
Chapter 35: S2-E11: Winters Fury Alliance

Chapter 34: The Winters Fury Alliance

Forward: Editing and proof-reading credit to Rainsfere

Merman's Court was massive in size, the feast hall rivaling even the one back in Winterfell. What made it so unique was how the floor, walls and ceiling were covered in notched planks. With them so tightly set together it created a seemingly flowing image of countless creatures of the sea, including a dramatic scene of a kraken and leviathan locked in combat at the far wall by the head tables. At the left and right ends of the hall were long stretching tables piled up with food, a whole buffet for everyone to choose whatever they wanted. For Geralt, this was his kind of feast as he got to pick out pieces of grilled beef, fried fishes, hearty soup and plenty of fresh bread. Too often past feasts focused on finger food or extravagant yet lacking entrees. The North continued to be his favorite place for a proper feast.

Among countless dining tables were the families, knights and bannermen who had come with their respective lords to be part of this historic meeting. At the rear of the room was a short stage where musicians and entertainers preformed, keeping up the lively background.

As for the seating, the Stark family was of course at the head table with Robb beside Stannis at the center with Wyman next to the young Warden. The other major Northern lords such as Rickard, Roose and Greatjon sat nearby, though mainly spoke between each other.

Geralt and his companions had chosen a table nearby the head table, though soon other individuals from the meeting joined them. Theon had been quick to get a seat across from the Witcher and soon Dacey showed up with a mix of Bear Island shield maidens and male warriors who took a third of the seating.

Faces he recognized during the meeting also turned up, the most imposing being a thick bearded man who had been standing beside Greatjon the whole time and nearly equaled the Lord in height. Considering what he knew about House Umber, this was no doubt Jon Umber Junior or better known as Smalljon.

Another individual from the gathering also approached, a smooth-shaven man with short cut black hair and striking blue eyes. Unlike the more muscular Northerners, he had a slim toned muscled build instead. He always seemed to have a faint grin on his face, which gave off a sinister feeling about him. Then again, Geralt knew that this one was Ramsey Bolton, who had quite a few of grim rumors floating about. Being a bastard, his origins were not clearly known beyond what the differing rumors claimed, ranging between a product of rape or to a child that Roose had kidnapped matching his appearance.

Lastly, was someone Geralt hadn't seen for a long time, at least since his visit to Winterfell many months ago. "You son of a bitch! I let you run off south for a few months and you practically start a whole war." Graffin laughed out. The gruff short bearded Northerner clasped one hand strongly with Geralt, who smirked back at his first friend in this world. "I would have tagged along if I had known you'd be getting yourself into so much trouble."

"Glad to know you'd have my back if you had been there." Geralt remarked back. "Was a hell of an escape…with a lot of brave men lost."

"Aye. I know about Jory and the others. Man was a quiet one, but he was a committed soldier."

At this point Smalljon spoke up over their reminiscing. "Aye! Enough mourning those who have passed on…we should be celebrating their heroics!" He boasted out with a grin, hefting up a big drinking horn. Everyone else nodded in agreement except for Ramsey who hanged off to the side. "To the fallen!"

"To the fallen!" Mugs and cups were lifted before everyone took deep drinks.

With the toast finished, everyone properly sat down and began to dig into their meals. It was good to have some peace to just eat, though Geralt could see everyone was eager to begin chatting with him. Instead, he decided to speak up first as his attention was towards Lord Beric. "So you mentioned you had something to share with me?"

"Heh well you sort of beat me on the matter." The young lord chuckled. "See, I was thinking of us joining together as a unit if we were going to war."

"So your planning to join up with me? I'd have thought you'd wish to stick with the other nobility to focus on the war plans and troop movement."

"Considering I have little standing on politics in the North along with having only a few men left, I feel it would be better if I head south. I did send ravens from Dragonstone to inform my bannermen to head northward, so hopefully we can join up with them…unless they ran into trouble."

Geralt nodded in agreement. If anything, getting more troops even if it were only a few hundred could make a difference. "What about you Barristan? Still set on heading to Essos?"

The aged knight nodded. "I've returned the Stark sisters safely, so my promise to Eddard has been fulfilled." He stated. "Besides, I feel its time for me to let the newer generations make their mark in history."

Theon smirked a bit. "We'll have to do our best to even match your accomplishments Barristan. It would have been thrilling to fight alongside you. Considering what you've been through though, a man like you deserves to decide what to do next in his life."

"Here here!" Smalljon boasted out with a grin. "Now then onto business. I was hoping you'd allow me, and a company of Umber soldiers join your group."

"Not trying to one up House Mormont are you Jon? Your father was quick to challenge us when my mother put her support out." Dacey smugly questioned.

At that point Ramsey gave an amused scoff at the two bickering. "At this rate we should be betting which of you will die first running into battle." He jested. "Just charging blindly into a fight is foolish."

Despite the rude tone, Geralt had to agree with the Bolton. "Our focus is securing a route for the main force and trying to get an idea on what is going on in the Riverlands. We also need to figure out who is our allies or enemies as well." Pausing, he let those details sink in. "I get it, many of you want glory on the battlefield like the old tales. The real differences that are made in wars is through preparation and knowledge. We acquire that, then we can prevent a lot of senseless deaths."

