
Chapter 136

For a few moments, the room was swallowed in silence. Lydia turned away, focusing her gaze on the tasks spread across her desk, a silent attempt to bury the pain that threatened to engulf her. The tension lingered, a constant reminder of the truth that had just been unveiled.

A moment later, the door slid open, Carol returning, a small box clenched tightly in her hand. Her usual radiant demeanor was replaced with a serious one, her eyes filled with determination and purpose. She walked towards Lydia, the quiet room echoing her every step.

With a deep breath, Carol sank to one knee, offering the small box in front of Lydia. Her voice trembled with the weight of her words. "Lydia...Will you marry me?"

A gasp caught in Lydia's throat. Her gaze flickered between the ring nestled in the small box and Carol's nervous yet hopeful eyes. A genuine smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, her heart filled with warmth. "Yes," she replied, her voice hardly more than a whisper but filled with joy. "Yes, Carol, I will."

Tears welled up in Carol's eyes, relief washing over her. The tension in the room eased, replaced with a sudden, joyful energy. But it was short-lived, overshadowed by the heavy truth.

James watched the scene, his heart sinking. He forced a smile, his joy for his sister genuine, but clouded with a profound sadness. He knew the clock was ticking, that each passing moment brought his sister closer to her inevitable end. But for now, he chose to relish in the happiness that radiated from his sister, choosing to embrace the fleeting moments of joy in the face of the impending reality.

Planning for a wedding, let alone one involving two of the most powerful and influential figures in the Genoshian Empire, was no small feat. It began with the location. The Grand Cathedral on New Genosha was selected, a breathtaking structure that was a testament to Genoshian architectural brilliance. Its high arches, impressive stain-glass windows and sky-high ceilings made it the perfect venue for a wedding that was destined to be remembered for ages.

The color scheme was an easy decision. They opted for shades of gold and silver, representative of the Empire's insignia and their personal ranks. Lydia added a touch of lavender to honor the small planet where she was born, a subtle reminder of her roots that shaped her into the person she was today.

As for the guest list, it was extensive. The entire Genoshian Empire was invited, from the highest-ranking officers to the newest recruits. Lydia extended invitations to Earth's superheroes, her friends, allies and the entire Fantastic Four. Old acquaintances from across the galaxies were also invited, making the event one of the largest in recent history.

The dress was a thing of grandeur. Designed by one of Genosha's finest tailors, Lydia's gown was a piece of art, intricately laced with threads of gold and silver. Carol, opting for a more modern look, decided on a sleek white suit adorned with the Imperial crest, giving a touch of respect to her position.

Carol took a more traditional approach when it came to her vows, choosing to keep them simple yet meaningful, a testament to their shared experiences and the love that had blossomed between them. Lydia, on the other hand, penned her vows in an ancient language, a poetic array of promises and professions of love that left even the translators weeping as they worked to transcribe them.

As the date drew closer, the hustle and bustle within the Empire grew. Every corner of New Genosha was decked with decorations, the air heavy with the scent of flowers and spices from the feast that was being prepared. The Cathedral was transformed into a grand stage, adorned with flowers and lights that shone brightly against the night sky.

The night before the wedding, the Empire held a grand gala. The streets were lined with people, all eager to celebrate the upcoming union of their beloved leaders. The air buzzed with anticipation and joy as the Empire waited for the grandest wedding they had ever seen. Everything was ready, the entire Empire holding its breath as the dawn of the wedding day approached.

As Lydia stood alone in her private chamber, her gaze fell on her reflection in the mirror. The anticipation of the following day filled her with warmth. Tomorrow she would marry the woman she loved, in front of the Empire she had built, with her twin brother by her side. She knew the shadow of her impending fate lingered, but for that moment, she allowed herself to relish in the joy, the love, and the promise of a beautiful tomorrow.

The dawn of the wedding day painted New Genosha in a warm, ethereal glow. The Grand Cathedral's towering spires glowed brightly against the sun, casting dancing shadows across the wide courtyard. The doors opened early, welcoming in a tide of guests from across the galaxies. Skrulls, Inhumans, Mutants, Dwarfs, and the diverse citizens of the Genoshian Empire filled the Cathedral, their various cultural garbs a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors and patterns.

