I will make him summon Merlin and probably let him train in a pocket dimension (not death stone)

So that he can get on par with at least superclass

Also, he won't have any other powers except the stones as it will be too op the stones from both gauntlets already put him higher than trihexia or great red in terms of potential

Keep in mind that he can use both the elements of Nightmare and chaos along with nothingness (opposite to infinity) basically cancelling out the strongest three in the universe

That's all

Thanks and chaio

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