"Ah…such a noble goal." Ramsey chuckled, a mix of a complimenting and mocking to the Witcher

"So are you just here to help or just play jester?" Theon remarked back with a smirk. "Easy to act high and mighty, yet so far your House seems the most reluctant about this alliance."

The young Bolton shrugged as he leaned back in his seat. "My father will serve Lord Robb dutifully and in turn so shall I. While he may seem negative at times, he is already proving his worth to our new king with his plans."

"Still doesn't answer the question." Geralt muttered.

Sighing, Ramsay bowed his head slightly. "As interesting as it would be to go hunting in the Riverlands, my father and Lord Robb has requested that I stay along with other lords to protect the North. Since the Wildling threat has been growing and we also have to keep an eye out for the possibility of the Ironborn attempting to raid, you can understand this is an important duty."

The gathered group did mutter a bit about this news, not arguing against that reasoning. After all the North had mustered thirty thousand troops for the march to the Riverlands, with Stannis requesting two thousand plus a mix of cargo and transport ships for his sea invasion plan. With eight thousand available soldiers remaining in the region, they could defend it or if needed to be called up as reinforcements.

"Its been a while since I've been back North. Care to fill me in on the latest news about the Wall and Night's Watch." Geralt asked the group.

"More like a lack of news." Ramsay chuckled, getting an annoyed look from Smalljon.

"I can give a better answer. House Umber keeps close contact with the Nights Watch after all." The gruff noble answered. "The Lord Commander had gotten hold of writs from Lord Eddard, notices for all sorts of supplies. I can say the caravans were bringing in all sorts of weapons, tools, materials and even siege defenses."

"So then what about the Wildling threat?"

"Its been growing, that's for sure." Theon muttered. "A month back a group had strayed close to Winterfell when we were testing out Bran's new saddle. Me, Robb and Grey Wind killed most of them before the rest ran off."

Smalljon growled and nodded. "Aye, we've been having problems with them too. Raiding fields and lone farms or snooping in the woods. We've doubled our patrols along the border of The Gift, yet there is a lot of empty territory to cover…plenty of places these Wildlings could be grouping up."

"There is a good question on that. How are they even getting over the Wall?" Thoros questioned. "I visited it once a while back…can't imagine climbing that."

Geralt shrugged at the claim. "It is possible though. It be very difficult, but with the right tools and practice, it could be done. With the Wall so undermanned, it be easy for them to scale it without being noticed."

"Insanity." The young Umber muttered.

"More like desperation." Geralt muttered more to himself. Even though it had been many months, the dire warning of the Thenn still lingered in the back of his mind. These Wildlings wanted to get farther south no matter the risks. Something big was going to happen in the frozen wastes, more reason for this senseless conflict to be finished quickly.

"Anyway…the most troubling matter is the fact that Lord Commander Jeor Mormont along with the entire scouting forces has disappeared." Smalljon explained. "They had gone off to learn of the Wildlings position, only to have disappeared because recent ice storms."

Dacey shook her head at the news. "It will take more than weather and savages to kill my uncle." She stated with a fierce look in her eyes.

Short remarks of agreement followed before everyone took deep gulps from their drinks and continued to eat. After a while though the music began to die down and attention seemed to shift towards the high table. Geralt's gaze drifted up there to see that Stannis and Robb were standing from their seats, seeming ready to give a speech to the gathered Northerners. The lively mood calmed quite quickly, silence creeping in as everyone seemed eager to listen.

Robb gave a short nod to the gathered. "I thank all of you for coming here for this historic moment for the North. I wish such a gathering could be for better occasions, not over the matters of war." Low 'ayes' of agreement followed. "My father gave his life striving to do what was right, as he has done always. With Robert assassinated and such open corruption within the capital, he didn't stand by like many men have and continue to do, despite knowing the risks he'd face. Like any true man of the North, he was brave and honest!" More yells, praises to the late Lord. "Much like him, I will strive to follow those same virtues while leading all of you in conflicts ahead. However we won't be alone in these coming battles, for King Stannis Baratheon fights alongside us."

Cheers followed, though despite the open support Geralt could see a few who were quiet or muttering to each other. Stannis gave a nod to Robb before looking over the crowd. "Thank you Lord Robb. If anything it is an honor to be here speaking to you all." He paused for a moment, calm gaze drifting among the crowd. "I know many of you do not favor me…and don't see value in my right to the Iron Throne. To you it is just a piece of metal that has been a source of many hardships throughout your kingdom's history." The blunt statement drew confused mutterings and curious looks, surprised by this.

"I don't expect you, the common soldier to follow me because of my title, but through my actions as I have done countless times before. The Lannisters have committed countless crimes against us all…from murdering my brother, killing Lord Eddard and then threatening the wellbeing of his own daughters. Selfish and cowardly…as they have always been!" More yells of agreements, curses being given at the listed crimes. "They demand you submit because of threats and fears. Know this, I will never lower myself to such methods…and will strive to earn your personal respect. I swear to you the Lannisters and their scheming allies will pay for everything they have done. I promise that the North will be properly honored and given the support that has been long overdue!"

