

"I'm sure you did." Naruto said, not taking his eyes off of the thief, "You were running and jumping around like a spider monkey. It was impressive honestly."

"Spider monkey?" The thief asked.

Naruto squeezed his wrist even harder, "I don't think I was talking to you Hermey."

"Hermey?" The woman asked.

"From Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer?" Naruto asked only to shake his head, "Never mind, I keep forgetting I'm not on Earth." Looking back at her, he said, "What's your name anyway?"

"It's Bogget." The thief answered, only to scream out in pain when the grip around his wrist grew even tighter, if that were possible.

"Not you!" Naruto said firmly, "For fucks say man."


Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Gal?" Seeing her nod he asked, "As in like Gal Gadot, from those Fast and Furious movies?" After a second, he realized what he said before shaking his head once again, "Sorry…Earth thing again."

"You gotta stop doing that. You look like an idiot."

"Duly noted." Naruto thought.

Gal, tired of waiting, reached forward and grabbed the bag taken by the thief. Looking inside, she gave a quick nod at seeing everything was in order before walking away. Naruto, shocked said, "He-hey, wait!" Looking back and forth at her and Bogget, Naruto ended at the thief, "Usually I'd give a speech about the morality of whatever, and try and get you to change your ways…but I've gotta a woman to run after…that sounded weird." Naruto and Bogget took an awkward couple seconds before the blonde decided to end it by punching the cone head alien in the nose, knocking him out before he hit the floor.

Running after Gal, Naruto caught up to her pretty quickly. Walking up behind her, Naruto once again raised an eyebrow (something he'd been doing a lot of today) as Gal jumped down the side of the building, grabbing ahold of the ladder before sliding down like a champ. Jumping down, Naruto landed on the ground in a slight crouch. Stuffing his hands in his pocket as Gal landed next to him.

"Are you following me?" Gal asked.

Naruto shrugged, "Not really. I'm just curious."



Gal stopped in her tracks and looked over at Naruto. Eyeing him up and down she said, "And what about me are you so interested about?"

"How about the fact that you pulled off some impressive parkour for a bag of whatever? Or the fact that a minute ago you were a super sweet lady then a super aggressive ninja the next?"

A smile spread across her face, "Super sweet lady? Is that what you think of me?"

Naruto gave a single shoulder shrug, "I suppose. I doubt anyone else would've helped me out like you did."

"You make it sound like I helped you with something important." Gal chuckled out.

Naruto laughed, "Hey, feeding the crevice that is my stomach is important." After a second of thought he asked, "So why were you all over that bag?"

Gal looked at Naruto for several seconds before walking forward, "How about I tell you over drinks?"

"Drinks?" Naruto asked, following after Gal as she lead him to the nearest bar.

The hijab wearing woman nodded, "I was planning on having a drink before my bag got taken. And since it's obvious you're not going to leave me alone, I figure you might as well join me."

Naruto gave thoughtful look, "I could go for a drink, how are the bars on this planet?"

"They're alright."


Location: The City of Cog on the planet Xandar


"Is this the place?"

"Sadly, yes."

Standing in the pouring rain were two men, their forms barely illuminated by various fluorescent lightings owned by the rinky dink bars and strip clubs. The tallest of the two wore a more militaristic uniform, with a dark blue flak jacket with three circular yellow lights with the top two connected to the bottom over a matching colored long sleeve shirt and combat pants. His face was covered by helmet that covered everything but the mouth that was grey in color with yellow highlights. In between the eyes was the Nova symbol, only it lacked the top two points of the star, showing that he was of Denarian in rank.

"So are we gonna stand out here in the downpour, or are we going to go inside?" The Denarian asked.

The shorter of the duo wore a dark green trench coat over a button up grey shirt only the collar was propped up with a long sleeve shirt that was a darker grey. A hat was perched rather lazily atop his head, covering his blue skinned face from the rain by at least a little bit. Pulling out a small package, the man opened it up and pulled out a piece of candy before popping it into his mouth. Taking several satisfied chews, the man took a deep sigh before making his way inside.

