
Chapter 32: S2-E8: Splendors of Qarth - Part 1

Chapter Thirty-One: The Splendors of Qarth – Part One

Forward: Editing credit to Rainsfere.

Ciri – Trade Route to Qarth – Late Morning

The last few days of traveling were far more comfortable than the hellish trek through the Red Wastes over a week ago. In that month-long journey, Ciri had nearly forgotten how quickly a group could move with enough horses, carts and a vague road to follow. She had been switching between riding along on her horse or relaxing in the main carriage with Daenerys and their Qartheen hosts. The last few days had been focused on learning about the city's history, varying factions and cultural norms. It was a lot to take in, though both women knew they needed to understand as much as they could if they wanted to bargain with the Thirteen.

Every night they camped, she, Dany and Jorah would discus on possible plans once they had reached the city. One thing they all agreed on was acquiring a ship with a skilled crew and full supplies so they could at least leave this isolated corner of Essos.

"While we're not coinless, I doubt we can afford a ship large enough for the entire Khalasar. I have no plans to abandon anyone after what they endured through the Red Wastes." Dany had been quick to state, showing her dedication to her people rather than her own gain. "We will have to rely on our own wit and whatever influence our host Xaro can offer."

Thinking of Xaro, Ciri glanced at the nearby carriage window to the charming Trade Prince chatting with Dany and Jorah. At the least he was trying to get to know Daenerys, wanting to be appealing to her beyond just his wealth. Overall it seemed he was set on his offer of marriage, which had both great benefits and uncertainties.

"We know nothing of his intentions, short or long term." Jorah had remarked. "To marry you would give him a chance to co-rule with you in Westeros…that is if we ever get the means to retake the Iron Throne. There is also no denying his interests towards the dragons, which once grown up they will become powerful weapons throughout the known world."

Then her attention was on Pyat, the warlock currently riding his own horse alongside the mysterious Quaithe. The pale man was muttering to her, though Ciri had no idea if the so-called Shadowbinder was even talking back. At times Pyat did glance at her, knowing that the ashen haired woman was watching them.

"Both Pyat and Quaithe are difficult to predict. I do have a feeling they have some real magic power, but to what degree I can't be certain." Ciri had informed the others. "Despite that though I don't think they share the same interests, even if the Warlock says otherwise. All I know is he seems eager for me to meet the rest of his order. As for Quaithe…I suspect she knows I'm not really 'Vaera Waters', but for some reason has kept it to herself."

Ciri hadn't included the fact the woman knew about her greater destiny as well, feeling that such information would only trouble her companions. Until she knew more about the woman's intentions, this was her problem to solve. As she rode about the caravan, she'd group up with the Blood Riders who rode close by the carriage, the Dothraki seeming on edge not being at their Khaleesi's side. Approaching Rakharo, the Dothraki looked to her before giving a small grin.

"Taking a break gossiping with the Trade Prince?" He questioned.

Ciri chuckled and shrugged. "That seems to be Daenerys' forte. Still he's proving to be quite a formal host, having gone so far to help us."

"Yet not out of purely good intentions." The Blood Rider reminded. "He may not be a Milk Man because of his dark skin, but he acts just as soft as them.

The odd Dothraki name for Qartheen had Ciri smirk a bit. "Kind of a silly name and one I hope you or the others don't spout off." She warned in a jesting tone.

"Well it's a fitting name!" He laughed back. "The people of that city supposed to have paler skinned than even you or the Khaleesi. Plus they have such…odd and demeaning habits. Did you know they consider openly weeping as a mark of civilization?" The warrior shook his head in disbelief. "If that is what it takes to be considered 'civil' then expect my people to never fall that low."

"Hmm I don't know. As appealing as a strapping warrior may be, there is something warming about a man open with his emotions." Ciri's tone playful, even a bit flirty towards Rakhero, who did blush ever faintly.

Shaking his head slightly in confusion, he'd give a low mutter. "Never understand some women…" However, he snapped to attention as the group reached the top of a low slopping hill. "Ki the vezhven vezh!"

