
Chapter 24: Desperate Measures

"You're here again?" Nicolas signed. Zeejay has been constantly visiting his house, there hasn't been a day that the Alpha didn't visit. Zai tried to send the Alpha to jail after setting the man up as a burglar. "Zai will send you to jail again."

"That kid can try." Zeejay said with full of confidence.

"Let's talk somewhere just the two of us. Let's go to your car." Nicolas said. He's getting tired of this all. He doesn't want anything to do with Zeejay anymore.

"I didn't know you can be this bold just to have me all to yourself." Zeejay with a cheeky smile to his face.

Nicolas pulled the man to his ears. "Let's go, where is your car I have no time to waste."

Zeejay still holding on to his ears that Nicolas pulled till the two of them reached the parking lot and enter the Alphas car. "I thought my ear will rip off because of the pull. I can still feel your hand on my ear. Damn it, it hurts."

"I'll get straight to the point Zee. Please leave me alone. I don't know what it is that you want but please don't involve me with your messy life. I am happy with my life now please." Nicolas begs, Nicolas never begs him after that one night almost 12 years ago. When the Omega suddenly made a scene and told everyone that he is the Alphas Omega. He confess to everyone at that set that he was in love with the Alpha but Zeejay just shrugged it off and made it appear that he was just a crazy fan of him that's got delusional with his own fantasy. After that Zeejay never reach out to him, he avoided him like a plague, when he waited for him and beg him he told the Omega that he got already fed up at him that was the last time he had ever saw the Omega again.

"Nick what do you want just so you can give me a chance. I know I did you wrong, I know no amount of apology could compensate to everything that I did." Nicolas shake his head no.

"Zee it's too late for us. The relationship we had is already beyond salvation. I'm happy with my life now, please let me go."

"You can't be happy with that beta, he can't give you what I can give."

"Zee you can only give me the physical satisfaction but you won't be able to give me what my heart needs." Zeejay looked at him.

"I can give you that."

"No I won't be your mistress." Nicolas said.

"You won't be my mistress. Marry me Nick." Nicolas was speechless.

"You can't you know that right?" Nicolas laughed is disbelief.

"I'm not married, you can even asked for a copy of the my Certificate of No Marriage Record." Zeejay said.

"I won't be fooled by your words." Nicolas tried to get out of the car only to be pulled back by Zeejay.

"The marriage is not real, we agreed cause she's already married to someone else even before we met. Believe me Nick." Nick looked him to his eyes.

"Give me a chance to prove myself to you. I know I was too late to realize how much I love you and I regret it so much but I don't want to regret not ever trying to win you back." Zeejay said pinning Nicolas to his car's seat.

"Being with you always hurts me. Even your very existence gives pain to me." Nicolas said in a whisper while looking straight to his eyes. "I don't want to be hurt by you again Zee. So please." Nicolas can no longer contain the emotion raging inside of him that it made him cry.

Zeejay cried too after hearing Nick, he knows that Nicolas already made up his mind to not give him a chance anymore that he can't accept. He didn't know that the pain he cause this Omega was that great for him to be that stubborn with his decision even though Zeejay can still feel that Nicolas still loves him. So then and there Zeejay made a tough decision. This will be his last resort if this doesn't work then he will just accept it and just leave the Omega alone.

Nicolas never saw Zeejay cried outside the tapings, he never thought that he will see the day when he will witness the Alpha cry much more all because of him. He watched as his sad and confused face suddenly cracked a smile and then felt his lips on his forehead before saying. "I'm sorry Nick but I can't give you up just yet." then the next thing that follows is the heavy atmosphere that suffocates him till he passed out.

After Nicolas lost his consciousness Zeejay put on his seatbelt and drive his way to the place where no one can find them both. He knows it is a crime and he knows he can go to jail for real this time but this one chance to have him back is worth all the risk. He laughed as he drive and took a glance at the sleeping Omega. He can't believe that he will be taking that crazy ass love guru's advice.


"Lee I'm getting crazy here. Nick doesn't want me back, I don't know what to do plus that Drake, specially that Zai are always getting in my way."

"I told you fix your life first." Lee suggested.

"You know I'm racing with time here, if I fixed my family issue first they will only going to drag Nick to that matter and that will only going to hate me more. I will fix that once I have Nick once again."

"Are you really going to defy your family for Nick?"Lee raised his eye brow." Dexter came in to the living room yawning with that sleepy looked on his face.

"Morning Zee."

"Morning Dexter."

