
Chapter 43 The Date Part 2

Author's Note:

Finally I was able to fix this chapter. It took me a while but a promise is a promise so enjoy Chapter 43. I will upload Chapter 44 by tomorrow. Also sorry for a lot of mistakes on the deleted Chapter. I was really sleepy when I was writing it I didn't noticed that I wrote Derek instead of Dexter hays I really need to proof read my work.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this Chapter. Happy reading 😊!


"Make sure to get everything ready all the invitations and email, the venue's, everything ready, all the invitations and email, the invitations and email, the venue's and everything. Although this is just a short notice party I want you to make sure you that all people on that list will be attending. We should establish good positioning to these people. After all it's not always that I'm here in this country."

Teakyun wave his hand to his secretary after informing him all the details needed for the simple welcome party he wanted to organize for his returned although he won't be staying for long but keeping business people close will build a good relationship in the future. He can't afford for his own problem to hinder all the things he had worked hard for the past 10 years when he can deal his problems with Theodore along with his duty as the president of their company.

Teakyun received a call from an unknown number.

(We have found nothing, in that week that we are following them. We haven't seen anything that can be deemed suspicious.) The private investigator said. "Ok then, you may go now. I'll wire to your account the payment for your extra service. For now focus in finding my wife just leave his friends for the mean time — I'll deal them my self." Teakyun ended the call only to make another call to someone.

"Any news?" Teakyun asked. (We are not sure but we have found a person with similar name to your wife, only that the person doesn't bear your surname.)

" What's the name?" Teakyun asked. (Theodore Reigo Dela Torre. He cam to the country about more than two months ago.)

"That's all I need to know thank you." Teakyun stand up only to look at the view outside of his office. A playful smile appears on his face. *You thought that you can run away and hide from me Teddy. When I catch you I will make sure to lock you up so you can never run away from me again... ever.* Teakyun thought


"Why is this thing so hard to operate? aaarrrrgggghhhh!" Lee pound the glass of the claw machine out of frustration.

" Hey just step aside already will you? A loser like you will never going to win that!" Shout the kid who is in line waiting for the claw machine. A queue already formed because of Lee and the people are already complaining about the trouble he is causing.

" Who cares about you, just let us have our turn. You can't play on that thing forever!" Shout the other one.

"I won't leave this place until I win a toy got it? So just shut your trap!" Lee shouted at them.

"Sir we have received a complain regarding with what you are doing. So we need to ask you to come with us." A newly arrived security said.

"I won't leave till I win this thing!" Lee stubbornly said while his eyes still focus on the claw. "Arrrgghhhh not again I almost got the penguin" Lee insert another coin in the claw machine and begun maneuver the joy stick to control the claw targeting the penguin that he almost got. The Penguin rise up from the surface and Lee start moving it to the direction towards the hole but the security officer's voice had put him out of focus which made him drop again the Penguin.

"Can't I have even a minute of silence to focus?For CRYING OUT LOUD I'M PAYING TO PLAY THAT THING!" Lee shouted he again inserted another coin.

"Sir we can't have you playing the claw machine the whole day it would be unfair to the others who also want to play the machine" Explained the other officer.

"Just let me win this ok? I'll leave once O got one, just one!"

"We need you to step far from the claw machine Sir or else we will need to use force." Lee didn't even flinched from the officer's warning so the other officer went behind his back and hug him from behind restraining him from moving but Lee place his left leg behind the officers leg while his right leg is still in its original position. He then leaned back his body a little and pushed his left leg forward that was behind the officers leg which cause the officer to fall back a little and Lee took that moment to grab the officer on both of his legs, then lastly he let his left leg slide flat to the ground that made the officer to fall his back to the ground. Lee locked the officers body by pressing him using all his weight while shouting. "YOU CAN'T STO ME FROM GETTING THAT PENGUIN!"

Dexter came from the rest room only to be surprised by the commotion between Lee and the other two men in a uniform. He is assuming that the two are security officers base on their uniforms. He quickly ran towards them but the next thing that happened made him stop his way there. Everything happened in a flash. The office who was just restraining Lee was now lying flat on the ground "YOU CAN'T STO ME FROM GETTING THAT PENGUIN!" Lee shout that made Dexter hit his forehead with his palm. *Damn it I just went to the rest room for a minute then this thing happens, hays I guest I need to fix this.* Dexter told to himself.

" Sorry about this officer" The other officer who is now in an offensive position looked at Dexter flatly and Lee stare at him.

