
chapter 34

It was 2 days before Christmas in the region of Sinnoh everyone was busying celebrating and very excited for the next morning including Ash,Pikachu and their friends Dawn & Brock. Dawn,the girl of the trio was just finishing up wrapping her moms gift to send out to her, this was her first Christmas out on her journey to become a top coordinator. As she was writing a note to her mom she never realized how homesick she really was she began to get emotional after she finished and ran out to the patio where she sat on the chair swing where the tears began to fall ,she began to break down.

"Guys I made some hot chocolate come and get it!" called Brock. Only Ash and Pikachu came out. "Wheres Dawn?!" asked Brock "She's probably finishing up her wrapping I bet she'll be out soon" said Ash " Want me to let her know?" He added

"Sure!" Said Brock.

Ash went and knocked on the bedroom door. "Hey Dawn! Brock's got some hot cocoa waiting in the kitchen want some?" No answer

"Dawn! Dawn..are you okay in there?" Ash said opening the door she wasn't in her bedroom he looked around to her through the glass door to the deck sitting on the chair swing. Ash went and entered the deck sliding the door shut behind him.

"Hey!" he said standing in front of her.

"Oh hey!" Dawn said smiling weakly as she looked up her eyes looking puffy and red.

"Brock has some hot chocolate waiting in the kitchen wanna come?" asked Ash

"No thanks!" Said Dawn shaking her head as she looked down again

"You alright?" asked Ash

"I..I'm fine" Dawn stuttered her cheeks began to leak with tears.

"No need to worry" she forced half smile across her face.

"Dawn? Are you crying?" Ash asked

"Maybe.."said Dawn shrugging

"There isn't a maybe it's yes or no..listen to me I know you're not fine" said Ash as he sat beside her on the chair swing, Dawn bit her lip fighting not to cry aloud as his thigh brushed hers as he sat close to her."Now now what's got you in this state of emotion? Lets discuss it" he said.

"N...No...I'm okay" said Dawn

"You don't have to do that with me anymore pretending everything is okay when it's not we've been traveling companions for 7 months you can tell me anything" said Ash putting a hand on her arm.

"I'm not sure if I wanna talk about it" said Dawn laying her face in the palm of her hands

"Hey..I just wanna try and help you" said Ash taking her hands away from her face and held them to his chest.

"Alright wanna guess?" Said Dawn

"Hmmm...Homesickness" said Ash.

Dawn nodded "How'd you guess?"

"I have my ways" Ash said smiling."Something I can do to cheer you up?"He asked. Tears began to run faster and faster as Dawn quietly wept. "It's...Just so hard cuz...this is my first Christmas...without my mom it's difficult for her too because this is our 2nd Christmas without dad there since he died" Dawn sobbed as she collapsed in Ash's arms crying with her face in his lap.

"Oh Dawn.." He said gently as he stroked her hair. She reminded him of when he had his first Christmas on his journey.

"I remember feeling the exact same way on my first Christmas and still do sometimes but you don't need to feel that way. Neither you or your mom are alone you've got your Pokemon, me, Pikachu and Brock and your mom has Glameow and Umbrieon no need to worry right?" Said Ash

"Yea no need!" Said Dawn cheerfully.

"You alright?" said Ash

"I..I dunno" said Dawn breaking down again.

"Awe Dawn! Come here" said Ash rapping his arms tightly around her as she put her face in his shoulder and cried harder clinging to him clutching handfuls of his vest.

"Shh it's ok" Ash whispered hugging her back even tighter as he rocked her gently and kissed her on the forehead and held her till she quit crying. He then realized all she needed really was a good cry to let out,a comforting words and a hug to feel better.

"Better?" Asked Ash

"A little" said Dawn whipping her eyes

"Feels good to let it all out and get a hug doesn't it?" Said Ash

"Sure does" said Dawn.

"Now Listen if there is anything else Brock or I could do for you?You let us know? Dawn we love you and want to take good care of you" Ash said

"You..Love me?" said Dawn wondering if she heard him right

"Of course I do! You, me and Brock we're a family,I'd risk my life for you! I know it seems weird coming from me I'm a very dense guy and don't show as often as Brock but just know you're my best friend!" Said Ash taking her hand holding it close to his chest

"Best friends!?" Asked Dawn

"We are?right?!"asked Ash

Dawn smiled and nodded

"We sure are! I've never heard you say that to me before,Ash" said Dawn

"We'll you have now! I love you Dawn! So much" said Ash

Dawn let out a giggle of joy "I love you too!" She said as they hugged again

"Oh!"said Ash as they broke the hug

"What?"asked Dawn

"Come!" Said Ash as he grabbed her arm and tugged her along and took her back into the bedroom.

"Wait here" said Ash as he went into the closet and he soon came back with a small wrapped present in his hand.

"I want you to open our present from me today the suspense was killing me and I wanna see you open it now ..here!"he said handing her the gift

Dawn took it and unwrapped it to see a velvet case and she opened it to see a pretty gold Chimcar chain necklace

"It's a locket open it"said Ash

Dawn opened it to see a message in graved "No need to worry...as long as you have me with you

Love Ash"

Dawns eyes filled up with tears , happy ones.

"Oh ash you got this engraved for me?!" Asked Dawn

Ash blushed and nodded "cost an extra $30 did it for you!"

"Awe you didn't have to do this Ash!" Said Dawn

"I know but..it was worth it just to see that beautiful smile on your face" he said

Dawn threw her arms around his neck tightly while Ash wrapped his arms around her waist even tighter

"No ones ever gotten me a gift this special to me it's so sweet thank you!" Said Dawn pecking his cheek

"No problem I'm so glad you love it"

said Ash!

"Wanna put it on?"

"Sure!" Said Dawn as he took it and slipped it around her neck and clipped it in place.

"I don't think I'll ever take it off" she proclaimed.

"Um dawn"said Ash

"What is it?" asked Dawn

Ash cocked his head towards the ceiling as she looked up to see mistletoe

"We're ...under..mistletoe" said Dawn

"Yeah!"said Ash

"And were supposed to do something" said Dawn taking steps closer.

"Uh huh.." said Ash

"We're supposed to kiss you goof" said Dawn

"Oh yea" said Ash as she pulled him closer to her they were standing so close that their stomachs were pressed together.

"..So you gonna kiss me or what Ash?!" said Dawn

Ash reached out to take her face and cradled it in his hands and caressed her cheek with his thumb. He stood there for a couple seconds just looking into her blue eyes then slowly started to lean in closer as they touched noses,Dawn could feel his breath on her chin he smelt like peppermint from all the candy canes they had today.

"Go on.."she whispered smiling at him.

Not long after she felt his lips brush hers, she then began to nudge his lips back, it felt like they'd been kissing forever. Ash had kissed many girls throughout his journey but never felt this amazing during a kiss. He then soon learned he was in love with his best with Dawn when she and Kenny kissed she never felt this way.

They soon parted and then Dawn spoke

"Ash!..Wow!" said Dawn

"You liked it?" He said

"Yea a lot! You're quite the kisser Ash Ketchum!"said Dawn

Ash laughed then spoke

"Dawn I..I think I'm on love with you like I've had a crush on you since we met"

"me too!" Said Dawn

"So will you be my girlfriend?!"he asked

"I'd thought you'd never ask!..Yes!"said Dawn as she hugged him while Ash picked her up and planted a smooch on her cheek.

