

"Oh, right." Mirajane turned to Lucy then, eyeing the Celestial wizard. "You know, Natsu and Gray are probably going to be practically tearing at each other's threats whenever Erza isn't around, so maybe you could tag along and break it up when it happens."

Lucy panicked then, the wizard's eyes going wide. She glanced over to Natsu and Gray, the two young men radiating power once more, before returning back to the smiling Mirajane. "Wait. Me?"

"Hello, I'm right here next to you both." Bambietta moved in close, draping an arm over Lucy's shoulders. "I should feel miffed but worry not, roommate! I've got your back!"

Lucy knew she should have been happy with that but there was another worry now. She gave voice to it, though only under her breath. "Yeah, but what's to stop you and Natsu from fighting?"

Bambietta glanced down to Lucy then. "Huh?"

"Oh nothing!"

Time moved on and both Lucy and Bambietta found themselves back at their apartment. They knew they had time to prepare for the road ahead of them, one night to relax before they'd set out in the morning with Erza and the others.

"I wonder what kind of damn fool idealistic crusade we've gotten ourselves into," Bambietta said as she hung her hat and cloak on the coat rack by the door.

"We?" Lucy complained as she watched the Quincy all but drop down on her new bed. "Who was it that said 'I just love a good scrap?' I don't! Now I've got to keep Natsu and Gray from going at each other when Erza's not looking. Not to mention yo-"

Lucy stopped them, covering her mouth with both hands.

Bambietta playfully kicked off her boots and looked over to Lucy. "You're going to watch over me too, huh?"

The Celestial mage sighed as she moved further into the apartment and sat down on her own bed directly across the room from Bambietta's own. "It's not like that. I'm just worried you're going to keep picking fights with Natsu until you finally win."

"Well yeah," Bambietta replied. "But I'm not so dumb as to fight him when the things haven't quite changed in my favor. I'll really worry about him when I'm back to my old self." Then did Bambietta's face and voice take on a sour note. "If I'm ever myself again."


The Quincy looked back towards Lucy then, smirking as she did so. Whatever moment of sorrow that had infected her had passed already. "But not to worry! I'm already a couple of steps closer to being as cool as I used to be!"

Bambietta sat up then and moved toward the dresser by her bed. She began to rummage through the drawer, then turned to face Lucy again.

"Check these baby's out!" The Quincy said as she showcased a handful of silver canisters within the palm of her right hand.

Lucy strained to get a better look at the items, recognizing them for common magical vials that could be bought at any dime a dozen magic shop. "I thought you said you couldn't use magic like everyone else."

"Oh so true!" Bambietta exclaimed. "But I've been a busy little bee while you were away playing Cops, Robbers and Maids or whatever! Now you see, we Quincy can't perform spells quite like you can, so we have to adapt."


"Well, I've been dumping traces of my own spiritual energy, borrowed from the magic around me, into these little capsules. It took a little while, since sitting still and meditating is so not my style-"

Lucy giggled. "Somehow I'm not surprised."

"I heard that." Bambietta stared sharply at her roommate for a second before returning back to her lecture. "So anyway, once the power is contained I can use a little chant, a little prayer and boom! The power stored away in these capsules can let me perform some Quincy spells!"

"Like what?" Lucy asked, legitimately interested.

"Well, minor healing for one," Bambietta continued. "White mage in a bottle. Never leave home without it. However, I kind of like the more offensive spells they offer."

"That figures," Lucy sighed. "Well I'm glad to hear you were keeping busy. I kind of got a bonus while I was away too. Natsu and I didn't get a reward but at least I did get-"

"And that's not all!" Bambietta turned around to dig through her drawer once more. Then did she face Lucy again, holding in her hands a pair of black tights. "A necessity for the lifestyle of a skirt wearing Quincy who loves to fight on the front lines!"

Lucy could not help herself, giggling a little bit at the recollection of what had occurred back in the cavern of King McGuffin the Fourth.

"No laughing!" Bambietta shouted as she pointed at Lucy. "We agreed the story of that incident would not leave the cave! Besides, you wear skirts too!"

