
All for One

"Beep Beep Mates! We're done!"

The loud voice of Demetrius filled the gym with its echoes. It was then soon followed by several exhausted huffs, short breaths, and thirst for water.

Every one was in their depths of death.

But Elliot never seems to get rid of his wide smile. A very genuine smile at that.

The did it. They hecking did it. Though it was in a very long period of hours, them reaching as it was not morning next day, they still managed to do it. Owlers and Raizel, got their core enhance for once!

He never did expect it. As much to his nature of not expecting too much as he will only be disappointed.

But then, he is indeed very happy they can finally enhance their own body, spirit, and core.

It was very terrific to Elliot eyes everytime he feels that their manas are going out of their core, them not being able to control it.

Of course, their actions today was not very well compared to the average. They only managed to control their manas for a bit. But contrary for a beginner, they're fucking awesome then.

Owlers did live up to their names.

But as those hours passed of them just doing the very same thing, they're exhausted to sleep. But Elliot having his energy and stamina well kept, only wants a goody shorty nap.

It was morning already. The simple minded Tasia should have thought he abandoned them already. That made Elliot wants to go back to the orphanage already. But first, he looks at the scene in front of him, everyone was breathing very hard their hearts in a very fast palpitations.

They were laying in the floor their arms behind supporting their bodies.

Elliot's smile soon faded, but the joy was still within him.

"You guys, pretty good job, now get up, get up.."

He orders. Where some of them didn't have the interest to do it. They were very tired that they can just sleep at the floor. After all, it's a well built gymnasium that you can sleep everywhere comfortably.

"Cmon now, your wasting time," A grunt then was made from Elliot's voice.

Raizel, like the very docile man he is, slowly stands up feeling the hardwork he had done. A very obedient dog like man.

The others, 04 and 06, Kennedy and Grey, which are the very docile guys in the group too, follows in, still breathing, calming themselves.

After some seconds, others seeing the guys who have stand up, soon followed.

Elliot then glance at them each. Hiding the glint that was brimming in his emerald green eyes. Much like Harry's, to his annoyance.

He smirked, mischievous aura surrounding him.

He slowly got their attentions, as they now stared at him waiting for his instruction.

".........." After some few silence-

"Fight me"

That was the only sole words that were heard in the building.

Some of them even not aware of what he said as they're too apathetic, focused on their recovery.

But those who grasp his words were baffled, incredulity in them, as they look like they were just insulted.

'Is he looking down on us?' Perhaps half of them thought. No one really knew what Elliot's ability is. Exceptions for the first Owlers that were recruited, Ezmond 01, and, Ezekiel 02. And of course, the very loyal Raizel, the very first guy Elliot fought.

Thus, the other half didn't even know why they're being so obedient to the little 'kid'. He seems knowledgeable, and intelligent, as what they say. But they never did saw him showcase his powers. And as much as people would think so, kids wouldn't have the power to defeat them each would they? Theyre just being obedient as what Raizel, the man they did take interest on and maybe idoled, as he's pretty popular in both underworld and Wizarding World, ordered them to follow his orders always. And also, there job is good. There was not much of illegal task, except the very own company. But not what they didn't want. As an Owler, they're just always in availability, just waiting for orders to be made. With not that much work, they still get payed. And this is one of the few time they actually got ordered.

That's why some of them looks pretty mocked. The prideful ones.

Then the witty Owler, 07, the teenager, spoke.


It was a simple question. The others stared at him, must be because it wasn't particularly a good question. They all thought it should be 'You? Fight you?' or maybe, 'Can you even handle us?'

But then, his question indeed would brought out more answers. Indeed an intelligent one.

Elliot snorted jokingly, "What? In terms of your looks.. you all are offended aren't ya?" He says as others were in complete agreement to him, but not making it obvious.

"Whatever, you guys are 'tired' right? You could handle a 'weak' kid like me duh....."