A new round of open cheers followed, more joining in this time than before. Stannis knew what appealed the most to the average Northerner, focusing on using action to prove himself to them. It was the opposite of how he had originally been, expecting allegiance without question. Hopefully that viewpoint won't return and muddle the support he had gained.

Stannis sat down as the clapping and cheering slowly came to an end, only for Robb to speak up next. "Strong words and ones we will hold you up to honor." It was a safe statement to make, showing that even Robb would hold Stannis to his promises. "There is one more guest of honor, one that I'm sure everyone knows well enough. A man whose bravery and cunning saved both of my sisters, along with having a hand in ensuring this gathering. Geralt of Riva."

The Witcher had expected this as the eyes of everyone in the hall were set on him, cheers following up along with chants of his many growing titles.

"White Wolf!"

"Mountain Breaker!"

"Lion Tamer!"

"The Rebel Knight!"

The last one was new, though considering his actions back in King's Landing, it made sense he was considered a 'rebel' for leading a short resistance within the capital.

"Heh at this rate, they'll have a whole page full of your nicknames and titles when the history books are made." Theon jested to the Witcher before Robb continued to speak.

"No one here can deny that the Witcher has achieved much, feats that match even Arthur Dayne and even our fellow honored guest, Ser Barristan."

The old knight smiled a bit as claps of respect that followed, since many knew of his involvement in escaping the capital. "Heh…I won't argue on that." He muttered to the Witcher.

"My father had privately named Geralt as a champion to my House, yet King Stannis and I have felt it fitting to formally give him a title. As Ser Arthur was the Sword of the Morning, Ser Geralt of Rivia will be known as the Blade of Winter. May every House of the North and Stormlands welcome him along with any who oppose him yield for mercy."

"Hail to the Blade of Winter!" An echoing hurrah followed; mugs raised high for the Witcher's newest title. While he was never much for being in the limelight of such fanfare, a small hint of a grin showed on his face.

"Hah! You get honored by the King and Warden, only to give a little grin like that!" Graffin laughed out, drawing chuckles across the table. "Truly the gods cursed you with humbleness!"

Ayes of agreement followed, even from the quiet Ramsay as mugs were refilled all around. Thoros had an extra mug on hand already, the Red Priest gave Geralt a wild grin. "Alright Witcher, time for some more of those strange tales!"

"Never enough for you is it." However his new companions had curious looks in their eyes, making him give a sigh before taking a deep drink. "Fine. This tale involves a man cursed to be half-beast, desperately looking for true love to break it. It's a tragic tale…of broken hearts and blood."

"GAHHHHH! Poor Nivellen!" Thoros loudly wept, his rosy face pressed to the table while he clenched his near empty mug. "To find such true passion only for it to end…ughh…the thought pains me!"

Graffin grumbled at how dramatic the priest was acting. "Did you forget the part that his true love was a blood sucking monster?" The Northerner stated.

"And the fact that Nivellen was a former highwayman as well? The man wasn't a innocent fellow really." Theon added.

Ramsay shrugged at the details, the Bolton seeming unfazed about it. "Eh…perhaps even monsters deserve a little love. Who are we to judge?" He offhandedly stated.

"Troubling as you are Ramsay…you are right I guess…" Dacey muttered, the woman doing her best to make sure no tears hinted her eyes. "So why did you make those choices? Man wasn't innocent after all."

He'd shrug at the mention, stirring his mug about in his hand. "No one, not even men like Nivellen should suffer under a curse. While he and the Bruxa had feelings for each other…a vampire's sense of love is more…primal and violent." He shook his head. "Heh, considering my habit of getting involved into matters I shouldn't…it doesn't surprise me."

"Ah and odd story indeed. Personally I liked the fight at the end, bloody and fierce!" Smalljon laughed. "You know I'm curious to see more of these Signs of yours. Don't think you can demonstrate can yah?"

"I hope you don't plan for me to set food on fire or fling a whole table across the hall." Geralt muttered back, though paused in thought as an amusing idea came to mind. "Well there is one thing, just need to make sure your fine with me using a Sign on you."

"Heh what kind?"

"Think of it as a suggestion charm. If you got a strong enough will you may even be able to resist it."

Smalljon laughed out, giving a confident grin. "The Umbers have unbreakable wills! Test me!"

"Don't say I didn't warn yah." Geralt paused in thought for what he'd tell the imposing warrior to do before flexing his fingers into the Axii Sign. "You got strong arms. Go do a handstand walk for the crowd."

The large Umber kept that grin, but his eyes soon had a distant look to them. "Right you are! Strongest arms in all the North! Watch!" With that, Smalljon got up from his seat while people cleared some space between the tables. With a 'yup', he'd slam his large hands to the ground and with a bit of effort flexed his legs to heft himself up. For such a large man, he walked about on his hands quite well…though it was most likely the Sign making him so focused on his task.

"SMALLJON! YOU PLANNING ON BEING A JESTER NOW?!" Greatjon bellowed out from the table, trying to sound angry at the sight while also laughing out.

The yell snapped the younger Umber out of the trance along with making him lose his balance as he'd tumble forward, slamming down onto his back. "Gah…what in the…?!"