Ciri too gawked slightly, fully agreeing 'By the Great Stallion' at the sight before them. While the ruins of the City of Bones were impressive, the walls of Qarth were twice as imposing, literally. For surrounding the gleaming port city were three rows of ornate walls. She was good at judging their height from this distance, thirty feet, forty feet and the last fifty feet. It made sense why the Dothraki nor the cities of Essos had conquered this place, between a strong navy and land defenses it would take years to siege this place.

"So…still think the Dothraki can conquer it?" Ciri whispered to Rakharo, snapping him back to attention.

Glancing sideways a bit at his fellow Blood Riders, hoping they could give him some answer, but they seemed just as awed by the city. "I…I think our pride has blinded us…in this matter." He said, seeming to be in deep thought over this.

In a way Ciri felt bad for the Blood Riders, these elite raiders truly seeing how imposing this powerful city state was. They muttered to each other in Dothraki, seeming to be debating about a private matter. While she was curious, she decided not to bother them as she'd notice that Dany had opened up the window to lean out the carriage and see the city itself.

"Its…beautiful. It makes Pentos seem so simple in compare." She remarked.

"I'm glad you are impressed Khaleesi." Xaro chuckled. "The walls are considered one of the eight great man-made wonders of the world after all. Without them I doubt Qarth would have grown into the city it is today."

The other Dothraki were amazed by the city walls as they approached, the children wide eyed and yammering excitedly as they approached the iron forged gate. Guarding the gate were a dozen men dressed in gleaming scaled copper armor and intimidating snouted helms with long tusks each crowned with a long black plume. In hand they had long cavalry spears and sabers at their hips, perfect weapons for mounted combat. Their mounts were camels, an odd yet suitable creature for the harsher climate in this end of Essos. What was even more eye catching was their fine leathered saddles which were inlaid with rubies and garnets, the sunlight glittering off them in quite a distracting manner. It seemed even with their soldiers, Qarth enjoyed showing off their wealth.

"Mh…now that is a true trophy saddle." Rakhero chuckled with a greedy gleam in his eyes, his fellow riders seeming to all agree. Ciri just hoped none of them had any ideas of getting said saddles, be it fighting or stealing them.

At last the caravan came to a stop a short distance from the ornate guards, with Xaro's carriage stopping at the front. The door opened for the Trade Prince, Dany and Jorah to walk out while three of the guards approached. Ciri, Rakhero and another Blood Rider moved up as well for Daenerys' protection. The leading guard moved ahead, bowing slightly from his saddle towards Xaro and Daenerys.

"Trade Prince Xaro Xhoan Daxos." The man formally announced. "It is good to see you return so soon and with unique company as well."

"Thank you captain. As you can see my advisors were right about having me venture beyond the walls." Gesturing to Daenerys. "By the right of Soumai, the Khaleesi Daenerys Stormborn and her Khalasar are to be given entry into the city as my honored guests."

"I understand the traditions of Soumai." The captain answered back. "The Thirteen though…didn't expect you'd bring back so many people, much less Dothraki." His helmeted head looked across the group judgingly. His gaze did stop to linger on Ciri, no doubt finding her Targaryen like features surprising, though he didn't remark about her. "No Dothraki has set foot in Qarth in ages after all…"

At this point Daenerys spoke up. "Then I can assure you that my people will obey Qarth's laws fully." Her sharp gaze met the man's, making him shuffle a bit in his saddle. "By the honor of the Targaryen name, I swear to that."

With that promise given, the captain was silent for a moment before nodding. "Then I and the people of Qarth will accept that." He raised up his spear before shouting something out in Qarthien. There was a resounding creak and groan as the gate behind the guards started to rise up, letting the group see the next three that also parted along with it. "We will escort you to Lord Xaro's palace. Please ensure no one strays away during our trip."

With those directions given, the captain and his men turned about to lead the caravan forward. Ciri gave a small sigh after that tense moment, giving a small proud smile to Dany as she walked by. "A wise choice of words."

"What, expected me to threaten letting my dragons loose?" Dany giggled.

Oddly Ciri had a feeling that if events had played out differently the young woman would indeed give out such a threat. Shrugging the thought aside, she watched as the trio got back into the carriage before moving forward. With the caravan slowly moving along, they passed through the three gates, each one closing once everyone had gotten through. At last they passed through the final wall, everyone soon gazed over Qarth's cityscape.