"But I don't have to get into the thick of things thanks to my Celestial Spirits," Lucy retorted, "so nobody is ever going to see my underwear by accident."

Bambietta scowled a little, stopping only when she recalled something rather confusing she had seen a few days earlier. "Speaking of that," the Quincy began, "was that strange creature I saw you, Natsu and Happy hanging out with before you left for the maid job one of those spirits?"

"Oh that's right!" Lucy began to rummage around for her Celestial Keys, pulling a silver one forth. "You were sleeping like a baby when I showed Natsu and Happy how I make a contract! But wasn't Plue the most adorable little scamp?"

"Contract?" Bambietta was confused then and there, unsure of what Lucy was talking about. "What, you have to offer them something in return?" Then did the Quincy's eyes open wide. "I don't even want to know what that horny bull accepted for payment."

Lucy narrowed her eyes in response. "You're thinking of something dirty, aren't you?"

Bambietta visibly cringed, shaking her head as she did so. "Afraid so. So much for ever closing my eyes again. Stupid imagination."

"I'll have you know Taurus and I made a sweet and innocent pact back in the day!" Lucy exclaimed. "He said he'd always protect me and... my body... Okay, so he's a little bit of a perv still. But he's cool, seriously!"

"Anyway..." Bambietta pleaded, the Quincy still trying to save herself from the mental images dancing across her mind. "You were trying to say earlier that you got something from that job with Natsu after all?"

"Indeed I did!" Lucy pulled forth a gold key then and stood up from her bed. "There was no financial reward but I did get a new Celestial Key. You want to see how a contract works?"

"May as well," Bambietta exclaimed as she sat back down on her bed. "I showed you my new power, so let's see yours."

"Okay then," Lucy replied. "But just be ready. She's kind of a big girl, you know?"

"I'm not one to judge," Bambietta said with a sly smirk on her face. "Let's see her."

Lucy brought the key forth, energy swirling around it. Then did she speak, uttering the command spell to put her power to good use. "Open the Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!"

The energy coalesced then, giving form to something that did not live up the expectations that Bambietta had formed in her mind. Between and Lucy know stood a lithe young lady with pink hair and dressed in a maid's uniform.

"Hello," the Celestial Spirit said calmly.

"Oh, Lucy," Bambietta said with a shake of her head. "Now look who's being judgmental. This is what you call chubby? Good grief."

"Hey!" Lucy stammered, unsure of what she was seeing as well. "Virgo was definitely of the big and tall variety back at the Everlue mansion!"

"I'm ever so sorry," Virgo suddenly said. "That was the form my previous master found most preferable. If you wish, I could return to that altered state."

"No, no. That's quite all ri-"

"No need. I belie-"

Neither Lucy or Bambietta were able to complete their sentences, Virgo acting of her own accord without hesitation. Her body was consumed in a puff of smoke, yet when it vanished she had transformed. Now did the pink haired maid tower over Bambietta and Lucy both, possessing an overweight body as well as a rather chiseled face.

"His Majesty!" Bambietta exclaimed, unable to contain herself as she scurried back across her bed until her back hit the wall. "This is madness!"

"Madness?" Virgo asked. "This was Everlue's desire."

Lucy could feel it then, the floorboards of the room beginning to creak underneath the newfound strain. "And I think my desire as your new summoner is for you to stay as you please."

"Very well." Another blast of smoke, much larger than the last, consumed Virgo's body. Once it faded she was once more the demure young lady that Bambietta had first been introduced to. "If it would not be too bold, can I suggest you punish me for my recent transgression of taking a form that did not please you?"

Lucy was concerned by that question, as was Bambietta. The Quincy then noticed the broken chains strapped to Virgo's rests. "Oh, what the hell? Lucy?"

"Hey!" the blonde shouted. "I'm not into that kind of thing, you hear?"

"Pervie bull, kinky maid, whatever that Plue thing was," Bambietta began to shake her head slightly. "Are any of these spirits a little more normal? Still, I suppose having a maid around could be helpful."

"Anyway," Lucy said as she approached Virgo. The wizard gently held the spirit's hand then, looking her in the eyes. "Happy said that you were looking for a new master?"

