

Bloody Chariot and Gungnir exchanged a glance.

"There are incidents like this before. However, not at this level. Two people won those puppets in the Olympian region and one of them had an attack.

Similar humanoid puppets came here and they attacked him.

However, that humanoid puppet that he won immediately activated itself before destroying the puppets that came out of nowhere. Nobody knows who exactly sent those puppets even now.

There are indeed some speculations, some that even related to the hub. However, even at that time, the artisans identified that there is a significance difference in the craftsmanship of Hub's puppets and those humanoid puppets."

Bloody Chariot openly revealed the information.

Gungnir frowned and said.

"Then it couldn't be a coincidence. One of the kids from the Thor academy also won a puppet like that in one of the pocket dimensions."

"And who is that kid?"

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