
(Chapter 6). Starfire

-The means to a new beginning-

(10 Minutes had passed since I had left Raven upstairs alone)

I'd be sitting down In the main room of the tower watching TV. When I'd realized what I had done earlier.. thinking to myself "I've gotta go apologize to Starfire.." But how would I go about this Is the thing? I can't Just walk up to her,, and go hey Star I'm sorry you saw my dick earlier,, but as time passed I realized I had only been making excuses so that I wouldn't have to deal with the confrontation. I knew I was better than that so I'd finally work up the courage, and decided to head to her room, and apologize for my actions.

Turning off the TV. Then looking down I'd placed my hands on my knees realizing I was still somewhat hard from earlier, but I'd brush It off as Just some dirty thoughts I needed to get off my mind, and I'd use my hands to give support to getting up with a slight sigh &-stretch and with that once again I'd be off. Making my way through the halls passed Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boys rooms. I'd eventually be at the door of Starfire,, but as I was approaching I was hearing noises, noises I'd never heard Star make before…

So obviously worried I'd knocked, and called out to her asking If she was ok, but there'd be no response… really starting to worry me I'd-call out "I'm coming In..!!" Which was a bluff in the beginning, but when there was no response a second time. I felt there was no choice, and I'd opened the door with the words "Hey Star !! Are you oka-..!!" But the voice of worry disappeared, and what was left was pure shock. Eyes widened, Jaw dropped, drool dripping.. word's couldn't describe what I Just saw.. her beauty…

The tan of her body with an orange subtle hue that made everything pop. Her nipples being a brownish red with a hint of pink,, which matched up with her pussy that'd be soaking as she fingered It, with a waist that made everything oh so curvy. Oh and the expressions she'd be making would drive me up the wall the way her eyes would cross, as her eyebrows crunched up, & her tongue hung out as she moaned In this lewd, but soft manner.

You best bet I was bricked at this point I'd never been harder actually but as she didn't hear me come In I'd felt I should leave before she caught me watching so I was about to do Just that when I'd heard her moan out my name with the following words. "Oh.. p-please daddy ff-fuck me..!! I wanna feel you deep inside.. fuck me deep..!!" A Jolt would go through my body, and I'd Jump causing me to bump Into the shelf next to the door, causing something to fall, and as I'd watched It fall to the floor In what felt like slow motion frozen in place I'd gulp as It finally hit the ground.

Staring straight ahead I'd be looking at the shelf still frozen In place when I'd heard the movement halt In the bed followed by a soft yet surprised call out of my name. What was to come I didn't see coming.. and It took me by surprise.

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