The door was halfway open when he turned back towards the Denarian to say, "I'd watch my step if I were you Denarian Saal, one of the interns wasn't watching where he was going and tripped on a limb."

Saal rolled his eyes, not that the man in front of him could see it with his helmet covering his face, "I'm not one of your green horn interns Krag, my rank should tell you that."

Krag shrugged, popping another piece of candy into his mouth, "You'd be surprised how many Denarians I've seen act like fools, promoted because of the blood in their veins rather than the blood they've spilt." A smile spread across his face, "And we both know which kind you are, Garthan of House Saal."

"Did you ever actually fight in the war? Or were you too busy scrounging for gutter tramps?" Saal fired back.

"Funny." Krag chuckled, "And I'll have you know I did both."

The two were now fully in the room, with Saal having to keep himself from gasping at the sight before them. The bar was flooded with various colors of blood, from green, blue, to purple, the colors were splattered all across the floor, walls, and furniture. Saal couldn't help but be reminded of mixed paint, the colors spilling into each other. Laying in that pool of color was a mountain of corpses, none of them in one piece. Arms, legs, heads, various organ parts, it was a people salad.

"I can't believe he was here. Of all places." Saal said, kneeling down and turning over the corpse laying in front of him. It was a woman, wearing a what looked like a waitress uniform, her left leg cleaved off and her entrails spilling out onto the floor beneath her, "Poor woman. How could she have ever thought her life would end so painfully?"

Krag shrugged, "She should've ran the second he entered the bar."

"She was dead the second he entered the bar." Saal fired back, resting her back like she was before, "Was there security footage?"

Reaching into his pocket, Krag pulled out a small tablet. Swiping through, the detective found the footage he was looking for before pulling it up and showing the screen to the Nova officer, "Of course we did, this is right as he enters."

Saal took the tablet out of Krag's hands. He watched with interest as a man walked through the bar door. He was tall, needing to duck under the doorframe in order to enter, with thick muscles that screamed strength. His blonde hair was tied into a tight little ponytail which was sticking out of a silver helmet that looked like something worn by the slave warriors of Sakaar. Strapped to his back was a mini armory, with a longsword, battle axe, shield, and a handful of other weapons placed in strategic places. Green armor covered his shoulders, forearms, thighs, and legs, leaving his chest and biceps bare. Walking over to the bar, the warrior took a seat, ordered a drink, and then proceeded to mind his own business. It wasn't long until we was given his drink before he was confronted by one of the patrons at the end of the bar.

"Is there any sound to this?" Saal asked.

Krag shook his head, "Yeah, the button to the side."

Saal nodded, pressing the button to turn on the volume, rewinding the clip to wear the patron first spoke.

"-er heard of that guy 'The God Slayer?'" The patron asked, obviously drunk as he swayed in his place.

The warrior said nothing, simply taking a sip from his drink. Finishing the glass, he motioned for a refill. The bartender complied, walking over and filling the fighter's drink.

"Hey!" The drunk shouted in agitation, slamming his fist on the bar, "Don't friggin' ignore me, you grey skinneded freak. I assed you, you ever heard of that guy 'The God Slayer?' You're propably wondering why I'm assing this, well let me tell you why I'm assing you this. I think you're the God Slayer. You wanna know how I know? Cause you're ugly as fuck, just like the God Slayer!" The patron slurred.

The God Slayer remained silent, bringing his drink to his lips. Finishing it, he looked at his empty glass in admiration, "A good drink, thank you." He said, giving a nod towards the bartender, one that was returned with hesitation.

The warrior didn't return that hesitation however, slamming the glass into the patron's face with a swift brutality. The man fell to the ground with a wild scream, clutching his face gently as he rolled around on the floor. Getting up from his seat, the fighter pulled out his battle axe and walked slowly over to the waling man. Kneeling down, he raised his weapon up looking the drunk in the eye as he ended his life with a quick hack to the forehead, splitting into his skull and wedging itself into the floor, his last words being a blood-filled gurgle. Getting up, the slayer looked around the room, drawing out his sword with his remaining hand.