"Seems you need to work on that iron will of yours." Geralt remarked, getting up to offer a hand to the young Umber. "Though with a bit of practice you could make a good acrobat."

"Grah…that is a powerful trick Witcher. Can't even remember how I did that." Smalljon grumbled as he was tugged back up to his feet.

"Trust me, what I did was simple." Geralt decided not to mention the one time he made a foulmouthed bandit shoot his own companion then casually hang himself. At times he forgot just how deadly Axii could be if properly used.

Returning to their seats, Ramsay this time was quick to speak up towards him. "So magic tricks and dueling skills aside, I've heard about your hunting prowess as well. I can say it is one of my more renown skills as well."

"Aye…and some say you use those skills to hunt people." Theon muttered. "Heard how some folk just disappear around the Dread Fort every month or so."

"As usual Theon it seems you rely on slander to get your 'facts'." The Bolton dismissed. "Anyway I can say I've taken down my fair share of beasts. Wolves and bears even with my personally trained hounds."

"Can say I've fought such beasts, though not usually on purpose." Geralt remarked back. "Did your father teach you?"

"Heh, he's not much for the hunt beyond formal occasions. No we had a very talented huntsman, a veteran from the Rebellion. I was quite young when he began training me in the ways of tracking, stalking and training animals. In a way the man was half beast himself."

"Sounds like a good teacher. Is he here as well?"

"Ah right…see he's a wanted man now." Ramsay casually stated. "There was a point that we came to a…disagreement. He thrashed me because of it and stole something quite valuable…almost priceless in fact. That was over ten years back…twelve I think…" He'd shrug, seeming not to care on the matter.

Geralt didn't question more on the bastard's story, though he had a feeling there was a lot more to it then Ramsay let on. Despite his dismissive nature there was a chilling look of hate in his eyes at mentioning this huntsman.

"Anyway I feel I've had my fill of chatter and drink for the night." Ramsay remarked, standing up from his seat. "I do have to get back home tomorrow, manage the troops for the coming march and other matters." Giving a wide grin to the party, he'd give a short bow. "Best of luck out on the front. I do hope we'll all meet again for a thrilling chat." With that, he'd walk away from the table, disappearing into the crowd.

"Hurr…something is messed up about that lad." Thoros muttered, Barristan nodding in silent agreement.

Theon gestured one hand about in minor annoyance. "Let's forget about the bastard. Anyway Geralt, I got one question nagging on my mind. What will we be naming our scouting company?"

"Huh…that is a good question." He muttered back; head tilted in thought. "Anyone got suggestions?"

"The Pack! You know…because you're the White Wolf and the Northern Houses have a lot of…animal themes to it." Thoros stated, voice slurred from all his drinking and crying from Geralt's tale.

"Bah that is too short and vague." Dacey argued. "The Lion Hunters, since we are fighting Lannisters."

"Yet that doesn't sounds fitting for the North!" Smalljon argued. "We need something bold and heroic…of the more grand days."

At this point Graffin smirked as something came to mind. "The Winter Wolves." The name drew surprised looks from Dacey and Smalljon who seemed to recognize the name, though everyone else gave confused looks on the matter. "Heh guess that should be expected that only the youngsters would know about them. The Winter Wolves was a small army of Northerners back during the Dance of Dragons…the whole Targaryen civil war that killed off their dragons."

"I think everyone knows about that at least." Geralt remarked.

"Point is they were a determined bunch who faced some imposing odds back in the war. They sided with the Targaryens over the Blackfyres, considering a lot of rival Houses had sided with them. Despite the odds they beat the Lannisters' near unbreakable pike lines and the Hightowers when outnumbered ten to one. Most fell by the end of the conflict, but they showed how every Northman was worth two southern born soldiers."

"Hah those were epic tales! I remember pa sharing those during practice all the time." Smalljon laughed out.

"Thrilling, but I prefer we all survive our battles." Theon quickly added. "So what you think Geralt?"

Pausing in thought, he nodded after a moment. "This does seem like the start to a new heroic era…so why not. Let our group be known as the Winter Wolves."

"Haha! I love it!" Thoros yelled, drawing his sword out and startling a few people in the process. Slamming the flat of the blade down to the table, he'd grin wildly. "Like all good fellowships we should swear it on our blades…and umm…mace." He'd chuckle as Dacey smirked, lifting up the mace from her belt.

"I can agree to that." She'd rest her weapon on top of the Red Priest's.

"Always wanted to be part of a legend. Guess this will be the start of my own." Theon added with a grin, drawing his sword and resting it down as well.

"Heh! I can agree with that Ironborn." Smalljon bellowed. "Uhh…didn't bring my greatsword in this case…ah well this will do." He'd take out his own long sword, adding it to the pile.

"Whatever the odds we'll face them. As many have said…Geralt knows no defeat." Beric jested as he'd draw his sword next.

With all gazes set on the Witcher, he'd shake his head a bit at the drama everyone wanted to take part in. "As usual, I draw the most colorful sort. Though I can't deny that I welcome it." Drawing his steel blade, he'd laid it on the top of the presented weapons. "Then here to us…to the Winter Wolves!"

