
Chapter 24: S1-E23 Epilogue: and Darkness 1/2

Season 1 - Epilogue: …and Darkness

Forward: Again, special thanks to Rainsfere for his help editing and proof reading this chapter. Also, the chapters will have a small title rework to be listed as 'episodes' and 'seasons' to avoid confusion and to better separate storyline events.

The Night of Eddard's Passing – The Red Keep

The Lannister Family Meeting

Tywin sat at the head seat of the Small Council table, his sharp gaze looking over his two sons and daughter. They had been sitting there for half an hour, not a single word being said the whole moment as he stared sternly to them all, mainly Cersei. The large windows of the room were open to let air in, though with it came the distant clamor of the city, muffled yells and chants filling the air as smaller riots or parties were being thrown in the streets.

Jaime sat on the far-right side, still in his King's Guard armor which was dirtied and dented after the chaos of the day. His face had some scrapes from being flung off the stage by Geralt's magical trick. He was lucky to have suffered nothing major between his short clash with the Witcher and dealing with the riot that had broken out. The young knight had a deep look in his eyes, gazing at the map of Westeros that was spread across the table, seeming lost in his thoughts.

Tyrion sat in a seat on the mid-right, one finger trancing the rim of his wine goblet. Everyone else had a drink in front of them, though no one had bothered to so much as take a sip. The dwarf's gaze drifted between each of his family members, though lingered on his father and sister the most often.

Cersei sat at the far end of the table, facing directly at her father. She was still in her regal clothes, though her hair ruffled up since the trial and her light make up marred by tears. For the moment she was calm, though everyone could sense the boiling rage she had. Tyrion and Jaime never had seen her this angered before, making them both curious yet worried.

"So?" Her voice was low as she spoke that one word, cold and demanding in tone. Those eyes of her were like daggers towards her father, yet the older man didn't show a hint of concern.

"So, what?" He calmly questioned back.

The woman's jaw clenched tightly, struggling to keep composed. "What news of the traitors…the scum who slighted us today?"

Tywin didn't answer, only keeping that stern gaze on her.

"Answer me damn you!" She snapped out, standing quickly from her seat in frustration.


The chilling command had Cersei's angered look break, a life time of disciplining overriding it as she'd slowly sit down. Yet once she did, that sharp glare returned to her eyes once more.

"Any more outburst like that and I will have you leave." He calmly spoke, voice clear and commanding. "After what happened today, I'm doubting if you should even remain in the court, much less King's Landing."

Cersei, tapped her fingers against the table, biting back any harsh words for now.

"I will at least answer your first question. Geralt and his companions are gone, escaped by ship owned by a lesser lord and trader named Davos Seaworth. Both of the Stark daughters and Lord Eddard are gone, though reports claim Eddard was mortally wounded by an unknown archer from what the reports say."

The news of Lord Stark's injury drew surprised looks from Jaime and Tyrion, both glancing up as they snapped to full attention. Cersei remained passive, though a hint of amusement hinted the corner of her lips.

"Interesting. It wasn't one of our own soldiers somehow?" Tyrion questioned. "Considering with Robert's assassination, it seems someone is targeting the nobility from all sides."

Tywin glanced to his youngest son, eyes narrowing before he'd nod. "It is something I have considered. While Robert had his issues, he kept stability to the realm and was easing control to us over time. However, his passing was too sudden…and Joffrey's claim to the throne too swift."

"I thought you'd be pleased with a Lannister on the Iron Throne? What of all your talk of legacy and power?" Cersei calmly questioned.

"Because today showed your son lacks the skill and temperament to be King." Tywin bluntly answered.

Cersei bite her lower lip, gaze glancing to the table as she quickly thought to herself. "He is still young-"

"Obviously." Her father muttered.

"-and will improve under my guidance and discipline."

"Then you've already failed as a mother considering what happened today." He'd stand up from his seat, pacing over to the window while Cersei clenched her hands tightly together in anger. Jaime looked to her, noting a hint of blood showing at her palms.