"Yes," Virgo answered. "With the Duke of Everlue imprisoned I wished to employ my services elsewhere and you seemed quite caring towards your own Celestial Spirits. If a may be so bold I wish to form a contract with you."

"Well okay!" Lucy exclaimed. "Well I'm pretty easy going, but if there's any stipulations that you-"

"I will be allowed to refer to you as princess," Virgo interjected, not giving Lucy time to continue. "Also, if I ever do anything to displease you or if you simply feel the need, I ask that you punish me as harshly as you see fit. Those are the terms of my contract."

Lucy could not help herself, blinking several times over as she tried to comprehend what she had just heard. "Well," she began to say, "I guess I'm okay with you calling me princess if you really want to. As for the whole punishment thing, torture really isn't my thing."

"Yet I saw you brandish a whip quite skillfully back at the Everlue mansion while confronting my previous master."

Bambietta's eyes could only widen in response to that statement. She looked over towards Lucy. "Seriously, what the heck went on over there?"

"It's not what you think!" Lucy exclaimed. "You've got your bows, arrows and your sword. Me? I've got a whip. It's the same thing."

"Yeah, except I've never run into a guy who felt that bows and arrows were good for a kinky romp. Well, okay, so there was Gerard, but he was really, really big on weapons, you know?"

"Too much information." Lucy simply stared blankly in return, forcing herself to turn her attentions back to Virgo. "Look, I really can't be mean to you, Virgo."

"The greatest punishment of all," the Celestial Spirit replied. "You truly are a cruel mistress. I pledge myself to you then, princess. Call on me as you see fit."

Then was Virgo gone, the spirit returning to the Celestial World and leaving behind two very confused women.

"So, princess, that was the forming of a contract?" Bambietta teased. "What's next? A cheerleader spirit with a love of extreme tickling?"

"Oh very funny," Lucy retorted. "Well I suppose we should pack light for this trip."

"Yeah, that Erza is one serious piece of work," Bambietta replied. "Something tells me she's going to be pretty ticked off if we show up with too much luggage."

"Holy crap!"

Within the confines of Magnolia Station could Bambietta Basterbine only stare in utter awe of that which could be seen. Before her stood Erza Scarlet, the armored warrior dragging behind her a wooden palette which carried over a dozen large suitcases of many shapes and sizes. The lot of them were tied down with rope and stacked so high that it completely eclipsed the monster's horn from the previous day.

"I guess we could have packed a little more thoroughly," Lucy Heartfilia sighed as she looked towards the massive conglomerate of luggage.

"That's Erza for you!" Happy exclaimed as he flew by the young ladies and towards Natsu and Gray.

Bambietta sighed then as she looked at the duo, taking note of how quickly they had changed once more. They had been arguing ever since they had arrived at the train station, yet now that Erza was nearby they were singing a very different note.

"It's time to go, good buddy!"

"Aye, sir!"

"It brings a smile to my heart to see you two getting along so well." Erza looked stern for a moment then. "My apologies for being so late, however. I had... much difficulty in cutting my supplies in half."

Bambietta glanced at the massive pile of luggage once more. "Half?"

"Oh yes," Erza suddenly said, her gaze turning toward Bambietta's roommate. "I believe I saw you at the guild hall yesterday."

"Oh, my name's Lucy and I just joined Fairy Tail in the last week actually. Mirajane asked that I come along so that I could learn from the very best."

Bambietta let them talk, turning her gaze towards Natsu and Gray. Sure enough they were literally butting heads once more. Yet the moment Erza glanced their way did both young men put on fake smiles . Then, when she turned back, did they return to scowls. Over and over did it continue, the armored mage stealing glances towards her selected allies and being greated with deception while she continued to speak with Lucy.

The Quincy could not help but chuckle a little bit. Yet then, much to her surprise, did Natsu suddenly move towards Erza.

"You know, Gray and I didn't get much choice on coming along on this mission," the Fire Dragon Slayer began to say, "but I've got one condition I'd like fulfilled when this is all said and done."

"I'm all ears," Erza replied as she turned to face her comrade.