"THE WINTER WOLVES!" The party cheered out…along with all the tables watching eagerly about. Thoros at that point gave out an amusing attempt at a howl, laughs following before the others joined in. Even Geralt couldn't resist…just wanting to enjoy the moment of new bonds being made.

Hours past as the feast went it's course. Music, stories, dancing and a little brawling played out though it was all in good fun and merriment. Between all the drink and conversation, everything began to blur for the Witcher. One moment he showing off the graceful training style of the Witchers, narrowly avoiding a friendly brawl with the Umbers, before then ending up having a formal if clumsy dance with both of the Stark sisters.

"Heh…you know you didn't have to accept Geralt." Arya giggled as they sat down, watching the next round of dances play out. "Its funny how you can move so swiftly in a fight…yet on the dance floor move so clubfooted."

The Witcher grumbled at the young girl's jesting, a faint smirk on amusement on his face. "Guess I still have a lot to learn." He'd watch a few of his companions on the floor, Thoros swinging a giggling servant girl about while Barristan guided Sansa along in a quite formal dance. As always the aged knight proved to be ever chivalrous and kind, considering Sansa had a little blush on her face.

"Its good to see both of you happy again after all that has happened." He remarked. "Better that you'll be safe at home.

"You make it sound like we won't be around each other soon." However when Arya looked at the Witcher, she saw how he didn't look at her. "I know what you're thinking…that I'm going to beg you to let me join the Winter Wolves and help fight." She'd lightly shake her head. "I want to, but I know you and Robb would say no."

Geralt at last looked at her, a small but proud smile on her face. "Glad you understand that." He replied back. "A warzone isn't a place for you, even with all your training so far. Besides, your skills would be better suited in protecting your siblings remaining at Winterfell."

Arya nodded in agreement. "I know. Seeing Bran and Rickon, I know they need protecting." She smiled faintly, thinking back on a past memory. "I remember all the days I snuck off to practice archery or mock sword fight with Bran. He was clumsy at times, but always set on being stronger." Her gaze drifted to her crippled brother who was speaking with Davos, no doubt hearing one of his many tales. "I have to be strong for his sake…"

Her tone was odd to Geralt, sensing that she had learned something troubling from her brother. "Is it about his dreams he mentioned?"

She'd nod back. "I…Its not my place to tell you. Only his." Again she was silent, shifting a bit in her seat. "So Geralt…when this is over could we go on a trip…an adventure?"

While she did change the subject, he didn't question her further about Bran. "So long as your brother allows it. Have somewhere in mind?"

An excited gleam showed in her eyes as she'd nod. "Well I did read up on the world's wonders a while back. The Wall is an obvious choice but then there is the Hightower of Old Town, Sunspear in Dorne and the Titan of Braavos."

The eager list of locations had him chuckle a bit. "I can say I'd enjoy seeing all of those too, though it would be quite the long trip. Once everything has calmed, we'll work with the rest of your family for such a journey."

"Thank you!" She beamed, giving him a quick happy hug. While surprised, he'd return it…though gazing over her shoulder he'd see a familiar individual watching them. Gaunter was casually leaning back against the nearby wall of the feast hall, casually chewing on a turkey leg and watching the festivities. The short glance he gave to the Witcher was all Geralt needed to know they had to talk.

"Anyway…I should go and prepare for father's memorial. It should be starting soon." Arya spoke up, snapping Geralt's attention back to her. He had nearly forgotten there was going to be a private gathering for Eddard, family and friends to pay their respects to him before his remains were sent to Winterfell tomorrow.

"Then I'll see you then." With that short greeting given, Arya gave a quick nod before hurrying off to find her family again. With no more distractions, Geralt grabbed his half empty drink and approached Gaunter, the supernatural merchant acting casual as ever. "Seems your fitting in well."

"You know how well I can blend in Geralt. If anything I'm surprised you didn't notice me sooner." Gaunter cheerfully stated. "I can say I haven't seen you so lively since Brunwich. Never thought I'd see you dance on your own. I can say Vlodimir had far more talent that is for sure."

"Reminiscing aside, what are you doing here? For the occasion or here to chat."

"Both in fact. This Winters Fury Alliance as people are calling it will shift the odds in events to come. It will be fascinating to see how Robb, Stannis and their followers will do." Shrugging, he'd finish the turkey leg he had before tossing it aside. "As for chatting, I'm bringing you a message from Ciri."

"Ciri?!" It was hard not to openly react at the news. "Where is she? Is she safe and alright?"

"So many questions, a few of which I can answer. Ciri is in good health, physically and mentally from what I can tell. She's also safe, being among trustworthy companions. As for her location, I sadly can not tell you by her request."

Geralt frowned hearing that last detail, making him nearly snap back for an answer. Yet he knew Gaunter couldn't lie and that he had no intents of hindering him or Ciri's goals. "Guess that should be expected of her. May I at least know who she's traveling with."

Gaunter thought for a moment before nodding. "Well she never said I couldn't tell you that, so why not." Leaning in, he'd then whisper. "She was found by Daenerys Targaryen. Fate does work in mysterious ways pairing those two together."

The news was surprising indeed, understanding the merchant's hushed words. "Rumors assumed she was dead. Hopefully the truth won't be revealed until this civil war is over."