Reed and Sue were amongst the first to arrive from the research ring world, their awe palpable as they took in the sheer magnitude of the event. Steve Rogers and Tony Stark followed, their rivalry set aside in honor of the celebration. The Avengers were soon joined by an array of mutants from Krakoa, led by Charles Xavier.

On the other side of the cathedral, the Skrulls, led by Talos, entered the venue, their usually aggressive demeanor replaced by respectful tranquility. Close by, the Inhumans, represented by Black Bolt and Medusa, mingled with the Dwarfs from New Nidavellir, their differences put aside in the name of celebration.

As the time approached, the hum of conversations gradually faded. All eyes turned to the entrance as the Grand Admiral of the Genoshian Empire, Carol Danvers, made her entrance. She was radiant in her sleek white suit, the Imperial crest gleaming under the lights. She walked down the aisle, her eyes twinkling with anticipation and love.

Then came Lydia, the First Empress. She was a vision of grace and power in her gold and silver gown. Her lavender eyes held a certain serenity as she moved down the aisle. When she reached Carol, a smile broke across her face - a private moment that warmed the hearts of everyone watching.

The ceremony was a blend of traditions from Earth and Genosha. The vows were the highlight, Carol's simple yet profound words resonating in the Cathedral, followed by Lydia's poetic promises in ancient Genoshian. Their voices, filled with emotion, echoed around the cathedral, causing a few guests to discreetly wipe away tears.

With the exchange of rings and the pronouncement of marriage, the cathedral erupted in applause. The new couple shared a loving kiss, their joy infectious as the room filled with cheers and laughter.

Exiting the cathedral under a shower of light particles, Lydia and Carol were greeted by the ecstatic crowds. The sight was overwhelming, a sea of faces from all races and planets, united in their joy for the newlyweds.

Waving one last time to their cheering subjects, Lydia and Carol took each other's hand, and in a show of power and unity, lifted off into the sky. They soared away into the horizon, leaving behind a trail of light that shimmered in the clear Genoshian sky. The Empire watched in awestruck silence as their leaders disappeared into the distance, marking the end of an unforgettable day, and the beginning of a new chapter for the Empire.


A couple of years had passed since the grand wedding, and a sense of serenity hung over New Genosha. In the peaceful gardens of the Imperial Palace, Lydia was sitting on an intricately designed bench, watching a young Benjamin Parker-Lehnsherr dart around with infectious laughter. The boy's raven locks danced in the breeze, a stark contrast to the glowing blue spider emblem on his tiny uniform, a gift from his father, Peter Parker.

Nina Lehnsherr, Benjamin's mother and the daughter of the renowned Magneto, stood beside Lydia, her gaze following her son. She was dressed in her customary Imperial Special Operations uniform, the badge of her rank shining proudly on her chest. Her red hair was pinned neatly, and her green eyes held a mix of resolve and melancholy.

Lydia turned to her, her lavender eyes probing. "Are you ready, Nina?" she asked, her voice holding a hint of concern. "To return to your duties as Commander within the Empire Special Operations unit?"

Nina's gaze lingered on Benjamin and Peter, their laughter ringing out as they chased each other. A pang of sadness briefly flashed across her face before she straightened up, meeting Lydia's gaze. "Yes," she said firmly. "I am. I want to protect this peaceful life."

There was a moment of silence before Lydia spoke again. Her voice was soft, yet firm. "I have seen you grow into an exceptional leader, Nina. I am proud of what you've achieved and can't wait to see what you accomplish next." Her voice held an unusual tone, almost like... finality.

Nina frowned at Lydia's words, sensing the underlying meaning, but chose not to question it. Instead, she offered Lydia a warm smile, accepting her words. "Thank you, Lydia. I promise I won't let you down."

The two women looked out onto the scene in front of them, the afternoon sun casting long shadows over the garden. For a moment, everything seemed perfect. Little did they know, this moment of peace was just the calm before the storm.