Tyrion at this point decided it was time to speak up more. "For once I agree with father on this. Your actions over the last few weeks have been…rash and more erratic than usual. Perhaps Geralt and Lord Stark were getting close to something that worried you."

"Silence you…" She hissed to the dwarf.

"Your brother again has a point." Tywin remarked calmly. "Repeatedly you've been hostile about the Witcher, drawing his attention and suspicion towards you."

"Doesn't the fact that Tyrion's friendly relations with our enemy bother you at the slightest?!" She countered, trying to deflect on the matter.

"Because I understood his usefulness unlike you." Tyrion answered back. "Not only did he save my life during my travels, he has been forward with me on many private matters. Despite what you may think of him, he is indeed honest and honorable to a flawed degree."

"Honesty and honor…" She'd mutter under her breath. "He hurt my son…broke his hand while you stood aside to let him!"

Tywin didn't turn to look to her, only staring out at the city below the Red Keep. "What did you expect me to do? Fight him? Your brother knows very well what he's capable of…especially now."

Cersei's gaze drifted to Jaime, the young knight looking back at her. Her angry expression softened seeing the serious look on his face, an expression she rarely saw. "Geralt is someone we've underestimated time and again. In subterfuge he is cunning. His swordsmanship masterful. Battle tactics are logical yet adaptive." He listed off in a calm calculating manner. "Even when we had him outnumbered and surrounded, he still beat us through his hidden allies and skills we couldn't expect."

"You mean his sorcery…illusion…whatever you may call it."

"Yes." Jaime simply answered, face still passive.

"Doesn't that trouble you? If he had such power all along he surely cheated with it during-"

"No." Her brother snapped sharply back, surprising her. "Our duel at the Melee was nothing but marital skill! The times when he did used those abilities…even I'd admittedly use considering."

Cersei looked baffled at Jaime's answer. "You can't be serious?! He humiliated you directly multiple times…he wounded your…your King!" She nearly stumbled with her words mentioning her son, showing how shaken she was with her emotions. Again, she looked to Tywin and spoke directly to him. "You simply stepped aside let that monster harm him!"

Tyrion sighed from where he sat, annoyed as the arguing was continuing. "Enough! I enjoy seeing your whine sister yet for once I have no stomach for this." The dwarf earned a bitter look from her, tough Jaime placed a hand on her arm to keep her from snapping back. "So, let's end this unending banter. Father, it's time you get to the point of this meeting, otherwise you waste all our time."

Both his siblings were surprised at the direct manner shown, a rare thing Tyrion showed towards his spiteful father. Even the old lord glanced back, a curious look hinting his eyes as he saw the serious look on the dwarf's face. "These are troubling days indeed…for once your speaking reasonably."

"Guess you can say I've matured over the last few months, with a little nudge from Geralt himself." He'd glance over to Cersei. "Despite what you may think, he openly preferred everyone's safety, your dear children included." His gaze returned to his father. "Now then…to the point."

There was a long pause as Tywin paced before the window, nodding out to the city. "Because of today, chaos has taken hold of the city. Old loyalties to Robert, respect to Eddard and adoration of the Witcher. These views and more will spread, especially now our claim to the throne is questioned by the nobility and commoners."

"Heh…the commoners? What does their opinion matter?" Cersei questioned.

"It may be twenty years since the Targaryen reign, yet the pains and suffering during that time remain. The reason why people accepted Robert despite his poor rulership was he kept the peace…while Joffrey on his first official day decided to execute a Northern lord just like the Mad King did on a whim." He'd let that fact settle in, Jaime having a deep look being reminded of those troubled times. "How do you think the people will think of us when another war comes down onto them once more?"

Cersei "That…wasn't planned. He was to be exiled as stated."

"Advice you no doubt shared with you son and expected him to obey?"

She didn't answer back, only glancing away from her father's accusing gaze. "Yet surely the Witcher planned to-"

"Intervene? You know he too expected exile, otherwise his rescue attempt wouldn't have been so disorganized. You saw how his allies were slow to react. In the end Joffrey's actions provoked him. His real target was the girl."