"Hopefully." Gaunter sighed. "Beyond that Witcher you best be on your guard as you go south. Shadows new and old are lingering there. Lowering your guard will make you and your friends suffer for certain."

"Quite the grim and vague warning…but I'll try to heed it."

"Kind of you…however there is one other matter to discus, relating to the last words of Eddard."

"Why does that matter?"

Gaunter chuckled. "Why, because you are going to be part of his memorial…and you haven't told anyone else about that dying secret."

Geralt was silent, giving a stern glare at the merchant who was unfazed.

"You're a smart man Witcher. Surely by now you've pieced together a few theories on the truth of Jon's parentage. The truth would be quite dramatic."

"Which is why I'm keeping silent for now." Geralt muttered. "Besides…Jon is gone, maybe even dead considering what has happened with the Night's Watch."

"Heh, you assume he'd die that easily?" Gaunter chuckled. "Considering the time spent with him, you know he's quite capable and determined. All I can recommend is to wait and see."

He assumed Gaunter knew what Jon was going through beyond the Wall, though didn't question. Considering his ability to spy on distant events, he wouldn't be surprised if Gaunter was right on the matter. "If I want to confirm my theories, I need to talk to someone who was close to Eddard. Someone who was with him in the closing days of the Rebellion and been witness to when Jon was found."

"A logical approach, though you must be careful of who you question." Gaunter warned. "If Eddard would take such a secret to the grave, imagine how those with the same knowledge will react." Giving a sigh, the merchant shifted away leaning against the wall. "Anyway I won't distract you anymore than needed Geralt. If I do happen to see Ciri again, I'll be sure to tell her of how you're doing."

There was a short pause as Gaunter moved to leave, Geralt giving a sigh before speaking up. "Gaunter." The merchant glanced back, a curious look on his face. "Thank you…"

"No trouble at all Geralt. This is what friends do." With that witty remark he'd disappear into the busy crowd of the feast hall.

Alone for the moment, the Witcher sighed as he felt some peace of mind knowing Ciri was safe. What was most curious was the fact she was traveling with the last Targaryen. He hadn't heard any news or even rumors about Daenerys, though from what Gaunter implied she wasn't with her husband for some reason. However, that reminded him that her existence could prove to be a hindrance in the case of Stanis. He had no idea if the man viewed her as a threat like Robert did, which would complicate matters. The last thing he wanted was House Stark to be dragged into another chain of warring.

"Everyone! For those invited, we will be gathering for Lord Eddard's memorial at the hall's main entrance. As for everyone else, please continue to enjoy the feast!" A courtier declared. With the message spreading about, Geralt watched as more notable members finished their meals or ended conversations before moving to leave the hall. He too would start to leave as well to reunite with Barristan who had also been invited to the private gathering.

"Thoros sitting out I take?"

The old knight nodded. "Even he realized he's too drunk to remain formal. Besides, he feels he'd be out of place because of his faith."

They followed the group down one long hallway until they ended up in a medium sized chamber, most likely an unused room which had quickly prepared for this occasion. A large sturdy table was set on the far end with the black wood coffin set at the end while rows of comfortable chairs were set around.

Geralt and Barristan were the last to arrive as already Robb, his siblings and Theon were at the coffin. Even the direwolves sat nearby, seemingly aware of the mournful situation. The lid had been open to reveal Eddard's body, dressed in plain dark cloth and leather garb as he usually wore in life. Beyond his skin being discolored, the embalming had preserved the late Lord of Winterfell perfectly, making it seem as if he was only sleeping.

The Witcher's attention did shift among the others gathered which included all of the lords of the major Houses. Stannis was among them quietly speaking to a few with Davos at his side, though both glanced over to him once they noticed him. The stern king would finish the conversation and dismiss Davos before approaching Geralt.

"Ser Geralt and Ser Barristan." He simply greeted. "Seems both of you have been active during the feast. I can say I never thought either of you were interested in dancing…though the Witcher could do with practice."

"Amusing your grace." Geralt muttered with a low hint of annoyance.

Barristan however had an amused grin. "Doesn't hurt to learn Geralt. Learning the way of a formal dance was a skill I picked up early, even when I was busy working on my knightly talents."

"A talent that Lady Sansa at least got to enjoy. At least the silver lining in this maddening weeks is that you've proven true knights do exist." Stannis politely complimented. "Such matters aside, I do wish to speak alone with Ser Geralt if you don't mind Ser Barristan."

"As you wish your grace." With a short bow Barristan moved aside, heading toward the Starks who had moved away from the coffin.

Stannis and Geralt paced more to the side of the room to be avoid being overheard. "I have to say your Winter Wolves has gained a lot of support over the evening. A few of my knights have requested if they could join your group, which a few I've allowed."

"Generous of you."

"Your success will speed up the war effort, yet it is also to watch your group."

"You don't trust me after everything so far?"

Stannis gave an amused scoff. "No if anything I trust you more than all the nobles gathered here…though Lord Robb is the major exception." He'd glance over to the young Warden who was speaking with Barristan, even shaking hands with the knight. "He's very much liked Eddard…just younger and unknowing on how cutthroat politics and war can be."

