
Chapter 20: The Declaration


To the Lords and Ladies of Westeros

All of you know me as the second son of the late King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister. But upon the death of my beloved father, I became the heir to the Iron Throne. I declare uon the honor of my house to reveal truthful events that occurred after my father's death.

Despite the rumor, Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, is not the traitor the Lannister portray him to be. On my father's deathbed, he named Lord Stark the Protector of the Realm until Joffrey came of age. Lord Stark presented this document to my mother the queen regent and my elder brother. Unwilling to give up their power, my mother tore it up in his face declaring it worthless.. When Lord Stark protested, they named him a traitor and threw him in a black cell. Ser Barristan Selmy formerly of the kingsguard knew the truth of this claim. For that, the Lannisters dismissed him from the order that he has served faithfully for decades.

My elder brother, Joffrey then ordered the near complete slaughter of the Stark household. Only Lord Stark, his daughters, and Jeyne Poole were spared to be used as hostages. To add to his follies, my brother then had me unjustly imprisoned in my own chambers. A fortnight later he sent two of his kingsguard, Ser Meryn Trant and Ser Boros Blount to kill me in my sleep. I survived the attempt and fled the capitol taking my brother's hostages with me.

Due to the recent events and the deteriorating conditions. I have deemed my brother King Joffrey Baratheon unfit to rule the Seven Kingdoms and unworthy to sit on the Iron Throne of Westeros. As Robert's second son and heir to the Iron Throne, to ensure the common good. I do this day lay claim to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. Let all true men declare their loyalty.

Done in the light of the gods under the sign and seal of Roland of the House Baratheon the first of his name. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

"What do you think uncle?" Roland asked. As Stannis read Roland's declaration.

'Well written,' he thought. 'Truthful and straightforward.'

"I can't believe your own brother tried to kill you." Lord Eddard said appalled.

Roland shrugged. "I suppose that after my father's death, it was only a matter of time before someone made a move."

Going back to the letter Stannis noticed that one very important part was missing. "You haven't mentioned Joffrey's infidelity."

Roland sighed, "I know that," he said placing his hand on his forehead. "Although I know that I should. It will definetely help my claim."

"Then why don't you," Stannis asked.

"I can't," Roland replied in a pained voiced. "To disown Joffrey I will have to disown Tommen and Myrcella as well. As much as I hate Joffrey, I can't bring myself to destroy the lives of my younger brother and sister. They have already lost their father. I can't ruin their lives even more."

"Robert is not their father Roland," Stannis said sternly.

"To them he was." Roland replied. "I remember how my father use to bounce them on his lap and toss them into the air. Though he never gave any of my siblings near the same attention he showed me. My father did love Myrcella and Tommen, and they loved him. When I told them that my father was going to die it broke them. They sat there crying on my shoulders for hours. Though they are not related by blood. Robert was the only father they had ever known."

Stannis sighed, "They have to be told eventually Roland."

Roland nodded, "I will tell them when the time comes. However I will do it in person. They deserve that much."

Stannis nodded, though he disapproved of Roland's decision. He understood the reason. Roland genuinely cared for his younger siblings. Stannis never got such affection from his own brothers so he had little experience with sibling bonds.

In the Chamber of the Painted Table, Roland's war council was seated. Lord Eddard, Ser Davos, Lady Melisandre, Maester Cressen, and Stannis's own sword lords Velaryon, Celtigar, Sunglass and Bar Emmon.

"They are abominations your grace." Lady Melisandre spoke up. "They must be sacrificed to the Lord of Light, the queen as well."

"It is Rh'llors will that these children die," Stannis' wife Selyse cried out.

Stannis glared at his wife. Ever since Melisandre converted her, Selyse has not ceased ranting about the Lord of Light. He looked around the chambers studying the reactions of each lord. Lord Eddard and Maester Cressen were horrified at what they had just heard. Ser Davos kept a more stern face though it too was troubled. Roland however differed from the rest. Most of his face was calm and expressionless, but his eyes told all. They were burning, Stannis could not tell how much will power it took to preventing Roland from having an outburst.

Roland turned toward the red priestess. "I'm going to forget what was said, and if you wish to live to see the dawn you will ensure that I don't hear it again."

"They are bastards born of incest your grace," Melisandre replied calmly. "The flames will cleanse their souls of it's impurity and Rh'llor will welcome them with open arms. Death by fire is the purest death."