In the two years since Lydia and Carol's wedding, the Genoshian Empire had seen an unprecedented expansion. The nebulous borders of the empire had stretched to touch the vast corners of the known universe, creating a network of colonies that reached across galaxies. Each new world brought into the fold was a beacon of Genoshian influence and power, thriving under their robust governance and advanced technology.

New Genosha, once a single, significant world in the cosmos, had become the vibrant heart of a thriving intergalactic empire. Lydia's rule had ushered in an era of peace and prosperity that transcended planets, species, and civilizations. It was a golden age, guided by an Empress who held an iron will in one hand and a velvet glove in the other.

However, the expansion of the Genoshian Empire did not go unnoticed. The Shi'ar Empire, the Nova Empire, Asgard, and even the once hostile Kree observed this expansion. Initially filled with a mix of awe and fear, they soon found a deep-seated respect for the power Lydia's rule commanded. Despite their varied histories, cultures, and attitudes, they recognized the opportunity for a mutually beneficial alliance.

And so, out of respect and a shared desire for order, they joined forces with the Genoshian Empire, creating a unified council that had never been seen before. This Universal Council was established not to dominate, but to maintain order in the universe and lay the foundation for an era of peace. The council represented the varied interests of each member empire, respecting their autonomy while focusing on issues that affected the universe as a whole.

Across the universe, the emblem of the Genoshian Empire, a winged lion clutching a globe, came to symbolize hope and unity. It was a testament to Lydia's vision of a unified universe, standing against chaos and strife, where every sentient being could aspire for more than just survival but a life of peace and prosperity. The foundation for a new order was set, and all eyes were on the Genoshian Empire, waiting to see what would come next.

Lydia sat in her private office, a stately room that exuded an atmosphere of power and elegance. Walls lined with polished, rich mahogany, the room was filled with shelves of meticulously curated literature and artifacts. A massive floor-to-ceiling window filled the back wall, providing an awe-inspiring view of the bustling capital city below.

The First Empress of the Genoshian Empire was finishing up a series of documents, her signature marking the final seal on a cluster of laws and mandates for a new region of space that had elected to merge with the Empire. Lydia looked on each parchment with a careful gaze, a sign of the immense responsibility she bore for her people.

As she completed the final document, her office door quietly slid open. The ethereal form of Astrid, her trusted advisor and confidant, glided in, her white dress flowing and blending with her spectral form. "Empress," Astrid greeted, her voice echoing the respect she held for Lydia.

"Ah, Astrid," Lydia said, turning in her chair to face her visitor, "I trust you bring news?"

Astrid moved closer to Lydia, her face an unchanging mask of serenity. "Indeed, Empress. I have received a report from an expedition led by Dr. Reed Richards," she started, her voice resounding with significance. "The world they visited, they believe it was once ruled by gods, but now it's deserted, its people in desperate need of aid. Their society is crumbling; people are dying."

Lydia paused for a moment, her gaze deep and thoughtful. "Have they made contact with the ruling gods?" she asked.

"That's just it, Empress. This world resides within the borders of a dominion of some nameless deity who ruled there, or so it seems," Astrid continued, "They can find no trace of this deity, nor any sign of where they might have gone. The world seems abandoned, left to its own devices, and its people are paying the price."

This news brought a fresh wave of determination to Lydia's eyes. If there was one thing she couldn't stand, it was rulers abandoning their people in times of need. It seemed there was yet another task to be attended to - another world to save.

Lydia fell into a contemplative silence, her gaze a mixture of concern and determination. She eased back in her chair, her fingers gently intertwined as she took a deep breath, closing her eyes. The office fell into a hushed stillness, the only sound being the faint hum of the city below. The serene quiet provided a soothing backdrop as Lydia delved into the depths of her thoughts.

"Gorr," she murmured after a moment, her eyes snapping open. The God Butcher, a notorious figure that haunted the divine realms. He'd been quiet for years, but Lydia knew better than to believe he'd simply vanished.

"Has he made his move now?" she wondered aloud, her words echoing in the silent room. Turning to Astrid, she instructed, "Inform Dr. Richards that we will provide all necessary aid. This planet and its people are now under Genoshian Empire's rule. As for the missing deity..." Lydia's voice trailed off for a moment, then she continued, "I'll handle this situation personally. While I believe in the lessons that different situations can teach us, when it comes to Gods... it's best if I step in."

