
EPISODE 61: Bone Thrilling Events!

The morning flower dazzles across the cerulean sky. The diaphanous clouds float with panache and grace, bringing joy to everyone who sees it. The luxuriant grass blare with the melody of the wind. The leaves dance to the beat of the breeze while people and Pokemons are out to play.

On a small patch of grass, lies a Pokemon with hazel skin. It had a short tail, cramped toes, and blunt claws. It wears the skull of her begotten mother. Cubone pines for the mother it will never see again. Seeing a likeness of its mother in the full moon, it cries. The stains on the skull the Pokémon wears are made by the tears it sheds. ... If it is sad or lonely, the skull it wears shakes, and emits a plaintive and mournful sound.

Cubone cavorts on the small patch of grass, playing peacefully and humbly by itself. As time passes by, cubone finally stopped and rest. It placed down its bone near a flower-filled with elegance. The bone was blown by the wind, and rushed down through a waterfall. The bone floated on a nearby stream until a man in a white coat saw the bone drifting by. The man in a white coat took the bone and placed it on his bone collections.

Cubone returned to pick up its bone but once it arrived at the flower, the bone was missing. Cubone cried harshly for its lost bone, it tried to check the are but had no luck at all. Cubonge gave up and sat down on the luxuriant grass, crying and mourning for its lost bone.

And my friends were walking down the isle, when suddenly we saw the poor fella crying and mourning. We heard Cubone's screams and mourns, so I decided to scan it with my Pokedex.

[Cubone! The lonely Pokemon! A ground type. It wears the skull of its dead mother on its head. When it becomes lonesome, it is said to cry loudly.]

"Aw, poor fella. I would cry for ages if my mother died." Zhery pitied the lonely Pokemon.

"Then, why don't we comfort the poor little Cubone?" Camellia suggested.

"You know what? That's a great idea... Whenever someone loses their loved ones, they must be comforted."Glade smiled and agreed with Camellia.

We went closer to Cubone but it shivered with fear, it hid behind a small bush, staring at us with a frightened face.

"It's alright Cubone, we're not here to hurt you, in fact... We're here to help you." I explained with an intoned voice.

Cubone still shivered in fear, Zhery tried to comfort the poor fella by giving it some Pinap berries.

"Here Cubone, have some of these! They're delicious, I promise." Zhery smiled towards the Cubone.

Cubone slowly extended its hand and reached for the Pinap Berry. It took a small bite on the berry, as it gobbled the berry... Cubone began to smile, it wasn't scared nor frightened of us anymore, so it decided to play with us.

We sent out our Pokemons to play with Cubone. Cubone totally forgot that it lost its bone. The lonely Pokemon enjoyed our company, except for Absol who looks scary like the dark sky. Absol tried to befriend the lonely Pokemon but Cubone kept on running away.

"That Pokemon despises me!" Absol spoke telepathically.

"Maybe Cubone thinks your scary." Camellia teased and laughed.

"What!? I am many things, but I'm not scary!" Absol spoke telepathically.

Absol tried to chase Cubone, but Cubone was hard to catch as it continued to run away from Absol.

As Cubone ran, it saw the small flower-filled with elegance. It suddenly stopped running and remembered its bone. Absol wasn't able to stop quickly and accidentally bumped Cubone.

Cubone cried like a newly born baby, but for what cost? The bone? or the accident?

"Alright Absol, I think you played too rough this time," Camellia uttered.

"The Pokemon suddenly stopped running, I was shocked and unable to stop right away." Absol explained telepathically.

"Since you were the one who made Cubone cry, now you have to calm it down," Camellia instructed with an intone voice.

"Fine..." Absol rolled his eyeballs as it went to the crying Pokemon. Absol tried to do funny expressions but the Pokemon didn't stop crying.

"Stop crying! What do you want!?" Absol uttered telepathically with annoyance.

"I don't want to play anymore, my bone is missing..." Cubone explained with a solemn voice.

"Are kidding me!? You have 206 bones in your body! Just get another one from your body and your problem is solved!" Absol suggested and teased.

"But that bone belonged to my mother..." Cubone complained.

"Then, why don't we visit your mother's grave, I'll dig up her body and you can take another bone from her ribs or legs, or wherever you want." Absol teased.

"But I don't know where my mother died..."

"Seriously!? What natural law does your specie apply?" Absol queried sarcastically.

"What's natural law?" Cubone queried.

"You don't need to know, just find your mother's body and savage her bones." Absol teased not knowing that Cubone would cry even louder after what she did.

"Seriously!? You're crying again? I gave you suggestions! I can rip off your body and get another bone for you if you want." Absol teased.

"That's not a nice joke Absol..." Kirlia uttered as she stumbled across Absol and Cubone while practicing her Psychic powers, and her legs.

"What? My jokes are good, they're also funny." Absol objected.

"Your jokes scare me Absol, try making a funny one," Kirlia suggested.

"What's scary about ripping Pokemon's ribs?" Absol queried in confusion.

"Only serial killers rip off Pokemon ribs. Now Cubone thinks your a serial killer." Kirlia teased.