"Morning Lee." Dexter kissed Lee to his lips before laying on the couch and use Lee's thigh as his pillow.

"Does Dexter always has been this sleepy?" Zeejay wonder.

"No but he has been sleeping a lot lately maybe because of his pregnancy. Little Lee wants his mother to get enough sleep." Lee explained.

"Who is little Lee?" Zeejay asked.

"My son!" Lee declared.

"Son? The baby barely has feet and arms and yet you already predicted it will be a son?!" Zeejay said.

"I know and trust my sperms when I said I want a son they will definitely going to give me a son and that's final." Zeejay shake his head.

"So back to my question are you really going to defy your family for Nick?"

"I will but help me first to get him back. If I have to beg you which I never did then I will."

Lee can see how desperate Zeejay is to the point of throwing his pride and beg him.

"Ok I will." Lee said.

"Thank you Lee you really are the best!" Zeejay said in so much happiness.

"But before I tell you, you need to do what you just said." Lee said.

"What?" Zeejay asked.

"You told me earlier that you will beg me to help you right? Or was it all just for lip service?"

"Ok, ok." Zeejay was about to kneel when Lee talked.

"Uh-uh, not like that. I want you to strip just leave only your underwear, after that bow to me as you kneel and beg me to help you." Zeejay wanted to kill but he needed his help so he strip and did what his friend told him to do while Lee was laughing the whole time as he took a video of him doing such embarrassing thing.

"I did what you want now tell me how can you help me." Zeejay asked.

"Ok, since you are desperate and you need a lone moment to be with him so I suggest that you should kidnapped him and bring Nick to a remote secluded area just the two of you then work your magic to make him yours again." Lee suggested.

"Fuck are you out of your mind?! That's a total crime, I can go jail for real this time!" Zeejay shout.

"Sssshhhhhh calm down don't shout, Dexy might wake up. Why afraid that such crime can will ruin your reputation? Ow come on if I were to put in your shoes I will definitely kidnap my Dexy and take him to an island where it will be just me and him till I get him back." Lee looked at his Dexter sleeping soundly. He was not kidding when he said that if he was put in the same position and Dexter doesn't want him back he will definitely going to kidnap him. Lee knows that it was not healthy but Dexter is his life and he can't live without him anymore.

"So are you in or not?" Lee back with his goofy smile looked at him.

"Of course I'm out!" Zeejay got up to leave.

"If you ever change you mind just call me and I'll lend you a place where you can take him." Lee shouted.

End of Flashback.....

Zeejay dialed Lee's number.

(You are calling the most handsome and amazing man on the face of the Earth how can I help you?) Zeejay rolled his eyes, he should have gotten used to this side of Lee but he can't bring himself to do so.

"Lee where is the place that you told me about?" Zeejay heard subtle noises before he heard Lee again.

(Ow it's Zee, Yo what's up man?) Lee greeted.

"The place Lee, where is the place?"

(What place?) Lee asked.

"The place that you told me that you will lend me if I end up kidnapping Nick?"

(Fuck you really did it! Fuck I just suggested it but never thought that you will actually do it. Fuck!)

"Lee focus, give me the place. I'm really desperate here. He doesn't want me back. Nick is too scared to even risk it, so I decided to risk it all this time. I just need more time to be alone with him. I will bring him back in two weeks, just help me with this. I will bring Nick back if this doesn't work. I promise that." The other line went silent.

(You really are that desperate aren't you? How is Nick?)

"Asleep after I suddenly released my Pheromones. I also injected him something that will make him sleep."

Zeejay blows a loud breath and looked at Nicolas. "I am, I regret to see how much the pain that I caused him made him this hesitant to actually try it again with me. Nick was the one who's always chasing and begging me but now I decided to be the one to chase him this time. All I need is a chance, that's all I'm asking."

(Since this is a short notice, I can't arrange you a place to take him but I got just the right place where the two of you can get close together. Go to the address I will send to you. I will fill that place food, water and all necessities that the two of you will need for more than two weeks, but promise me Zee after two weeks if he doesn't change his mind you will take him back.)

"Thank you Lee. I promise I will take him back. All I need is just two weeks."

(Ok I'll handle everything including Zai.)

"Why that kid again?" Zeejay got really curious.

Lee laughed. (You'll see if you got Nick back he will tell you himself...)Lee's tone became serious. (And if you got him back this time don't hurt him. He has been hurt countless of times by you before. Treasure him Zee and I promise you being with the person that you love is a hunted times more satisfying that any riches and fame this world can give.)

