
Chapter 25: Act 1: Chapter 20

Twenty-sixth day, Fourth Moon, 237 AC

A cool ocean breeze blew over Violet and I as we sat on the porch. She sat on my lap, with her eyes reddened and head buried into my shoulder. She had been drifting in and out of sleep for the past hour, after having tired herself out with a mixture of crying and worrying.

Nyra had gone into labor 14 hours ago, and the midwife still wasn't sure when she would be done. Violet sat with me outside the entire time, but her mother's pain sat heavily on Violet's shoulders and after so many hours it wore her down.

We sat outside as the darkness fell, with Koryn stopping by earlier to bring us some food, and waited. I did not know how long labor's back on Earth typically lasted, but according to the midwife, Nyra was already getting near the upper reaches of the normal time. The midwife wouldn't say, but I think the longer the labor the more dangerous it was supposed to be.

I tried to keep myself occupied, but when Violet finally fell asleep in my lap I gave up trying to do anything so that she could get some rest.

The moon emerged from behind the cloud cover, illuminating the fields in a pale light. The fields of wheat lit in a golden glow as they reflected the moonlight. The straight rows gave an appearance of order, which had always had a calming effect on me. The moonlight illuminated the rest of the farm as well, and I could see the worn dirt paths, my fences, and the pasture. I let myself sink into my memories, of building that fence from cutting the trees all the way to placing that last plank; of trudging up and down that path so many times in both the warm and cold weather.

I felt myself drifting on the edge of sleep, watching the memories like I used to watch a TV. Comfortable on my chair, with my daughter snuggled up beside me. I could almost feel the memory – the fantasy – of living with my family on Earth. Relaxing in our living room, watching a movie, with everyone in the pajamas on our nice comfy couch.

Another shout, tinged with pain and frustration, from Nyra came from inside the house. Violet stirred lightly from her sleep before embracing it again.

Another shout echoed again, but this time it was accompanied by the midwife exclaiming, "Almost there! Keep pushing!"

I perked up at that. That was excellent news! Violet shifted again but stayed asleep. Another scream, with the midwife shouting encouragement. This became more and more common over the next few minutes.

Violet eventually woke up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at me and asked, "How's mama?"

I replied, "She is almost there sweetheart." Violet nodded, and we continued to wait.

After another half hour, we heard a final scream followed by a baby's cry. Violet beamed at me and started to bounce in excitement, unable to contain herself. I managed to hold her back from rushing into the house immediately, and she began to babble excitedly. I found I couldn't really concentrate on what she was saying, my own excitement was high as well, made worse by the fact she kept leaping from topic to topic in her excitement.

We ended up waiting another half hour before the midwife allowed us inside.

The house was hot, and a bit smoky as the cool nighttime air from outside swirled around the smoke from the stove. As Violet and I entered we saw Nyra laying there with a bundle in our arms. Violet rushed over as I walked a bit more cautiously, and by the time I got over there Violet was already pestering her mother with a lot of questions.

I admonished Violet, "Violet, calm down. Let your mother answer your questions."

Violet nodded but did not lose her eager look. Nyra on the other hand looked absolutely exhausted. She was soaked with sweat and blood, with large exhaustion rings around her eyes. But she still had a slight smile as she answered Violet. "Violet, meet your new baby sister, Evelyn."

Violet let out a happily squeal, which woke Evelyn who started to cry. Nyra started to rock Evelyn back and forth while motioning us to keep quiet. I took a seat at the edge of the bed and held Nyra's hand. Once Evelyn settled down for a bit, Nyra passed her to me.

I held her so that Violet could see and whispered to the both of them, "Welcome to the family little one. Say hi to your sister Violet."

Violet leaned in and gave her sister a kiss on the forehead. She whispered, "Hi Evelyn. We are gonna be the best sisters. And play lots. And have lots of fun!" She turned to me and said, "Can I call her Eve? A little name for a little sister." She nodded to herself, "Then when we are all grown up I can call her Evelyn!"

I let out a quiet, soft laugh and nodded. "That will be fine sweetheart." I looked over to Nyra and noticed she was out like a light. I motioned for Violet to follow me to her bed as the three of us lay down together. I told her, "Let's sleep here tonight, and let your mom have some sleep. Go wash up your face first, then you can come lay down."

When she returned I let her watch over Evelyn while I walked the midwife out and thanked her for all her help. Once she was gone, I went about tidying up a bit before readying myself for bed as well. When I was finally ready for bed, I let myself take in the sight of my daughters curled up on the bed.

My smile didn't fade for the entire night.

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