

Kakashi let out a grunt 'Okay, that hurt…'

"Are you alright?" then Kurenai saw Itachi behind him.

"Stay on your toes, this guy was made chief of ANBU Black Ops when he was only 13."

"Alright he's tough, we get it." Asuma noted.

"Tough? You haven't seen half of what he can do."

"For someone who is not of the Uchiha Clan, you've mastered the Sharingan well." Itachi noted, impressed "However, not being one of us, you lack our physical strength and that's something you can't copy."

'He's right, my body doesn't have the stamina.'

"Why is it that the Uchiha clan is known by all and killed by all? I'll show you what the Sharingan can do when it's wielded by a true heir of the bloodline." then Itachi activated the next level: his Mangekyo Sharingan.

'It can't be! Close your eyes, don't look at his eyes!"

Asuma and Kurenai did so.

"Listen both of you, whatever happens don't look, if you meet his gaze then you're finished. I'm gonna have to do this alone, my Sharingan against his."

"Indeed, your abilities are impressive." Itachi agreed "They might even be enough to resist the Mangekyo Sharingan. However, there is something they can't defend against- this special Sharingan jutsu called Tsukuyomi. Only someone with the Sharingan and Kekkei Genkai can defeat me."

'Sasuke.' then Kakashi was hit by Itachi's Tsukuyomi, and spent a full 72 hours being tortured by Itachi, making it feel like an eternity. He eventually found himself back in reality, and soon fell to his knees.

"Kakashi, what is it?" asked Kurenai "Can we open our eyes now?"

"No, not yet."

"What just happened?" asked Asuma "One second the guy's talking, and the next second you hit the ground."

'3 days in that world, and less than a moment passed in this one. Why not just kill me? If he wanted to then he could.'

Kisame appeared beside Itachi "After all that the fool's spirit is still intact. Meanwhile, you risked overusing those eyes of yours. You know that's dangerous."

"This thing you've come for… is it Sasuke?"

"No, the legacy of the Fourth Hokage." Itachi told him.

'Naruto.' Kakashi thought back to how Jiraiya told him about Orochimaru joining an organization of rogue ninja called the Akatsuki that might be after the Kyuubi "The Kyuubi's spirit inside Naruto, that's what you're after? You're not the only ones are you? There are 7 more of you out there searching, hunting. I know all about you, you call yourselves the Akatsuki right?"

"...Kisame, we'll take Kakashi with us but we don't the others. Get rid of them.

"Right." Kisame charged and prepared to cut them down, when…

"Dynamite Kick!" a green blur kicked Kisame in the face, sending him crashing backwards.

"Guy?" Kakashi guessed.

"Sorry, but no."

"Wait, Lee?!"

"I was training nearby and sensed the commotion so I rushed to help and waited for an opening to strike."

"Who do we have here?" Kisame wondered.

"The Hidden Leaf's Green Beast, Rock Lee. Student of the Leaf's Blue Beast, Might Guy."

"Might Guy huh? Might stupid-looking Guy is more like it."

"Don't underestimate him." Itachi warned.

Lee got into a taijutsu stance 'So this is him, Itachi Uchiha.' he saw Kakashi collapse and quickly slung him over his shoulder "I can't imagine what they must have put him through."

"Lee, get out of here!" Asuma barked "Close your eyes, don't look at Itachi. You'll get caught in this jutsu."

"Calm down Asuma-sensei, I know what I'm doing. After spending so much time training to fight Tatsu I know how to counter a Dojutsu user. Both of you, open your eyes now."

"But if we-"

"Don't worry, just look into his eyes. That's the key to fighting a user of a Visual Jutsu, and this especially applies to Sharingan users. Focus on his feet, that way you can read what his next move will be."

"Alright, but that trick sounds a lot easier said than done." Kurenai pointed out "And unlike you Lee, we haven't had Guy's training."

"I know, I haven't fully-mastered this either, but it's all we have to go on. It takes skill to anticipate an opponent's moves just from watching his feet, but I don't have time to teach you now. You'll just have to do your best."

"So what do we do?" asked Asuma.

"Kurenai-sensei, please take Kakashi-sensei to the Medical Corps. Asuma-sensei, back me up until Guy-sensei gets here."

"Got it."

"Alright, I sent word for ANBU but until they get here we hold them off."

"Interesting, I'll give you credit for guts." Kisame noted "Pretty impressive for a kid."

"No Kisame, we're pulling out." Itachi told him "We're not here to fight a full scale battle, tempting as it may be it's not the way to do this. Let's go."

"That's too bad, it was just getting fun. They don't know how lucky they are." and then they pulled out.

Lee frowned "They left."

"Lee!" that was when Guy showed up "Where's the enemy?"