"Lady Daenerys and Vaera. I welcome you to Qarth! Xaro grandly announced with a proud grin.

They were now on the main street, finely paved with colorful bricks in such dazzling patterns, which in turn matched with the bright hues of all the surrounding buildings. In fact that was the most striking thing about this city, the explosion of colors wherever she looked. After being out in the red sand wastes and dusty savanna for so long, Qarth's colorful surroundings were almost blinding to her. Looking further down the street let the group see the lavish landmarks ranging from a massive regal citadel with a domed roof. East of the citadel, a vast bazaar with terraced walls filled with lush gardens surrounding it's bustling crowds. Further east laid countless palaces and villas, each one seemingly more grand then the last. At the far end to the south was beautiful port filled with drifting ships each with a different colored sail and design from countless cultures across the world.

Every building seemed like a unique piece of art, much of it reminding Ciri of the time worn structures of the City of Bones. Along the walls, gem stone mosaics that depicted a wide mix of images ranging from the history of Qarth, exotic animals, monsters or abstract works. Overhead was out stretched vails of sea green and blue, all held up by bronze archways that were just as artistically varied in design. With them passing through the circle square, Ciri recognize a fountain that was very much like the one they had camped around for a week back in the City of Bones. This one though flowed with pure water, the steams of fluid coming out of spouts shaped like gryphons. So far no matter where they looked, there was always something stunning to behold, further showing the mindboggling wealth of this city.

Ciri glanced to the carriage to see Dany gawking at the wealth and wonders about her. Considering the young woman had seen a few of Essos exotic sights already, it just showed how impressive their surroundings were. Her sharp ears though quickly heard curious mutterings all about, making her realize there were crowds of people about. The citizens of Qarth were dressed in the finest of clothing with even, much to her distaste, the collared slaves that followed their wealthy masters. She had been warned before hand about how slavery was practiced here like much of Essos. While is was also true that Nilfgaard also enslaved others, it wasn't to the degree that was shared about Essos. Part of her thought that she could end such a cruel and barbaric practice…if she ever returned to her world and accepted her father's offer of emperorship. Though here, there was no all commanding position to simply change the way things are.

"Everything alright Vaera?" Jorah remarked in a concerned manner, speaking out from the carriage.

Realizing she no doubt had a serious look on his face from her troubled thoughts, she shook her head. "I'm fine. Just…it's a lot to take in." She answered back with a small grin.

"It is understandable." Xaro remarked, intruding onto the conversation. "Once we reach the bazaar we'll be close to my palace."

With the group circling around the outer edge of the bazaar, they overlooked the mix of palaces and villas that made up the homes of the city's most wealthy. "Umm…which one is it though?" Ciri chuckled, a bit daunted by it all.

"Ah…that one." The Trade Prince replied, pointing to perhaps one of the largest and lavish of all the noble homes. In fact Ciri was sure it rivaled the size of the Imperial Palace within Nilfgaard's capital, though that was a long time ago. At the least it was the size of a small trading town with the gardens surrounding the palace being practically a tropical forest. "Thank you for escorting us captain. I'll be sure to have you commended for your professionalism."

"That is an honor sir, along with escorting such honored guests as well." He replied before signaling for his men to follow him back towards the gates.

Everyone within the carriage filed out, Xaro already at the lead as servants began unpacking all the carts, though the Dothraki preferred handling their own. Dany's handmaidens would have the dragons out from their cages and carried along in their cozy baskets. They had been hidden to avoid any unwanted attention, since the sight of the reborn beasts would have an endless mob of onlookers. Plus they were Daenerys' surprise for the Thirteen, a small show of her growing personal power. The three creatures glanced about the tropic garden with curiosity, already eager to explore and hunt.

"I feel this is where I depart." Pyat politely stated. "The Grand Master will be eager to hear the news of your arrival and I'm certain in due time a formal invitation will be given." Giving a parting bow from his mount, the warlock guided his horse back to the street, quickly disappearing from sight.