"So I guess we're official" Ash said

"Yea" said Dawn as they squeezed hands and kissed again but just briefly as Brock interrupted

"Hey you guy...Whoa when did this happen?! ...How did I miss it? ..How could I not see this coming?!"he gasped

"You didn't miss anything it happened just now!"said Dawn

"Oh well I'm happy for you guys! " said Brock!

"Thanks! Can you just give us a few seconds?"said Ash

"Yea of course!" Said Brock as he went back to the kitchen area.

They then leaned in and shared one more kiss and quick cuddle then walked off hand in hand to join Brock. he called her mom and said i well be there in 1hour to get you because dawn is homesick and was crying because she wouldn't be able to see you this year she doesn't know that i well come and get you she said ok 5minutes later he teleports to her house and told her to hold on she did and he teleports back to the place were down is he said stay out here well i get her ready to see you he went in and said dawn i have another surprise for you and he said come in amd she did dawn saw her mom and said how did you get here she said ash teleported me here and she kissed ash on the lips and her mom said when did this happen ash said just before i came to get you

Ash, the skilled Pokemon trainer, was in love with her. Dawn Berlitz. Her blue hair, sapphire eyes, bubbly personality is what caught his attention. The day dreaming, the dazing, the thinking...It was all about her. She was in his mind twenty four seven, and nothing could ever stop that. He was deeply in love, but he was not wanting to admit it. Sure Ash may be thick, but deep down he knew that he was going to have to tell her, one way or another.

They hadn't seen each other for three years, but they still stayed in contact. Sure three years is a long time, but it seemed to just fly by. The days, the weeks, the months were gone so fast like a blink of an eye, and Ash was always thinking about her and the winning smile that shaped her smooth face perfectly. Perfection, that was the word to describe her; everything about her was just...Utterly perfect. Her skin, her smell, her appearance...Everything. He didn't think that a girl could be this perfect. It was just so...unreal. Like an angel coming down from heaven.

He missed her. Three years had made him desperate to see her again, to hear her voice again...To tell her how he feels about her. He missed not having her company. He had a special bond with her, that he never had with Misty or May. The special bond that made them connect, best friends. But he wanted to be more than friends. He wanted to have her in his arms, to kiss her softly on her lips, to...To tell her he loves her. No one knew how he felt...Or so it would seem.

The snow fell quietly, making a white blanket over the town. Everything was decorated with Christmas lights and tinsel. The houses were hard to make out due to the thick frosty mist but windows were lit, indicating that someone was warm and glad to be inside. The frosty air froze your lungs in one breath, but not a soul was out. The empty streets were undisturbed and silent.

A plain house was sitting at the edge of town. All the lights were on. The blanket of snow in the small garden had no footprints.

The raven haired boy named Ash was helping his mother in the kitchen, since Christmas was tomorrow they were having guests round.

He was fifteen now, and taller. Three years have made him stronger and handsomer, but he was still the same old Ash inside; clumsy, irresponsible...Dense.

"Mum, can you tell me who are coming round tomorrow?" Ash pleaded and faced his mother. She looked at him.

"You'll find out tomorrow," she answered happily. A small smile gracing her lips as she thought of Ash's face when he sees the 'guests'. Ash rolled his eyes.

"You've said that a million times all ready," He wined. "Why can you not tell me?"

"It's a surprise Ash. If I tell you now then you'll be even more excited," she giggled. Ash sighed.

"OK, OK," he said and continued drying the dishes. Dahlia looked at him out of the corner of her eye and smiled. 'I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees her...' She thought.

"I've finished the dishes, and I'm away up to bed." Ash said, "Night."

"Good night honey," Dahlia replied as she watched him walk out the kitchen.

Ash's Pov.

Who could it be? And why is she keeping it a secret from me? Couldn't she just tell me? Argh I have to wait till tomorrow! I sighed again as I walked up the stairs. I entered my bedroom and sat on my bed. Pikachu was all ready sleeping on my covers. I scratched him beside the ear as he stretched and yawned.

"Pika," It said sleepily. I smiled but my thoughts were still on the 'guests'. Who was it?


"Mum can you tell me now?" I wined. She was putting on the diamond necklace I gave her.

"Ash you'll find out soon," she said while looking at her watch, "They'll be here in five minutes." My eyes widened. A five minutes is all I needed to wait till I find out who the 'guests' are! Just a few minutes!

"Why can you not tell me now though?" I asked her for the one millionth time this morning. I looked at my watch; 12.07 pm.

"I don't want to ruin the surprise Ash. Besides, a few minutes isn't long to wait." She replied, I looked at her and sighed. Defeated. She was right. A few minutes isn't long to wait.

I trailed my thoughts in a different direction so I wouldn't get inpatient again. Hmm...I need to call Gary to see if he's coming out in the snow tomorrow. Maybe we could get Misty, May, and Drew out too so we could have a snowball fight. Or we could all go sleighing. Nah...Snowball fight sounds better.

I looked at my watch again; 12.08. Four minutes...

I wonder what they are all doing now? I'm so bored. And it's meant to be Christmas!

I made my way to my bedroom only to find pikachu still sleeping on my bed. I sighed.

Three minutes...

"Pikachu, you need to get up now," I said softly.

"Pika pi," It replied and stretched. "Pikaa chu." I rolled my eyes, as he just curled up in a ball again.

"Come on Pikachu, it's Christmas." I yawned.

Two minutes...

Argh this is not working! Only two minutes left and it looks like my watch is going slow motion!

I picked pikachu up and ran down stairs.

One minute...

I placed pikachu on the ground. My mum was laying plates on the dining room table.

"Have you guessed who the guests are yet?" She asked me. I shook my head. A wide grin spread across her face. The door bell rang.

"I'll get it!" I called to my mum as I sprinted to the door dodging pikachu who was still on the ground. I grabbed the door handle and swung it open. I got a brief glimpse of two people standing on the doorstep then my vision was completely obscured by very smooth blue hair.

"ASH!" A voice screamed happily. Wait...I know that voice! Dawn! She had thrown herself on to me in a hug that nearly knocked me flat. Her arms were around my neck as one of my hands trailed down to her waist and the other one was stroking her hair. My heart was beating very fast as I held the girl I love so much in my arms. Her head was on my chest.

Man how I wish we could stay like this forever. That would be heaven. Pure heaven...

"Dawn," I whispered. She was like an angel. Perfect in every way. I heard chuckles from behind us as me and Dawn looked round to see my mum and her mum grinning at us. Damn them, they knew all along.

"Come along, dinner will be ready in just a moment." I heard my mum say. I looked at Dawn, she was just the same as I remembered her. The same mid length blue hair, same perfect smooth face, same smile, all the things I've missed about her. I grinned at her as she grinned back. What was I going to say?! I'll make a fool of myself again!

We walked through to the dining room table. She sat next to me as my mum and Johanna sat opposite us. The drinks were already served.

Dawn's Pov.

My cheeks were sore from smiling so much. I can't believe my mum never told me where we were going till I recognised the house. Ash still looks so hot! OK Dawn calm down.

I looked at him. He was smiling too. I blushed and looked at the table. I think my mum and Dahlia noticed as they were giggling.

"So Ash," My mum said, starting the conversation. Please don't let her embarrass me in front of Ash! "What have you been up to lately?" Phew! Safe...For now. I looked at him.

"Nothing much, enjoying the snow," he chuckled. His face is so...Cute! My mum and Dahlia giggled again. Ash turned his attention on me.

"I think they're up to something," He whispered as I nodded in agreement. He smiled, Damn that smile! Why does he have to be so freaking hot!

"I'll get the starter," Ash's mum interrupted. The dinner went smoothly, me and Ash talked about battles and contests while Johanna and Dahlia had their own conversation.