'So... Cubone thinks I'm a murderous, savage, blood drenching being!?" Absol feared.

"No... Your jokes are..." Kirlia laughed.

"Fine... Hey Kirlia, since your here... Why don't you help me find Cubone's bone." Absol suggested.

"Yeah sure! I can practice my Psychic powers along the way." Kirlia smiled and tried to walk but stumbled into Absol again.

"You're paraplegic aren't you?" Absol queried.

"Yeah... but at least my I'm getting used to controlling my legs."

"Alright! Let's go... Cubone! We'll find your bone." Absol smiled.

"I want to come... please..." Cubone begged.

"No, you stay here! Play with the other Pokemons." Absol suggested.

"But... please let me come! Please!" Cubone begged as its eyes sparkled.

"Absol, just say yes... You can't resist Cubone's cute eyes." Kirlia suggested.

"Oh fine! Come on Cubone... But behave or I'll literally rip off your ribs and drink your blood. I shall paint the moon with your blood, and your skull will be mine!" Absol teased hoping that Cubone would laugh.

Cubone cried harder than before.

"Umm, I think Cubone thinks your a Psychopath." Kirlia teased.

"What? Of course I won't hurt Cubone! It was a joke for crying out loud!" Absol uttered with frustration.

"I told you, your jokes are dark and scary... They're creeping me out too. Why would you rip of Cubone's rib?" Kirlia complained.

"Fine! Cubone behave... If not! I'll splatter your body with rainbows!" Absol teased.

"Is that joke funny now?" Absol surveyed.

"Um, yeah... just avoid the word splatter... blood... moon... darkness, and etc," Kirlia suggested and smiled.

Kirlia, Absol, and Cubone left the area and went on a grand bone hunt! While they were looking for the bone, Cubone started to cry.

"What's wrong Cubone?" Kirlia queried.

"I'm hungry..." Cubone smiled like a baby and begged for food.

"You see that Sudowoodo over there Cubone? Drench its blood and eat its meat." Absol teased and made Cubone cry again.

"That wasn't funny again, I told you... Avoid using the word blood!" Kirlia recalled.

"It was just a joke! Of course Cubone won't literally savage that Sudowoodo. That's against the Pokemon natural law." Absol explained.

Kirlia saw an oran berry hanging on the tree, so with the use of her Psychic powers... Kirlia controlled the berry with her mind. The berry slowly descended into Cubone's hand.

"There you go Cubone..." Kirlia smiled and patted Cubone's skull.

Cubone gobbled the berry and it felt energetic again! They continued to look for Cubone's bone. It's funny how me and my friends didn't notice that Cubone, Kirlia, and Absol were gone. I guess we were having too much fun that we forgot about them.

As they traveled through the forest, Cubone cried again.

"What is this time feeble being?" Absol teased. Cubone cried even louder.

"Feeble is not the right word to use." Kirlia corrected.

"I'm thirsty..." Cubone complained.

"Do you drink blood?" Absol teased to the crying Cubone.

"Nobody drinks blood, everybody drinks water... Now let's go look for a pond." Kirlia corrected.

The three of them looked for a nearby pond, stream, or brook but they couldn't find anything. Until Kirlia, saw the waterfalls.

Cubone quickly rushed into the waterfalls and took a sip. Kirlia and Absol were thirsty too so they decided to drink alongside with Cubone. Cubone was innocently drinking water when all of a sudden, the wind blew Cubone towards the waterfall. The current was too strong, and if no one saves Cubone? It'll be the end of Cubone's life as it falls down the waterfall.

"Absol! Cubone is about to fall!" Kirlia warned.

"At least it'll get to join its mother in the afterlife and we can go back to our respective trainers." Absol teased.

"Just accept it Absol, your bad when it comes to jokes." Kirlia teased.

"Well that, I can agree on! Let's go save Cubone!" Absol uttered with encouragement.

Absol quickly jumped in to save Cubone. The current was still strong, it dragged Absol and Cubone. Kirlia was trying to keep up with Absol by running on the sides, but from time to time... Kirlia stumbled.

Absol was able to grab Cubone by biting its hand but Absol couldn't handle the current.

"Kirlia! Help, The current is too strong!" Absol shouted as she slowly descended underwater.

"I'm coming!" Kirlia shouted and stumbled across the rock. Kirlia closed her eyes, she tried to do what Wormadam told her... "Balance the light and the dark." Kirlia tried her best to control her powers...

"This is no time for yoga Kirlia!" Absol shouted as she tried to escape the current. Cubone and Absol were approaching the edge of the waterfall!

"Balance... Balance..." Kirlia uttered on her mind. She began to float up across the sky.

"Kirlia? What are you doing!? Your the Psychopath!" Absol shouted as she and Cubone approached the edge.

Kirlia opened her eyes and a veil of darkness exploded out into the atmosphere as it slowly dissolved.

Absol was shocked by Kirlia's Psychic powers. Kirlia began to control the water, slowly by slowly... the droplets began to rise.

Below the waterfalls, a man with a white coat saw Kirlia floating and controlling the water with her mind. The man got shocked and decided to take a closer look.