Quaithe in turn also would speak up. "I feel I'll be leaving for now as well. I have personal matters to attend to, but we will meet again quite soon." The masked woman's gaze was set on Ciri though, making her words seeming to focus on her. With a short nod, she too moved back to the street though went the opposite direction Pyat had taken.

With the mystics gone, Xaro gave a small sigh, though Ciri wasn't sure it was frustration or relief. "Now then, we have much of the day left for us." The man announced to Daenerys's personal group. "The Thirteen will no doubt invite us for a dinner meeting, so we have the whole day to prepare."

"That is good to know. It would be embarrassing if we didn't get a proper bath and change of clothes." Jorah commented. "Perhaps some shopping as well."

Both Ciri and Dany had an excited hint on their faces with that last suggestion, both of them curious to explore what the vast bazaar had to offer. "I say a bath and a short rest would be a good plan for now." Daenerys stated. "By late mid-day after lunch I think we'll then head out for the market until the evening. Hopefully by then we will get your fellow council members' summons."

"A wise plan Khaleesi." Xaro said in agreement. "My servants will ensure your people will get proper quarters. If you'll follow me I'll show you all to the baths." Everyone followed Xaro through the maze-like corridors of his palace, passing by more Unsullied guards who served him. At last they reached a hallway which split two doorways, which had faint steam flowing from under them. "I had the wisdom of building two pools to ensure privacy for my guests. I'm sure you wish your bodyguards to be presentable before the council after all."

The Dothraki warriors had slightly annoyed looks at being judged by the man, though Jorah was quick to step in. "A fair point Lord Xaro. We have to show the Thirteen that the elite Blood Riders are true warriors serving our Khaleesi." Glancing to the trio, he'd nod. "Besides I doubt any of them would think of turning down a warm bath." That last remark had them glance at each other and chuckle a bit in agreement.

Dany was pleased Jorah was keeping her hotblooded warriors in line, giving a small smile to the gruff knight. "Then we best get started. Also no need to worry about my safety, Vaera is more than capable in guarding me." Giving a parting nod to Xaro, she led her handmaidens along with her carried dragons into the bathing pool chamber. Ciri lingered to give a short wave to Jorah, a faint smile on her lips before following after her 'sister'.

Xaro in turn gestured for the men to follow him to the door to the right, opening it for them to reveal the bathing pool itself. The marble and tiled chamber had quite the large pool, large enough to host well over a dozen people. The source of the steam they had seen back in the hallway was from the water itself, which Jorah deduced was from pipes and furnaces below the palace. What was the most…attractive feature of the pool was the host of servant girls bathing or drying off at it's edge. Seeing their master and his guests, they giggled and muttered in different languages, curious of the Bloodriders and Westerosi visitors. The attractive sight had the Blood Riders grinning, instantly welcoming towards the playful girls.

"No need to be shy around my servants. So long as you don't force anything onto them, they'll do their best to…tend to you." With the Trade Prince's invitation, the Dothraki were quick to strip out of their light leather armor and clothing, muscular copper skinned bodies on display to the giggling servant girls. They gave a gleeful yell, which Jorah knew was a war cry to their people, they'd jump into the bathing pool. The girls laughed out getting splashed and quickly swarmed the Blood Riders, rapidly asking questions and having massaging hands roam across such honed bodies.

"Seems you know the weakness of every Dothraki warrior." Jorah jested as he undressed, though taking more proper care with his armor and clothes. Jorah was slightly denser with muscle than the three Blood Riders, his fine tanned skinned also hinting faded scars from the many battles he had gone through in life.

"I know they don't trust me, so I thought it best to be welcoming to them." Xaro explained, undoing his lavish robes and the fine clothes underneath. The dark-skinned man seemed to exercise enough from what Jorah could tell, though obviously his luxurious light style did leave him a bit 'soft'. "Besides I want them to be busy while we discuss private matters." Both men slipped into the pool, sitting in the more shallow end of the water. Once lodged back, four servant girls approached them, two for each man. One sit at the pools edge rubbing along the shoulders while the other slipped up to the side, bottle bathing oil on hand which she spread along their chests.

"Not planning to bribe me now are you?" Jorah chuckled, relaxing to the girl's soothing care, though paying close attention to the Trade Prince.

