
Chapter 56

It wasn't a gentle waking for the young cub, his body seems to suddenly shoot up straight, taking in a deep breath, hands resting on a volcanic glass floor. Only momentarily looking at the hands that have too many knuckles to be useful. Face still distended in a maw, ears raised and ready. His fur became a mixture of gray, purple and greens that he was used to. It looks like someone had decided to tie dye him, and put the spin on a setting that made it an almost hypnotic pattern. Even his own eyes lose track of where one color starts, and the other stops.

His eyes raise up a little more, but no light source was apparent in the pitch black mirror finish on the floor. Only a paw the size of mountain resting on it, a blink later it is replaced by a wolfman that sits with a hand resting on his cheek, right behind his jaw. His fur is a deep primordial black, it looks almost to be an extension of the floor, but something makes it so that the cub recognizes his shape. Around his neck is a silver chain, the kind that would look at place on a necklace, just barely hanging it on. "Welcome, it is good to see you my spawn." His mouth doesn't move, taking to the similarities of his mother, speaking without using it.

The cub shifts, staring uncomprehendingly at the man for a time. Before, in a sudden realization, bowing his head, scared to offend the world devourer, the wolf who is supposed to signal Ragnarok, the end of times. "It is an hour to meet you sir." He takes to formality, having no idea as to what sort of plans the god wolf, Fenrir, might have for him. His body shaking, even though nothing had happened, tales of the wolf's father had been part of his favorite stories, back in his first life, with Fenrir being the one he would have loved to meet, though, he did enjoy the thoughts of Hel, also.

Rumbling laughter seeming to come from the room itself, instead of the man, starts to reverberate. "Get up, you are a descendant, not a priest at my feet. Then, I have no clue as to what a priest might do when seeing me." He says, with a palpable force, shifts the cub into a sitting position. "While there is a prophesy, saying I shall devour the moon, I haven't achieved that goal yet. Though I have taken a chunk." The little cubs mind moves back to the eerie moon with a scar that formed a cat's eye. A sigh escapes from the timeless being, "Yes, that world is supposed to be the final battle ground for the pantheon of the Norse, not like they care as such."

The unsaid question was wiped away by the man's hand, "My father isn't bound as most stories state, he is free to move about. The only one truly bound is me, Then again, when I first arrived, I did eat a few einherjar, the men that should need arise, be sent to the realms, for peace or war, I do not know. But, since they were not at the hearth at the end of days battle for the fields of Valhalla, they decided to place this on me." He grins and lightly taps the chain that binds him, made of so many incomprehensible things, that make it strongest chain that binds.

The cub nods his head, "Why am I here now?" He asks, hands playing against the smooth glass like floor. Tracing patterns, but keeping his eyes on the oldest wolf he would ever meet. "I mean, I am not dead, or I would be seeing Freya, Odin, or even your sister, Hel." His mind starts to slowly move through thoughts. "Or would I have been brought back again?" His hands stopping as Fenrir's maw seems to distend into a Cheshire grin.

"Well, while the einherjar, are gone, eating them did afford me a chance to have a few children. No, your not one of them, your a descendant, but not that closely. Every time they are finished in the battle ground, even one as inexperienced as yourself, are brought to my resting place." Fenrir says shaking his head, as if working out the kinks of muscles long tightened. "You won't be going back there, instead, your going back to where you started."

This brought more thoughts to his lips, but he stops, letting the older wolf decide what might be needed to know. His head bobs in appreciation for the patience. "Now, the reason for that is, your world is a bit more stagnant then my father likes. He prefers complete chaos, where shooting a person kills the two to the sides, and most other gods agree, in a sense. They do not appreciate total chaos, while I hae to agree, to many worlds devolve into entropy without a push." He says with a sigh. "Odin, realised that I was a potential answer, and had Idun gift her apples to a few females to become my wives." A slight smile on his lips at the thought of them gracing his face. Shaking his head, "They set me to my task, and have my son's go to those worlds they call home. Most claiming them as theirs."

The cub shakes his head at that, "Okay, part of that seems to have gotten confused, I am guessing einherjar worked like Viagra for you." A chuckle and a shake of his head, signalling yes and no, but allows the cub to continue, "And Odin, with his omniscience," Again another shake of the head for yes and no, "Saw that your children would bring about chaos, but manageable, without the world ending."

Fenrir's head bobs at that, "Pretty much, though I won't explain about the einherjar, don't need to scar your nightmares with another wolf's backside pistoning." He lets out a laugh, seeing that the younger cub didn't really mind either way, the room rumbling again. "Odin can see much, he can't determine what actions I would take, or my children. While my father, in his glory, is actually predictable in a way, if something will bring about chaos, he will be trying to find a way to magnify it."

He lifts a hand and acts as if looking at a watch, the action almost comical on the wolf man, "Well, if you look at the time, you should be going. For your first travel, I will be assisting, now, don't throw up on your father." He says, his body suddenly shifting so the mountain of a paw is where he sat again. It rises up, and deep fear penetrates the cub's mind, screaming at him to run, and don't stop running until he hears the crash. But the paw moved to quickly, before he could even stand, it crashes down on him, sending him again into the blackness of unconsciousness.

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