"I want a rematch when we get back to Fairy Tail!"

Bambietta, Lucy and Gray were visibly stunned then, while Happy the cat simply shrugged.

"I'm way stronger than last time!" Natsu proclaimed. "So I know I'm going to win!"

"Yes, I knew you would always improve," Erza replied simply. "Yet whether you can defeat me, I suppose that is a question that we will have to wait and see the answer to. I gladly accept your challenge, Natsu."

"Oh yeah!" Natsu shouted, flames suddenly whipping around him. "I'm all fired up now!"

Bambietta had not been expecting this, not in the least. She had heard well enough from Mirajane how badly Natsu had been defeated by Erza before. Yet the Quincy had to admire his tenacity. "You've got guts, Dragon Slayer. I just hope I don't see them spilled out on the ground when this is all said and done."

"Curse you, Natsu!"

It was still up in the air if Bambietta was going to see Natsu's guts spilled later, yet now was the Quincy personally getting to inspect the contents of the Fire Dragon Slayer's stomach. Much to her surprise had Bambietta learned the hard way that Natsu was unable to handling moving vehicles, motion sickness leaving him capable of doing nothing.

Nothing, that was, save for his ability to expel from his mouth what had once been his breakfast directly upon the Quincy's boots.

Bambietta glared across from her seat across the cabin towards the Dragon Slayer. He was still showing signs of his motion sickness despite what had just happened a few seconds ago, Natsu's face a shade of blue that all but matched Happy's fur. Then did she glance down at her boots, the vomit upon them still irritating her. The Quincy hissed then, her rage boiling over. Bambietta reach toward the sickened Natsu, grabbing hold of his vest. She began to shake him then, her irritation at its limit.

"What are you going to do, huh? What are you doing to do? How are you going to fix this?"

Bambietta knew she could not expect an answer from the ill Dragon Slayer but her temper would not allow herself to accept that on a deeper level. Yet it was then that her anger only caused more problems.

"Can't..." Natsu gasped, his cheeks puffing up. "Can't... take any... more!"

Then it happened once more, the violent shaking causing the Dragon Slayer to bring up the remaining portions of his breakfast upon Bambietta's boots a second time. Bambietta let go then, allowing Natsu to curl back into his seat. He glanced at her then, his face remaining just as blue as before.


The Quincy simply folded her arms across her chest, annoyed to no end. Yet she knew deep down that she was as much to blame as Natsu for the second experience, perhaps more so. "It's... fine. I just hope that was the last of your breakfast."

"Man, you're pathetic," Gray mused as he looked out the window of the train. "One minute you're acting all big and cool and picking a fight with Erza, the next you're a motion sick moron."

"It must be rough for him travelling around for missions," Lucy commented, hugging the summoned spirit Plue tightly.

"And for anyone who has the misfortune of sitting across from him," Bambietta hissed. The Quincy still understood the second incident was more her fault, yes, but that did not mean she would not expect the Dragon Slayer to make up for it. "Hey, Natsu, give me your scarf. I need something to clean up this mess you made."

"Oh... no..." the young man replied. Despite his motion sickness he still managed to bring an arm up, clasping down tightly on his white scarf with one hand. The Fire Dragon Slayer knew he would normally be much more fired up to protect that which was most precious to him but he was in no state to verbally go beyond anything more than a weak declaration. "No... you don't..."

Bambietta raised an eyebrow at that. "Come on, man, it's just a scarf!"

"Do not press the issue, Bambietta," Erza said quietly from the seat positioned directly behind her. "That scarf is the last remaining gift Natsu has to remember Igneel by. However, if you need something to clean your boots I can provide it."

Bambietta heard it then, slight movement and shuffling around behind her. Then did Erza peak around the wooden frame of the train's seating, something blue gripped tightly in the armored gauntlet that covered her left hand. Bambietta's eyes went wide at the sight of it, as did Lucy and the others. Even Natsu, despite his sickness, was still able to express his surprise.

"You do realize that's your skirt, right?" Bambietta asked, completely thrown off by the brazen action that had been committed by Erza. The Quincy could see a few men, as well as some women, who were sharing the train car with Fairy Tail glancing towards the armored wizard then and there, leaving her to wonder if Erza even understood what she had done.