"No, I simply want your honesty when it comes to your Khaleesi and her mysterious sister." Xaro stated back, raising one arm to let the servant wash along it. "You are her closest adviser, a man who's seen much and understands the realities of the world."

"Aye…yet over the last month I've seen the impossible. Dragons reborn, the Khaleesi untouched by a pyre's flames and a long-lost Targaryen stepsister." Jorah chuckled a bit. "Sounds like a fairy tale doesn't it?"

Xaro couldn't help but grin in agreement. "A fair point." He'd sigh as the servant at his shoulders got a tense spot. "I can say Vaera has been fascinating to chat with. So many interesting tales and she carries such a fine blade that it must be Valyrian in quality." Chuckling a bit, he gave a small gesture to Jorah. "So is it true she beat a Bloodrider and half of his raiders by herself?"

Jorah nodded. "Aye, I saw it before my very eyes. In a way it reminds me of Rhaegar's dueling skills because of the grace and power she has. Course she fights tough, not shy of using streetwise tricks to catch one off-guard."

"Heh, that reminds me of my youthful days when first coming here." Xaro laughed out. "I can tell she's had a strong impact on the Khaleesi in quite a short amount of time."

"Daenerys's has suffered many losses over the last few months, with only her dragons and Khalasaar driving her on. Vaera has also been a proper sibling for her as well since her brother was…abusive."

"No need to go over such details. I've heard the rumors well enough." Xaro dismissed. "Already me and my advisers debate on what role she will play in the politics to come." The dark-skinned man paused in thought before speaking again. "I can say I've noticed the way you look at her. I'm good at reading people Jorah and I can tell you have more than just respect towards her."

The Northerner didn't react to the man's claim, keeping a passive expression on his face. "She's an exceptional woman. Charming and brave…just a few qualities that appeal to any man." It was a blunt if evasive answer.

"Heh very true…" However the Qartheen remembered how she had taken the time to wave goodbye to the former knight, a hint that attraction wasn't simply one sided. "Ah but I'm being rude prying into such personal matters. In turn you may ask a question of your own, if you have any."

It seemed like a fair tradeoff, an easy means to shift topics at least. "There has been one question on my mind since we met, mainly something your pet warlock had mentioned. While the Order of Warlocks are a secretive bunch, I've never heard of them having a leader."

Xaro didn't respond at first, gaze shifting to the servant girls who slowed in their cleaning. "That is enough for now. Go see that all our clothes are washed for later." He ordered, the girls bowing their heads before hurrying out of the bath. "If anything I was just as surprised with Pyat revealing that. The Grand Master is an individual that only the Warlocks and the Thirteen openly know of."

"From what your warlock implies he is the founder of their Order."

"Then unless we're dealing with a living mummy I'd doubt that claim. The Warlocks have lived in Qarth for over a thousand and a half years. I doubt the claims of their Shade of the Evening can prolong one's life for that long, unless they have…other means to extend it."

"Then I pray not. No man should live beyond their natural limits."

Nodding in agreement, Xaro sighed as he leaned back where he sat. "Whatever the case the Warlocks have been more active than ever before. Oddly it began right when that Red Comet had appeared in the sky…and in turn the same night those dragons were reborn."

"Doubt that is coincidence." Jorah still wasn't sure what to make of the Warlocks, considering they had seemingly known of their location. "Whatever happens it will be up to the Khaleesi to decide."

"Indeed. Times are changing Jorah…and I for one plan to be part of it."

The Northerner didn't question further about the Qartheen's remark, but knew this man had boundless ambition. Which was what worried him the most, since such men always proved to be the most unpredictable…

Rising up from the water, Ciri gave a gasp for air after dunking herself under the warm water. Her white hair was undone from the short bun she usually had, making the soaked hair rest along her neck and even top of her shoulders. "Mgh gods I've missed baths like this." She sighed happily out, stretching her arms over head. While Daenerys had seen the full extent of her scars when they first found her, it was still shocking to the Targaryen to see so many on a woman like Ciri. Slashing oiled water along her front, Ciri began scrubbing down her body with a sponge that was floating nearby.