Roland scoffed. "If your so fond of fire then go light yourself ablaze, Lady Melisandre."

"Your mother has sinned against the laws of god and men." Selyse objected. "She and her children must die or the Lord of Light will never favor you."

Roland slammed his fist onto the table and the room grew silent. "I have heard enough of this," he said, his voice becoming dangerously calm. Roland rose from his chair, his eyes staring down everyone seated. "Listen well, all of you," he declared. "No harm shall come to either my mother or Myrcella and Tommen, under pain of death. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?"

All who were present nodded. Roland turns to Melisandre once again. "You will speak no more about this, and if you dare lay one harmful hand on any of them. I'll tie you to an anchor and toss you into the Blackwater. See how much sway you fire god has in a watery kingdom.

"As you wish your grace." Melisandre consented.

Lord Eddard spoke up. "You mentioned Tommen and Myrcella, but what is to be done with Joffrey?"

Roland was silent for a moment before saying. "I will deal with my elder brother, in... my...way."

Neither Stannis nor Lord Eddard knew what he meant by that but they decided not to press the issue.

"Moving on," Roland declared. "I have received letters from both Robb Stark and Edmure Tully declaring their support for me." Roland handed his declaration to Stannis. "How many ravens do we have?"

"One Hundred and Seventeen your grace."

Roland nodded in approval. "Send copies of this declaration across the realm. Focus on the Crownlands, the Stormlands and the Reach."

"It will be done your grace," Stannis declared. "But why only focus on those three regions? Why not sent it to the entire realm?"

"I have the North and the Riverlands with me already so their is no need. 117 Ravens is not much. I want my declaration to reach every Lord and Landed knight. The more eyes this declaration reaches the more people can be persuaded."

Stannis nodded, "it's unorthodox but logical."

"How many fighting men are loyal to Dragonstone?" Roland asked.

"Three Thousand your grace."

"You have not hired any sellswords?"

"Not yet."

"Good" Roland sighed in relief. "It will be best to save what little coin we have. now that Winter is upon us."

A knock came at the door and Roland bid him enter. A squire entered the room and handed him a letter. After delivering it the squire bowed and walked out the door. Roland unraveled the letter. As he read the contents a huge smile spread across his face.

"What is it your grace." Stannis asked.

"Lord Tywin has graciously accepted my offer."

"What offer is that?"

"I offered to trade Uncle Jaime for the Mountain along with Amory Lorch.

"Are you sure that was wise Roland." Stannis asked. "Trading Jaime for two knights?"

"I know it may seem simple uncle. But if it means ridding the world of that monstrosity. Then it is definetely worth the price." Roland leaned back in his chair. "Lord Stark and I will leave for Riverrun soon and I want you to continue managing things in my absence.

"Yes your grace," Stannis nodded.

Melisandre spoke up again. "If it please you grace, my fellow worshipers and I would like to perform an ceremony for our god on the morrow."

Roland rubbed his chin in thought. "What does this ceremony involve?"

"We wish to say a prayer to Rh'llor. To prove our devotion we would tear down the Sept and offer Rh'llor the false seven to gain his favor."

This brought the entire council into an uproar.

"Your grace, you cannot allow this." Maester Cressen pleaded. You were named in the light of the seven, As was your father and his father before him."

Your grace," Lord Stark spoke. "I do not worship the seven but this would bring you nothing but ills."

Selyse and Ser Davos' sons however spoke in favor of it. This bantering lasted only a moment when Roland raised his hand for silence.

"You may have your ceremony." He said quietly. Before anyone could protest he spoke up again. "However you may not touch the Sept or desecrate the Seven."

"These Seven are false gods your grace," Melisandre said calmly. "As are the trees that the savage northmen follow. They have no place in this world."

"I thought you didn't care much for the seven nephew." Selyse wondered out loud. "Why would you care about it?"

Roland turned toward her. "Westeros is not a land of tyranny. We have people that worship the Trees, the Stars, the Rivers, and even Seaweed. I don't see why their can't be people that worship fire as well. People can worship the contents in their chamber pots, it makes little difference to me. As long as they do their duty, I care not who they pray to. But I will not alienate the gods of my people."

"When did you stop caring about the gods Roland?" Measter Cressen asked.

"The day my father died." He said coldly.

