

A small canvas tent sat next to a campfire. Sionna sat next to it watching the small tent with keen interest. Finally to her delight a metal tub was pushed through the opening of the tent. Then a tall man emerged, it was somewhat comical seeing him get out of such a small tent. Sionna knew it was enchanted and probably huge on the inside but she could help but laugh at the sight. Caith gave her a look while picking up the tub.

"Keep laughing and I will make you do this." He retorted while walking towards the stream. Sionna rose from her spot near the fire to follow him.

She watched him focus on the water and holding his head about it he mumble some words. Slowly the water became a funnel and lifted from the surface. It grew until it reached the top of the tub and started pouring into it. Sionna kneeled nearby in amazement.

"How do you do that?" She asked under her breath.

"Water magic is different than fire, it's less emotion based. You have to clear your mind. That's why ogres are good at it, they don't think too much." He said with a smile.

"How did you learn so much about magic?"

"My parents, my father knew all elements of magic because he's a ice giant. My mother was best with life magic and death magic, I was very lucky."

"Where is your mother?"

"Dead, shifters don't live as long as ice giants." Caith shrugged off his statement showing little emotion.

"Oh, I am sorry."

"It's okay it happened a while ago."

"It's not usual for an ice giant to have children right? I thought they never left their mountains."

"Usually they don't, but my mother was able to make one leave." Caith smiled, his eyes clouded in memory.

"She sounds like a wonderful person."

"Unique, there was no one like her. Back in the day the marking curse was lot more common. Many shifters were taken as slaves, but my mother stopped it and thought she got rid of it for good. Now it's back." Caith growled out the last sentence looking at his arm.

"So as her son I will rid the world of it again. Hopefully this time for good."

"I had no idea, I have never heard of a curse like this."

"It was used back when the world was divided. Back when humans, goblins, shifters, giants, dwarfs and other magical beings all lived separate from each other."

"Wasn't that hundreds of years ago? How old are you?"

"I believe I am close to one hundred human years. So according to ice giants I am still a child." Sionna stat their in shock, the only noise was the water pouring into the metal tub.

"Don't think of it in human years, just because a human raised you. They rarely even live to one hundred."

"You will probably live to at least 3 hundred, my mother almost made it to 5."

"Do all shifters live for hundreds of years?" She asked looking up at Caith.

"Depends on where they are from, you are from the green islands. Like my mother was. The Pugot we encountered is from southern islands of the Asian continent. I have no idea how long they live for, but his magic is unlike ours and he shifts differently then the way we do."

"How do you know I am from the green islands?"

"The way you shift, your body actually transforms. Other beings just change in appearance their body doesn't actually alter itself. Plus you know some of the language." The tub finished filling and Caith released the water and it splashed back into the stream. It lightly sprayed the side of the tub and their clothes. He then looked down at Sionna her forehead was crinkled and her eyes looked like a storm was brewing inside them.

"Surely you know about the natural order of beings. The more magic they possess in their body the longer they live. That's also a reason giants live longer, they have more body mass for the magic to stay in."

"Oh, I never thought of it that way." Sionna said.

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