"You know the handmaidens can do that for you." Daenerys chuckled, sitting close by in the shallow water with two of her servants tending to her. Ciri was surprised to see some hints of scarring and injury on the pale skinned girl, though that should be expected with her time being with the Dothraki and riding so much.

"You do know I prefer to care for myself." She remarked back with a smirk as she scrubbed down her chest, tracing around her perky breasts and down her toned belly. Her gaze did drift when her sharp eyes saw the serpent like form of one of the dragons swimming close by, moving towards Dany before peeking out from the surface, revealing it to be Drogon. "Heh seems they can swim well despite being their first time in water."

Dany nodded as she'd have her arms outstretched for the black scaled dragon who leaped into them. "I remember some tales about how dragons came to be. One story claims they lived in the hearts of the Fourteen Flame, the volcanoes of Valyria, only rising up from then when my people arrived there. Another is they were serpents living in the waters of the Jade Sea, changing over countless ages until nesting in Essos."

"Must be quite fascinating tales." She saw another form in the water, making her drop the sponge aside before reaching her arm under the surface. The dragon came towards it, coiling along the limb so Ciri could lift him out. Rhaegal spit out a bit of water before shaking it head, giving a small squawk to clear his nose. "Speaking of the past, the question is what will be these three future? They are all male right…so…how will the dragons survive beyond these three?"

It was a sudden question that even Dany hadn't even considered after all this time. Tilting her head slightly in thought, she hardly reacted as Viserion climbed up onto the edge of the pool then onto her left shoulder. "Well…only a handful of dragons survived the Doom hundreds of years back. I believe dragons could…umm…change their gender during mating periods."

Ciri gave a puzzled look hearing this detail. Compared to what she knew of monsters and animals, it could be possible for certain species to adapt in such a way. "Guess we won't know until that time comes." She said with a shrug and small smirk. "Though if it does…we'll have to make new names for them all. Vissy Drogana and Rhagila?"

The suggested names drew laughs and giggles from everyone, Dany shaking her head. "Remind me never to let you name anything, much less dragons." She jested back with a happy smile.

"You're the queen to be." Moving closer, Ciri sat close beside Daenerys with a sigh. "Let your first decree be that Vaera Targaryen never name anything under your rule!" She declared in grandiose manner. She of course continued to use her Targaryen 'name', just to be safe of any spies Xaro made have. Even during cheerful moments they had to continue with this ruse.

Dany rolled her eyes at the joke, even giving a teasing jab at Ciri's side with one elbow. "Joking aside we should be planning over how to bargain with the Thirteen."

"Our personal position isn't as dire, but we don't have much to work with…" However, her gaze did look to the dragons surround them. "Its obvious what is one thing they'd desire to have, which they won't lay a finger then, Xaro included"

The steadfast promise had Daenerys nod thankfully. "Our host's offer though has been more…tempting since we arrived here." She glanced about the lavish bathing pool. "The wealth and influence he has can't be questioned after what we've seen."

"But is marrying yourself off to him worth it?" Ciri questioned. "True he's respectful and charming, but he obviously has grand ambitions. Question is what are they and how they can be a risk to you, your Khalasar or the dragons."

"I know there are risks." Dany sighed, one hand petting Drogon's spiky back gently. "I can't rely on just my family's name to earn me favors with the leaders of Qarth. My brother has over used that influence which I doubt is even valued this far east."

Pausing in thought, a sudden realization came to Ciri. "We have to work with your personal accomplishments."

The remark brought a confused look to the Targaryen's face. "My own? I mean…hatching the dragons and surviving the pyre wasn't…well…expected." She admitted shyly.

"Yet there is the fact that you led your people through the Red Wastes, a place that whole armies have struggled to cross." She explained. "Also just because I brought water doesn't change the fact your calm leadership and selflessness kept everyone together even when times seemed desperate." Ciri then nodded over to the nearby Valyrian short sword. "Along with the fact you have that. Despite the mystery of that weapon, it still is a show of prestige, even more considering your learning how to use it."

By now Dany was realizing what Ciri meant. "I'm understanding on what your meaning now." Nodding, the young woman seemed to have a plan forming in her mind. "Can you promise me not to try and speak on my behalf?"