"Sansa?" Jaime muttered, thinking for a moment before nodding. "It makes sense. Saving Eddard only furthers his 'guilt'…while taking his daughter from us deprives us of a political hostage over the Starks."

"Logical deduction. Indeed, he was no doubt planning to steal her away after the trial more discreetly. He'd no doubt succeeded and have escaped before we were ever alerted."

"So, what is the point stating this?" Cersai muttered.

Tywin turned fully about to face his family. "Simple. We're at a disadvantage. Conflict is inevitable if Lord Stark is dead and we have no one to bargain with the rest of his family. We all know the other Lords of the North nor Eddard's eldest son won't take this offense lightly…history has shown that repeatedly." Pausing, he'd continue. "Also with doubt on our claim to the Iron Throne, Robert's brothers will most likely contest for it as well."

"Curious…you believe Renly and Stannis will challenge each other?" Tyrion questioned.

"Renly is a young visionary. While inexperienced he is popular and knows how to deal with the other nobility. Stannis may be officially declared the rightful heir, yet he's always been a quiet and stern individual. He's a dead set conservative with a black and white view on right and wrong. Overall the two have clashing views, it is natural they will seek the same power."

"So…enemies to the north..." Jaime picked up a wolf piece, setting it at Winterfell. "…east…" He'd set one stag piece to Dragonstone. "…and the south." The other stag piece on Storm End. "Seems we're going to have a war on many fronts."

"Stannis will no doubt be the most prepared. He has had suspicions ever since Jon's Arryn's death and his position on the Small Council gives him influence of the navy. If he builds a strong enough army, we may very well face invasion by sea."

"Yet I take you have a plan in mind?" Tyrion remarked.

"Indeed." Tywin grabbed more board pieces, four lion figures. He'd place two to the Riverlands, then on at the King's Wood and on King's Landing. "We can prepare beforehand. Renly will need time to gather from his supporters, same with the Starks in the North. Our forces and allies will be able to assemble, letting us take defensive ground between our enemies."

"A defense? Surely we could simply rush our forces against the North or south to Storm's End." Cersei argued.

Jaime shook his head. "No, father is right. Renly may be closer, yet Storm's End would be difficult to take even if he has a small force defending it. As for the North it is simply too far into enemy territory. Even if we suppressed the Northerners, we'll be too overextended to support King's Landing or the King's Wood from the Baratheons."

"Well put. It seems you learned well in tactical studies." Tywin simply complimented. "Your brother is right. A war of aggression will leave us exposed unless we earn more allies to bolster us. We'll need to make quick alliances with unlikely groups to ensure our survival."

"Which I'm certain you well be negotiating in." Cersei coyly added.

"Yes…as King Regent."

A surprised look blinked crossed everyone's faces, yet Cersei had the most startled. "Surely…you are mistaken father. Joffrey has already been crowned…coronated before the whole court."


There was a tense pause as Cersei stood up from her seat, pacing around the other end of the table. "So how can you take claim of that role?"

"I've already stated his obvious flaws for why he shouldn't actively lead. Before you concern yourself of the public or nobility worrying about him, they will understand. Considering the injuries inflicted during the trial and matters of his safety, it is reasonable for them to understand my…temporary position while he recovers and is better educated of his duties."

Cersei's hands clenched, annoyance showing in her eyes though she'd bow her head slightly. "Surely he can take some role-"

"And what? Threaten potential allies and small folk with his childish manners. No…we don't have the luxury to have him play King or you to puppeteer him."


"Be thankful I'm not sending you away to Casterly Rock. Right now, you still have your uses among the court, so do not test my patience any further." With that warning given, he'd look to Jaime. "Our forces will need generals and leaders for what is to come. It is time you put all you training to full use…no more being a glorified bodyguard."

Jaime did not respond, only giving a small sideward glance to his distraught sister, before nodding to his father in silent agreement.

"Good…then there is nothing more to discuss tonight. You are dismissed."

Jaime moved out of his seat, yet Cersei remained where she stood as she spoke up again. "Permit me…one final question father."

Tywin didn't answer, only giving a curt nod to her to speak.

