
EPISODE 98: Chaos Regime!

"Domination and Superiority, that's what they're up to..." Officer Jenny spoke with a soft voice while reading a yellow folder in a closed room. The room was pitch-black with only one lamp, and no one was there except for officer Jenny.

It's been weeks now, since Detective Looker, the head or general of the Pokemon Police Department was kidnapped by the notorious Chaos Regime. It was uncertain to me, but now it's all clear.

Why become a mayor if you can become a president? Why become a president of you can become a king? Why not an emperor, ruling over a dynasty? Why not a God, ruling over the Earth?

The fallen king wishes to harness the power of the Gods, he wants to be the most intolerable, severe, and the most powerful being on Earth. With the power of the Gods, no one will dare revolt against his rule.

A lot of tales tell us about evil beings conquering this prosperous land of ours. There are those who seek for fortune and fame, recreation and rebirth, but why do all that if you are a God?

The Chaos regime has been hiding in the shadows for almost a decade, it's time for them to show their true glory, their true power, their true colors.

"Gen45B and Gen46A, these are one of the most powerful Pokemons in this world," Elanor reported on their conference which took place at the CRC Chaos Regime Castle.

"Though, the names Gen45 and Gen46A are just code names right? Meaning, they have a true name?" Commander Nyx of the Chaos regime queried.

"That is correct, they have their true forms. One of them was created in a bio lab somewhere in the Kanto region, while the other? Was created in a bio lab in the Unova Region." Elanor explained.

"So, you're saying that these two professors stole those Pokemons from their respective regions? They weren't the ones who created it?" Commander Hemera queried.

"No, they didn't steal anything. They borrowed those Pokemons and upgraded them into biological weapons." Commander Luna answered with confidence.

"Those two Pokemons have the power to open the Ultra Wormhole and the Distortion world, by capturing the so-called 'Gen Pokemons' or the 'Generation Pokemons' I could release them unto this world, and I shall harness its power," Arville explained.

"The enemy of the light, and the God of the Distortion World? What about the other Gods?" Commander Zylon queried.

"We'll use Mount Alympus, after capturing the generation Pokemons, it's time to fulfill the judgment prophecy, but once that happens, I'll be there to capture Arceus, Giratina, and Dialga. I do not care about the so-called bearer of the rings, as long as he is on his lamp, no one else can stop me." Arville uttered.

"What about the traitor? She'll definitely come for you." The strongest commander, commander Stella queried.

"I may no longer have access to her mind, but I still have access to her heart. I will force her to return, and there's nothing she can do." Arville explained.

"Your majesty, shall I call all available units, is this the time to show ourselves to the public?" Elanor queried.

"Yes, include all elite forces, and brigandage authorities. Once the moon rises to the center, everybody shall be gathered. Tonight is the start of phase one of Operation Alpha." Arville uttered and commanded.

"Your bidding shall be done my king, the whole regime salutes you," Elanor uttered and left the room.

"Once operation Alpha is complete, we shall proceed to Operation Omega. My body boils with the gales of darkness, with the Shadow Veils we are risen!" Arville uttered with determination and encouragement as their banner rolls out in the center of the room.

"Commanders, you are all dismissed for now, take a good rest and report to me later," Arville uttered slowly.

Arville, the fallen king shall be risen with the shadow veils. An ominous and dreadful force that strengthens the king. The time is now, the time is right, what could phase one of operation Alpha be?

Slowly and steadily the moon rises to the center, with the king and queen preparing to enter. All units, and elite forces gather at the announcement hall. The twilight announcement must be heard, once it's done? Phase one shall occur.

Every unit was aligned per row and column, they each held their weapons high and mighty across the night sky. From the announcement hall which is located in a large dome lies a powerful weapon in the center. this weapon harnesses the moonlight once the moon is at the center.

The trumpets played and their attentions were caught. The wooden doors from their balcony slowly opened as the hymn of the Chaos Regime was played.

Every unit sang the hymn coming from their heart, it was obvious that these units were once trainers with great dreams, shattered into pieces by false tales.

The doors were finally unlocked and the five commanders came out to the balcony. Zylon, Hemera, Nyx, Luna, and Stella, the elemental commanders. Why elemental? Their Pokemon depends on the type given to them. After the Elemental Commanders, the Executive came out and spoke to the crowd.

"Today, the time has arrived for the twilight announcement to take place. Phase one of Operation Alpha shall begin, as the weapon we created while hiding in the shadows shall be fully operational." Elanor announced.

"Now, may I present you to Arville and her queen!" Elanor uttered and left the balcony as Arville and the queen walked towards the balcony.

The king held his queen, while the queen held her king. They sat on the two thrones which were located in the balcony, as the five elemental commanders saluted followed by the salute of the executive. The units saluted afterward and everybody turned silent.

"Listen to the king's announcement, those who disobey the law of the shadow veils shall be killed instantly. Yes, you heard right, kill not faint." Elanor warned.

Everybody opened their ears as Arville stood up from his throne and held the railings on the Balcony. He began to speak with dignity and refinement while the moon was in its center.