Astrid nodded, a soft luminescent glow enveloping her form. She observed Lydia carefully. The Empress was as composed as ever, but there was a faintly perceptible change in her aura. Lydia's eyes, normally calm and serene, held a subtle flicker of something Astrid couldn't quite name.

"Empress..." Astrid began cautiously, her voice a soft whisper against the grandeur of the room. "Are you... alright?"

Lydia merely smiled, a small, serene expression. "I'm okay, Astrid," she assured her. "Please, inform Wanda to come to my office when she has a moment."

With a final nod, Astrid disappeared, leaving Lydia alone in her office once more, lost in her thoughts, preparing for the journey ahead.

Hela, whose form leaned elegantly against the door frame, watched as Astrid's radiant figure phased out of the room. Beside her, James mirrored her silent vigil, his eyes never leaving Lydia. Turning to face the Empress, Hela allowed her worry to seep into her voice, a rarity for the once ruthless Queen of Hel.

"Why don't you tell them, Lydia?" Hela asked, the question hanging heavy in the air. "You're dying. Someone might be able to do something..."

Lydia looked at Hela, a serene smile playing on her lips. It was a peaceful, accepting look, one that held so much wisdom and resignation that it was almost heartbreaking. "Oh, Hela," Lydia chided playfully, "since when did the Queen of the Dead care so much about life?"

This was true. Hela had undergone a profound transformation ever since she aligned herself with Lydia and the Genoshian Empire. Gone was the cold, ruthless queen who ruled with an iron fist. In her place stood a woman who held power but chose to use it to bring about peace and prosperity, much like Lydia herself.

Hela gave Lydia a soft, exasperated look. Lydia's vision, her drive, her tenacity, everything about her was infectious. It was no wonder Hela was pulled into this beautiful dream of Lydia's, of a universe at peace under the Genoshian Empire. And she would do anything to protect it.

"Perhaps you've changed me more than I care to admit," Hela conceded, her eyes shining with a rare warmth. "Lydia... if there's anything that can be done-"

"But there isn't," Lydia cut her off, her voice gentle yet final. "And that's okay, Hela. Everyone has their time, even me. Right now, I want to focus on what I can do while I'm still here. It's the best any of us can do, right?"

The look of concern on Hela's face deepened, her regal eyebrows furrowing together as she asserted her fear. "If you pass, Lydia, this empire... your vision... it may fall apart. Who will defend it?"

Lydia's eyes twinkled with mirth and wisdom as she responded, her words floating through the room like a gentle melody. "That's why I stopped jumping in every time, Hela. We all must learn and grow on our own."

Hela stood there, stunned by Lydia's wisdom. It was true. Lydia had been deliberately pulling back, not out of weakness, but out of a desire to let the others learn, to let them grow and become the protectors that the Empire needed. And in doing so, she had cultivated an empire of capable individuals, each as fiercely loyal and dedicated as the next.

"Even you, Hela," Lydia continued, her smile never fading. "You've grown so much, and I know you'll protect the Empire. You, Carol, Astrid, James... You've all become guardians in your own right."

Hela huffed lightly, crossing her arms in front of her in a rare display of childish pouting. "You always have an answer, don't you?"

Yet, she couldn't ignore the truth in Lydia's words. Lydia had cleverly prepared them all, had created an empire so robust and resilient that it could stand tall even without her constant guidance. This wasn't an empire built around a single figure, but a collective of diverse individuals, each with their unique strengths.

"I suppose you're right," Hela finally admitted, a begrudging smile tugging at her lips. "But that doesn't mean we won't miss you, Lydia. That doesn't mean we won't fight to keep you with us."

And in her words echoed the sentiments of everyone in the Genoshian Empire. Lydia was more than just their Empress; she was their guiding light, their beacon of hope. And they would fight to the end to keep that light shining brightly.

The sound of the opening door drew all eyes to the entrance. There, framed by the grand archway, stood Wanda Maximoff. Her long, scarlet hair flowed down her back and her green eyes were filled with determination. She walked into the room, her scarlet cloak trailing behind her, a striking contrast to the plush carpet underfoot.