"Pray to your gods if you have them. For you will be visiting them soon." The slayer drawled, his voice pulling the attention of everyone else in the room towards him, their attention previously on the recently made corpse, "And when you meet them, warn them.Warn them that Desak the God Slayer and the Annihilator of Pantheons…is coming."


"So you're telling me…that you ran after that guy because he took your bag full of fruit?" Naruto asked, leaning over a bar counter as he looked over at Gal, the woman in the middle of taking a sip of whatever kind of alcohol she had ordered for the both of them.

Gal nodded, setting her drink down, "I'm not allowed out very often, but when I am I try my best to get fruit from the shopping district. There are things you can buy there you can only find galaxies away anywhere else. Fruit from Stakaar are truly delicious."

"Still…seems kinda dumb to me."

"Who are you to talk brat?" Kurama asked.

"Shut up." Naruto thought. Taking a sip of the blue drink, the blonde cringed as it slid down his throat, "This shit is strong." Naruto coughed out.

Gal smirked, "Too hard to handle?" She asked.

Naruto scoffed, "To be honest?" He asked after he stopped coughing, "I'm pretty sure this is gasoline."

"You're a lightweight, aren't you?" She laughed, finishing her drink while she was at it, "That's adorable."

"Adorable?" Naruto asked incredulously, "I am not adorable. I'm awesome…no amazing…no awe-inspiring! I put the wonder in wonderful, the excel in excellent, the…something in whatever."

"Yep," Gal said with a laugh, signaling the bartender for a refill, "adorable for sure."

Naruto couldn't help but flinch as the bartender refilled his drink, peer pressuring him into taking a sip, and then cringing as the liquid fire went down his gullet. What the hell did these people drink, seriously?

"So what is it that you do exactly that doesn't let you get out?" Naruto asked.

Gal's face was a little stoic as she spoke, "I suppose you could call it a government job. You?"

"I don't really have a job. I've pretty much been wandering around for a while now. Hung around with some space pirates though…that was pretty fun."

"Sounds like it." She sighed, "I can't remember the last adventure I had." Gal said wistfully, resting her chin on her knuckles, a slight pout on her face, "You seem like you've had some crazy adventures."

"Oh yeah." Naruto said, a thoughtful look on his face, "There was this one time I helped a princess take back her seat of power from her dick of an uncle when I was 13. Then when I was 15 I saved a priestess from a demon and his army of stone soldiers. Oh, and one time I got sent to an inescapable prison after I was framed for killing a village leader." Naruto laughed at the memory, "That was craaaazy."

Gal looked at Naruto in amusement, "You're something else." She chuckled, "Men like you are a rare thing here on Xandar." Her eyes raked over Naruto, looking him up and down, "Rare indeed."

"Rare how?" Naruto asked.

"Xandar men are rarely spontaneous. Few would have the gull to go out and fly by the seat of their pants. Things can get so dull after a while." Gal said, silently motioning for the bartender to fill Naruto's drink.

Naruto nodded at the bartender as he capped off his glass, taking a sip before saying, "All men on Xandar are like that? I kinda doubt that." Then a thought struck him, "But, then again I am one of a kind." The blonde said with a look of contemplation on his face.

"Yes…yes you are." Gal said, a strange hint to her voice as she swirled her drink around in her glass.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his drink as he felt his mental faculties slip away, "Yup…that's what I said."


Saal stood in his office, typing into a holo-keyboard with gusto, his attention placed fully on the screen in front of him. Finishing his report, he leaned back into his chair and ran his hand through his hair, sighing in agitation as he did. His attention was drawn to a pop up that appeared on the screen, alerting him that he had an incoming call. Answering it, Saal came face to face with Nova Prime, Irani Rael.

"What's the word Denarian Saal?" the Nova Prime asked.

Saal leaned forward in his seat, straightening his posture to be more presentable in front of his commanding officer, "Nova Prime, I just sent you my report madam." He said, his voice the embodiment of professionalism.

"I want your report now Denarian Saal." Irani demanded.