"The Shadow Veils, shines with twilight over us. It whispers to our ear, mind and soul that the time is right. Most of us were abandoned, left alone, by evil men like them!" Arville started to utter gently as his tone slowly raised.

"Evil men, with no ambition, no righteousness, no value and moral! Evil men who destroy themselves while we gain energy from the shadow veils!" Arville increased his tone.

"Look at the world around you, you see nothing but greed... power, wealth and envy, the world has no righteous leader, the world has no morals and dignity. The world is dirty but they call us filthy!?" Arville slowly shouts in rage.

"Look around you... they fear us, they do not want us to reveal the truth about themselves. Those people out there need a leader, they need a God" Arville uttered calmly.

"The world must be reborn to a new era without greed and thirst for their hideous ambitions. Arceus doesn't listen to them, he listens to us! I will be that leader, I will be that God who will reborn this world!" Arville yells towards the crowd.

"This world must die as a new one opens. This world must die with all those ambitious champions, they are all the same across the entire world, they all fight for the title and end up hurting themselves."

"For many years I used to have a dream, a common dream just like any other trainer, I wanted to become a Pokemon Master. One night, a Pokemon appeared in front of me and asked me my wish. For years, I believed in Jirachi but my wish was never answered. I was still weak, a feeble and mindless being. I watched innocent people battle for titles, people who kill each other, people thirst for money and opposition. Look at the Kanto Region, their elite four are arrogant beings, look at the Hoenn region, the sea and the land fought against each other. Look at the Sinnoh region, the Gods fought with each other. Look at the Unova region, they combined their truths and ideals, look at the Kalos region, they tried to uphold the two governing forces."

"The world needs a redeemer, and I'll be that redeemer!" Arville shouted.

"Hail Arville!" The crowd and the commanders shouted.

"Tonight, we shall awaken the minds of the people, we shall show them that the true God is angry. I am the true God, I will become that true God!" Arville shouted as the weapon suddenly opened. What could they be planning to do?

"Tonight, famous landmark across the world shall be destroyed into ashes. I will deliberate them from existence, as we, the Chaos Regime shows the world it's true color. We shall show them the power of a God!" Arville shouted as the weapon began to heat.

"The Indigo Plateau in the Kanto Region!" A beam of light came out from the weapon and charged towards the Kanto region.

"The Tower of Ho-oh in the Johto region!" Another beam of light came out from the weapon and charged towards the Johto region.

"Mt. Chimney in the Hoenn region!" Another beam of light came out from the weapon and charged towards the Hoenn region.

"Lake Acuity in the Sinnoh region!" Another beam of light came out from the weapon and charged towards the Sinnoh region.

"Dragon Spiral Tower in the Unova region!" Another beam of light came out from the weapon and charged towards the Unova region.

"The Tower of Mastery in the Kalos region!" Another beam of light came out from the weapon and charged towards the Kalos region.

"The Wela Volcano in the Alola region!" Another beam of light came out from the weapon and charged towards the Alola region.

"And the Giant's cap at the Galar region!" Another beam of light came out from the weapon and charged towards the Galar region.

"Phase one is complete, the world shall soon question who was behind all of these chaotic events, and I will be there to tell them as a God. Let another Pokemon war begin, while this region sleeps, for now, once I become a God I shall stop the war and the world shall be reborn!" Arville shouted.

"Hail Arville!" The crowd shouted.

"Phase two shall commence in three days time, we shall walk towards the Cavern of the deep, I shall capture the generation Pokemons, they shall unleash the Gods of the two realms (Ultra wormhole, and Distortion world.) for me, and I shall harness their power. Once I harness all the power of the Gods I shall finally be the one true God. I will have the power to redeem this forsaken and barren land. Let the people fight!" Arville shouted.

"Officer Jenny, you have to come see this!" An officer shouted in panic and dragged the officer outside.

A lot of people were still awake that night, they were looking worried sick as they saw the beam of lights emitted by the Chaos regime. Eight beams, eight regions, eight wars. Once the eight regions goes to war, Arville shall be a God and redeem the whole world.

"Oh my..." Officer Jenny looked through the twilight skies as the beam passed through the region. The eight beams were able to hit all eight landmarks.

People started to scream and shout in horrific pain. But why start Chaos? Why let the eight regions fight? What is the purpose of this? The answer shall be revealed soon.

"Evacuate the area!" The officers ordered at their respective region as the fire grew at the different landmarks. The trees burned to the ground, as the eight regions come to a question.

Who did this? And why?

The Laurenburg region stays safe as a team Chaos proceeds to phase two of operation Alpha. For now, the eight regions are in troubling scenarios, would they blame the other regions? If they do, that would start a new Pokemon war!

"Once the people fight against each other, they'll be looking for a God to repent to, I'll be that God!" Arville shouted.

Everybody awake during that night was shocked. They began to feel uneasy as Operation Alpha takes place.

If there are any confusions or gobbledygooks, the story is still far from the climax, the answer will be revealed slowly as the story progresses.

Thank you for those who read my book.

NotUsecreators' thoughts
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