"What about Geralt the Witcher? How do you plan to deal with him?"

The old lord simply gave a small smirk back to her. "That is something you shouldn't concern yourself over."

His daughter glanced at the table, seeming annoyed with the lack of a clear answer. In the end, she'd stand up to leave with Jaime following suit before Tyrion hopped off his seat to leave as well.

"Not you. There are a few more things we need to speak over."

The dwarf paused from his father's remark and for a moment Cersei did as well at the door out, before she'd slip away with an annoyed look hinted toward her younger brother.

With a small sigh and shrug, Tyrion returned to his seat and was already refilling his goblet again. "So, what special assignment do you have for me this time?" His tone was sarcastic as he remembered well of his 'duties' in managing Casterly Rock's sewer system, a job that he despised yet had done very successfully.

The old lord stared at his son tensely, not seeming humored by his tone. "I know we have little care for each other Tyrion, yet of late you have shown…promise." He muttered. "Reliability is a trait we need this day, a trait many in this Keep lack."

"A trait I assume you see in me."

"At times…" There was a long pause. "I am loath to offer this, yet choices are slim. I need you to serve as the King's Hand."

The dwarf nearly gagged on his wine, just swallowing the drink down and taking a breath. A baffled look showed on his face as he stared at his father and then at his goblet. "Either I…misheard or…" He'd shake his head. "…No, you are dead serious…"

"Don't give me reason to doubt."

"I'm trying not to." Tyrion rubbed one hand over his chin, deep in thought, unsure if this wasn't some ploy or trick. "Let's say I do accept…"

Within the throne room, Jaime and Cersei had slipped into a shadowed corner of the hall, the woman pressed up close to her brother. Her lips were at his neck kissing at a bruise, yet despite the affectionate show Jaime turned his head away from her.


She'd move onto his cheek, brushing over the long scar left by from his duel with the Witcher. "Its not fair. That brute…hurting you…our son…"


Yet she'd shift to kiss over his lips silencing him, pressing up more as twisted passion drove her on. Jaime accepted it for a long moment, yet pulled back in the end with a short sigh. His eyes had a conflicted mix of emotions of them, doubt being the strongest within him. It was something Cersei noticed which concerned her as she'd brush her brother's lovely golden hair.

"I know what happened at the trial was-"

"It was pure chaos and something we could have avoided."

She'd frown softly. "Please let's not focus on this. We've argued too much on the matter." Delicate fingers caressed his scarred cheek. "Right now, we need to focus on the future. You know very well who threatens us the most."

"The Witcher, at least from your point of view. For me it's hard to say considering we have a map littered with foes." His tone was sharp with her. "You can claim he could kill us, yet if he wanted that we'd have died in the throne room a week back or on that stage today. If he wanted to expose us he would have told our father at many opportune moments, yet he didn't."

Listing these facts off, he felt Cersei's hand drift lower down his face, cupping his sharp chin as he kept their gazes locked. "He must have a reason." She muttered, nearly hissing the world in that faint voice. "All part of some scheme or some twisted…"

"No." Jaimie's sudden words stopped her silent ranting. "He knows everything about us. The children…the tower and what I did to the young Stark. Even then he didn't want to fight…yet figure a fair course for everyone."

"And you believed what he said?"

There was a long tense pause as he looked at her, part of him understand the warning the Witcher had given about his sister. It was strange how he never noticed this side of her…or perhaps he did yet simply ignore it for so long. He loved and trusted her deeply, despite how their intimacy was wrong in so many ways. Right now, he had to learn the truth from her on one of Geralt's claims.

"Lancel…what is it between him and you?"

The sudden mention of the younger Lannister cousin drew a hint of surprise in her bright eyes, yet she did well to hide it. "What do you mean? He's simply a squire and-"

"One chance." Both of his hands were at her sides, holding her gently yet pleading. "One chance to tell me the truth." The words echoed so closely to what the Witcher had said in this very same chamber.

Cersei's lips parted as if to speak, yet the words seemed lost to her as she stared back at him. Right then…things were never going to be the same for the brother and sister…never the same.

