
Chapter 4

An amazing smell awake me from my sleep, and I can't be wrong, it smell like a sea food soup. As a I open my eyes, I saw a royal maid. I sat down and I saw a delicious seafood soup on the table.

"I hope I didn't disturb you from your sleep, Ms." the Royal maid smiled at me. She have that kind of beauty, with her blue eyes and kissable lips and her curly tied up high. She have an amazing curves on her body.

What am I thinking? I shake my head to removed my thoughts. And I know she saw it, and just smiled at me.

"You should eat right now, before you continue your sleep," she was putting the plate on the table. "Come here before it gets cold." she smiled at me.

Was all the people here was kind. They were all smiling like their no tomorrow.

I walk towards the table and seated in a sofa. Wow! The sofa was so soft.

"Thank you for bringing me food!" I smiled at her, and I caught her staring at me from head to toe. She was studying every single detail of my body.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." she looked away. I just nod as an answer. I start eating. Am I in heaven? How can some food be delicious as this one and the food I ate. I think I'm gonna like living in this kingdom. I wish they doesn't throw me out and brought me back to Hyatt Kingdom.

"Since when did you met the Prince?" out of nowhere she speak. She sit in front of me, and look at me seriously. I think she's gonna eat me. Is she the highest maid of all in this kingdom. Ahm! I forgot what it's called.

" I just met him today. " I can't take my eyes away. Its like my eyes were being magnenized to her eyes.

"Then why did the two of you almost kiss?" she was asking me formally. But how did she know that we almost kissed. Was she closed to the Prince?

"Ahm,.. Well,... Its.. Ahm-" I don't know what to say. I really don't know why it happened.

"Say it!" as she drop his hand on the table, and she even shouted.

"I don't know, he just came closer to my face and then the two guards came, and the he felt to the ground." I panicly said. I'm scared of her. Like what's her problem? Does she likes the Prince?

And now she looks like a demon ready to eat her prey. But it changed quickly, from demon to an angel face and tapped my shoulder, " Don't worry, I liked you for him already." and she laugh so hard.

Whatttttt!?! What the hell is her problem? What does she mean by that for?

She stop laughing when a sword pointed on her neck. "If I were you, I will remove of hand off her shoulder." as I look behind me I saw, "Jas," and I smiled again.

"Don't worry princess, I won't let this crazy girl touch you again." he winked at me. He just said princess, I'm fluttered from what he said. And here goes my heart again.

The royal slowly remove his hand off my shoulder, and face Jas, " How could you, Jas? Would you really kill me just because of touching this girl? How can you do this to me? I'm your older sister." and she start crying like she was a kid. She start hugging Jas on his waist.

Wait, what?

"Your his sister!" I almost shout about it. How come I didn't notice? No wonder, why she's beautiful not only in face but also in her body and she also have a good posture. I can't look at them right now, I really am ashame.

"Yeah!" she looked at me with tearly eyes, "Can you tell my brother to forgive me?" she sniff and sniff.

"Don't listen to her," he commanded me, while he was trying to remove the arms of her sister from his waist.

"She didn't do anything to me, so I think she doesn't deserve to be not forgiven. And it's really kind of her to bring me some delicious dishes that I've never tasted before." I looked at the food that almost finish.

They stop from what they're doing and stare at me with amusement, I looked at them, " Thank you, your highnesses for all of these. " I sweetly smiled at them, " By the way, Princess, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Jewel." I offered my hand, I thought she's going to accept it but she just hug me instead.

" I'm glad to meet you, Jewel. I'm Lady Annabelle." Her voice is soft and sweet, I just want to hear it again and again. Jas just smiled at me.

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