"Of course madam, my apologize. From what Detective Krag and I could gather, Desak is searching for someone, whoever that poor bastard is we don't know. What happened at the bar seems to be an isolated incident, seeing as how he didn't say more than a few sentences while there."

Irani shifted in her seat uncomfortably, "Do you think he's still here on Xandar?"

"Possibly." Saal answered, "But we have every squad available keeping an eye out."

The Nova Prime nodded, "Tell them to report, not engage. There's no need in having anymore unnecessary bloodshed."

"Yes madam. Of course."

Irani gave a nod goodbye, "As you were, Denarian Saal." With that, the video feed cut out.

A knock on his office doorframe caused him to look up and see Millennian Rhomann Dey standing in his doorway. "What is it Millennian Dey?" Saal demanded.

Dey stepped forward, a tablet in his hands as he walked into the office, "I'm sorry sir, but we've made contact with the Stakar Ravager Clan."

"And I'm assuming The Living Bomb was put into our custody without issue?" Saal asked, not bothering to look away from his screen.

The Millennian nodded, "Of course, otherwise we'd have a Universal Threat level criminal destroying the city." When Saal gave him a sharp look he bowed his head apologetically before saying, "Due to such a high-profile bounty, one of our bureaucrats has requested to meet with them. They've requested that you attend."

Saal leaned back in his chair, sighing in agitation, "Fine, who is it?"

"The queen, sir."



"Ooooh fuck." Naruto drawled out, pressing the palms of his hands into this eye sockets, trying his best to keep his throbbing skull from bursting at the seams. Judging from the strong beams of sunlight, Naruto had to guess that it was around noon, probably later. He smacked his lips, feeling as though he hadn't had a drink for day while wondering in the desert. The light streaming through his window curtains only made his headache worse, but he was too nauseas to move an inch to close said curtains. It was truly a paradox.

"Bought time you woke up kid." Kurama said, causing Naruto to flinch at the Biju's loud volume.

Rolling over onto his back, Naruto thought, "Kurama…seriously, please be quiet." Only to flinch at volume of his voice, "Dammit."

Kurama chuckled, "Do you even remember what happened after you got here?"

"No…why?" Naruto thought.

"Just give it a second." Kurama chuckled.

Naruto sighed, rolling back over to his side, closing his eyes as he began to go over the night before. He'd met Gal, they did some running and chasing, she took him out to drink, they drank, then drank, then drank…and then drank. After that they had started to…started to…

"Theeere you go."

Naruto shot up into a seated position, ignoring the fact that his skull almost exploded from the motion. Looking over, he expected to find the naked form of Gal, her killer figure hidden behind a barely form concealing blanket. Piece by truthfully awesome piece, Naruto began to remember their activities from the kissing to started it all, to the articles of clothing taken off, to the foreplay, and then finally the finale itself…six times. The memories were halted however, as his brain shut down at seeing that the space next to him was empty.

"Wha?" Naruto drawled out. Looking around, Naruto was slightly bewildered to find that Gal wasn't actually in the single bed hotel room, a room that wasn't hard to hide in considering it was a single room with the only area of privacy being a small bathroom. Getting up from the bed, Naruto slowly made his way over to the bathroom, pressing his ear against the door to see if he could hear anything on the other side. Upon hearing nothing, Naruto hesitantly opened the door, should it turn out that she used the facilities really really quietly, only to find himself disappointed when he found the small room empty.

"Looks like she ditched you brat. Sorry, she seemed pretty cool." Kurama said, though Naruto knew he probably didn't really give a shit.

Naruto robbed the back of his head, "Huh…yeah. She must've left for some reason." His attention was drawn towards door as the sound of someone knocking racked through the hotel room, "There, I bet that's her." Walking over to the door, Naruto swung it open only to find himself disappointed to find it was Tara and Martinex on the other side, "Dammit."

Tara and Martinex walked inside, the daughter of Stakar saying, "It's good to see you too Naruto." Looking around the room, Tara scrunched her nose in disgust at the clothes littered throughout the room, "Maybe you could pick up and put on your clothes so that we can go meet the bureaucrat. Chop chop." She finished by clapping her hands together twice.