Yet her face was calm and impassive, as if there was nothing particular strange about her actions. It was then that Bambietta had to rethink her original assessment. Fairy Tail was full of many eccentric and eclectic personalities, hers no exception, but she had initially felt that Erza was the sanest veteran member she had met since Levy. Now, however, was Bambietta beginning to reconsider that notion. Little did she know that the other newcomer to the guild, Lucy, was thinking the exact same thing.

"It's a simple skirt," Erza answer as Bambietta hesitantly took the offered article of clothing. "It's easily replaced."

"Yeah, okay," Bambietta replied as she watched Erza slip back into her seat and out of sight. Then did the Quincy mumble under her breath. "If you don't mind everyone staring at your underwear until we get to a clothing store in the next town."

Then did the Quincy notice a strange light suddenly emit from the seating behind her, leaving Bambietta to wonder just what was going on back there. She felt a strange burst of magical energy across her senses, then it was gone as was the light. The Quincy then saw the other passengers who had been gawking at Erza suddenly lose interest and look away, leaving her even more confused.

"Now then," Erza said as she stood up to her full height and came fully into view as she stood in the train car's aisle, "as to the crisis at hand..."

Bambietta stared at Erza in confusion then, taking note of the blue skirt that was adorning her lower body. The Quincy glanced down to the discarded piece of clothing in her hands before looking back towards the armored mage. Then did Bambietta's thoughts return to the strange flash of light that had just occurred. "Huh. Magic skirts are really a thing in this world. Neat."

Erza either did not hear or did not have any interest in Bambietta's random assessment, instead continuing to talk and take command of the situation at hand. She began to speak then, giving those around her hope that they were at last going to find out what exactly the crisis so dire that it required three of Fairy Tail's top wizards to contend was. Yet they were all about to be disappointed. "I believe I can relieve Natsu of his current predicament, though it will require restructuring of our seating arrangement."

A brief spontaneity of chaos occurred then and there, with Erza Scarlet directed her comrades in their seating arrangements. In the end did Erza sit beside the sick Natsu, while Gray, Happy and Lucy sat together. Bambietta, meanwhile, found herself alone in the seating directly behind Lucy. She did not mind, however, as it kept her footwear out of the range of any other projectile 'attacks' from the Dragon Slayer. Using the provided article of clothing, the Quincy cleaned her boots. Then did she turn around and kneel on the train's seat, peaking over the top of the wooden backing so that she could see her fellow Fairy Tail allies.

Bambietta glanced across the seating then, watching as Erza gently held the motion sick Natsu close to her. He did appear to be stabilizing a little then, leaving the Quincy surprised by Erza's gentle touch. It was a far cry from the commanding tone and awe inspiring power she seemed to possess.

"Now just relax," Erza said softly. Then, quite suddenly, did she slam an armored fist directly into Natsu's stomach. The Dragon Slayer gasped and fell forward, the side of his head landing atop Erza's lap. She gently placed a hand on the unconscious man's shoulder then. "There, that should make the trip a little easier for him."

Bambietta's mouth fell open in response, the Quincy at a loss for words. All she knew for certain was that she really was beginning to wonder what kind of crazy she had gotten herself involved with by joining Fairy Tail. Then did she correct herself, recalling well how offbeat and crazy some of the Stern Ritter had been, herself included. The Quincy knew she was in no position to judge on the merits of madness. Besides, there was part of her deep down that could only find the sheer strange nature of Fairy Tail and its members rather comforting. There was no place like home, it was true, but this would simply have to do for now.

"Erza," Gray suddenly said, cutting the moment directly to the bone with his tone, "I think we've all been rather patient up to this point. So what exactly got you so spooked you wanted me and Natsu to tag along?"

"And don't forget me!" Bambietta exclaimed. Then did she glance away for a moment, bringing an index finger up to her chin. "Oh, wait. I just wanted to tag along to see what all the fuss was about. Never mind!"

