
Lots of hugs and love

Inside Don's room, everyone was waiting for him to wake up. 

"Why is he not waking up?"

Amaryll sat on the bed beside Don and asked Knight.

"He will"

When Knight placed the life shard on his body, the life shard merged itself with Don. Yet, nothing happened as they were expecting. Except for Benedict and Ken who were fixing the cannon in Ishikara, everyone dropped what they were doing and came to his room.

On the corner of the room, Lia stared at the elves, dwarves, orcs, and demihumans with widened eyes. In Elvelon, she rarely saw an Astrel but in front of her, the room was filled with Astrels.

Occasionally, Lia saw the elf who was sitting on the bed turning her head and gently smiling at her while the goblins kept their distance from her.

Lia realized the youth on the bed was Knight's brother but as far as she could tell, he's dead as his body had huge wounds and skin paler as white paper.


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