"Yeah yeah." Naruto said waving his hand at the woman dismissively.



That was the best way to describe the room he was shown into by the Millennian escort squad. The room was massive in size, around half the size of a football field in length and as wide as the length of a basketball court. It's color scheme being gold with red and blue highlights, with the roof being held up by rows of columns that were set against the walls. In the center of the room was the Nova Corps symbol tiled into the floor, the star gleaming in the golden lighting. Set in two single file rows was a hoard of Nova Corpsman, all of whom were Denarian in rank, the two rows of men were facing the other, not moving an inch as the three Ravager Clansmen and Naruto walked towards the throne. Naruto could feel their stares, all of them waiting for either one of four to make a wrong move. Finally, the four were ordered to stop by a trio of Centurions.

The middle Centurion stepped forward, "Please join us in welcoming the Ruler of the Nova Empire and Empress of Xandar, Adora Valt."

The sound of boots stumping on tile drew Naruto's attention towards the doorway to the left. Naruto managed to count twelve Denarian soldiers surrounding a single figure in the center. Slowly the squad of twelve plus their escort made their way in front of Naruto and his three Ravager companions. Breaking apart, the men in front of the Empress split up along with the ones at her side, all of them lining up behind her single file, their hand at their sides as they waited for their ruler to speak.

The empress now in full view, Naruto was able to actually get a look at her. Her dark brown hair, nearly black it was so dark, was kept together by a decent sized gold colored crown, the nova star resting on the top of the center point. Attached to the crown was a veil, covering her face at least somewhat from view, though Naruto could tell that she had a dark skin tone, mocha in color. Wrapped around her body was an intricate gown that was a dark gold in color, with the sides of the dress being various colors of red, the skirt of the dress reaching down to the floor, dragging across the tiles as she walked. Slowly, she began to walk forward, coming closer to the four men in her debt. It was as she got closer that something dawned on him. This woman seemed familiar.

Stopping just a few feet in front of them, Adora spoke, "Captain Stakar and Tara Ogord of Arcturus, Martinex of Pluton, and Naruto Uzumaki of places unknown, welcome." She said this as she nodded her head at the four in front of her, "I feel I must give my thanks in you apprehending of Blastaar the Living Bomb. Soon he shall spend the rest of his days in the Negative Zone, there he can't hurt anyone else under my protection again."

And then it dawned on him, the realization hitting him in the face like a bag full of bricks.



Chapter Complete


Author's Note: Sorry for the taking so long, I haven't exactly had internet for three weeks, and I'm too busy to go to a library or whatever. So yeah. I feel like a lot of people aren't going to like this chapter, call it a gut feeling, but I don't really care. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Cool little tidbit, the Spider-Man movie has been getting good early reviews, along with War for the Planet of the Apes, which I've been waiting for since the end of Dawn. Andy Serkis is a motion capture god, no joke. Apparently the Homecoming movie is the best movie since Spider-Man 2, which in all honesty isn't that great of an achievement, cough Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2 cough. Makes me excited to have Naruto interact with this iteration of Peter Parker. If you have any questions about any references, just PM me, I'll explain then. Don't forget to review though, cause I'm getting really close to reaching 1,000 reviews. Someone a few weeks ago PM'd me who Boxia, Hgsom, and Tara are, and I figured I'd explain here since I'm sure others might've wondered that. Boxia and Hgsom are original characters, and Tara is Stakar's daughter in the comics, but she dies when she's young. Connected to that, I've decided to start having characters 'played' by actual actors, what with this being a film universe with actors and whatever. So, if I introduce new characters that don't have an actor playing them, I'll find one. Tara would be played by Malese Jow and Adora(aka Gal) would be played by Kerry Washington. If you have any actors you've always wanted to be in a movie, let me know in a review with who you want them to play. Sounds like a hoot right? Oh, also whoever can come up with the best name for Naruto's ship gets a cookie and a solid mention in the next chapter. Excited? You should be. Anywhooo…please FOLLOW. Please FAVORITE. But most of all please for the love of God REVIEW! If I get to 900 I may just shat my pants. Just saying.

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