Whether Erza noticed or simply ignored Bambietta's outburst was another matter altogether. The wizard simply began to speak then and there, willing to answer Gray's question. "I have reason to believe that the dark guild Eisenwald is plotting something that involves a magical artifact as Lullaby."

Bambietta watched as Lucy turned to Gray then, the Celestial Wizard clearly worried about something herself now. "Wait, wasn't that the thing those jerks from before were talking about?"

Erza took note of it as well. "I see. So you ran into the Eisenwald guild already?"

"Well I didn't know they were from that guild at the time," Lucy stammered, clearly nervous around Erza.

"I ran into Lucy and Natsu while we were all coming back from some job requests," Gray began to say, not showing nearly as much hesitation, "and then some losers from Eisenwald showed up."

Happy piped in then. "I was almost eaten by a giant chicken that had a mohawk!"

Bambietta furrowed her brow in response. "Seriously, Lucy, someday you're going to have to tell me just what the hell went on during this whole Everlue quest."

"Anyway," Gray said, the ice mage getting clearly annoyed with the conversation, "the Eisenwald gang tried to use Happy as a meal... and yes, one of them was a chicken monster with a mohawk,. Don't ask. So me, Lucy and that loser napping on your lap knocked some sense into them. They started to brag about something called Lullaby but then they were pulled away by somebody who was clearly using shadow magic. I'm guessing it was somebody from Eisenwald looking out for them."

"Or perhaps they were members who left Eisenwald due to disagreeing with whatever the guild intends to use Lullaby for," Erza interjected, "and someone from the guild was after them to make sure the plan was not revealed to anyone. It's only a hypothesis, I'll admit, but this whole situation has me quite worried."

"It should if you're right," Gray replied. "If this thing is bad enough to make members of a dark guild afraid, we all should be."

"So what do you think they've got planned?" Bambietta asked, finally dragging herself into the conversation.

"Perhaps it would be for the best if I started at the beginning," Erza said, closing her eyes for a moment. "While on my journey back to Fairy Tail after completing my job request I stopped at a pub. While there I overheard several Eisenwald wizards speaking about this Lullaby. The one who was referred to as Kageyama said that he had found a way to unseal the spell around Lullaby and would bring it to Erigor in three days time."

"Lullaby?" Gray questioned. "It doesn't sound like a very dangerous artifact. I mean, that's just something you sing to a kid to get them to go to sleep."

"Yeah, well," Bambietta began to say, "I wouldn't judge a power by its title. Believe me. You wouldn't think the Love sounds all that threatening but believe me, it was a twisted power in the wrong hands."

Lucy, meanwhile, simply whispered to herself, as if she was beginning to remember something. "Lullaby..."

"Not only that," Erza continued, "but it was sealed away for a reason. The fact that a dark guild is interested in whatever Lullaby can do is proof enough that it is dangerous."

"Are you sure the guys at the pub were involved with Eisenwald?" Gray asked.

"Unfortunately yes," Erza answered. "I was such a fool that day. They had spoken of a man named Erigor, yet at the time I did not recognize his name."

Lucy spoke up then. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Erza. I've spent maybe way too much time looking up stuff on magical guilds and I've never heard of him."

"It's a dark guild for one," Gray interjected, "but I'll admit, I don't know about any Erigor either."

"It's not surprising in the least," Erza said. "He operates only through shadows, keeping his presence undetected by most. Yet he is known well through the dark underbelly of the Fiore. He has few qualms, yet very specific requirements for any jobs he takes."

Bambietta listened well then, her curiosity piqued. "And what's that?"

"He only ever takes job requests that require the assassination of one target or sometimes several," Erza answered, her voice falling to a low tone. "That is why he is known as the Erigor the Reaper."

"You mean," Lucy all but gasped, "Eisenwald kills for profit?"

Bambietta all but shrugged to herself, the Quincy far from horrified by the thought of murder. She had done it plenty of times in her past, sometimes for reasons much more deplorable than simply searching for more money. Yet her indifference wavered slightly, Bambietta hearing the horror present in Lucy's voice. It tore at the Quincy for a moment, making her wonder just how her roommate and new friend would take to learning the truth behind the life she had led in her own dimension.

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