"I know that now. Wish me luck."

(Good luck man.)

Zeejay drop the call and went to the address that Lee gave to him. The address took his to the port. He looked for the person that Lee said and then the man lead him to a big yath.

"Is this it?" Zeejay asked the man.

"Yes this it the yath that Young Master Lee told me to lend to you. We already prepared all the necessities that you will be needing. Here is the key, he say you can drive this big baby here." Zeejay accepted the key and minutes after that he received a call from his friend Lee.

"I asked for a place not a boat!" Zeejay hissed.

(Use that boat Zee and let it sit in the middle of the ocean that way Nick won't have any place to go for two weeks. Use your creativity man. You are not thinking of tying Nick up just so he won't try to escape are you?) Zeejay went silent he was actually thinking of tying Nick up.

(Gotcha! You see boat is more effective, you don't need to tie him up cause he really won't have any place to go than that boat. Use your brain for a moment Zee tsk tsk tsk you really lock creativity on things as this. No wonder Nick got fed up with you.)

"I don't have a mind like a criminal like you Ok?!" Zeejay shout.

(But you are asking a person like me who has a mind of a criminal as per you, just because my mind works creatively.)

"Fuck! If it weren't for the help that I'm asking I won't be putting up with all your shits!" Lee laugh if only he could see his friends angry face.

(Ok, so the plan is you will sail my baby to the ocean and will stay there. After two weeks you will bring that baby back to the port understood?)

After their conversation he carried Nicolas up to the yath and place him in one of the rooms there. he went to the Captain's deck and start the yath's engine. He maneuver the yath till they are already far from the shore and the city is no longer visible to them. When Zeejay was sure that they are already far he stopped the engine and hide the key to the place that Nicolas won't ever going to find.


"What do you mean the factory got burnt last night?" Aiden looked at his brother who came with his wife, kissed their Dad before settling down at the dinning table.

"It's in the news but the people didn't pay enough attention to it since they are not really a big player. Not only that their suppliers and investors starts pulling out. Ai I think someone also wants to bring down your family. All these things happened in just one night."

Aiden looked at his brother who took a toasted bread. "Someone wants them gone Ai!"

"I don't think so, if the person who did this is that powerful to be able to pulled that off in just one night then we shouldn't expect your family's still standing as we speak." Aiden said calmly deducing from his observation he thinks rather than destroying the Sy's it's more like getting their favors. The attacks are just baits to lure the prey.

"You are right. That person might want something instead of just taking that family down, he must be after something from them. George son now I do believe business is not really what's for you" Chairman Miller laugh at his son's panic face.

"Dad I was not born to run a business I was born to save lives." George complained.

"Don't be such a baby George! How can your father and brother be so cool talking about business and yet here you are panicking like a little girl." George wife complain's.

"George got so turned off to you just now." Aiden teased his brother

"Ai! Here I was worried about you and here you are making fun of me."

"Hahahaha stop teasing him now Aiden or else that man will whine like a baby for a whole day and I'll be the one to suffer. You know him he has a big brother complex." George said. Everyone at the table laughed except for G.

So what's your next move?" His brother asked, changing the subject and so that he can get away from the shaming of his own family.

"I need to go see my brother." Aiden got up but stopped by his father.

"Let me take you there, then I'll go home after I drop you off." George said.

"Stop there young man, you need to eat your breakfast first before you go."

Aiden went to see Troy.

"I was surprised when my secretary told me that Mr. Miller is here." Troy said.

"I heard the news and I was wondering maybe I could offer you some help." Aiden said, if what he thought was right the he needs to find just who the person that wants to get their favor and in order for him to know that is to actually set a bait himself by offering the man with a financial aid.

His brother just smiled at him like things that happened last night was nothing. "I appreciate the concern Mr. Miller but Mr. Montero himself called me this morning and offered to make an investing to help us with the lost incurred because what happened last night. It was really a big investment with lots of projects involve. With all that I'm pretty sure what we lost are nothing compared to what we had gained." Aiden was surprised to know that it was Lance who offered the help. *What does he want with this family, if you look at it he can be the person who is qualified to do all that in just one night masking it all like nothing happened.* Aiden think

"Well if you need help just tell me and we will try to help as much as possible." Aiden said.

The two are still in the middle of their conversation when Troy's secretary pop up from the door to inform him that Lance Montero is here and that he wants to see the man. Troy smile grow wider and immidiately asked his secretary to let him in then he look at Aiden apologetically. as if he forgot that he was there. "I'm sorry Mr. Miller but will you?"

