
Chapter 2 Surviving in the Forest

I decided that every question I had would wait till I got to the Jedi Order, because I did not know which dangers this forest holds. I also decided that I wouldn't use the Systems Store to get a survival kit or a tent. I will only use the resources, I can personally find in the forest and the Crafting interface.

With those decisions I took off into the forest the trees. The undergrown had a healthy green colour. I quickly found dry wood and weeds which I took back to a little clearing I found earlier. I put some of the wood into the inventory and used the crafting Interface to make a Firestarter.

It's basically a wooden plate which is a little hollow in the middle in this dent you put a stick and start to roll the stick in one place. After a few minutes the heat produced from rubbing wood on wood should have create embers underneath the stick, then you put the dry weeds on it.

The weeds will start to burn you put them in the middle of your fireplace and put your dry wood on it and voila you have a fire. Not that I started it now I would only start it when it starts getting dark, I wouldn't want to run out of firewood in the middle of the night.

After I had the lighter covered, I went on to dig out a little hollow to start the fire in. Then I went back into the forest to collect some more wood and stones, the stones I would collect to surround the hollow cause I don't want to be responsible for starting a forest fire in my first 24 hours of reincarnating.

While searching for the materials needed, I came across some fruits which I took with me to later determine if they are poisonous or not.

After I got everything I wanted, including a small dead tree for the construction of a small shelter, I went back to the clearing.

First, I put together the fireplace I surrounded it with the stones and put a lot of the dry wood next to it. Then I start to build my home for the next three days. First you stick a branch with a fork on it in the ground, which is pretty damn hard If you don't have a hammer and are only five years old…, in the fork you lay down a long branch, in my case I decided on a small straight grown tree, which was already dead when I found it, then you start leaning sticks against the branch and cover them with foliage and weeds, which serve as heat insulation and shield against rain.

In the inside you can lay dry moss and weeds on the ground to serve as a mattress. In cold nights you could even put weeds in the entrance to keep the inside warm.

I also made the decision to build a little shelter over the fireplace. For that I used four more branches with a fork in a quadratic formation. Always two facing each other with the openside of the fork one not so deep diagonal to that one that's a bit deeper then the remaining two which should be even then you put sticks between the forks and then in a right ankle to them you put sticks on them after you covered the whole construct you also put moos on it to make it water proof.

With the crooked surface of the shelter it should lead the rain to the lower part of it and prevent soaking the moos and let droplets pour down on the fire.

I looked up to the sky only to see the sun nearing the horizon, so I tried to start the fire… and boy don't try that with the body of a 5-year-old… it doesn't work well. After a lot of struggling I finally got it started. I then asked the system if the fruits are poisonous, which they fortunately weren't, so I at last got a dinner and got to sleep.

The next morning, I awoke with a slightly hurting back which was to be expected cause moss and grass on a rock-hard forest ground isn't the softest mattress of the universe. Also, my muscles ached all over the body you know putting together the camp wasn't so easy with this small body, I guess I unintentionally used the force to strengthen my body to get it done.

I prepared myself for an uneventful day because I pretty much took care of everything the last day. I frequently gave the fire new wood to burn so I wouldn't have to start it again at the evening. I got some fresh water from a small river I found, washed myself up gathered a bit more firewood and started to train a bit of blade work with a stick.

For lunch and breakfast, I still had some of the fruits but afterwards I had to look for some more of them or something else edible to eat at the next morning and for dinner. After some time, I found a few berries and edible roots.

The rest of the day I continued my wild swinging of a stick without any technique and tried to clear my mind a bit with the intention to get into a mediational state. It worked more or less like I intended it to but after a heartful dinner of berries and roasted roots I called it a day.

The next morning went pretty much like the last I feed the fire new wood, ate some berries, washed myself up and got back to swinging my stick around this time against a tree to get used to the impact it would have.

Around noon you could hear footsteps approaching the little camp of myself but it was unbeknownst to me I was in a way to deep concentration of hacking at the tree, approaching the camp was a wolf like creature, I say wolf like because when finally noticed the noise and turned around I could see a 1.8 meter high wolf.

That's it I though I can't even complete the first quest and hold up to my promise to not meet god so soon. I got in a battling stance with my stick held high well not that it worked the creature slowly crept closer…

Suddenly I heard an unforgettable sound and the creature turned around and ran away.

I turned around and saw a person with a brown cape with hood and an ignited green lightsabre. He turned it off hang it back at his belt went to me and asked.

"What are you doing out here alone young one?"

"I don't remember much just that my parents told me how to survive in the wild nearly everyday of my live then 5 days ago I awoke out here in the forest alone I just did as my parents told me and put together this little camp and survived on roots and berries this whole time. Might I ask who you are and what you're doing here sir?"

"I'm a Jedi Master from Coruscant, I was sent here to investigate the destruction of a village and pick up a force sensitive individual, but if I read the signs that the force gave me right I now have to pick up two."(Jedi Master)

"You mean I have the ability to become a Jedi?"

"Yes I felt the use of the force in this forest two days prior, yesterday and this morning the feeling this morning let me narrow down my region to search for and I found you at the right moment as it seems you were pretty near to becoming lunch for one of the rightful inhibitors of this place." He said while sniggering and holding back from breaking into a full blast laughter.

"Hey that's not funny you know!"

"Before I forget please put prick your finger at this machine and let a droplet of your blood fall on the scanner at the top." Said a still sniggering Jedi Master.

I did as told and the Machine showed a 17.000 on a display. To which the Jedi quickly lost colour and got away fumbling with what I assumed was some sort of communication device. Not caring the slightest about him I went back to the camp and started preparing my lunch. Well not only mine because I don't hold grudge over something as small as laughing over me and made him some Roots as well and put it together on a small plate out of bark.

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