Red Keep - Lord Baelish Chambers

To Deal with a Shadow

Petyr drew his door key from his vest and quickly unlocked the way. A small smirk hinted his face, having been keeping a close eye on the rapid new and spreading rumors throughout the capital. Overall everything was going as planned…in fact better then expected. He had only wished he had been at the 'trial' to see it all break out as people claimed, though he had known better with Geralt about. He was certain if he had been on that stage, he'd be very well dead for his betrayal.

Entering his lavish room, he'd move to close the door behind him and lock it again before pacing across the room. Loosening the mocking jay pin on his chest before moving to the jewelry box at the dresser. Yet as he'd carefully place his items aside, he'd pause as he'd hear something odd, the soft creak behind him. Like most rooms in the Red Keep, his room had a balcony area though he had made sure his had doors for security reasons. Moving closer, he'd see that the lock had been picked and the bolt forced open. Already his blood chilled as he felt a cold gaze at his back, making him tense on reaction and even drift to his Dragon Fang hidden at the back right of his hip.

"Don't move."

The voice was cold and low spoken, carrying such deadly intent even for saying only a few words. Littlefinger recognized who it was, yet that didn't ease the growing worry he felt.

"This is a bit…unexpected." He calmly spoke back, not turning around to face the intruder. He could hear the man shifting about behind him, soft boots patting along and a cloak lightly dragging over the floor.

"Why didn't you warn me before hand?"

"Warn you?"

"Don't play dumb with me 'Littlefinger'." The man lowly growled. "You suspected that brat would turn that trial into an execution. I question why you bothered hiring me…unless it was to annoy me and waste my time."

A long pause followed before Petry spoke. "I had my suspicions about the boy's intent. Many expected Eddard exiled, you included."

"I don't like surprises like this. You're lucky I kept to the deal despite having to chase Lord Stark over half the city and take quite the difficult shot to end him."

"Yet you succeeded yes? While his death is far less public then the city gates as we discussed, Eddard's passing will spread across the Seven Kingdoms." He'd pause. "You are certain he's dead."


Usually Baelish would question such a simple answer, yet the serious tone from the assassin was enough proof. His head shifted to glance back slightly, catching sight of the man's dark leather armor. "I guess that is a foolish question to ask. After all you are a Grim. Your group's reputation is unmatched.

The assassin didn't remark back, though Petyr could tell the man wasn't amused by the offered praise.

"Anyway, it is time to get the final half of your payment."



"My payment is to be doubled because of the complications."

Petyr paused, a small scowl hinting his face with the new demand. However, he knew arguing wouldn't be the best for his own health. "Very well. Let me just gather it up." He'd slowly turn about as he moved to the other side of the room, the assassin making sure to stay fully out of sight, never fully seeing the man. When they had met before it had been in the dark building within the city, yet it showed the man valued secrecy. Also, it was a good defense tactic keeping a target's back to you.

Moving to one of the paintings in the room, he removed to reveal a hidden safe which he'd quickly unlock, making sure the Grim didn't see how he worked the many intricate locks. Within the container, he'd pick out heavy pouches of gold. It was close to year of total earnings from his many business fronts in King's Landing. going to be bothersome paying twice as much, yet he didn't wish to double cross someone as deadly as a Grim.

"Put the money on the table."

Baelish followed the instructions, moving to the nearby table and placing the pouches of gold onto it.

"Now move back and turn away."

Again, he obeyed, moving over to the nearby liquor cabinet which he'd start to open. He'd hear the man give an annoyed mutter, obviously not trusting the noble, yet he didn't try to stop Petyr from getting glasses and wine out. The sound of coins being shifted could be heard as the Grim did a quick check, wanting to make sure the total seemed right at a glance.

"It is all in order despite your extra cost." Petyr assured.

"It best be." The Grim muttered. "I'd rather not make a return visit." While the tone was calm, Littlefinger couldn't help but shiver at how cold those words were.