"No don't worry." Aiden got up.

"Troy!" Aiden saw how Lance greeted the man like they are close friends or something.

"Lance, have a seat." Troy offered Lance and then Lance looked at him.

"Mr. Miller." Lance greeted.

"Montero." Aiden smile.

"I never thought I will be running in to you here this early in the morning. Have a sit Aiden." Aiden was taken a back Lance always addresses him as Mr. Miller but now he was calling him as Aiden.

"Getting familiar are we?" Aiden asked taking Lance's invitation. Whatever it is that the two will talk about he also wants to hear some of it.

"Of course! I don't think that surname even suits you." Lance said. Seeing Aiden's husband waiting at the lobby so early in the morning makes his blood boils and he doesn't seem to know why.

"And what surname do you think suits me? Yours?" Aiden asked that made Lance laughed.

"Aiden I never take you for a person who can crack some jokes. We all know that I'm about to get married to the most amazing woman in the world." Aiden doesn't know why but what Lance said feels like someone pinch his heart but he instantly shake the thoughts away. He can't let his emotions get in his way.

Lance saw it, it was brief but he saw it. The hurt in Aiden's eyes when he mentioned about his marriage to Bea. He's also confused with his actions, he doesn't want to brag about it cause he knows that he doesn't love the woman but the thoughts of Aiden and his husband just makes him loose his composure and his rationality. He knows that he should be great full but he can't help but make the Omega feel jealous somehow.

Aiden leaned closer to him before whispering something to his ear that only the two of them can hear. "Lance I am someone who you can never take me for a person who can do many things you can't even imagine." Aiden tap his chest twice before he got up from his seat when he figured that Lance won't discuss anything as long as he is there.

"I have to go, I still have lots of work let in the office. Also my husband is waiting for me outside. I don't want to keep him waiting for long." Aiden bid his farewell.

"They move him to a regular room. You should pay him a visit sometime." Lance said, Aiden was already in front of the door.

"Don't worry I will, just say hi to him for me. I have to go." Aiden said without turning his back.

"That was quick." George commented when the two got inside the car. "Well I already know who set the bait but the hunter doesn't want to spill the bean when an audience is around. Don't worry if he thinks that he already out smart me, then he should think again." Aiden said.

"What do you mean little brother?" Aiden didn't say anything and just brought out with him a little speaker. He turn it up and voices can be heard from the little device. George looked at him in disbelief.

"You didn't now did you?"

"I just did, I place a little bug to his coat pocket when I figured that the man won't say anything." Aiden explained.

"But how?" George start the engine.

"Simple I made it. Auntie Candice thought me, I never thought that what I learned from her would come in handy."

"What if he finds out about it?"

"Don't worry it's a self destructive bug, once someone other than me touches it, it will automatically self destruct." The two listen to the voices in the speaker.

(Good thing that Omega has finally left! Phew! I can't stand to be in the same space much more to breath the same air with an Omega like him, they are filthy.)

(It seems you don't like him very much?) It was Lance voice that asked.

(No I don't like him and the only reason why I'm putting up with him is that he holds 25% of this Company's share all thanks to his Dad! I can't believe that Chairman Miller will entrust him with that much responsibility.) Troy complained.

"Looks like that good for nothing fool doesn't like you very much little brother." George said.

"I don't really care about that. They will all going down anyways including him." Aiden said in a cold tone.

"Now that's my Ai."

(So about the deal, I already asked Ms. Kim to ready the papers. We will financially aid you on your business and we will personally pick you as our supplier for all our hotel branches in the country and maybe in the future even those branches that the have outside the country. I was also thinking in a long run of making you our general supplier for furnitures to our other businesses not just our hotels.) Lance said changing the topic by laying out his plans on the table.

(Thank you Lance, I never thought that I have a powerful friend who is the owner of the Montero Empire.)

(In return I want you to cut ties with Bea, you no longer need her influence to get yourself projects from my company. The owner itself will give you that.)


(You heard me, I want you to cut ties with Bea but don't tell her that we had an agreement. I don't want to get in trouble with her. She might get paranoid if she learns about this. You know how girls are?)

(Yes, yes. Of course, of course.) Troy agreed like a loyal puppy waving his tails to anyone who will throw a piece of bone to him.

(In addition to that just like what I offered over the phone. I will rebuild your factory and all expenses will be shouldered by me.)

(Thank you Lance I don't know how can I ever repay you.) Troy said.