"Sorry, I was a little sidetracked with-"

"Save the excuses, that's Kakashi-sensei's thing. For now, we have to get Kakashi-sensei to the Medical Corp."


"Alright, I'm ready!" Naruto wasn't ready, mainly because he'd basically packed his entire apartment in his backpack "Let's move out!"

Tatsu sweatdropped "I think you might've overdone it a little, you do know we're not going on a trip around the world right?"


After spending a half hour unloading, they were on the road.

Naruto was acting more hyper than ever "Well come on Tatsu, I'm on pins and needles! What's this new jutsu you're gonna teach me? The last time around was the Crimson Wind jutsu, so is it that Purple Thunder jutsu like Sasuke uses? Come on Tatsu, let's hear it already!"

Tatsu could feel the vein in his forehead throbbing, but suppressed it "Well first of all, I can't teach you Purple Thunder because Sasuke has a lightning nature and you don't. You have a wind nature, which is why I gave you the Crimson Wind jutsu instead. Second, this jutsu doesn't have an official nature. Thirdly, Jiraiya himself told me to teach you this jutsu."

"You mean the Pervy Sage?"

"His name is Jiraiya and he's one of the Legendary Sannin and sage, and one of the strongest ninja in the world at the moment. That, and he was the teacher of the Fourth Hokage."


"Yeah, and you look so much like the Fourth Hokage it's almost laughable, which is probably why he chose to take you on as his disciple."

"...Holy crap, that's awesome! If I'm like the Fourth Hokage then that means I possess the same level of genius he did, I'm on my way to Hokage and laughing!"

Tatsu and Dosu shared a look 'This is gonna be a looong trip.'


Kin was bringing a bag of dumplings over to Naruto's apartment "Alright, I think this is the right address. Naruto's been so kind about me being part of the Leaf now, it's only right I give him some of these to thank him, and Tatsu too.' she managed a small smile 'One bag for each of them, one for Dosu and Zaku to share, and the last of them for Sasuke.' her cheeks instantly turned red 'I wonder if he's got a sweet tooth…'


Sasuke finished another training session 'I wasn't able to do anything against Gaara, I was too weak and lacked the proper motivation.' his thoughts drifted to Kin 'But now I have something to fight for, someone to protect. I will never let my friends fall before my eyes, that's my nindo, my ninja way. Naruto, is that what you discovered after the battle in the Land of Waves?'


Itachi and Kisame were watching over Naruto's group, but saw a figure shadowing them.

"I'm pretty certain you could go toe-to-toe with him, though I'm not sure I could. He's on a whole other level." Kisame admitted.

"Yeah, if we faced each other then both of us would be killed." Itachi noted "A rather unappealing outcome. Even if there were more of us, the result would remain the same."

"Never thought I'd have to go up against the Forest Dragon, if we fight him then both the Uchiha clan and the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist will have their names dragged through the mud."

"True. But still, even strongest of opponents always has a weakness."


Kakashi was out cold.

Lee and the other jonin watched over him "They're trouble aren't they?"

"They are." Guy confirmed "But from the look of things it doesn't appear they've found Naruto yet."

"That's what's crazy." Asuma pointed out "It doesn't add up. I mean they'd already infiltrated the village, it should be easy for them to find Naruto around here."

"Wait, you didn't know?" asked Lee.

"Didn't know what?"

"Naruto left the village a few hours ago."


"On a mission with Tatsu and that mummy guy Dosu."

Guy blinked "Well, fu-"

That was when Sasuke came in "Kakashi- Wait, why is Kakashi asleep and why is this room full of jonin? And why the hell is Lee here? What the hell is going on here?"

"Not much really."


That was when Aoba showed up "Hey, is it true that Itachi has returned? And that he's come here to get Naruto."

"...What?" Sasuke stared for a moment, then his eyes shot wide and he ran out of the room at full speed.

"You idiot! Sasuke, wait!" then Lee rushed out, taking off his weights


Sasuke blitzed across the village 'Itachi's come back to the village, huh? And he's after Naruto? Why?' he soon made his way to Naruto's apartment "Naruto!"

But Kin came out instead "Sasuke, what're you-"

"Where's Naruto?"

"I don't know, I just got here myself."

Sasuke just took off running 'If Naruto gets caught then he's as good as dead, there's no way I'll let that happen.'

"Sasuke, wait!"

Sasuke turned to see Lee run up beside him "What?"

"Naruto left with Tatsu and Dosu a few hours ago, something about that outpost town a ways out from the village."

"Right." they sped out of the village 'I lost everyone I cared about to Itachi once, I won't let it happen again.'

"Sasuke, whatever happens, don't get careless or crazy."

Sasuke said nothing.


Naruto looked around "This town is pretty weird."