"Would you like a drink at the least? A small celebration for-"

"And choke on wolfsbane like your late King? Don't test me as a fool Littlefinger. Killing you be too simple…yet the threat of your 'gift' bring quite the stir for the people. I wonder what they'd do to you if they knew just what you did to their fat yet loveable King."

Light sweat hinted his face as the assassin words brought more fear then any knife at his back. What baffled him was how this man knew…unless he was bluffing?

A small chuckle could be heard before the Grim gathered up his payment and shifted towards the balcony doorway. "We'll let you and the others play your petty game of thrones. Just don't be surprised when chaos comes, it will be a pit that swallow you whole." With that there was silence.

For a long moment Baelish didn't move before turning to look towards the balcony, finding it completely empty. His heart still raced as he'd pace slowly to the table to see the wine and glasses down before filling one. "Was risky to hire him." He muttered to himself with a small smirk as he kept his gaze set on the starry night outside, eyes set on the faint red streak in the sky. "Yet that is the thing…if you do not take the risks you gain nothing." Taking a deep sip from is glass before setting it down. "Chaos isn't a pit…but a ladder…one that I will climb to the top before all others."

Peering eyes stared through a hidden opening in one of the chamber walls, watching as Petyr enjoyed the last of his glass of wine. He couldn't help but be troubled by the noble's obsessed ambition, yet also inspired at the same time. None of the less, his suspensions on the Master of Coin were true.

"How much madness will you bring down on us Littlefinger?"

The voice whispered before slipping away from the wall, moving towards a low burning touch set behind him. Carefully he picked it up, avoiding his yellow robes from touching the lit end. Varys held it up as he'd slip deeper into the maze of hidden passages to return to his own chambers. There was much work to be done…all for the good of the realm.

The Riverlands – High Heart

The Dark Rebirth

Weavess breathed deeply, tasting the growing magic all around her. The feeling was wonderful, being exactly like the Black Sabbath so many months ago, yet the potency far stronger on this 'sacred' hill. The hunched hag had crafted finer clothes for herself, materials taken by the dead villagers and traders. The humans she had enslaved had dug a deep pit to the very roots of circle Weirwood tree stumps, tapping into the dormant power within them. The pit was flooded with murky gory red water, bits of dead villagers hinting under the surface.

"The time is neigh! The new age dawns…the reawakening of the magic!" She growled out gleefully as she stared high into the sky, which was thick with clouds drawn by the power forming on this hill. Even though the starry sky was obscured by the black clouds, the red glow of the comet was still clear overhead.

"I draw from the wandering flame of chaos, the purest of power!" Her long lanky arms waved overhead, clawed fingers twisting and turning in intricate motions.

The pool began to bubble as if a deep heat in the warm began to cook below, making the thick smell of death and decay well up into the air.

"I draw the life of this world! Untapped by the ages!" The red water began to glow, red trailing sparks leaping and coursing through the pool.

The hag walked closer to the pool edge, taking out a large brew bottle from her tattered robes. While he lacked the cooking skills of Brewess, she had all the talent needed to make this special elixir, a mix of rare toxic herbs and her own life blood. "With my blood, the shared blood of our mother, let it give you form once more."

She'd pour the thick liquid into the pool, the mixture sinking into the dark depths of the pit before it dissolved away. Weavess began to chat out in an echoing language, a tongue never heard by this isolated world. Back in her home world this form of speak was as old as existence itself and not fit for moral ears to hear…or minds to comprehend. The sky crackled with energy as the clouds above churned into a thunderous storm, though no rain fell as lightening boomed across the sky. Such power would have required all the hags to create such a fierce storm, yet Weavess felt twice as strong as time passed this night.

Soon her inhuman chant came to an end as she'd raise both hands upward. "Arise my sisters! Let this world be the womb of your rebirth…AND LIVE AGAIN!"

From the sky a massive lightning bolt striked directly into the pool, the final spark needed to complete the ritual. The glow in the pool died down and a deafening silence followed as the thunder suddenly stopped. Soon a drop fell from above, then another and another as rain began to pour down until it was a downpour. Weavess stood completely still, waiting even as the rain soaked her horrific form. Then the water shifted as if something underneath it moved. Then suddenly two long-fingered hands grasped the earthen edge of the pool, drawing a lanky figure from the depths. Close by, a pair massive fat hands reached for the shore, pulling a bare obese form from the murky waters.