(Ow that's easy. Invite me for dinner to your house. Also I want to meet your family. Base from our conversation the other night it seems that they are a very interesting family. Please also invite your sister's boyfriend I also want to meet him in person.)

"What talk?" Goerge asked.

"I don't know, I didn't know the two have been this close. From my investigation Lance doesn't even know about them so why suddenly he's getting close to them?" Aiden has been silent for a while.

"He's plotting something and he's doing it fast." George answered. "Everything happens so fast. Base from the conversation it looks like it's not been a while since the two got close so it means it just happened recently..."

"Maybe the other night that Lance mentioned has something to do with it." Aiden added.

"Yeah they met the other night and got this close, the next night after that he burnt the factory and manage to make the suppliers and investors to pull out now he is taking in the picture as the hero that catch the fallen Company. Since he's the hero who saves them all they have to honor them a dinner. Damn that Lance is sharp he didn't even waste any time, but what puzzles me is the fact why do all this?" George asked. Aiden think very hard with the same question in mind.

"He wants to severe the ties of the two. Since the two are working hand in hand he's trying to cut the ties of the two. By making it look like he's helping the Sy's while handicapping Bea without her knowing it." Aiden said.

"But why?"George asked.

"I don't know why but I like to take this opportunity to set my own plan. I can't let Lance to take away what I worked for and I need to find that Omega." Aiden said.

"What kind of plan that you have in mind?" George asked. Aiden didn't answer him and just simply hand him the envelope containing photo copies of documents.

"What are these?"

"Read them."

"Are these what I thought...."

"Yes they are. Those papers are the original financial backdoor transactions out side the company that my father and brother made using the money of the company."

"These are all big amounts how can these be not reflected on the financial statements of the company? How can these not be seen on the audit?"

"Same questions that I have but one thing I do know for sure is that they are embezzling huge amount of money from the Company. Money that the investors are putting in to the company are being stolen by them."

"How can this information help you?"

"I'm actually planning to set them up for an embezzlement scandal but since Montero is now in the picture I will just use this opportunity to reveal the embezzlement that they will about to pull off against him." Aiden explained.

"How can you be so sure that they will steal from him. G Montero is a big fish with lots of money to dispose. Stealing from him won't reduce his riches. People like them thinks that way and I will use that to my own advantage."


Nash got up from his seat, he arrange all the folders that contains everything he had done. It was all thanks to his efficient, proficient and fast working that they had able to finished all of Adrian's work that already filled up because of the Alphas negligence. During those times that he blindly admire the Alpha he never thought a time will come that he will come to know how irresponsible Adrian is when it comes to work if Lee hadn't helped him land a job as Adrian's secretary. Even with that fact he still loves the Alpha the only thing is the Alpha doesn't share the same feelings towards him till this day. He doesn't know what happened but it seems that his boss has been posses by something. He shake the thought away and walk inside Adrian's office to hand him the finished documents.

He doesn't say anything and just quietly placed the folders on his desk just like what he always wanted. Nash has been greeting him each time he comes in and out of the office and because there was the time about 3 days ago when the Alpha shouted at him quoting "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR SHADOW. WHEN YOU COME INSIDE THIS OFFICE I WANT YOU TO COME QUIETLY AS IF YOU ARE JUST A WIND PASSING BY. NO HI AND HELLO UNDERSTAND?!" Nash took it to heart that he went home early that night he didn't even bother knowing where his boss went. He usually tails him as per the Alphas mother but that time he didn't (This happened when they visited Lee's house and Adrian keeps on complaining how he hates Nash because he's ugly Lol). Ever since that day he stayed away from him. He already accepted the fact that the man can never be his at least he has a nice decent job that pays well.

Adrian open one of the folders. "You really are thorough with your job. I haven't seen any single error. Thank you for never failing my expectations. Hey are you free this evening? I was planning in treating you to a dinner."

*Is this right? Am I really hearing him right?* Did he just thanked me?* A lot of questions running to his mind. Then the thought of what happened earlier flashback to his mind that he can't believe that these things are happening in just a single day. "Is this a Miracle?" ask himself out loud.

Nash is looking at Adrian in disbelief, he has been nice to him since morning. Like for an instance this morning the Alpha greeted him with a smile and prepared a burnt toast for him for breakfast, not his usual greeting face that say 'I literally carries the problem of the whole world.'

When going to work the Alpha opened the door for him and let him in to the passenger side, Adrian even insisted to be the one to drive them.

And now the Alpha even thanked him for doing a job well done that he even invited him to have dinner with him later. Nash feels great and appreciated but he can't somehow shake the feeling that the Alpha is up to something. That If he lets down his guard he might be in big trouble.