"Hopefully you'll be able to educate him on such issues." Geralt remarked. "However I feel there is more to what you're saying."

Stannis was silent before nodding. "Lord Eddard…we only met a few times in the past. The aftermath of the Rebellion and the conflict against the Greyjoys. He always was one to praise my efforts and honor…" He smirked a bit. "Ironic how I was so deeply jealous of him."

"Jealous…" Though for Geralt it did make sense. Eddard after all had been considered a brother towards Robert and all his accomplishments had led to him being adored by both noble and common born. Of this were things Stannis no doubt felt he deserved, only to be denied for a variety of reasons.

Stannis could tell the Witcher came to that deduction from the realization hinting his cat like eyes. "It was petty of me to let such thoughts affect my judgement. My past makes it hard for me to be trusting…though that should be obvious to you."

"Curious on why you're open about such faults."

"Because a wise king should be open about such issues, especially towards those who advise. I've shared this matter with Davos and plan to do the same with Lord Robb when the right time comes." Still there was a warning glare in his eyes. "Still, I'd expect you to keep this to yourself."

"Of course your grace." Geralt simply answered.

Stannis nodded before continuing to speak. "That aside, the lack of news in the Riverlands as me worried. Lord Tywin is a cunning man but unless he has recruited master huntsmen or falconers, there is no way he can be shutting off all messages in and out of the region."

That was a very clear point. "So either he is doing the impossible or a third party is behind it…as we discussed in the meeting." Geralt stated. "So then what do you suggest?"

"Simply caution. Some lords simply feel our numbers alone can ensure a quick victory though Robb and I agree that would be risky. All the enemy needs is to lure us into a battlefield of their choosing which could make our numbers less effective." He'd also sigh. "Then there is the matter of unity. While everyone supports Robb, there are lesser disputes between the other lords. Already Lord Glover and Lord Umber debated with the young warden on who's bannerman should be the vanguard force."

"My understanding is Galbert is calm headed and tactful, though quiet when it comes to politics. Quite the opposite to Greatjon." It seemed even on matters of war the Northerners here bickered just like the Nordling Kings from home did. "This isn't going to cause issues for the march south?"

Stannis shook his head. "It will be taken care of…I will ensure it is before then." His tone was quite serious on the subject, showing he won't tolerate such disorder. "At the least Lord Manderly and Ser Davos are planning out our sea campaign quite well. It will take a month or more to manage all the troops, supplies and ships all the way to Dragonstone. In turn though, news of the alliance will spread and bolster our forces."

"The Winters Fury Alliance." Geralt muttered, making Stannis give shake his head slightly. "Take you don't care for the name?"

"I leave such matters to the Maesters and minstrels." Stannis scoffed.

Geralt shrugged. "Hopefully they have a good name for the war in the books. War of the Three Kings doesn't really sound impressive."

"Amusing Witcher." Stannis sighed, though a small smirk did hint his face. "Let's worry about such details when…or if we win this war. The following week will determine how smoothly our plans will go." With the gathered mourners finishing paying their respects, Stannis moved aside towards Davos who was waiting at the doorway. "I think we've both had enough on politics and festivities. Try to enjoy some rest Witcher, you've earned some peace." With that respectful parting, Stannis left the room with Davos close beside him.

Geralt drifted his gaze over those who lingered, stopping at the Starks who were privately speaking to the last few nobles. Part of him wanted to leave now for the night, only to be thinking back on Gaunter's words about Eddard's last words about Jon. It was a conflicting matter to keep just to himself, even more with how uncertain things were.

"Robb...can we talk privately for a moment?"

The sudden request drew a curious look from the young warden before he'd nod in agreement. Looking to his siblings, he'd softly smile to them. "I think all of you had enough excitement for one night…or months for you two." He kindly stated, his last words towards his sisters. "Maester Luwin will show you to the bedrooms. Sleep well…and we'll talk more over breakfast."

None of them disagreed since they all looked quite exhausted after the long night. They'd give parting words and hugs to their bother, though Arya was quick to give one to Geralt before hurrying off. Soon the room was empty, leaving just Robb and Geralt. Both stood by the coffin which had been closed again, Robb staring intently on it. "So…I take father had something else to tell me. Something that he couldn't simply have in his will."

"A good deduction…" Geralt muttered back. "Its more of something he wanted to keep to himself. Even with me urging for him to talk." There was a long pause. "I'm torn over telling you…so I need you to swear that you won't share this with anyone."


"Not with Stannis, your fellow Northerners or even your family."

Already a troubled look showed on Robb's face as he thought over these terms. Yet seeing the serious glare in the Witcher's eyes made him understand. "Then by my honor as Warden…by House Stark…and my father. I swear my silence."

Nodding, Geralt did a short glance about the room and doorway. His sharp senses didn't detect anyone eavesdropping, though he'd still speak in a hushake volume. "Many months back, Eddard promised Jon he'd tell him the truth about his mother. When he was dying I asked that he share it with me too at least for Jon's sake."

"I see. It explains why he'd keep such a personal matter out of his will."

"The issue is he refused to answer. If it was truly a common born woman as he claimed, he'd simply had told me considering the situation. However the way he spoke…his tone…it was riddled with guilt, built up over decades."