Ash started talking about Buneary and Pikachu's 'relationship', but then my mum just had to interrupt saying that a pokemon copies their trainer's emotions. Leaving me blushing like mad. I couldn't even look at Ash's face because I was so embarrassed. Damn mums. I couldn't stop gazing into his gorgeous brown eyes. They are so amazing! Dahlia went to get the turkey, still giggling, while Ash turned to face me.

"Cracker?" He asked holding out a green and red decorated cracker.

"OK," I answered happily and pulled the other end. There was a small bang and Ash had the bigger half. He grinned as he opened the little card that was in the cracker just as Dahlia came walking back with the turkey in her hands.

Ash read out load:

Love is like a lump of gold,

Hard to get, and hard to hold.

Of all the girls I've ever met,

You're the one I can't forget.

I do believe that God above,

Created you for me to love.

He chose you from all the rest,

Because he knew I would love you best...

Ash looked at me, I blushed. Our eyes stayed connected as I could hear Dahlia and my mum.

"Aww Ashy, did you finally confess to Dawn?" Dahlia squealed. We looked away from each other to look at her.

"What?" Ash said. I looked at him, wait was he...Blushing? No it can't be...I must be imagining it.

"You know what I'm talking about Ash...The secret..." She replied slyly. The secret? What secret? Ash's eyes widened. I looked away from him to look at Dahlia again. She rolled her eyes. "Never mind then." Ash looked back at me again but turned away quickly as he met my eyes.

Dinner went along quickly with no other word on 'the secret' subject. Whatever the secret was. After we had finished our desert me and Ash had volunteered to clean the dishes. The kitchen was just how I remembered it from a few years back. Pikachu was sitting on the kitchen stool. I smiled.

We started to clean.

"Wow, Ash I never knew you could eat this much!" I said while grinning at the amount of plates the boy had carried through.

"Hey! I didn't eat all the food!" He laughed and scratched his head sheepishly.

"No, just enough to feed the whole country," I laughed and stuck out my tongue.

"Ha, you should talk miss three-bowl-of-Christmas-pudding," he was grinning, and trying to hold in his laughter at the same time.

"Well I can't help it if she's a good cook," I admitted. He laughed.

"True that," he said.

Normal Pov.

"What are we going to do with these?" He said sarcastically indicating to the pile of dirty dishes

"We wash them silly," Dawn laughed splashing a little bit of the dish water on the boy's nose. Ash responded by throwing some soap suds on her. She gasped, "You'll pay for that!" She laughed and threw some more at him. She missed and the soapy suds landed on the kitchen floor unnoticed.

Five minutes later the kitchen was full of laughs as the water and soap went everywhere; on the walls, on the tables, and on the floor.

"Oops..." Ash said slowly looking at the mess they made, "Looks like we've got a lot more cleaning up to do," Dawn laughed at his obvious remark. She walked back to the sink and leaned against it.

"This was fun," she laughed. There was a bump and next minute Dawn was on the floor covered in soup bubbles, She laughed again when she saw the look on Ash's face. He walked over and sat down next to her, still laughing.

"Clumsy much?" He joked.

"Me clumsy? No," Dawn replied sarcastically. She threw some more soup suds in his direction which landed in his head. He grinned. Bubbles of soup were flying across the room again as the two teenagers were laughing at each other. Ash still had soup bubbles on his head while Dawn had on her cheeks.

"Ow my eye..." Dawn said.

"Are you alright?" The raven haired trainer asked, placing his hand on her cheek. Their eyes met. Blue gazing into brown. Taking in every detail. It was quiet. You could almost hear each others hearts beating.

"Y-Yeah," Dawn whispered, they were close now, inches away from each other that they could both feel their crushes hot breath kissing their skin. Centimetres...Millimetres...So, so close...Then the unexpected happened...

"What's taking so long?" Dahlia laughed as she opened the kitchen door, Ash and Dawn jumped and looked up. "What the feathers happened in here?!" She said, looking at Ash and Dawn sitting on the floor with soapy suds all around them; The dishes were still undone.

"...Oops..." They said innocently and at the same time. Dahlia giggled.

"Were having fun were you?" She said slyly and winked at them both. They blushed. Johanna came walking in and laughed.

"Deary me, what happened?" She said, Ash grinned as he took a glance at Dawn who was looking at Johanna innocently.

"See, it was all Dawn's fault. I tried to stop her, but the poor girl lost control" He said sarcastically. Dawn gasped.

"Hey! It was not me!" Dawn laughed. "You started it!"

"That's what you want us to think," Ash said and stuck out his tongue. Dawn giggled as Ash helped her up.

Dawn's Pov.

"Why do we have to go?!" I moaned. My mum rolled her eyes.

"Dawn, It's nine O Clock, we've been here piratically all day," she laughed. Ash was behind me. Then my mum started speaking to Dahlia again. I turned to face Ash.

"I don't want to go," I said to him, he had a sad look on his face too as he opened his arms for a hug. I gladly accepted, running into his arms again like I did earlier on the doorstep. A warm tear ran down my cheek.

When was I going to see him again? Another three years?! I can't stand being away from him...

His hot breath ran down my neck sending shivers down my spine. I sniffed. My arms were around his neck as his hands were on my waist. I'm going to miss this. I'm going to miss him.

"Ash, take Dawn outside," Dahlia said kindly, I could feel him nod as he lead me to the doorstep. My hands were wrapped around his torso now. We stepped outside in the frosty air. There was no snow clouds, only the glistering stars above. It was quiet. No sound was made. I looked at him, Another tear was running down my cheek. Each tear pleading not to go. He looked at me.

"I'm going to miss you." He said quietly, it sounded like his voice had cracked in the middle of that sentence. I sniffed again.

"I'm going to miss you too," I whispered. He smiled. His eyes seemed dim. No sparkle as I remembered. Was it just the small amount of light? I shivered and hugged him again. Taking in every moment, and not wanting to forget it.

"Dawn?..." He asked.

"Yeah Ash?"

"Can you promise me something?" His voice was gentle and it soothed me. I pulled away and looked at him. His eyes were full of mischief now.

I knew I was going to regret this almost instantly. "Fine."

"What do you think of me?...As more than a friend..." He said looking into my eyes. Yes. Instant regret.

"I-Er..." I began.

"You promised," he insisted.

"I know..." I replied. I took a glance at him. He looked relaxed.

"What's the problem?"

"I-I think you might get...Annoyed?" I said truthfully. His brows pulled together over his eyes as he thought this through.

"I still want to know," he said, "Please?" I took a deep breath. I need to say it. Come on Dawn, just say how you feel.

"I...I..." I began, "Mistletoe?" I asked looking at the door beside us. He looked round.

"Er...My mum must have put it there," He admitted looking back at me. I giggled. His face was red...Like he was blushing? I could feel his hand still on my waist dragging me in closer. His eyes still on mine as our lips were only a centimetre apart.

Come on Dawn, just a little closer!

Closer...and closer. I could feel his warm breath on my cold skin. Then his lips pressed softly against mine. I was in heaven, Ash was kissing me! I couldn't believe it. Was it a dream? Or real?

My arms were around his neck again, and I was kissing him back. I wish we could stay like this forever. This was the best feeling in my life!

We broke apart for air. I was blushing like mad. He looked at me.

"Is that how you feel?" He asked. I nodded unable to take my eyes off of his.

"How would I be annoyed at that?" He laughed. "I love you." I blushed even more, deep shades of red and pink scattered over my face.