Then the thoughts of his boss getting posses crossed his mind again. He just watch a movie about possession last night and Nash was convinced that what's happening to his boss are symptoms of someone being possessed.

He instantly back away, he raised the pen he's holding and point the tip on him. "Stay back! Who ever you are that possessed this man leave his body alone!" Nash shouted before storming out of the room.

Adrian doesn't know what happened and just massage his temple. Dealing with that crazy bet is making his head hurts. His days had been perfect for 2 days because the Omega has not been bothering him but because of Lee's late night call last night reminding him about the bet he couldn't help but to honor it. He already agreed to it 3 days ago when they got drunk beside his crazy friend threatened to release his videos hugging the toilet bowl while mumbling to his sleep and kissing the top of the bowl. He really swore not to get drunk ever again.

Adrian was wondering why did the Omega not responding an hour and a half after it stormed out of this office. So he asked someone to look for Nash but he was only told that the man run in a hurry and told them that he will comeback. After that Nash came back but he came back with an exorcist with him and Adrian swore to never ever get drunk again.

When the exorcist left Adrian asked Nash to have a serious talk with him.

"What's gotten to your mind that you take with you an exorcist?" Adrian doesn't even want to remember it. When the ritual begun almost all of his employees watch the commotion and how the exorcist throw him all sorts of things to expell out the thing which posses him even though it was not really the cause. The exorcist apologize to him that he gladly accepted but He still wanted to forget the shame of what happened.

"I thought that you were posses! You can't blame me for that! You are a demon to begin with so I think performing an exorcism to you is a good decision." Nash whispered the last part.

"What?!" Adrian asked.

"No I said you that you treating me good is somehow suspicious so I thought something or someone posses you already. That's how it was in the movies that I watched. They act differently than their usual self and them boom!" Nash even clap his hands loud while he told him the story. "Something posses them."

"How can treating you good be a sign of I don't know?" Adrian asked.

"Like I said earlier cause you are a demon to begin with...." Nash said continuously that he forget that he was talking to his boss.

"What?! I'm a what?!" Adrian can't help but shout after hearing that loud and clear.

"Oopppss" The only thing that Nash was able to say.

To be Continued....


Chapter 25 Sneak Peek

Darkness surrounds him. He can't see anything the only thing he can hear are the voices of man talking. He can still feel the sting from the side of his lips where the man punched him. His hands hurts from being tied for too long to that chair where they placed him. He doesn't know who these people are. He knows he had wronged a lot of people so he doesn't know which one of them did this to him. His mouth is gag so he really can't shout for help. He tried to calm himself down cause he knows his girlfriend Monica will come looking for him. Specially now that the Sy's are already growing power after Lance Montero offered them investment. Monica surely will find him

He was brought back to reality when he heard the men looking after him suddenly gave respect to someone who just arrived. "Is this him?" Said the familiar man.

"That's him Sir. We gave him a good beating cause the man is fighting back. We do apologize for that Sir." One of the man said.

"No that's ok, it doesn't matter to me. Can you please leave the two of us alone?" Said the familiar voice.

"Yes of course Sir." He heard footsteps that are getting distant till he heard the closing of the door.

"I never thought that I will be doing this kind of thing again. You see I don't usually do this kind of things.I only do this when someone owes me something." He can hear the man tells him that. The pheromones inside the room is getting thicker and suffocating. Then he felt the man leaned to him.

"In this case you owe me a great deal. I'm here to collect the payment for that." The man pulled what's covering his face. He immidiately looked at the person who abducted him. His eyes almost pop open and his body begun to tremble. He doesn't know why the man is here or to what he owes him. The only thing he's sure is that he is not that stupid enough to even try to pick a fight with the person as powerful as him. He realizes that even Monica or the Sy's can save him from this man.

"What? Can't talk?" The man pulled that gag out from his mouth.

"I never done something wrong for you to do this. I think this must have been a misunderstanding."

"Your name is Charles and you are Monica's boyfriend. I met you on that dinner just last night didn't I?"

"Yes but I never wronged you in anyway. I swear!" Tears are now streaming down his face.

"Ow you never wronged me that's true." Charles was able to breath calmly now that he was sure that he didn't wrong the man in anyway.

"But you did try to violate my wife which caused your girlfriend to pour an acid to his beautiful face." Charles went silent, he knows the only person that Monica ever poured an acid with.

"That can't be, you....."

"He's my wife."

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