
The Bronc X Virus 7


"I don't get what you mean," I replied with narrowed gaze-- trying to wear a nonchalant expression.

"I am covering for Dr. Yrna's patients, including Miss Sevilla."

I felt a pool of blood rushing into my head, sending heat into my face. If I would look at myself in the mirror, I knew I would see a beet-red face, along with the sharp darts of my eyes. I hate myself for being too careless. Why didn't I think of warning Dr. Yrna to keep this matter with Calla between ourselves? Of all obstetricians out there, why did she chose Red's close friend to cover for her during her absence?

"I am never betraying her. Not all things you want to hide means betrayal," I answered, giving her a sharp gaze. "I have reasons."

"There should be open communication. I'm sure she would understand. Why not make her a part of the plan?"

Why not make her a part of the plan, instead of hurting her with my lies? Leila made sense, and I felt guilty.

"How much did Red tell you about her?" I did not mention her name because I still held hope that Red hadn't discovered yet that Rya is Calla.

Leila smirked the moment I gave in. Despite the name I had created myself as Sean Grey, she got the strong nerve to defy me that way. I was not asking nor expecting anyone to treat me with respect despite my mistakes, but I got surprised that I did not feel comfortable. For many years, my voice had become a law wherever I was, and I was used to that.

On the other hand, I admired her because she fought for her friend.

"She did not tell us anything, but her reaction did. Who wouldn't be surprised when the woman who made a scene at the ER in your presence is someone you keep? Are you the father?"

What a tongue!

I pulled a deep sigh and conceded. "Since you brought it up, I may as well tell you the truth. President Ric Abella asked me a favor to hide and protect her. And since he got into trouble these days, he also asked me to find an obstetrician for her. Dr. Yrna handled her while she was admitted, so I let her continue the care."

Leila spread her palms out. I knew she was half-convinced. My thoughts went on Calla and the way she sent those messages, spoke of her intentions behind. I then knew why Leila acted that way. And I started to regret the day I met her.

"If you say so, " Leila smirked, then excused herself.

I proceeded to my office afterward. I hang back my head on the top of my chair and thought about the events that happened lately. The president's image then floated in my mind, and I started to recall everything that Patrick told me about him...


"Patrick, my father wants me to run for a seat in the senate this time," Ric said while they were both placing an agar to hot liquid media to make some gel for culturing bacteria.

"That is an opportunity you have to grab," encouraged Patrick, giving him a side glance.

"You know I don't like it even as I started as a councilor."

"Because your father sees great potential in you. And you know that while you are still under his wings, you can make a name in the industry. Make the most of it, and strike while the iron is hot."

"If only I have to choose, I would always want to stay in the lab and make myself a name here," answered Patrick while viewing a bacteria on agar in a Petri dish.

Patrick chuckled, and his eyes lit up. "Come over here."

Ric followed Patrick into his work area, and once they were there, Patrick showed him a table filled with different kinds of plates, tubes, and other laboratory apparatus.

"I got it, Ric!" he laughed, showing him the sensitivity result of the most virulent organism that scared the country at that time, causing hundreds of mortalities.

Ric's eyes widened, followed by a short gasp. He, too, had gone frantic in formulating the drug that would be the answer to the current epidemic. His discovery would have paved the success for his candidacy. He would then be able to prove his worth in his father's eyes, being the incumbent president of the country. Sadly, his best friend took away the crown.

"A few more trials..." he raised a fist in the air and chuckled again. Little did he know that his confession dragged him to his fall.


One day, according to Patrick, he woke up with a burning fever. Only to know that he got infected with the virus. In each passing day, Patrick's condition deteriorated until he lost the faith to survive. Ric encouraged him each day to hold on and keep the faith. He stayed with him at the hospital and cared for him, even volunteering to change his diapers during those days that he was intubated. Before he went into a coma, Ric's thoughtfulness filled him a sense of deep gratitude.

One day, after his morning care, Patrick held Ric's hand. Patrick then opened his hand and pointed the tip of his point finger in the middle of his palm.

"You want to write something?" Ric asked, and Patrick nodded.

Ric pulled out a chart board that the nurses let him use to communicate with them.

"Please do me a favor. I need a lawyer," Patrick wrote on the board.

The light of victory that Ric was working out, shone in his eyes. He called a lawyer, and in less than an hour, the lawyer came.

"Patrick, here's the lawyer you asked for." He motioned for the lawyer to sit down beside the bed, then stood up to leave.

"I'll go out for a while so that you can have privacy."

Patrick waved a hand and shook his head, gesturing for Ric to sit down beside the lawyer. He then reached out for the board and began scribbling.

"I am giving Ric the consent to continue the research for me..."

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