
EPISODE 26: Old friends meet again

Awhile ago this morning I, Zhery, and Glade arrived at Covelry town only to be greeted by a Rampaging Rampardos! Rampardos escaped from Professor Bellice's laboratory after losing to a fight between Rampardos and a Golem. We helped officer Jenny who came after hearing on the news about the rampaging Rampardos! Rampardos fell asleep thanks to officer Jenny's Ivysaur. From there, Rampardos was secured back in the lab while the three of us met Professor Bellice and a familiar new trainer named Camellia.

After that stressful rampage, Professor Beatrice treated all of us to a nearby cafe in the town, it was also a reward for helping her out in taking down Rampardos.

"So Kalem, how many badges do you have?" Professor Bellice queried.

"Badges? Well the truth is, that me and my friends were passing Covalry town to reach Norva city so I can win my first gym badge." I explained.

"Ahh I see, So you're going to take part in the Pokemon league are you?"

"Yes professor, but I'm also on my journey to find my parents..." I bewailed.

"You mean Professor Lyra and Professor Cypress?" Professor Bellice asked?

"Yeah, At first I thought that they were dead, but a vision came in the form of a ring, it showed that my parents and Glade's parents were still alive," I explained.

"Now I see, well wherever you are I bid you three good luck!" The professor conversed.

"Oh I forgot to ask a question, but Camellia, how did you meet Kalem?" Zhery queried.

"Me and Kalem were classmates when I was preschool. Right Kalem?"

"Oh yeah, Camellia was my classmate only until preschool because they moved to Covelry town," I added.

"Amazing! So you two were classmates?" Glade queried.

"The truth is, me and Kalem have been best friends since the day he helped me," Camellia explained as she got something from her bag and showed it to me.

"Kalem, do you remember this shard?" Camellia asked as she showed me a familiar rock.

I tried to recall the shard that Camellia showed me, then something came up in my mind.

"Isn't that the shard that fell on your leg?" I queried.

"Wh... What are you two talking about" Glade queried?

"You see, when I was in preschool, I lurked into a forest, it began to rain so I went to a small cave, when all of a sudden a small shard but sharp shard fell on my left arm. I cried for help but no one was in the forest except me, at least that is what I thought. Later after the rain stop, when all hope was lost, a young boy playing with a butterfree saw me injured. So he quickly rushed towards me and removed the shard, then wrapped leaves around my wound. And that's when I met Kalem..." Camellia explained.

"Afterwards, I and Camellia started to play together until we became best friends. But they had to leave Aulburg town because they were going to move to Covelry town." I added.

"Oh, so that's how you met each other..." Zhery concluded.

"Hey, I have an idea! Why not the both of you battle, Kalem, and Camellia?" Professor Bellice suggested.

"M... Me? Battle Kalem? But I'm just a beginner." Camellia excused.

"Then that's why we have to battle, so you can experience what a battle is all about! So what do you say Camelia? Should we battle?" I beamed.

"Umm... Alright, but don't expect me to win."

"And I, professor Bellice will be the referee, come on! Let's go the back of the cafe, I heard that there's a battlefield right there."

All of us went to the Cafe's backyard for my battle against my old best friend Camelia.

"This will be a one on one Pokemon battle, the battle ends if either Pokemon of either trainer has fainted or has been knocked out. Please choose your Pokemon!" professor Bellice proclaimed.

"Alright Zorua let's go!"

"Fennekin this is our first battle together, so make it great!" We called each other's Pokemon out.

"So Kalem has a Zorua..." Camellia dictated in her mind.

"So Fennekin is Camellia's starter Pokemon!" I dictated in my mind.

"I can't wait to watch a battle between best friends!" Zhery beamed with excitement.

"Yup, me too... Come to think of it, its been a long time since those two have met!" Glade added.

"Alright... Three! Two! One! Battle Begin!!!" The professor, Ms. Bellice proclaimed.

"Fennekin use scratch!"

"Zorua dodge then use pursuit!"

