
To Kill Or Not To Kill/Illegal Activity Island

;)Alright so how are we going to kill them.

"What why would I kill them I'm just gonna leave," Mu said to the voice while shrinking his ship so that he can carry it.

;)What but they could have treasure or ancient artifacts.

"So that makes it ok for me to murder an entire civilization," Mu asked the voice.

;)Well no but they are probably evil they did look like they were gonna eat you until the tongue thing.

"But they didn't and they most likely don't even know what evil is I mean humans invented that concept," Mu said while hiking up the sea monster innards.

;)Humans didn't invent good and evil they just gave names to it.

"Well even so I'm not gonna kill an entire civilization and steal their shit," Mu said to the voice.

;)Your ancestors would be disappointed.

"Fuck you," Mu said as he finally saw the teeth of the beast.

;)How deep under water do you think we are.

"Ohh shit your right pressure umm I'll just put a bubble around the ship." Mu said as he took the ship out of his pocket and grew it back to its original size.

;)so do we just pry the teeth open.

"No that would let in a rush of water and we would be back where we started," Mu said as he looked around the mouth.

;)We need to cut a hole in the mouth and let this place slowly fill up with water then we sail out of the hole.

"Ohh Yea like they do in submarines where did see a video on that," Mu asked the voice as he walked over to the cheek of the monster and gave it sizable hole with his super sharp cane.

Mu ran back to his ship and just waited for the mouth to fill up then Mu sailed out of there with artificial wind.

Mu surfaced about two kilometers away from the sea monster and noticed an Island with hundreds of boats either docked on it or around it.

Mu looked at his map and he didn't really know where he was but Mu made a guess that he was at Illegal Activity Island.

;)Well your a pirate right now so this will basically become your home until you want to do something else.

"Yea your right I might as well go introduce myself I think I wanna become a pirate king so I gotta meet my subjects," Mu thought to the voice while he sailed into the island and pocketed his ship.

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