"I love you too," I whispered to him as I hugged him again. I could feel him smile.

"Lucky my mum put out this Mistletoe," he joked, "I would never have found this courage to tell you." I giggled. We shared a kiss again just as my mum Johanna opened the door, Dahlia was behind her.

"Awww!" they cooed. Great my mum found another way to embarrass us!

Note to self...Pick a more private place!

"Wait, that mistletoe wasn't there this morning!" Ash said and turned to Johanna and Dahlia. BUSTED. she cryed on his shoulder he said do not cry i well see you in 1week i was going to challenge the sinnoh gyms again and she hugged him qnd said that is great can i travel with you again he said yes you can i well meat you at your house in 1week she said ok he got his things ready the next he took off he got their then went to the address she gave him he got their her mom Answered the door he asked for dawn she said she was still sleeping he asked if he could come in she said yes would you like some tea he said yes please he drinks the tea and said were is the kitchen she said over their he went into the kitchen and made breakfast bergers for them he was done wene Dawn came down he said breakfast is done and brought it to the table he said surprised to see me she saw him and hugged him they eat the he said i know that this might be pushing it but if it is tell me and we will just date untell you are ready he got on one knee and took out a blue diamond ring and said i knew that you feel the same way about me that I feel about you because wene I'm by you you blush so it makes it easier for me to say well you marrie me and she said yes i would love to marrie you they kissed him

It had been very warm leading up to the Christmas celebrations but that didn't stop Ash and Dawn setting up the decorations and the meals for the following day when their friends would arrive to celebrate with them, Ash made the final preparations for the BBQ to cook the meat on the sweltering day to follow.

"Dawn, this is what the Sinnoh regions Christmas is like" Ash said surprised at the difference in the weather compared to the Kanto region, "in the Kanto region it always snows on Christmas Day," Ash said with a smile, "but the warmer weather is always good for a BBQ" Ash pointed out happily pointing how much he loved BBQ.

"Well Ash, we still celebrate it the same even if the weather is different," Dawn stated with a grin as she continued to prepare the turkey, "Ash, I need your help with the salads" Dawn requested, Ash walked up to the counter to help Dawn with the preparations before the sunset on the warm Christmas Eve.

Ash put the final decorations on the tree except for one, "Dawn, come over here," Ash demanded happily, Dawn walked up to the tree surprised at how beautiful the tree was, she looked up and realized something was missing, "What's the matter Dawn?" Ash asked the shocked Dawn with a smile.

"Ash Where is the star?" Dawn asked trying to look for the final decoration; Ash pulled out the star and showed it to Dawn, "Ash, aren't you going to put it on?" Dawn asked as she pushed Ash's hand signaling that he should put the star on top of the tree.

"No, you should put the star on the tree," Ash responded happily as he handed the gold star to Dawn and helped Dawn up the ladder to place the star on the tinsel, lights and shiny colorful bulbs filled tree, she walked down and into Ash arms looking at the sight that was in front of them, "You know Dawn, I always wanted an angel to put the star on the top of a Christmas tree," Ash said proudly as Dawn looked into his eyes while blushing at his comment.

"I am your angel?" Dawn asked while she embraced Ash and continued to look at the tree with Ash, "I better get the last parts of the food ready," Dawn told Ash happily feeling like her Christmas wish was already fulfilled, 'I have only one Christmas wish and that is just to be with Ash,' Dawn thought to herself as the words of Ash calling her an angel rang through her mind.

Ash and Dawn went to bed to sleep knowing that the next day was going to be full on busy, while Dawn was in bed and asleep Ash woke up and snuck out to the lounge room where the Christmas tree was standing and placed something underneath the decorated tree, Ash went back to bed and looked at Dawn who was asleep, "she looks like an angel," Ash told himself as he smiled at the beautiful woman sleeping, Ash climbed back into bed and slept the rest of the night.

The next day was busy Ash and Dawn made the final preparations before they were visited by their friends, "Ash, are you ready?" Dawn asked as the doorbell rang and the sight of all their friends not being dressed for the weather, "you guys do know its summer here right?" Dawn asked their friends as they burst out into laughter.

Ash walked outside with his friends and fired up the BBQ, they talked about lots of things until the food was cooked and ready to be eaten, they said a grace before eating and a time to reflect on the year before they grabbed their plates, "Alright dig in guys," Ash told his friends.

The food was gone thanks to the efforts of Ash and May leaving the rest of the friends in shock, "don't you two ever stop," Drew asked trying to digest the display between the two.

'At least I made enough food for those two,' Dawn thought to herself in relief, they cleaned the table and walked into the lounge room. The time to come to share presents was at hand and they all sat in the room exchanging gifts.

The final present was sitting under the tree with no name on it, a complete enigma, "Ash do you know who that belongs to?" May asked curious of the small present Ash just smiled in response to the question.

"Yes I know who that small gift belongs to," Ash said with a grin as he picked up the box and handed it to Dawn. Dawn opened he box and looked inside as tears flowed down her face, "maybe I should ask," Ash pointed out as he knelt in front of Dawn as the shocked crowd looked on at the sight, "Dawn, will you have the honor of taking my hand in marriage?" Ash asked as Dawn continued to cry in joy at the Christmas gift she received.

Ash got up and looked into Dawn's eyes knowing he got the greatest gift of all, Drew took this opportunity to place some mistletoe over their heads without them knowing, "What no kiss?" Drew asked with a cheeky smile as the crowd cheered them on to kiss under the mistletoe.

They looked up and decided to play along with it and inched closer before they were pushed by May and Drew into the kiss sealing the deal and the best Christmas ever

this happened 2years later

Its winter and snow had settled heavily on Pallet Town, icicles hung from trees and building, lakes had frozen over and every man, woman, child and Pokémon were huddled together for warmth. It was Christmas Day and inside one particular house which was normally home to one woman and her son was now full of people who were gathered around a decorated tree.

Delia Ketchum had done this for her son who was rarely home for the holiday season, she had contacted everyone Ash had travelled with and invited them plus their family over for Christmas. After competing in the Kalos league Ash had started travelling alone and hadn't seen his friends much since he'd returned home from Kalos. Delia had expected to hear some people say that they couldn't make it but was surprised when they all accepted the invitation, each for their own reasons.

Brock had been studying for his Pokémon Doctor's exam and upon returning home found that his family had been quarantined in their home due to a very contagious strain of the flu. He was expecting to be alone for Christmas and so when he saw the invitation he happily accepted.

Misty's sisters ran off on another world cruise leaving her to look after the gym for 5 months, so she readily agreed to come to Pallet Town and spend the holidays with people she cared about instead of being on her own during the holidays.

Tracey was due to fly home to the Orange Islands to be with his family but his flight had been cancelled because of the weather so he had come to the party with Professor Oak and Gary.

When May and Max got the invitation they begged their parents to go to Pallet Town so they could see everyone again. Norman and Caroline agreed as they wanted their children to be happy and they didn't have any other family in Hoenn to see over the festive period.

Dawn and Johanna also accepted their invitation with the same reason as the Maples, they would've spend Christmas with just each other like they had in the past but they wanted to have a Christmas surrounded by people so the packed their bags and made their way to Pallet Town.

Iris and Cilan had come together, Iris didn't have any real family, the Elder of the Village of Dragons was like a Grandmother to her but other than that there was no one. Cilan had invited Iris to spend Christmas with him as he was going to be alone as well. He did think that he'd be spending it with his brothers but their girlfriends had persuaded them to spend Christmas with them and their families which left Cilan on his own.