This shocked everyone even Stannis. 'It seems that we have more in common than I thought.'

Roland continued. "As my father laid dying I prayed to both the old gods and the new to save him. But do you know what answered my prayers? Silence...cold...dark...silence. Why should I pray to gods that never answer, to gods that clearly do not care?"

"The Lord of Light is different Roland," Melisandre told him.

Roland shrugged. "This god, that god, they're all the same to me." He looked at her. "You and your people are welcome in Westeros, pray to your god, preach your religion, build temples where lords allow. But neither you nor your followers shall touch the Godswoods or the Septs. As for sacrificed. You will not burn so much as a rabbit without my consent."

Melisandre bowed her head, "as you wish your grace." With that, Lady Melisandre and Selyse left the chamber.

As soon as the door is closed. Roland turned to Stannis. "Keep an eye on them for me uncle. Make sure they don't cause any grievances."

Stannis nodded as Lord Eddard spoke up. "That woman will bring us nothing but trouble. If you were wise Roland, you would send her away before she does something unforgivable."

"Perhaps," Roland told him tapping his chin in thought. "But I think I'll allow her to remain for now." After seeing Lord Eddard's unsure look, he smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about it too much Lord Stark. Who knows, fate works in mysterious ways. Even the red woman may prove one day to be useful to us."


The small council jabbered about the affairs of state, but Cersei barely heard any of it. Her mind was on her two eldest children. Her own sons were now on opposite sides of the war. and they were on a collision course.

As the council spoke of the coming winter and the refugees in the city. Cersei heard a hearty whistle. Cersei turned and saw the last person she wanted to see.

"You," Cersei exclaimed her voice dripping with venom.

"More ravishing than ever big sister." Tyrion replied with a smile as he placed a kiss on her cheek. "War agrees with you." Tyrion took the seat next to her and poured himself a glass of wine.

"Why are you here," she demanded again.

"Ah, what a journey I've had." He said taking a sip. "I pissed off the edge of the wall. I slept in a sky cell, I fought with the Hill Tribes. So many adventures. So much to be thankful for."

Cersei noticed Tyrion give a look to Lord Baelish. As if he had Lord Baelish to thank for what he had been through the past few months.

"Again I ask. What are you doing here this is a Small Council meeting?"

"Indeed it is." Tyrion replied smiling. He handed Lord Varys a piece of parchment. "I believe this letter from father can explain everything."

Varys gave out an act of inspecting it. "It certainly appears genuine my queen."

"Of course it's genuine you idiot," Cersei snapped snatching the letter from his hand and reading it's contents." As her eyes poured over the letter her face paled. 'Father can't be serious,' she thought. 'He expects me, the queen regent to take orders from my little brother?' She looked up and saw the rest of the small council was staring at her expectantly. Slowly, and reluctantly, Cersei gave out the news. "Lord Tywin has named Tyrion acting Hand of the king while he is at Harrenhal."

Upon hearing this, Tyrion's welcome became significantly warmer. "It seems a welcome is in order." Grand Maester Pycelle said cheerfully.

"Indeed," agreed Janos Slynt. "We are in sore need of you assistance Lord Tyrion, it is chaos here in King's Landing."

"Dear me, I wonder why that is," Tyrion said sarcastically.

"GET OUT ALL OF YOU, NOW." Cersei raged. "I need a private word with my brother."

Everyone hastened to obey her. 'As they should,' she thought.

As soon as they had left. Cersei rounded on her brother. "How did you trick father into doing this?"

Tyrion laughed. "If I was capable of tricking Tywin Lannister, I'd be Emperor of the World by now."

"This is an outrage. Joffrey named our lord father as Hand of the King." Cersei snapped

"And our lord father named me." Tyrion countered

"It's Tywin Lannister I wanted not you."

"No," Tyrion said with a bemused smile. "It's Jaime you truly want."

Cersei fell silent at the mention of her love. Her eyes look into the distance lost in fond memories "Jaime."

Tyrion laughed. "Don't worry about our dear brother, you will be reunited with him fairly soon."

This caused Cersei's face to light up and she turned to him, expecting an answer.

Tyrion continued, "Roland already sent term to father with exchange terms."

"But how?" Cersei asked. We have no one to trade for Jaime.

Tyrion shook his head. "Correction, we have no Hostages to trade for Jaime. but we do have certain people that Roland desires."