Ciri nodded. "Promise. Can't hog all the attention from my little sister." She teased before shifting to stand up from the water and stepping out of the pool. "Best we stop lazing about and finish up."

"Fair enough…" The handmaidens would shift aside for Dany to get up, though the Targaryen did glance at the rose tattoo Ciri had on her inner right thigh. She had seen it before though never took the time to question about it "A bit sudden to ask but you never told me about that. A little mark from your mercenary days or something more-"

"Umm personal." Ciri muttered back quickly as she grabbed a towel, wrapping it around herself to hide the marking away. "A story for another time Dany."

The reaction was odd to Daenerys, almost defensive. Considering Ciri had been open with her magical abilities, it showed that whatever the origins of that tattoo was quite important to her. And considering the way the ashen haired woman avoiding looking back at her that it was a troubling story as well.

A Few Hours Later – Qarth's Bazaar

Daenerys examined over a jade green dress, holding it up against the front of her sky blue and tanned leather outfit. "What do you think? Simple and flowing, plus I think the color works well with my purple eyes." She asked Ciri and Jorah who stood close by. The handmaidens were close by with three holding shrouded cages that held Dany's dragons, who despite the noisy surroundings were behaving after the bath and a large meal. Lastly were the Blood Riders who stood on guard, giving stern gazes to curious onlookers to keep them away.

"I think a darker color would be more fitting…and a design that doesn't have one breast exposed." Ciri answered back, stepping up to point out how the left front was shaped to be revealing.

"It's is a classical choice in Qarth. A way to show off natural beauty and the free culture this city has." Jorah explained.

"As enlightening as it is to learn and respect other cultures, I doubt you'll get me into dress, much less one like that." Ciri smirked a bit. "I hope you don't expect me or the Khaleesi to wear it just for appeal to our hosts."

"Vaera, I may be in exile but obey the honorable code of a knight still. I would never think nor suggest such improper things." He calmly answered with a short bow of his head.

Ciri thought she could see a faint blush on the gruff man, though that was hard to tell because of his tanned complexation. "Fair enough Ser Jorah." Pacing around to a nearby stand, she eyed a collection of leather clothing and light armor, reminding her of duelist clothing from her world.

"Ah! A good eye you have there, my lady! Braavosi leather, stylish, light and suitable for fighting." The Qartheen merchant manning the stand remarked. "Great against daggers and stabbing blades. I can tell from your sword and poise you are a swordswoman yes?"

"Hm, is it that obvious?" Despite the jest, she'd eye the simple manikin with a duelist outfit on display. The fitting vest was a deep tanned color with faint red lining across the steaming and a gray silver trimming. Under it was a fine linin shirt which was a matching color to the vest trimming. There was also a pair of soft leather gloves, perfect for maintaining a grip and protection for unarmed blows. Next was the sturdy cloth and leather padded pants, deeply tanned like the vest to continue with matching colors. Lastly were the boots, which under close inspection had metal pieces at the toe and heel. Glancing at own clothes, she realized she was due for an upgrade. Beyond keeping up her appearance, it seemed suitable that she get some protection if she couldn't openly use her powers. "So how much for this whole outfit?"

The merchant beamed before hurrying beside her. "The duelist's set. One of the best I have and all yours for a few hundred gold coins. You won't find better quality than this my lady!"

The price seemed high considering their funds, making Ciri bite her lower lip in thought. Dany was close by watching, since she had the decided say with their money. "It would be a fourth of our coin at least." She whispered.

At that point Ciri seemed ready to refuse, until a male voice spoke up from the side. "Surely you wouldn't think of charging a Targaryen, much less a stunning fighter such as her." The stranger's accent wasn't like anyone Ciri had met in Essos so far, in fact sounding more like the simpler tones from the Northern Realms. Soon the figure stepped from the crowd, a quite plain looking man with a buzz cut hair and wearing colorful if basic garb fitting of a peddler. Among the more lavish Qartheen's the man seemed very much out of place.

The leather merchant narrowed his eyes at the man, seeming annoyed with his interruption. "I don't need my competition getting in the way of my profits." He warned sternly to the stranger. "Targaryen or not, I'll not lower my price."