Serena and Grace had decided to come to Kanto for Christmas anyway and visit the Ketchum's during the holidays but when they received the invitation decided to actually spend the holidays with them instead.

Clemont and Bonnie were travelling with Serena to Kanto once they found out she'd been invited as well. When their invitation had arrived in Lumiose City Bonnie was the first to see it and she pleaded with her parent to go. Their parents however couldn't leave due to looking after the Lumiose Tower and in case something happened with the power station but when seeing how upset Bonnie was they decided to let her and Clemont go on their own and they'd have their own family Christmas when they got back.

Everyone had arrived a few days previously so that they could be settled and ready for Christmas. It was a little tight getting everyone into the house but it worked Professor Oak had offered his Lab as a place for people to stay. It worked out that the parents, excluding Delia, along with Gary and Tracey stayed at the lab while everyone else stayed in the Ketchum residence in their sleeping bags or the guest bedroom.

Ash had offered his room to the guests, Brock and Misty were the first to arrive with Brock taking the guest room and Misty claiming Ash's. May and Max were the next to arrive with their parents, Max shared the guest room with Brock while May shared with Misty. Dawn and Johanna came next leaving Dawn the first guest to be using a sleeping bag, Iris and Cilan were next followed finally by Serena, Grace, Clemont and Bonnie. They all decided on a rota for who used the rooms so that it would change every night to the next two people to arrive. Misty and May would be in Ash's room the first night, then Dawn and Iris, then Serena and Bonnie after that it would go back to Misty and May. Brock and Max would have the guest room first then Cilan and Clemont, then back to Brock and Max. Ash said he'd be fine in his sleeping bag as he could sleep anywhere, everyone protested and tried to persuade Ash to take his turn in using the guest room but Ash remained his usual stubborn self and eventually they decided to let Ash sleep where he wanted.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" They all shouted smiling as they sat around the tree ready to open their gifts, eager to know what they had got.

(AN I'm not going to go over all the presents as there's too many to think of. I'm just going to choose one for each person from their parents.)

Ash got a complete set of Pokéballs from his mother it had everything from the standard Pokéball to the rare and expensive Master Ball. The set even had a Premier Ball and one of each type of ball Kurt made from Apricorns.

Brock received a few pieces of medical equipment such as a stethoscope, reflex hammers (the ones they hit your knees with) and a few others.

Misty got make-up from her sisters and a towel covered with pictures of water Pokémon.

May got a brand new Ribbon case and a Princess costume complete with tiara to wear for her Contests.

Max got a new Pokénav loaded with maps of all regions and places of interest.

Dawn got some new Contest dresses and accessories from her mother.

Iris opened a parcel from the Village of Dragons Elder, finding a black and blue Pokémon Egg.

Cilan unwrapped a new suit and bowtie along with cooking utensils from his brothers.

Serena got clothes with matching hats and shoes from Grace along with a form for entering the Rhyhorn Racing League.

Clemont had been given a new tool kit and some building supplies i.e. nuts, bolts, screws etc from his parents.

Bonnie tore the wrapping from her gift to find a Pokémon grooming kit and book of how certain Pokémon prefer to be groomed.

After all the presents had been opened Delia, Caroline, Johanna and Grace went into the kitchen to start cooking the dinner. Cilan and Brock went to help but were soon thrown out of there being told to have fun with everyone else. Gary, Norman, Tracey and Professor Oak stayed out of the way and started talking about how Pokémon from Hoenn reacted to the climates of other regions.

Ash suggested they go outside and have some fun, everyone agreed although Iris needed some persuading to leave the warmth of the house and her new Pokémon Egg to mess around in the cold. Cilan was the one who managed to get her outside, saying that she needed to face her fears and that now, surrounded by her friends, was the best time to do it. Once everyone was ready and Pikachu was warm inside Ash's jacket they left the house made their way to Professor Oak's Lab to see their Pokémon.

When they got there Pikachu jumped out of Ash's jacket and sent a Thunderbolt into the air, there was a few seconds of silence before a low rumble could be heard and it soon turned into the sound of thunder as all of their Pokémon came charging towards them. Everyone scattered to dodge the approaching stampede, Ash tried to get away but Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder and gave him a small shock. The shock made Ash pause long enough for the other Pokémon to close the distance and it was too late for him to escape as he was swept away by the stampede, cursing Pikachu for being a traitor and not helping him. The gang started their fun by playing the game 'Rescue Ash', they had to play this a few times because Meganium kept abducting Ash wanting to be the sole focus of his attention while he was at the Lab, they spent the rest of the time playing with their Pokémon and trading stories of their adventures since they had last seen each other. After a few hours Gary and Tracey came to the Lab telling everyone that Christmas dinner would be ready soon and to get back to the house.

They all said goodbye to their Pokémon and promised to come and see them later before leaving the Lab and making their way back to Ash's house. Before they entered the house everyone shook the snow from their coats and unlaced their shoes so they could take then off quickly when they went inside. They all sat down and talked for a few minutes and once the dinner was ready they went to the table. After everyone had taken their seats they toasted to a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Delia and the other mothers present served the food out before sitting down to eat themselves. The house was filled with the sounds of laughter and joy as everyone had a great time, they pulled their crackers, read out the bad jokes and wore the paper hats from inside them.

Everyone was allowed to have a single Pokémon at the house, Ash obviously had Pikachu, Misty had Marill, Brock brought Vulpix (Suzy's Vulpix had an egg and wanted Brock to have it), May had Glaceon, Max had Kirlia (He caught the Ralts he'd met when travelling with Ash), Dawn had Piplup, Iris had Axew, Cilan had Pansage, Serena had Fennekin, Clemont had Bunnelby and Bonnie had Dedenne. No-one else had a Pokémon with them letting them stay at the Lab with the other Pokémon, Mr. Mime had gone to the Lab to look after the Pokémon there while Professor Oak and Tracey were at the Ketchum household. The Pokémon at the house sat around the table by their trainers, eating their own Christmas dinner, they'd occasionally chat amongst themselves but mostly stayed silent.

After they'd finished their dinner Ash and his friends went back to the Lab to spend a little more time with their Pokémon. As they walked the girls hung back a little bit whispering between themselves with a wicked glint in their eyes, Ash and the other guys didn't really notice because they were busy talking about the annual Battle of Champions. The Battle of Champions was an event held every year where the Champions of each region would battle live on TV and it would be transmitted across every region. The location would rotate each year, right now a stadium in Kalos was being prepared for the tournament and the Champions were readying themselves for their upcoming battles.

When everyone got to the Lab Pikachu jumped out of Ash's jacket and sat on his shoulder, the girls had nearly surrounded the boys as they stood by the wall of the Lab leaving only a small gap for them to escape. Each of the girls had a hand behind their back and stood in silence until Misty spoke up.

"Hey guys, I've got an idea for something we could do." She said, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. From travelling with Misty for a couple of years Ash and Brock took a small step back out of instinct. The girls pulled their hands out from behind their back to reveal that each of them was holding a small branch with green leaves and white berries on them. Ash paled, his mind flashed back to a Christmas years previously he was stood underneath similar branches and Misty was in front of him telling him what was meant to happen when two people are stood beneath it.

"Tha-That's mistletoe." He said before turning and running off so fast that Pikachu fell off his shoulder, landing heavily on the ground. Pikachu picked himself up off the ground and chased his trainer with sparks arcing from his cheeks, determined to get his revenge.

