
All Right Reserve

All Rights Reserve

All rights reserve. This story is published with the condition that it shall not reproduced or retransmitted in whole or part in any part of form, without the consent of the copyright holder. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and other incidents, are made by the author's imagination, if there is a similarity in real life then everything is entirely a coincidental.


This story have matured contents (R-18). If you are underage and uncomfortable with sex scenes then please don't read it. There are also words that you might feel uncomfortable with.

This is not professionally edited! There are errors; gramatical errors, typographical error and such.

If your fine with everything, then read and enjoy.

Copyright 2019 UnleashingDesire

September 2019 Published on Wattpad

Edited March 2020 and Published on Webnovels

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