Weavess beamed as she saw her sisters crawled onto the shore, heaving and gasping as they took their first breaths. The rain washed their grotesque naked forms of the gore and filthy water from the pool, as the two struggled for a moment to stand.

"Slowly my sisters. Take the time needed to rest and recover. The air is strong with power…it will fill your very being soon. She'd turn to pick up clothes set aside, new clothes for her sisters, styled like before yet much like her own clothes made of finer cloth. She'd lay each set of clothes by each sister, as the two began to recover.

Whispess gave a deep grunt and spat out thick slime from her mouth before she'd speak out in a wispy voice, grabbing at the red vailed headdress to cover her inhuman face. "My mind is…foggy. I remember the Sabath…yes…the girl…and her blade biting at my heart!" She'd growl out those last few words.

Brewess groaned at the pained memory. "Oh, that pain! The chilling feeling…and the darkness unlike the blackest night." She'd bellow as she'd fit her wicker basket mask over her face along with her cloth shawl across her head and bulky shoulders.

"Indeed, the Child of Destiny killed you both. How perfect this reunion would be if we had her at our mercy." Weavess muttered.

"How long have we been gone? Also, what is this place?" Whispess stood up as she fixed her dress over herself, head tilting as if listening to something. "The crows speak differently to me…and the annoying muttering of ravens echo around."

"Another Conjunction happened in our world, the time of the White Frost had come. I saw it as a chance to escape the world's death…yet didn't expect it take me here."

Brewess glanced broadly about the surroundings, noting the Weirwood tree and the many white stumps surrounding them. "The earth here is old. We're not the first to have lived here…and…" She'd glance farther north. "Do you feel it? The creeping chill and that muttering."

"Indeed sister! I know it well…the same whispers that followed the Wild Hunt." Whispess glanced northward as well, silent as she'd 'listen'. "The White Frost began on this world. It's been kept back…repelled…yet this time it will consume and reach beyond."

Weavess was curious of this new fact, considering she had sensed a strange building power as well. "What do you purpose sister?"

"It is a threat to us now that we're stuck on this world. We must face it or be destroyed with everything else."

"Such as task…yet…" Brewess had fat hands clenching together. "I feel mightier than ever before, not since the days when we took Mother's power."

"Then we will begin anew in this world. For too long we kept ourselves isolated in Velen, too comfortable with ruling weak superstitious peasants." Whispess paced about, arms wide as he basked in the falling rain. "Imagine the lords who we could… 'advise'. With our wisdom and powers, we'll have them enthralled to our will."

"And if they resist and challenge us…hehehe…how can they hurt us? With no Witchers or mages, they have no understanding of our powers or the means to fight us." Brewess added.

However, Weavess spoke up. "No…there is still a threat to us." Both of her sisters looked to her curiously. "The White Wolf followed the girl to this world. He does not know of us yet and is tangled in the games of the humans…though once he learns of us he'll act quickly."

"Then we'll be ready for him and show no mercy!" Whispess growled.

"Now I wonder…what of the Child of Destiny? If we had her flesh and blood…" Brewess muttered.

Weavess realized what her older sister was meaning. "The power to defeat the Frost. Yes…it makes us truly immortal and invincible."

"Make us true goddesses." Whispess chuckled before her youngest sister held up a silver wolf medallion. "I see you have something close to the girl. A useful item."

"It will let us scry her once preparations are made."

"Yes…" Suddenly Whispess paused, head glancing to the north east. "It seems we have guests coming. Curious and foolish men from what I sense."

"Mgh…young, strong and handsome?" Brewess cooed, her flabby body swaying at the thought.

"Keep your desires in check sister. We can't let these humans learn of our new home and warn others. Surprise is our strength."

The three hags turned and began to march into the dense woodlands that surrounded the hill, giggling and chuckling in sadistic glee.

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