"Should've expected that." Misty sighed as she closed the gap Ash had run through, "This is the plan you run and we chase you. If we catch you, you get a kiss on the cheek and you come back to the Lab. We keep going till we've caught everyone, you get a five minute head start but because Ash has run off we're going after him now." Misty and the other girls ran off in the direction Ash had disappeared in leaving Brock, Cilan, Clemont and Max a little confused.

"Let's go." Brock said, "We might as well get involved and find somewhere to hide." He started walking when he felt a hand on his arm, looking back he saw that Max had stopped him.

"Hey Brock, why did Ash run away when he saw the mistletoe?" He asked adjusting his glasses.

"I'd like to know as well." Cilan said.

"Same here." Added Clemont.

"Alright but let's get moving Misty wasn't kidding when she said we have five minute before they come after us." Brock said the others followed his advice as he knew Misty better than the rest of them. "It started a few years ago when me and Misty were still travelling with Ash, we were at his house and Ash was stood under the mistletoe with Misty. He didn't intend to be there he was just getting some food and bumped into Misty, when Misty told him what was meant to happen he freaked out and ran. Since then I think he's had a fear of mistletoe." Brock's lips formed a wicked grin as he stopped walking, "I just realised that we probably aren't going to see them till they get Ash, come on let's get out of the cold." Brock looked in the direction Ash ran off in, "Good luck Ash, you're on your own now." Brock started walking back to the Lab as he explained why the girls wouldn't be bothering them for a while.

Ash stopped and leant against a tree, catching his breath and he then realised his mistake. Over the years Ash had changed, he still did stupid things on the spur of the moment but now when he'd calmed down slightly he knew what he'd done wrong and what he should've done. He knew he shouldn't have run off on his own because he couldn't rely on any help from the other and by running off he was now going to be the focus of the girls' attention. He was about to climb into a tree but stopped when he realised that he would only be trapping himself if the girls saw him.


Ash spun around just in time to see Pikachu's Thunderbolt flying towards him, Ash was thrown backwards as the electricity surged through his body. Once the attack ended Ash lay on the ground twitching as the remaining electricity sparked across his body.

"Sorry Pikachu," He said as he slowly pushed himself upright, "I didn't mean to drop you." Ash shook his head clearing away the fog that had formed in his mind from the attack. Pikachu walked up to Ash holding his trainer hat, it was the hat Ash had worn in Hoenn and the Battle Frontier. "Thanks buddy." Ash said taking the hat, brushing snow from it and scratching Pikachu's head. This was probably his favourite hat and he thought about why he like it so much, all his hats were special to him but this one had something more to it, it had the memories of someone special. Ash was about to say something else to Pikachu but stopped when he heard some familiar voices.

"Come on, he can't be that far ahead of us." One voice said.

"He's such a little kid for running away like that." Said another.

Ash recognized the voices as being Misty and Iris, he quickly scrambled to his feet and backed into the trees hiding in some bushes, Pikachu jumped in behind him. The next voice Ash heard was a sweet one that warmed his heart, it had happened a few time in the past and he only found out what the feeling meant a year ago.

"Why did Ash run anyway?" The voice asked, Misty sighed and quickly explained.

"A few years ago I was under the mistletoe with Ash and he freaked out. He ran off and crashed into a table full of food. I thought he might've gotten over that by now but you saw what happened."

All the girls burst out laughing, Ash was about to start shouting but Pikachu stopped him with a light shock. Ash nodded his thanks to his best friend and carefully started to edge him way backwards trying not to alert the girls.

After a few minutes Ash slowly started to stand up keeping his eyes open for any of the girls. He couldn't see any of them so he started to run back towards the Lab when he heard something snap behind him. He turned but saw nothing, Ash took some slow steps backwards shifting his gaze left and right. Iris dropped down in front of him causing Ash to jump back in shock bumping into a tree.

"Got you!" she said moving forward to kiss him on the cheek. A yellow blur flashed between them Iris backed away and Ash took his chance sprinting away. As he passed under a branch he felt a weight drop onto his shoulder.

"Thanks Pikachu, I owe you one." Ash chuckled as he continued to run. Over the next couple of hours Ash had a number of other close calls, Misty had enlisted the help of Meganium to try and catch Ash, Dawn and Serena had teamed up and cornered Ash by the lake but thanks to Feraligatr Ash was given a ride to the other side of the lake. Bonnie had somehow persuaded Ash's continually stampeding Tauros to help her as they picked him up and carried him back towards her but once again Ash's Pokémon came to his rescue as Staraptor and Unfezant picked him up in their talons and carried him to safety. The only person Ash hadn't run into was May, he knew could see the Lab in the distance but between him and it was an open field, it would leave him completely exposed.

The girls would've worked out that he was heading to the Lab and they had employed their own Pokémon to help them catch Ash. Pikachu had sacrificed himself so that Ash could get away from May and Dawn's Pokémon by tackling Ash down a slope while he stayed behind to battle. Ash could see Pikachu under heavy guard by the Lab while the other Pokémon wandered around the field. Ash shook his head and disappeared back into the trees trying to think of a way to rescue Pikachu, he made his way quickly and quietly to a secret place on the ranch that only he knew about. It was a small clearing with a pond in the centre, he'd found it when he was just a kid and every time he was at the ranch he'd spend some time there just watching the world pass by, it was the only place where he could calm down and the constant desire to battle and train faded away.

He sat in the clearing and let his mind fall silent, he didn't know how long he sat there but eventually he realised there was only one plan that he could use to rescue Pikachu, it was a plan he didn't want to use but he had to do it to rescue his friend. Ash stood up and walked out of the clearing making his way back towards the Lab, he stopped at the edge of the trees and waited. When he saw the person he was waiting for he sprinted out of his hiding place, charging towards Pikachu. Blaziken jumped at him, he only just managed to spin out of the way losing his jacket to the fire and fighting type's clawed hands but Ash kept running. He leapt over Glaceon and Skitty, Munchlax was distracted by a biscuit Ash kept in his pocket as a snack, Venusaur tried to grab Ash with her vines but Bulbasaur came to the rescue and grabbed Venusaur's vines with his own. Ash's other Pokémon came out of the trees and engaged the girl's Pokémon so that Ash could rescue Pikachu, this wasn't part of Ash's plan but he was grateful to all of them.

It wasn't just Ash's Pokémon that came Brock's, Max's, Cilan's and Clemont's came as well, the Pokémon didn't battle they just used their own strength to hold off the other Pokémon. Ash smiled as he charged through a gap that Steelix had created in the opposing Pokémon's ranks.

Ash was close to getting Pikachu when he was suddenly lifted into the air by Beautifly who was used Psychic but he was soon released as Swellow used a low powered Air Slash to break the bug and flying type's concentration. As he landed on the ground Ash started running again, he grabbed Pikachu and spun around to make his way back to the trees when he was tackled from behind. Pikachu jumped out of Ash's arms landing safely and twisting round, sparks coming from his cheeks but he stopped when he saw that it was May that had tackled Ash. Pikachu didn't want to hurt May so he stood guard to stop any of the other Pokémon getting to Ash, he knew that Ash could take care of himself.

May quickly flipped Ash over and straddled his waist, she put one hand on his chest and the other hovered above his head with the mistletoe held in it.