"Who would that be?"

"Roland is willing to trade Jaime for Gregor Clagane and Amory Lorch. Providing that father accepts the terms."

Crsei leapt to her feet. "He has to accept," Cersei cried out. "Surely father doesn't mean to leave jaime a prisoner forever."

"I hope your right dear sister, the sooner Jaime comes to the Capitol the better off we will be. But enough of that, as acting hand, I'm here to bring an end to the recent follies committed lately."

Cersei sat back down. "What follies are those?" She asked indignantly.

"Dismissing Ser Barristan Selmy from the Kingsguard for starters."

"We needed a scapegoat to blame for my late husband's death. Varys suggested Ser Barristan, my son was eager to agree. He is a useless old fool anyway so why not. Bresides it would give Jaime the title of Lord Commander and an opening for the Hound to fill.

Tyrion shook his head. "That useless old fool slew two members of the City Watch sister."

"He is an old man," Cersei countered. " He isn't fit to protect Joffrey."

Tyrion laughed. "Oh and those other men are? Meryn Trant, Boros Blount, Preston Greenfield, Roland often told me that those fools aren't fit to guard the contents of a chamberpot. He may have been an old man, but the name Barristan the Bold still holds meaning to people. And now that you have dismissed him, it is likely that he will declare for Roland."

Cersei glanced away, "I didn't consider that." The mention of Roland nearly brought her to tears.

"Speaking of whom," Tyrion continued. "That is another mystery that has Tywin seething, Roland's rebellion.

Cersei looked downcast, and Tyrion seemed to realize it. He stepped forward and put his hand on her arm. Normally Cersei would of slapped it away but the painful memory made her too upset to do so.

"Cersei," Tyrion said in the softest tone he could. "What happened with Roland?"

Cersei put her hand over her mouth to stop from sobbing. Finally her chest heaving Cersei spilled the truth. "Roland had no choice... Joffrey sent his own kingsguard to kill him in the night."

Tyrion's mouth dropped in shock. He slumped back into his chair and ran his fingers through his hair. Unable to believe what he had just heard "I knew that Joffrey hated Roland but I never thought he would go this far."

Cersei looked at him, silent tears falling from her beautiful face. "Ned Stark warned me this would happen, he saw this coming long before I did. Deep down I knew it too, but... I didn't...want to believe it."

"Which two did he send?" Tyrion asked.

"Boros Blount and Meryn Trant."

"So that's where they went, It's a good thing Roland was right about them being incompetent."

Cersei gave out a small smile before she could hold back no longer and she let the tears flow freely. "It is my fault, Tyrion, I handpick those two men myself. My son, my poor boy nearly died at the hands of the men I chose. I might as well of given them the blades and sent them into Roland's room myself."

"Cersei, there is no way you could of known."

Cersei shook her head. "I love my children with all my heart, I would do anything for them. But what does a mother do if one son kills the other? What if Joffrey's plan had succeeded. I don't think I could forgive Joffrey if Roland had died that night."

Tyrion took her hand and squeezed it. "So it's finally happened, your sons have gone to war at last. I always knew this would happen eventually, but I never thought it would be so soon. Boys barely grown, and already so much on their shoulders." Cersei nodded and surprisingly placed her hand over his own.

Dinner was quiet. it has always been quiet ever since Roland fled. Usually Tommen, Myrcella and Roland would be chattering away about various things. Now they just sat and ate never taking their eyes off their food. 'They miss him,' she thought. They still miss their 'father' though Robert hardly spent time with them, they still loved him. She knew how fond they were of Roland. Often acting as a second fatherly figure. Though they were delighted that Tyrion was now in Kings Landing the table still seemed somewhat empty. But as Cersei looked into the eyes of her youngest children she realized their wasn't just sadness. It was fear, Cersei realized that her youngest children were terrified of Joffrey. Roland often acted as a wall between them and Joffrey now they no longer had anyone to shield them from their eldest brother.

Cersei tossed in her sleep, as she did the voice of Maggy The Frog entered her already fitful dream.

You shall wed a king, Queen you shall be, Until another comes, younger and more beautiful. Five children you will bear. One will give, one will take,one will die. Two shall be crowned. One in gold, the other in iron. Their fury shall slice the land in two. Tyne Tresy (second son) shall be your downfall and your salvation.

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