Tatsu led Naruto and Dosu to an inn "Alright guys, we're crashing here tonight."

"What? Why? I can still walk."

"We're taking this one step at a time, you guys go settled into the room while I go dig up some information."

"Excuse me." said a voice.

Tatsu looked to see a beautiful woman in her 20's approach him "Can I help you?"

"No, but I can help you. I know who you're looking for, and I think I can be of some help."

"So you know who I'm looking for and where to find her?"

"That's right."

Tatsu looked back to Naruto and Dosu "You guys go get settled while I check this out, and Dosu's in charge." and he left.


Sasuke led Lee through the forest "Where's that outpost town?"

"It shouldn't be too far off."


Naruto frowned "Pervy Sage or not, I always end up getting shafted."

"It's not like it's a prostitute." Dosu pointed out "He's just gathering information. It's not like he's trying to get laid." his bandages turned read.

"Dosu, your bandages are turning red."

"Well-" thankfully, he was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Oh come on, don't tell me she dumped you already?" no response "Weird, that would've gotten a fire dragon through the door." Naruto went to answer it.

'This inn doesn't have room service, and it can't be house-keeping. I have a bad feeling about this. Naruto, don't!"

Too late. Naruto opened it and found Itachi standing there 'Oh f*ck.'

'Oh f*ck.'

'...Sasuke? No, then who is he? The same Sharingan as Sasuke's.'

"Hard to believe that such a child carries the Kyuubi." Kisame commented.

'How does this guy know about Kurama?'

"Naruto, you're coming with us." Itachi told him "Why don't we take a walk."

'These guys look like the real deal.' motioning for Dosu to follow him, Naruto slowly went out into the hallway.

"Hey Itachi." said Kisame "It'll be a pain in the neck if this kid makes a run for it. Maybe I oughta chop off a leg, just in case."

'Say what?'

"Right." Kisame slowly advanced.

Then Itachi's voice stopped him "It's been a long time… Sasuke."

Sure enough, Sasuke stood at the other end of the hall, with Lee behind him "Itachi… Uchiha…"

Naruto froze 'That guy looks exactly like Sasuke.'

"Well, the Sharingan." Kisame noticed "And he looks an awful lot like you. Itachi, who is this kid?"

"He's my younger brother." Itachi told him.

"That's strange, because the way I heard it the entire Uchiha clan was wiped out by you."

Sasuke drew the tanto Tatsu gave him "Itachi Uchiha, for as long as I can remember I've been living and breathing every day for one single purpose: to kill you."

Naruto froze and recalled how he wanted to kill a certain man 'This is who Sasuke was talking about, the one he wanted to kill.'

"My hatred for you hasn't diminished, and I resolved myself to kill you long ago."

Itachi studied Sasuke for a moment 'His eyes show anger, but not hatred. This isn't what I expected.'

"But you were wrong when you told me to let my hatred build. You took our parents, everyone I loved, and I hate you for that. But now I've found friends, people who understand my loneliness, and people I've sworn to protect. I will never let my best friends die. That's my nindo, my ninja way. And for the sake of my friends, for those I've sworn to protect, here and now I'll do whatever it takes to defeat you!" and he charged.

Itachi sidestepped Sasuke's attack with ease "Sorry, but you don't interest me at the moment."

"Well get interested! Lightning Style: Purple Thunder!" Sasuke fired a Purple Thunder blast.

Itachi stopped the attack with one hand.

Naruto stared in horror 'I… I don't believe it, he brushed off Sasuke's attack like it was nothing. Even with the both of us and Dosu and Bushy-Brow teaming up, there's no way we'd defeat them. I've gotta do something!' he tried building up Kurama's chakra.

"The air is ripe with chakra." Kisame noted "This must be it, the power of the Kyuubi."

Naruto bit down on his thumb "Ninja Art: Summoning-"

"Too slow." Kisame brought down Shark Skin.

'I can't feel my chakra. Dammit! What the hell is going on?'

"Sorry kid, my blade Sharkskin cuts through chakra and devours it. We don't need the hassle of this kid whipping out any more jutsu. Forget the legs, maybe I oughta start off with those arms of his."

'Dammit, why isn't it coming?'

Kisame brought down his sword, only for a cloud of smoke to appear in front of Naruto and for Shark Skin to hit something with a loud metallic clang "What the-?"

When the smoke cleared, Dragon had stopped Kisame's sword with his katana "You both really should have done more research."

"That's right." Tatsu came out with the woman from before, Emi, unconscious and slung over his shoulder "I'm not some man whore that can be seduced so easily. I'm not Jiraiya or Kakashi. Or Naruto."

"Or the one with the nosebleed-covered bandages across his face."

"...Really Dosu? You know what, that's for later."

"Agreed. It's been some time Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki."