"I win." She giggled, moving the hand on his chest May tilted Ash's head to the side and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

"May, wait. I…" Ash started to say as he turned his face back to face her but as he moved his mouth made contact with May's. A fire burst into existence inside Ash's heart as he felt May's soft lips on his own, their warmth replaced the chill from the cold air and filled Ash with new strength. He unconsciously moved his hands to May's hips as he started to sit up right. May dropped the mistletoe and wrapped her arms around Ash's neck deepening the kiss, she was having the same feelings that Ash was having, her heart was thundering in her chest and both of them were oblivious to the fact that all the Pokémon had stopped and were now staring at the two trainers as they sat in the snow. Ash's arms moved from May's hips and wrapped around her back drawing her closer to him as one of May's hands entangled itself in Ash's hair, when she had tackled Ash to the ground his hat had fallen off and was now lying upside down in the snow.

Inside the Lab Misty and the other girls along with the guys were watching out of a window.

"Mission accomplished." Misty said with a smile as they all exchanged high fives. This had been their plan all along, May had admitted her feelings for Ash by accident to Dawn and she'd passed that bit of gossip to the other girls. Ash had talked to Brock about what he had been feeling and when Misty had told Brock about May's feelings he told her about Ash's. When they all met up for Christmas Misty knew that this was the best time to get Ash and May together, she'd come up with the plan with Serena's help but didn't let May know about it only telling her that it was a game they were going to play.

Ash and May broke their lips contact, they didn't want to but they needed to breathe. They stared into each other's eyes as they panted heavily, their warm breath misting in the cold air.

"May, I…I…" Ash started to say but stopped when May pecked his lips making him stop stuttering.

"I know Ash, I feel the same. I always have." She said kissing him again with more passion then the one they had shared previously, she melted into his arms as she forced all of her feelings into this one moment. Ash was shocked by the power of the kiss but after a couple of seconds he returned it with just as much force letting his emotion flow through him and into May. a minute later their kiss stopped as a shiver ran threw them as the temperature dropped a little lower and snow started to fall again. Flakes managed to slip into the gap around their collars while they were leaning forward to kiss.

They released each other reluctantly and stood up brushing the snow from themselves, May stopped and bent over when she saw Ash's hat on the ground. Once she'd picked it up she stood up again and smiled, holding the hat against her chest. She turned and saw Ash smiling at her but there was worry in his eyes, concerned May took a step towards him.

"Ash, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Well, what are we going to do now?" he replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we just…you know…er…we…" Ash said struggling to speak as embarrassment over took him.

"Kissed." May said knowing what Ash meant but she could feel her heart shaking, seeing the embarrassment on Ash's face. Does he regret it? May thought, He kissed back but why did he do that if he didn't want to? "Ash, do you regret it? Do you want to forget that this happened?" She said looking at the ground, sadness creeping into her voice. She hugged his hat tighter wanting to keep a piece of him with her.

"No, I don't want to forget it and I don't regret it. I like you a lot, more than I could ever say but I just don't know what to do now. May, in a Pokémon battle I know what to do, I'm in control but this sort of thing…." Ash sighed, "I have no idea how to act or what to do. I don't know what happens next and I'm scared. I need your help," he paused and closed the distance between himself and May putting a hand under her chin and raising her head so he could look into her eye. Those beautiful sparkling sapphire eyes he'd fallen for. "May, what do I do?" he said pleadingly.

May put Ash's hat back on his head and spun it around so the peak was pointing backwards. She smiled and wiped her eyes clearing away the beginnings of tears as she smiled brightly while staring into Ash's warm chocolate brown eyes.

"Of course I'll help you. You are my boyfriend now, right?" she said cheerfully but with an undertone of hope in her voice. Ash looked slightly confused.

"I've always been your boyfriend, so's Brock." He said. May facepalmed, this was going to be harder then she thought but quickly thought of a clear way to explain the difference.

"No Ash, Brock is a boy who's a friend, you are a boyfriend."

"What's the difference?" Ash asked, May smiled mischievously.

"I was hoping you'd say that." She said as she wrapped her arms around Ash's neck again and pulled him into another heated kiss. She broke contact with the dazed Ash after a minute and smiled. "Boyfriends and girlfriends do things like that, you don't do it with boy or girls who are friends. We can kiss each other like that but not anyone else, understand now?"

"Yes." Ash squeaked, in shock slightly.

"Alright then let's go inside and get warm." May said taking hold of Ash's hand and gently pulling him towards the Lab, intertwining their fingers. The Pokémon all shrugged and went back to doing whatever they wanted. Pikachu followed behind Ash until he felt something brush against his side, turning he saw Glaceon standing right next to him. He was about to say hello when she licked his cheek and smiled, Pikachu felt a pleasant warmth run through him at the contact. He returned the smile and on impulse licked her cheek causing Glaceon to blush and rub up against him. Pikachu had heard everything May had said to Ash and asked Glaceon a question, like his trainer had feelings for a certain brunette Pikachu had feelings for a certain ice type and decided to act on them.

"Pika PiChu Pikachu PiChuChu?" (Glaceon, would you be my girlfriend?) Glaceon's smile grew wider and she licked Pikachu's nose.

"Glace Glaceon Gla." (Of course I will.) she replied. The two Pokémon brushed against each other and followed their trainers, keeping their tails in contact. (AN think of it as holding hand for Pokémon who don't have hands)

When Ash and May entered the Lab they were greeted by a round of applause. Everyone else was standing in a semicircle in front of them, clapping and smiling.

"It's about time." Dawn said cheerfully with a giggle. Ash and May blushed and gave each other's hand a comforting squeeze. One by one everyone stepped forward and gave Ash and May a hug, Misty explained that the whole game with the mistletoe was just a plan to get Ash and May to confess to each other. When Pikachu and Glaceon walked in with their tails in contact and walking closely side by side, the girls all aww'ed at the sight of them together, though Buneary wasn't too happy about it until she saw Clemont's Bunnelby walking past. May looked around and saw that Max was missing from the group.

"Hey where's Max?" she asked everyone looked round the room but couldn't see him, they then searched the Lab but Max was nowhere to be found. Ash asked Pikachu to go and ask the Pokémon outside to look for Max as well, a few minutes later they all heard Max yell. They ran outside and were just in time to see Max sprinting past with Bonnie closing the distance between them with mistletoe in her hand, May started laughing as Max turned and hid behind her. Bonnie stopped in front of May and smiled sweetly.

"Do you mind?" she asked. An evil light shone in May's eyes as she turned giving Max a protective hug making him think he was safe before turning the hug into an unbreakable hold.

"Go ahead." May laughed as Max struggled in her arms trying to escape but Bonnie quickly moved forward and pecked Max on the cheek. Max's struggles stopped when he felt the contact of her lips on his cheek. Bonnie pulled back and patted Max's cheek gently as she grinned.

"There, that wasn't so bad was it." Bonnie said, Max shook his head, unable to speak as he was still in shock. He took a small step forward standing directly in front of Bonnie, everyone watched in silence not sure what Max was going to do. Slowly he leant forward and lightly kissed Bonnie's cheek shocking everyone before running away from the Lab and back towards the Ketchum's house.

"What just happened?" May asked out loud, "Was that actually Max?"

"I think so." Misty replied, she was about to say something else when a shout interrupted her.


The shout came from Bonnie as she turned to run after Max but was stopped by Dawn and Serena, who each grabbed one of her arms.

"Knew what?" Serena asked.

"When we got here and met everyone Max kept looking at me and he's been doing it for the last couple of days. I knew he liked me and that was the proof I needed." Bonnie broke out of Dawn and Serena's grasp and took off at full speed after Max. May started laughing drawing everyone's attention, they turned towards her with questioning looks on their faces.

"We need to go back to the house now." She said between laughs.

"Why?" Brock asked.

