
The Other

I know not who I am, or where I came to be - I woke up in a field of grass, as far as the eye could see, there was not but green and trees? How was I able to know these things? These things that grow out of the ground are trees? Are grass, flowers, and the ones walking are called animals. Creaturess, and I am on a planet called Earth?

As I wandered around this place- a voice called out to me " Morning, do you know where you are"

I wanted to respond but did not. "It's not a problem, You are a human, one of the first of many. I have given you general information needed to survive. Information created by the previous humans that roam this place called "Eden" and it is my garden on Earth."

I just sat there as more words entered my thoughts.

"I am your creator, call me as you wish. The previous humans named me GOD use it as you please. The purpose of your existence is to grow. You are one of my many experiments on Life. For I am Time and Time is I. For I am the Alpha and the Omega, and I shall create others like I. For this you will grow and reach me. Strive to be like me. For I created you as I have created the Angels to entertain me. For I am eternal, and eternal nothing without something."

I understood nothing, the words came in my ears yet I understood nothing.

"In this garden, there's really not much for you to do. For the previous human had done almost everything I wanted him to do. Your job is to live. Everything you see around you is almost edible: The animals, fruits, and the fish. Almost everything, except the fruit that is in the middle of the garden- Look to your left… Do you see that tree?"

I had said nothing but i saw the tree, and that was all GOD needed

" That tree bared fruit I do not want you eating, it is forbidden for you to touch it for if you do you will surely die. Do you understand" Again I said nothing but GOD knew. " That is all, you are free to do as you please, I'll come again soon"

I understood a little now. I am a creation of GOD called a human. There are others besides me, but not in this Garden named Eden. GOD also mentioned Angels, which I have no information on. GOD said I was free to do anything I wish, except eat from that specific tree. I was a bit curious, thus I went towards it, simply to look, but as I approached it an animal came up to me. " You are not planning on eating it are you?" I simply looked at it. No, I said. "Good, the previous humans ate from this tree and they are no longer here. In fact no one really knows what happened to them. There was also a snake that also disappeared. After that incident, two flaming swords came to the gate and stood there since and I was also sent here. I highly suggest you don't touch it"

Who... are…. you i spoke. "I am what the previous human called Sheep, also the one guarding this tree, and who might you be?" I have no name. "Oh, what a shame. The previous human called himself Adam. Maybe you should also name yourself." Adam… That sounds like a good name. I will also take upon the name Adam.

So… what do I do here? " No one really knows. But it's the first time another human showed up. Now that I look at you, you have no part.?

...part? "Yes part, the previous human also started with no part. But overnight a new human showed up and Adam had this trunk( elephant) like things show up in this area" The sheep proceeds to look at a certain area. "While the other human named Eve had a hole in that area. We had no idea what those were for, but as soon as they both ate the forbidden fruit. They suddenly started to hide those parts from us and each other."

"And it still confuses me, why would they disobey GOD. the humans only had one thing they were not allowed to eat. While us, we were not allowed to eat most of the edibles from the trees, but it is not really a problem. This grass taste way to good!" Proceeds to eat the grass

… what are you not allowed to eat?

Mostly most of the fruits from the trees. Other things like vegetation and other animals were fine to consume."

I looked at the grass, and I saw that the Sheep was eating it. Curious of it I bent down to eat the grass but it did not taste good in my mouth.

" This is called grass, the other human named it"

I looked at the grass that was on the ground. It was sharp and had the color of brightness? When the humans ate the forbidden fruit they covered themselves. Why? What is so special about this fruit? I was extremely curious, but what does 'die' means. GOD said I would surely die if I ate from it. Die? What is that? I asked the sheep.

"Die? Adam and Eve did not know what this meant, but it means you are no longer here. You could even say Adam and Eve have died, since no longer are they here."


As I walked around and ate more things that were not the forbidden fruit, nothing really happened. I encountered more animals along the way, but the others could not talk. I made the conclusion that the Sheep was the only one who could speak. Sheep why is it that you could speak, while the other animals can't?

" I know not, I assume we, the ones who could speak, were created for Adam. When I came to be, I was ordered to speak to Adam. But eventually GOD created Eve. I suppose we were created to be "Eve"? But Adam did not take a liking to us. Thus GOD created Eve. Ever since then, we simply roamed this garden." More time has passed and I meet more of the ones that could speak. I befriended them, and eventually the voice came back.

It seems you had a feast. How was the food?" Good, I simply said. "So how do you like this place?" I never thought of that question. How did I feel about this place? Since i have been here all i have done is eaten almost everything here and spoke to the ones who could. Fine i suppose. " Well that's nice to hear. Let me tell you the purpose for living. I command you to destroy this Garden!" what? Destroy this garden why? Thinking to myself. " This garden cannot be found by the other humans I have created. They want to return to this place. I can't have them eating the fruit of eternal life." the fruit of eternal life? What? 'What about the creatures here? I asked GOD.

"Kill them all They have no use to me. Take the two flaming swords that are guarding the garden and destroy everything in this garden. Do not let a single fruit in this place survive! You hear me, this is a command! Comply or you will surely die" Die again, What is word. Why don't you do it yourself, i thought to myself. "Because I ordered you to. Are you here to define me? Do as i say. For I am the word. I shall come back to see your progress" Then and there the voice disappeared. I really had no care for this garden, nor did I care for the animals. But where was I to go after this place was destroyed. I thought and I assumed I could simply go to where the other humans were.

The swords that were guarding the Gate of this garden was patiently waiting for me. As I gave the motion of trying to grab it, it immediately came towards me. Then and there I felt something with the swords, they told me to swing them so i did. The direction of the swing. Everything there was cut and disappeared, while the surroundings started to burn. "What are you doing?" yelled the sheep. "Are you trying to burn this place" as i looked there were some animals that cried out sounds i had never heard them cried. They were in pain? Some cried out and stopped moving. Their eyes locked on to mine, lifeless eyes. Was this what dying is? Is this Death... I did not want this, this was bad? Why was this bad. Why do i see things as good and bad. I looked towards the sheep who was still yelling at me. But all I heard was the sword telling me to swing them- so I did. Two, three, ten times. Destroying everything while the i saw those creatures dying, i thought this is bad, what i am doing is not good?! Then i remembered, the forbidden fruit. Looking towards the tree I saw that it was almost burnt. There was still one fruit left on the ground. It seemed to be glowing? Was this forbidden fruit? I did not know but i keeped it close to me, as my hands started to destroy everything. The animals started to run towards the exit. The other flaming sword cut them down. Hearing the screaming, screeching of the animals. I felt nothing. After a while everything was destroyed. All the creatures living in the garden- destroyed. The garden itself was now a pile of ashes. The only thing left was the forbidden fruit. With the flaming sword no longer saying anything, it was quite. Nothing could be heard. Staring at the only thing that survived, i took a bite but unlike the other things that I ate, this was different! I can't describe it but it was different? Not wasting a second i ate the whole thing, which led me to choke on it. Making me spit out a seed? I held it in my palm… " you did a fine job. This garden is now destroyed. No human will ever find it, and no one will ever gain the power of Eden- Adam was it? You are free to live as you wish. For doing this task, I shall give you some information. Go towards the direction I shall show you. There you will meet another human. Being alone is not fine. For your troubles I shall also give you the power of creation. You are human and you shall live as one"

I said nothing. I know not what this power of creation was, but I could feel something coming out of a certain part of my body. There i recall what the sheep had told me. But why was i not covering it up? Did Adam and Eve not cover themself towards the animals and GOD. The voice of GOD disappeared.

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