*Zorua dodged Fennekin's scratch*

*Fennekin was hit by Zorua's Pursuit*

"Oh no Fennekin! Can you still battle?"

*Fennekin smiles at Camellia.*

"Alright then! Zorua use pursuit!"

"Fennekin dodge the attack!"

*Fennekin was unable to dodge Zorua's pursuit.*

"Zorua's speed is remarkably fast!" Camellia complemented in her mind.

"Fennekin use ember!"

"Zorua dodge the ember! Then use tackle!"

*Zorua dodged the ember*

*Fennekin was hit by tackle!*

"The match is over! The winner is Kalem and Zorua.

"Alright Fennekin, return to your Pokeball... You battled hard and strong." Camellia uttered solemnly.

"Don't feel bad Camellia, it's your first time battling! You'll get stronger too."

"Thanks Kalem." Camellia greeted as her cheek began to blush a little.

"You have great battling skills Kalem!" Professor Bellice complemented.

"Thanks so much professor!"

"Oh right! I remember! Kalem, we have to buy groceries first before we leave the town!" Glade recalled.

"Oh yeah, I forgot! Let's go to the Pokemart right now" I remembered.

"Professor Bellice, thanks for everything, but we have to go to the Pokemart right now, we have to buy some groceries for our journey" Zhery explained.

"So, that means you three are traveling together?" Camellia wondered.

"Right... were headed off to Norva city afterward," I explained.

"Umm, can I come and start my journey with you three?" Camellia asked solemnly.

"I want to become a Pokemon professor! And in order to become one, I need to travel, so please let me join you three!" Camellia begged.

"Sure no problem!" Zhery agreed. The more the merrier!" I added.

"Really!? Thank you guys!" Camellia beamed with happiness.

"Alright then, best wishes and safe travels to the four of you!" the professor waved as we waved at her and walk to the Pokemart.

"Oh! Kalem, good luck on your first gym battle! You'll need it!"

"Thanks professor! Thank you for everything!" I gloated.

We arrived at the Pokemart to buy some groceries for our travel.

"Alright! Kalem and Glade you look for the vegetables, while I and Camellia will look for the sauce and other stuff agreed?"

"Ok Zhery! You can count on us, come on Kalem, let's look for vegetables."

"Right back ya Glade!"

"Come on Camellia let's look for some sauce and spices."

"Alright Zhery"

Me and Glade did what Zhery told us, we got some vegetables and berries for our journey.

"Hey Zhery! I found some spices!" Camellia called.

"Great work Camellia! I found the sauce as well. Oh by the way Camellia, I got a question." Zhery uttered while they were walking.

"Sure Zhery, what's your question?"

"I wanted to ask, why did you and your family leave Aulburg and lived in Covalry town?"

"My mom and dad had work to do in Covelry town."

"What kind of work?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. It's a family secret. But I wished that we didn't have to move... I like Aulburg, and if we haven't moved... Me and Kalem could still be classmates." Camellia explained solemnly.

"You admire Kalem don't you?"

"WHAT!? h... how did you know?"

"I always find out secrets! hee hee hee!" Zhery teased.

"Well, ever since he helped me in the cave, I liked his strong determination, patience, love and care for Pokemon, and he will not surrender! Its what inspired me to pursue my dream and never give up!" Camellia said with determination as her cheeks began to turn red.

"Oh... Now I see why your secret is safe with me!" Zhery promised.

"Hey Zhery, hey Camellia! Were done finding our part, did you find yours?" I queried.

"Yup, we're all done! Let's pay at the cashier!" Zhery instructed.

After buying some groceries, we left Covelry town and said goodbye once more to professor Bellice.

"Hey Irys, where are we headed to?"

"You are on the fastest route to Norva City, all we have to do is to pass Cave moon!" Irys answered.

"Then Cave Moon! Here we come!" I beamed as me, Zhery, Glade, and my best friend Camellia walks pass the Covelry town arc!"

As the journey continues!

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