Kisame smirked "Now matter where you go Forest Dragon, you'll always be a nuisance to us. It's almost impossible to believe you have been sabotaging our plans all this time."

"Believe whatever you wish, but I won't rest until the ambitions of the Akatsuki are crushed."

"So you somehow managed to release the genjutsu we cast on her?"

"That'd be me." Tatsu gently placed Emi's unconscious form by the wall "It takes a special kind of coward to pull something like that. Using his visual jutsu to control an innocent woman in order to separate me from Naruto and Dosu."

Dragon nodded "I know for a fact that this boy is the one you're truly after."

"That explains how Kakashi knew." Itachi noted "Now I understand, both you and him learned it from Master Jiraiya. You're right, Naruto is the prize that the Akatsuki are after and we will have him."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Itachi, but I won't allow you to harm this boy or any of the others."

"We'll see about that."

"This is actually very convenient, I can eliminate both of you here and now." he formed several hand seals, and the entire room suddenly turned into flesh "Ninja Art: Dragon Stomach Imprisonment. Very convenient."

Kisame found his foot and sword being swallowed "What the-?"

"You've both been devoured by the great dragon my friends, welcome to the belly of the beast and he has a very strong and sensitive digestive track so do be careful not to upset him." then he looked over to Tatsu, Naruto, Dosu, Sasuke and Lee "All of you stay calm and stay still, that way you won't be affected."

"Kisame, come." Itachi told him.

Kisame found his sword being swallowed "Easier said than done." he quickly pulled his sword free and took off running, only to see something behind him as he ran "Don't look now but there's a wall of flesh coming after us." he quickly cut some of them down and took off running again "It's too fast, we won't make it. It's no use."

Itachi was quick to activate his Mangekyo Sharingan "Amaterasu." he burned through the flesh and the wall, and they got away.

"So we just run away again? We do a lot of that."

"There's no rush for now, we'll get Naruto when the time is right. Besides, I felt it wise for us to find some place to rest for awhile and recharge my powers. On top of Tsukuyomi, to have to use Amaterasu as well, it was more exhausting than I thought.' both his Mangekyo and regular Sharingan faded.


Dragon stared at the hole 'He used the black flames of Amaterasu to break through the flesh, I should've expected as much.'

Naruto stared at the black flames "What is this stuff anyway, some kind of black fire?"

"Stay away from it!" Dragon pulled out a scroll and wrote down a sealing formula "There. Sealing Jutsu: Fire Seal, now." he formed the hand seals and slammed his hand on the ground, and the flames disappeared "They're taken care of for the time being at least." he stomped his foot, and the flesh disappeared "Now then Tatsu, I feel you should continue on your mission. I will accompany two of your friends back to the Leaf."

Tatsu nodded "Thanks, we've gotta find her before it's too late."

"I know about the sickness your sensei has, he has 1 month at the most."

"Tatsu." Naruto sounded deadly serious and growlish "Tatsu, it's time for a new game plan right now. I admit I let those goons scare me a little, but that's over. No more running. After all, it's me they're after right? Well okay then, it's time I give them what they want."

"Your resolve is commendable, but at your current level you're no match for either one of them. If I hadn't shown up, you would have been captured for sure."

"Is that right? So what're you suggesting, that we just do nothing?! Sit here waiting for them to hit us again? What kind of strategy is that?!

"Enough! You haven't earned that right. Besides, your sensei was defeated by Itachi so easily. You would most likely be dead right now without me."

"What? Kakashi-sensei?"

"There's nothing worse than seeing those you care about fall in battle, it's like small pieces of your soul are lost with them. What you need is a supreme medical specialist, a master of healing, and soon. Fortunately, that's who you've been sent to find if I'm not mistaken."

Naruto blinked "Tatsu never did mention who we're looking for."

"She's one of the three legendary Sannin, the Slug Queen, the Gambling Fool, the Mistress of Healing, the Legendary Sucker, Lady Tsunade." he turned to Sasuke and Lee "I'll escort the two of you back to your village, while the rest of you continue on your way. Remember, the village is counting on you three." and with that, he grabbed Sasuke and Lee and disappeared before they could protest.

Tatsu turned to Naruto and Dosu "Alright you two, let's move out."


Dosu tagging along for finding Tsunade was inspired by a fanfiction I read called Three Pawns. Discontinued but really good, do check it out.

Sasuke didn't go into a coma because that was only there to fuel his lust for power, which is for an entirely different reason here.

I thought it was more fitting to give Guy's rival with Kisame to Lee instead to give him some more character development.

Dynamite Kick is Lee's version of Dynamic Entry.

Dragon's name is because of the ANBU mask he wears, but his identity is a surprise for later.

Kin is basically Sasuke's version of Hinata, minus being a stalker.

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