Robb shook his head. "It isn't like my father to keep secrets…"

"I thought the same." The Witcher sighed. "His dying words though are what mattered. 'Not the father'. Those were his words."

A baffled look crossed Robb's face, the young man pacing about tensely. "Then…you're saying Jon isn't my brother? That he's someone else's child?" He'd shake his head at the thought. "It makes no sense. If father had simply adopted a child for whatever reason…even a common born, he would have been open about it."

"Exactly. However Jon has all the traits of a Stark, which I doubt can be easily found among the young that far south." Geralt shook his head. "No…Jon is a Stark…only not his offspring."

"Then who's?" Robb sharply questioned, though the look on his face hinted he had an idea. After all…the whole chain of events was started because of the 'kidnapping' of one Stark woman. "Surely it-"

"We don't know for certain, not without proof." Geralt stated. "Which is why I need your help. Surely you know someone who was with him during the Rebellion, another lord who fought and traveled alongside him."

The young Warden glanced aside in thought, trying to think back on the stories and discussion relating to the Rebellion. "Father lost most of his men when he went off to find his sister, his search ending with a battle against Arthur Dayne."

Geralt knew that name well enough since Barristan and Jaime had remarked fondly of the knight, along with many comparing his own skills with the man. "So did anyone survive?"

Robb nodded. "Only one, Lord Howland Reed."

"Can't say I heard his name among the gathered here."

"Heh…true. The thing is Lord Howland is one of the more reclusive Lords of the North. House Reed is the farthest south within the Neck, only within the North's borders. He's a man who avoids politics, yet he's deeply loyal towards House Stark."

"So why isn't he here?"

"Because I asked him to return south after our first gathering." Robb explained. "I needed him to fortify Moat Cailin in case of the Lannisters or their mercenaries tried to hinder any approach southward. If anyone understands the Neck, it is him and his bannermen."

Geralt nodded, understanding the reasoning. "Luckily I'll be heading that way within a few weeks. Once I question him, I'll be certain if my theory is right."

"Yet…should you ask Geralt?" Robb quietly questioned before shaking his head. "I may be young…new to politics…but even I know the risks. It explains the secrecy, especially with Robert. It could have created a whole other war…in fact it still could with Stannis set on his right to rule."

The Witcher was silent, unable to argue that the risks were great on this matter. There was also the chance that other may know or unknown clues which could be exposed. At the least for Geralt, Jon deserved the truth…to have some peace of mind about his own existence. "I know." He simply answered back. "I am sorry that I shared this with you…however you're the only one I felt I could trust with this information."

The young Stark nodded as he'd again glance at the coffin, one hand moving to rest heavily on the lid. "Another burden to bear…though it seemed father had many as well." There was a long pause before he glanced back at Geralt. "I promise I'll be silent on this matter. At the least the coming war plans will distract my thoughts of it." Shifting away from the coffin, he and Geralt moved for the doorway out. "Rest at the least will be welcoming now."

"I can't argue with that." Geralt sighed as they left the room, rejoining Robb's waiting guards. "We'll talk again soon."

Robb only nodded before departing, one of House Manderly servants remaining to lead the Witcher to his room. It was a short walk through the hallways of the keep until they reached his room. It was a cozy room, at least compared to the one back on Dragonstone. He'd see that his storage chest from the ship had also been moved here as well, as per his request.

"I'll admit sir, it was tricky to carry that into the keep. Dreadfully heavy." The servant remarked.

"All the harder to steal." Opening the chest to double check, he'd nod as everything seemed in good order before getting a few silvers from the money pouch. "For the work. Be sure to share it with those that helped."

The young man nodded, a thankful grin on his face before giving a short bow. "Sevens blessing to you Ser Geralt. Rest well." With that formal parting, the servant left the room, making sure to close the door behind him.

Now alone, Geralt gave a small tired sigh before rubbing the side of his head. Between all the talking and drinking he was starting to have an annoying headache now. Snagging some White Honey from the chest, he'd take a small sip to ease the hangover he was starting to feel before changing into lighter clothes for the night. Falling back onto the soft bed, he'd close his eyes as his mind was racing with so many thoughts. Eddard's last secret, the coming war, Arya's training and of course Ciri. There was so much to manage…so much to do in so little time.

"Feel like one of many pieces on a chess board right now. Except I'm blind to all the other pieces…as they are to me." He muttered to himself before closing his eyes. "Their move then…" Relaxing on the bed, the Witcher quickly drifted into a peaceful sleep.

As for the rest of the world…its many pieces and players continued their countless moves as the game of thrones truly began.

Notice: Quite a lot set up for the future yes? I can say I was excited making the Winter Wolves, since now a ton of interesting side characters will get to have a more active role in the story. Also a lot of other plot lines have been set, so I'm curious how many some of you will notice.

Next chapter will focus on the other characters across Westeros, as the cogs of war start to click into place. Expect plenty of more surprising alliances to follow as the other factions make their own moves.

Also I'm proud to say we've reached over 2000 followers on this crossover! Thank you so much for such support! As always share a review, PM or post on the forums on what you think!

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