Both James and Hela snapped to attention, their postures stiffening with duty, their gazes ever watchful as they resumed their roles as vigilant guardians. A silent nod from Lydia welcomed Wanda into the office. In response, Wanda respectfully bowed, a gesture that signified both her respect for the Empress and her appreciation for the opportunity to serve.

Lydia's warm gaze softened as she turned to Wanda. "How have your studies been with Yao?" she asked, her tone genuinely interested. "The Ancient One has much to teach, and your powers have so much potential."

Wanda's lips curved upward, her smile lighting up her face. "It's been a transformative journey," she admitted, her eyes reflecting her gratitude. "Yao has shown me the depths of my powers and has helped me understand the nature of chaos magic. I've learned to control it, to harness it."

Wanda's words hung in the air, a testament to her growth and her newfound understanding of her abilities. Lydia's smile broadened in response, her eyes reflecting pride and satisfaction. She had always known that Wanda was capable of greatness, and under the tutelage of the Ancient One, Wanda was beginning to realize it too.

" That's excellent news, Wanda," Lydia responded warmly, her eyes twinkling with delight. "However, your newfound control of your magic isn't the only thing we need to test today. Your teleportation skills also require a significant challenge. We're going on a little trip, you see. Are you prepared?"

Wanda blinked in surprise, "A trip? Now?"

"Just hold on, Wanda," Lydia instructed calmly, her voice a soothing balm against the flutter of anticipation that rose within the young witch. "Hela, James, you too."

Without waiting for their acknowledgement, Lydia began to channel her power. A cosmic glow enveloped her, its brilliant light refracting off the walls of the office, casting flickering shadows that danced around the room. The same radiant aura wrapped itself around Wanda, James, and Hela. They could feel the tangible warmth, like being embraced by a sun.

With a simple exhale, a concentrated surge of Lydia's energy exploded outwards, and the world around them blurred into a whirling kaleidoscope of color. In the span of a heartbeat, they were no longer in the confines of the office.

When the light faded, they stood in the grandeur of Asgard. Golden spires reached towards the clear blue sky, and the aroma of blooming Asgardian flowers filled the air. Wanda's eyes went wide at the sudden change in scenery, James and Hela steadying themselves beside her.

Lydia, however, remained unperturbed. She turned to Wanda, a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. "Welcome to Asgard, Wanda," she said, a soft smile gracing her features. "We have much work to do."

The feeling of her homeworld beneath her boots sparked an ancient flame within Hela. Her heart pounded in her chest as the raw energy of Asgard, of her bloodright, coursed through her veins. Her hands itched with the impulse to seize the might she once possessed. She almost lost herself in the sensation, entranced by the siren call of power and conquest.

Yet, as quickly as the temptation arose, she snuffed it out. The yearning for dominion had withered in the wake of her time with Lydia, replaced by a far stronger desire to protect and preserve. A hushed chuckle escaped Lydia's lips, a knowing twinkle in her eyes that didn't escape Hela's notice.

"Oh, Hela," Lydia said, her voice a low purr of amusement. "I could see that internal struggle from a mile away. Asgard isn't going anywhere, and neither is your past. But remember, the future holds much more promise than any reign of terror. Besides, you wouldn't want another round of my 'gurgling training,' would you?"

Hela rolled her eyes, a smirk pulling at her lips. "I'd sooner face the hounds of Hel, Lydia."

"Well, glad that's settled," Lydia replied, the corners of her mouth upturned into a playful grin.

Together, they continued to walk toward the grandeur of the throne room. Lydia moved with a refined grace, her regal attire flowing with every step she took. The golden armor of her gown seemed to catch and reflect the rays of Asgard's eternal sun, making her appear even more majestic.

The denizens of Asgard bowed as they passed by, respect and recognition shining in their eyes. Many of them called out greetings, their voices warm and welcoming. They acknowledged Lydia, not as an outsider, but as a trusted friend and ally.

Once again, the corridors of the throne room lay ahead, the golden light of Asgard glinting off its vast opulence.

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