The droplets continued to rise until not a single one was left on the stream towards the waterfall. Absol and Cubone were able to go back to shore. The droplets were combined to form one big water droplet. The man observed behind the tree.

"I... I can't believe it!? I've never seen such power for a long time." Absol uttered on her mind.

The trees started to sway toward Kirlia, the morning flower was covered with thick clouds. The wind got stronger as the droplet got bigger. It was like, Kirlia forced a storm to happen... Kirlia's power was getting out of hand!

Slowly by slowly, the droplet turned black... Absol is a dark type, she knew that Kirlia's power was getting out of hand. The darkness surpassed the light.

"Kirlia! Control your powers! Balance the light from the dark!" Absol shouted but Kirlia didn't listen.

From the sky above... A portal started to open, it was somehow color blue and something was coming out.

The man uttered to his mind. "How could such Pokemon open up an ultra wormhole?"

"Kirlia! You're about to unleash grave darkness unto this planet! Control your powers!" Absol shouted.

The sky started to glitch as a black Pokemon descended from an ultra wormhole?

Me and my friends started to see rain descend. The winds were getting stronger but we couldn't see the so-called ultra wormhole. That's when we started to notice that Absol, Kirlia and Cubone were missing. We tried to look around the area even though it started to rain.

"Kirlia! Snap out of it! You're about to kill us all!" Absol shouted as the black Pokemon descended. The man observed the event, he took out his notebook and listed his observation.

"That Pokemon can open ultra wormholes with her Psychic powers, but... how!?" The man queried.

Absol had no choice but to attack Kirlia. Absol used her dark powers and tried to close the portal but Kirlia's power tried to keep the portal open.

:NEC!!!! The black Pokemon shouted as it slowly descended.

Absol's eyes turned black... Her true powers came out from the shadows. Absol forced the portal to close, Kirlia forced the portal to open. It was a battle of fierce powers! The dark against the light. Kirlia started to wake up, she saw the descending Pokemon. Kirlia's powers weakened and Absol closed the portal.

Kirlia fell from the sky but Absol was able to catch her, the sky cleared and the water returned to the stream. The winds started to sleep and the trees stopped swaying. It turned into a normal day as the morning flower appeared.

Kirlia was shocked by her powers. She felt worried that her powers may cause destruction.

Absol was about to touch Kirlia but Kirlia dodged.

"Don't touch me... I might hurt you." Kirlia worried and cried in anxiety.

Absol pitied Kirlia as she shivered in fear. She tried to comfort the shivering Kirlia but Kirlia lost confidence in herself. Her biggest fear is that she might even hurt me.

"My bone..." Cubone uttered as it reminded Absol about the bone.

The man in a white coat came out from the tree and complemented Kirlia.

"Amazing! I never knew that a Pokemon could do that." the man uttered.

"Who are you, and what are you planning to do?" Absol spoke telepathically.

"I was trying to look for a Cubone who lost its bone." the man explained as he showed the bone. Cubone was excited, he tried to reach for the bone.

"Here... Don't lose it again!" the man gave the bone to cubone and patted its head.

"Now, tell me... Why are you hear aside from Cubone's bone." Absol spoke telepathically while trying to protect Kirlia.

"I came to watch Kirlia, I thought that only Bio weaponized Pokemons such as Gen45B and Gen46A could open such portals." the man explained.

"Kirlia's power is beyond comprehension. You see, Gen45B and Gen46A are the strongest Psychic Pokemons created in this world. They could open ultra wormholes, just like what Kirlia did." The man added.

"Before I leave, I want to ask Kirlia to watch out. There are people looking for the two Bio weaponized Pokemons to open ultra wormholes. If they knew that you can open wormholes? They'll surely chase you." The man warned as he slowly walked out of the stream.

"Absol... I'm scared, what if my trainer gets hurt because of me?" Kirlia feared.

"From now on, I'll help you control your powers. Since Cubone found his bone... Let's head back to camp. Our trainers are surely waiting for us. Cubone was happy that it got its bone back. Kirlia on the other hand feared that she may open an ultra wormhole, but what is an ultra wormhole?

The three of them arrived back to camp. I saw Kirlia and quickly rushed to her. I knelt down and hugged her.

"Kirlia, where have you been? I was looking for you." I scolded.

"We... we helped Cubone find its bone," Kirlia uttered solemnly.

"Why do you look sad Kirlia?" I queried as I hugged her tightly.

"Just return me to my Pokeball please..." Kirlia begged as tears fell off her eyes. She was deeply traumatized after that bone-thrilling event! I had no choice but to follow Kirlia's pleading and returned her to her Pokeball.

Camellia scolded Absol, but Absol repented. Camellia had a warm heart and quickly forgave Absol. Since everybody was back, we decided to leave our regards to Cubone. Cubone smiled and covert as it waved goodbye.

Kirlia cried in her Pokeball. What if her powers go out of control again? What if she opened the so-called ultra wormhole? Or what if she hurts me?

Who was the black Pokemon descending from the sky?

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