"True. You could charge this daring woman for all the gold she has, but you will lose more than you think." The stranger remarked while stroking one hand along his chin. "This woman from what I've heard slayed a Blood Rider in single combat, along with half of his raiders. Imagine the reputation you could gain if by your…generosity, you discount her. In the long-term you'd draw in more buyers looking for similar quality clothing."

Despite the open hostility the Qartheen had shown, he'd give a thoughtful look at the man's logic. "Perhaps…if this woman can prove her skill…if she is willing to."

This sudden haggling had caught everyone by surprise, mainly because they had no real part in it until this point. Daenerys gave a curious look to Ciri while Jorah's expression was guarded, feeling this was some trick. "Very well I accept a challenge, so long as the stranger decides on it."

"Very well, but I'll only allow it if I deem it suitable." The merchant declared.

"Fitting terms." The stranger took out a single gold coin, flicking it up and catching it with his open palm. "Let's see how well she can balance this coin." Again he flicked it over to the merchant, letting him get a feel on the size and weight.


Tossing the coin back, the stranger nodded to Ciri. "When you are ready."

Everyone moved back to given the ashen haired woman space as she reached back to grip her blade. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she gave a short nod. At the moment the stranger flicking the coin up high, double the height of Ciri. Flipping over and over, it gleamed light off the lowering sun before it began to descend down. At that moment her eyes snapped out and in turn she drew Zireael.

Raising it her overhead, she had angle the blade at a slope, the coin landing on it's side before rolling down it. It took a steady hand for her to lower her blade to be at a flat facing. At that point the coin stopped at the blade's center, she sharply flick the weapon up to toss the coin into the air again. This time though she caught it on the edge, the gleaming coin balancing on it's flat. "Have I proven enough?" She said with a smirk, enjoying the gawking expression the leather merchant had. With a short swing to the right, she'd fling the coin back to the stranger.

The onlookers clapped and cheered after the skillfully despite of swordsmanship, Ciri even giving a short bow after sheathing her blade. "Truly stunning. Such talent mirrors the tales of the Valyrian's fighting grace." The stranger praised before looking to the leather merchant. "Don't you agree friend?"

"A deal is a deal." The leather merchant sighed. "Half off then for the whole outfit."

Dany and Ciri grinned with the deal settled, the ashen haired woman already stripping her new outfit off the manikin. Jorah took care of the payment while she approached the mysterious merchant. "Have to say you have quite the wit when it comes deal making." She complimented the stranger. "You're not Qartheen and sure don't dress like the other traders here."

"True. I came here quite a long time ago following the grand stories of this city. Always something new to discover, as today has proven." The plain merchant chuckled, clasping both hands together. "As for my attire, its because in this city I'm perhaps the only one with a sense of humility despite my successes."

At this point Daenerys stepped up to speak. "And what type of trade do you follow…sir?"

Giving a low bow, the man gave a polite grin. "Gaunter O'Dimm at your service fair Khaleesi. As for my trade, it's a variety of things, though mirrors are a favorite of mine." He gestured across the stretch of bazaar towards a large shaded stall. "Considering your new purchase, where better to see how you look. Besides, I believe I can offer insightful information to your endeavors here in Qarth."

"You've been a gentleman so far O'Dimm." Dany politely answered back, waiting for the rest of her companions. "I am curious to know what you have to share, that is if my sister has no issues."

By now Ciri had her new clothes gather up. Oddly the man's name seemed quite…familiar, thinking she heard it before months back when she talked to Geralt. Also despite the man's helpful and formal manners, there just seemed something…off about him. "None at all." She quickly replied, trying to ignore the strange unease she felt as they followed the mirror merchant.

Notice: Decided to split this Ciri chapter into two, though I'm sure no one will be complaining about that. I'm sure everyone will be excited to see just how Ciri's and Dany's encounter with the Man of Glass will play out, so expect another chapter soon.

Also an update on the Fan Ramen podcast. The episode may be delayed to a week after the first episode of the new Game of Thrones season. A minor delay, but the crew for Fam Ramen are putting a lot of effort into making this a top-quality episode. Again for the fastest details on the podcast, check out their website or Twitter page.

As always, please share a review or chat on the Fanfic forum on my profile!

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