"Of course, I can use any weapons I want, you guys only using your wands or hands, for my advantage 'of course'..." Elliot's smirk further widens. As he tempted them with the 'fair' offer. He gave himself more advantage, as they would likely to accept it because it's then fair.

Honestly, Elliot won't indeed win with everyone of them. One on One? Sure, but not 7 to 1....

But as he said, they're indeed tired. It can be the 'weak' Elliot's advantage.

Additionally, with their experience with spells, they, Owlers, are obviously at advantage. But Elliot is planning to use everything he got, swordmanship, martial arts, and of course, wandless magic. They didn't knew that yet. Even Raizel, and the two Owlers, Ezmond and Ezekiel. When they fought, Elliot was much more weaker as it was already a year ago. He only managed to win by using his advance sword arts and martial arts as he didn't practice spells yet.

Turning to the two, Ezmond and Ezekiel, with their defeat a year ago, after training so hard with the embarrassment, they're now pretty sure they would win. After all, they have another whole set of 5 to accompany them. They were the confident ones. So they didn't bother being insulted nor offended. They just want to fight him again. And they were the few ones who was jolly after Elliot said that. Unlike to the other ones who are still trying to process Elliot's word.

But why fight now in this particular time?

With their mana temporarily close off in their cores without spilling, it would be the most effective time to use spells, as no waste is being taken. Which this is an disadvantage to Elliot. But he never cared. He's confident.

Now then, Elliot just stand there waiting for their answer. As the crimson haired, 05, Richard made his way to him.

"Give your best then," Richard said with casualties. What Elliot likes, instead of 'sir' or 'master' or any formal things. This guy indeed have the guts.

"Only if you were too..." Elliot peeked at the others, who seems to stare at him back curiously shimmering in interest.

Richard gone back, as the now recovered Owlers gone into their formation. In a moon shape manner, cornering Elliot as he is in the center. Raizel didn't join in, as much as to Elliot's dissatisfaction. But the fight was starting in now. There was not time to bother.

Elliot's wandless magic, summoned his red black word. Crafted with one of the finest swordsmiths out there. Accompanied with a red fabric in the end, a thing his master have given Elliot for remembrance. Others were surprised. But quickly got rid of it. Thinking it was just some basic 'Accio' spell.

Elliot smiled. That smile fading as he turned a poker serious face. Not one hint of movement is seen, nor any action to be made predicted by the witty Owlers in his face. Which are likely to be observed by such fighters. As it can give some hints. Like, if the opponent is peeking at the right side, it might be the place he will go into. Or maybe continues sways to the side, another hint that it's the place he might go. But here, Elliot was just egoistic, confidently blinding them.

The Owlers smiled.

"One..." Raizel started counting. Gulping as he doesn't know who will win.

"Two," Some Owlers smirked, they knew they were going to win this.

"Three...." At the final count everyone got into their position hardened.

"GO!" The hard voice of Raizle calls out...They were done. Elliot thought so.

The Owlers came up to Elliot, only for him to vanish in thin air. Everyone was looking for him, up, down, right, left, only to be hit by sharp blade in their backs. Some countered it with their bulky hands, some with defense spells.

'He already knows short distance apparition?'

Raizel was standing their guessing. As no move can be seen by a muggle eyes. It was very fast. Several things were happening in mere seconds.

With Elliot in their back, they, Owlers, started casting in wandless magic. The Owlers gave out some normal hexes, Elliot complete firing them back, some he dodge, some he don't. Countering it with a light ball in his hands, glowing, blinding to the eyes, and it wasn't some sort of Lumos, or any spells that they have seen that lasted out that long. More importantly, countering the spells and defending its host, what magic is this?

'Is it simple magic?'

The calculative 07 thoughts out. It was the topic they discussed before all along...

it's 4 am without sleep...

How fucked is your sleeping schedule? I'm in ponyphonic or something like that.

creators' thoughts
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