"I don't want to miss what happens when Bonnie catches Max." Realisation dawned on everyone's faces and they started to grin before running back to the house as fast as they could. As they ran May grabbed Ash's hand smiling as she looked at him Ash returned the smile and as he ran down the road surrounded by his friends and holding the hand of his new girlfriend, the girl he loved though he wasn't ready to say it yet he thought only one thing.

Ash had just finished off his second bowl of Mallow's famous Alolan stew. He was just about to start on his third when he and his group of friends were interrupted by Samson Oak, their school's principle.

"Sorry to disturb you all during your weekend but I just received a phone call from my cousin Professor Oak, from the Kanto region and he has invited all of you to his famous Christmas party held at his laboratory in Ash's home of Pallet Town" He announced to his students. Both Ash and Lana's eyes lit up upon hearing this news

"You mean we'll get to see Misty again"? Lana asked

"You mean I get to spend Christmas at home?" Ash asked at the same time as Lana. Mallow couldn't help but laugh at her blue-haired friend.

"Aw, is somebody a little smitten?" She teased

"N-no" Lana denied, growing red in the face, which caused Mallow to giggle even more, until Lillie scolded her for her teasing.

"I can't wait to see what cultural differences there are between Alola and Kanto at Christmas time" Kiawe pondered.

Meanwhile, Ash couldn't contain his excitement anymore and exclaimed joyfully

"I'M GOING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS" wearing a smile that was so infectious his entire group couldn't help but share in his excitement.

"I bet you can't wait, can you Ash?" Ash's RotomDex asked

"Nope, I really can't!" Ash replied.

"I can't either, I get another chance to document all of Kantos Pokemon, I only missed out on one last time and I'm determined to complete my data"

"Well, the good news is we'll be flying out in three days time," Samson Oak told his students which prompted more excited muttering from the group.

"Don't forget, Professor Oak will have someone waiting for you at the airport, have a safe flight honey, love you"

"Okay mum, see you soon, love you too" Ash replied before hanging up the phone.

"Excited to be going home again Ash?" Professor Kukui asked, sitting down next to Ash and handing him his dinner.

"Yeah! I mean, I love it here in Alola, everyone is always so friendly and I've made some awesome new friends but... I do miss home quite a bit" Ash admitted

"Understandable, you are a long way from Kanto, I know how you feel, I felt the same when I travelled to Kanto to take on your gym leaders when I was younger. The adventure was amazing but I would always miss Alola"

"You travelled around Kanto, earning gym badges?" Ash asked

"Yeah, I even travelled with a friend I made... A really tough young trainer named Norman" Kukui admitted

"Norman? Did he come from the Hoeen region?" Ash enquired

"He did yeah, how did you..."

"I beat him when I was in Hoeen and earned his gym badge, I even travelled with his daughter May and his son Max," Ash told him

"Oh wow, it's a small world" Kukui laughed.

Ash, Mallow, Lillie, Lana, Kiawe, Sophocles, Samson Oak and Professor Kukui, along with all of their Pokemon made their way through the airports arrival lounge looking for the person Professor Oak had sent over to pick them up, Ash was hoping it was his mother and Mr. Mime while Lana was secretly hoping that Misty was there to greet them again.

"Hiya... Ash-y boy" a cocky voice greeted from behind the group, a voice that made the hairs on the back of Ash's neck stand up and chills run down his spine. He turned around and came face to face with his worst nightmare. Gary Oak. His rival from pretty much the moment they'd met as children. After Gary exchanged pleasantries with his great-uncle Samson he was introduced to Ash's friends. Ash stayed silent, trying to avoid looking in Gary's direction at all cost.

"It's nice to meet you Gary, are you an old friend of Ash's?" It was Lillie who spoke up first

"Oh yeah, Ash and I go way back" Gary replied, flashing Ash a sly grin.

"I can tell you more stories once we get back to my Grandpa's lab in Pallet Town, come on, I've got a car waiting for us outside" Gary added, gesturing towards the exit. Ash spent the majority of the car in total silence, staring out of the window. Dreading what Gary was going to reveal to his friends about his younger years. He was brought back to his senses by Mallow, prodding her elbow into his ribs

"You okay?" She whispered

"Yeah, I'm fine" He lied

"So that's Gary huh?" She asked

"Yup, great isn't he?" Ash answered, rolling his eyes.

"No, I think he's an ass, he was just boasting about running two male trainers out of a forest because they were sharing a tent"

"Yeah, he's always been that big Mr macho man, alpha male type" Ash confirmed

"Don't worry about anything, your secret is safe with me" Mallow promised.

"Thanks, Mallow, I just wish I could find a way to shut him up, even if it's for a moment" Ash admitted.

Ash and his friends, led by Gary made their way into Professor Oak's laboratory. As Ash walked in his jaw dropped. He and his Alolan friends were the last to arrive and everybody else was already here. There was Misty, Brock, Ritchie, Tracey, May, Max, Drew, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Bianca, Steven, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena. Everybody who he'd ever travelled with throughout his journies through the various regions as well as other friends and rivals he'd made along the way. Tyson, Trip, Paul, Harrison, Bianca and Aria. Also in attendance were Pokemon League Champions, Steven, Cynthia and Diantha. Before Ash could open his mouth to greet everyone, Lana pushed past him and made a beeline straight towards Misty.

"Well that didn't take her long" Mallow giggled

"So Ash... I take it you've told all your new friends all about how you know the amazing Gary Oak?" Gary asked, turning to face Ash

"I'd been planning on it, just never got around to it" Ash muttered

"Oh. Okay, have you told them about how you used to wet the bed every night?" Gary asked, obviously trying to embarrass Ash. Before he could answer back Mallow replied with gritted teeth

"So what if he did, I used too, so did a lot of kids" Gary looked at Mallow for a second before returning his focus back to Ash

"Aw, looks like you've found yourself a girlfriend, about time too, I was beginning to think you was more of a fairy type than Flabebe" Gary smirked before walking away. Ash hung his head, letting Gary get to him again like he had done all his life. He felt a number of hands on his back and shoulders as his Alolan friends showed their support for him

"Forget about him Ash" Lillie comforted.

"Thanks, guys" Ash muttered.

The next night while Professor Oak's Christmas Party was in full swing Ash, Misty, Mallow, Lana and Brock were stood in a corner. Mallow explaining to Lana, Brock and Misty what had taken place between Ash and Gary yesterday.

"So he's still a massive jerk then" Misty muttered

"Are you okay Ash?" Brock asked, noticing that Ash had not taken his eyes off of Gary all evening. Unbeknownst to the others, Ash was formulating a plan, one that would shut Gary up (or that was Ash's hope anyway.) He glanced up at the ceiling and spotted a sprig of mistletoe. With a confident smirk, he stepped forward, ready to put his plan into action

"Yeah, I'll be back in a moment," He told his friends. He marched over towards Gary, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him underneath the mistletoe.

"What are you doing?" Gary demanded

"You know I was thinking about what you said yesterday and... You're right... I am a bit of a "Fairy type" but so are you" Ash answered, throwing Gary's insult from yesterday back at him before forcefully pressing his lips against Gary's. He pulled away and left Gary stood under the mistletoe, dumbfounded and speechless. Ash walked back to where Misty, Brock, Lana and Mallow were stood

"I think that shut him up" Ash smirked. it did lana said bonnie came up to him and asked if she could talk to him in private about a boy he said ok he went and told her to say what's in your heart and if he doesn't like you like that you can come to me or lana she said ok he went back to lana and asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes would love to be his girlfriend

he asked her if she wonte to go on a journey with him and she said yes

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