

When the presentations were made, Thalia explained what just happened and gave the file to Tony so that he could read it. Some time later he told them.

"It's okay, you can sign this contract. There is nothing fraudulent in it since it was I who prepared it.

"What really."

Said Thalie.

"Yes I did not tell you that it is thanks to these people that my firm is like that now? I work for H International."

I was really surprised when Tony told me that.

"How you got to know them?"

It was Carla who asked me this time.

"They are the ones who came to get me. I told you I was being suppressed after I refused a certain case. Well, they made me an offer that I couldn't refuse. It was risky for me because they were total stranger, but when he told me he was Alexander Delatour I signed immediately."

" I raised an eyebrow."

"The Delatour are so big."

Asked Carla


It was my turn to be flabbergasted.

"Don't tell me you don't know them. For these people we are ants they can crush if they want."

"And you signed a contract with one of them?"

"No you don't understand Thalie"

I shake my head and say.

"Let me explain. They are clean as long as you don't cross the line. But I know that if you annoy them they will not hesitate to eliminate you. Either way, they'll warn you before you sign a contract with them. If you don't take them seriously, as you please. All I can tell you is that They give you the opportunity to develop and live better as long as you stay within the rules it 's ok, they will not do anything about you, but if not, I assure you, you will regret being born."

A shiver of fear ran through my body when I remembered this video. It was a video of Chase becoming dust after Alexander shot at him.

"You sound like you've had somehow experience something with them already"

I looked Thalie straight in the eyes and said to her.

"Better not to know certain things. One thing is, this boy is not someone that any of you will want as an enemy. Being on his good side is better than being on his bad side. Take the example of the former governor or the Gao Family."

" What it was him?"

Carla asked

"Yes. And also Han family."

I saw that Carla sighed and said,

"What advise can you give us."

"Accept the contract like this if these people come back, you will now have someone to help you. Once you sign, you are kept employed by them therefore they have an obligation to assist you to some extent as long as it is not you who initiate an attack against someone else."

When I left the restaurant, I immediately went to the company. I had an appointment with two people if they accept my rermes then I would have reach one of my goal and I will be able to return in time to take the exam. When I arrived the person I was expecting was already there. I made him enter in my office and invite him to sit.

"Director Marcel I am sorry to have kept you waiting. So what is your decision."

"I accept your terms. You only have to sign them and their manager and I will accept your terms."

"Ok the us no problem. Tell them to pass tomorrow at the first hour to sign the contract then I will transfer the money to your account, as soon as everything is in order you can continue to film."

I signed the document, shook Alexander's hand.

"Good collaboration"

Then I left.

My name is Marcel Peter I am a film director all I want is to make good films, be famous and receive awards. But when I refuse to accept an actress in my film, they withdraw the investment they had made. I don't know where and how but the next day I received a poposition. At first I thought it was a scam. not pay attention then I received a message and a number. I am 34 years old and I have a wife and two children to take care.

So I told myself that I have nothing to lose trying to call the number and to my surprise it worked and today I had the opportunity to sign this contract. I know that my film will do more than good in the box office I am sure because my text is very good since it was I who wrote it. I will always be grateful for this opportunity that I had today and I will do my best so that everything goes well and make regret this imbecil who has withdrawn his money at the last minute. I will just keep filming in secret and avoid alerting the other party.


Some mimutes after Marcel left another person I did not expect entered my office.

"Mrs. Harper what can I help you with?"

"I just came to finalize the contract."

" Okay."

A few minutes later everything was in order. When Tony left we were on our way home. But still we met these people and again they humiliated us. This is how I came to make the decision to sign the contract. As Tony said this is a chance we are given. Then without wasting time I took a taxi which brought me here. This is my first time here and it is very intimidating. The building was really very high. I went through the reception and very politely they received me well. They showed me the way to the office of Alexander.

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