
The Lucroy Family

While Don was thinking of his plans, King Edward arrived with Princess Amber and Queen Sienna to the lawn.

"Your majesties"

General Brown bowed towards King Edward and Queen Sienna and then bowed towards Princess Amber

"Your royal highness"

"General Brown is everything ready?"

"Yes, your majesty, you don't need to worry about his majesty's safety"

"Excuse me,"

Don excused himself and walked away giving Queen Sienna and King Edward a space to talk alone before leaving

General also excused himself and joined his men

"I think we can expect some trouble in the gathering"

Arwen noticed the slight tension among the Sigalla's men

"Me too" Arrora nodded

"Is Joel back?"

Don didn't bring Joel to the castle as he let him roam around the taverns and villages to gather information of Sigalla

"Yes, he will be here in a few minutes"

"Lord Clemo, do you have any idea of what happened this morning?"

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