"And who might you be?" Ask the officer.

" Sorry for the late introduction but I'm the guardian of that guy over there that's wrestling your colleague...." Dexter said looking apologetic. "I'm very sorry for all the.... the trouble he had cause. You see he has a special condition that needs special attention." Dexter said looking and sounding sad and depressed. " So I hope you could understand. I'll just play in his stead. Cause he really... really wanted that Penguin so bad." Dexter even averted his gaze a little making it seems that he is wiping a tear.

" What the fuck are you talking about?" Lee shout he doesn't get why the alpha acts like he is a kid throwing tantrums on the street over a penguin stuff toy. Dexter glared at him which made him shut up.

"Can I? Please officer." Dexter plead. " For him who needs special care and love." Dexter said with a little teary eye. Everyone who witnessed it was move and decided not to press complain they even let him play till he get the Penguin stuff toy but Dexter only need one try to win the toy.

"What was that about? Making me looked like a person with special needs?" Lee asked sulking.

"Better than having you detained in the precinct because of assault. Here! Your penguin." Dexter push the Penguin stuff toy to Lee's chest.

"I won't give up, the day still haven't ended yet. I will win you a toy." Lee declared.

"Ok, so how do you plan to win me a toy ey? Maybe it will go the other way around again. I even won you a toy when it's you should have won." Lee was already glaring him and start walking ahead of him, he didn't even bother waiting for him and just head straight to the place there's line of stalls with toys hanging around. Each one have different kind of games to offer. Lee went to the first one he saw.

"What's the mechanics of the game" He asked. The game master politely explained to him the mechanics of the game. From where he is standing Lee needs to throw the hoops that he is holding to the group of bottles placed in the center inside the stall. He needs to at least shoot three loops on any of the bottles. He thought the game would be easy for it look easy but he manages to shoot even one.

"That's a difficult game to win, I would suggest for you to choose another game." Dexter said. The two of them have been there for quite some time and Lee still haven't won him anything. He then again walk to the other stall that offers a game call reach the end of the ladder. The mechanics is for him to get on top of the rope ladder (that is hung horizontally) and make his way on the other side without falling. Lee deemed that the challenge was easy and tried to step on the ladder only to fall instantly. It may have appeared easy but because the ladder is suspended mid air horizontally finding the right balance is the main challenge of the game. Lee paid the game master again. This time he placing his hands first holding firm on each side of the ladder before placing his right foot on the ladder when the ladder is no Longer shaking he tried to place other foot to the ground. After that he slowly got up and step one foot forward, another foot forward, slowly careful not to shake the rope ladder too much. Lee's sweat starting to form and breathing becomes more deeper it's like every step he makes sucks the air out of him, every minute feels like eternity. He was still far from the middle when he miscalculated and fall again.

"There is a trick in winning that game you know?" Lee glared at him. "I you want to know you can just ask me..... All you have to do is say please." Lee's pride is important to him and saying please for a help crashes his pride but more important than his pride is the 3 wishes he will be getting once he won him a toy.

"What is the trick? Can you PLEASE tell me?" Lee asked he just wanted the ground to open up and swallowed him whole. There is nothing more embarrassing than to ask help from a fellow alpha over a simple game as that.

"I want you to rephrase it 'Can you please teach me the tricks Please Dexter Sama'""

Lee blows a loud breath then clasp both of his hands in a praying form with a puppy look eyes and a pouting lips before saying " Can you please teach me the tricks? Please Dexter Sama."

Dexter laugh hard so hard that she already shed tears. "I already did what you asked me too, now do your end of the bargain. What is the trick Dexter?" Derek instantly stop laughing. The tone and stare of Lee indicates that he is serious.

"Ok. Just follow my direction step by step. First you need to place both of your hand on the ladder's step." Lee instantly placed both of his hands on the ladder step.

"Grip on it tightly. Then one by one place each of your foot on each end corner where the ladder and rope meets. You need to be on all fours to pull this off." Lee do exactly as he was told.

"Now slowly move your left arm forward and grab the next ladder together with your right foot. As much as possible do it simultaneously. Then the next one is the right hand and left foot forward, repeat it till you reach the other side." Dexter instructed. Lee begun to move the way he was thought the trick did work but it is hard doing the things that you are used to so Lee fell a few times, but each time he fells he is one or two steps nearer to the other side. He didn't stopped till he finally reach the other side.

Lee gave the Snoopy dog stuff toy to Dexter.

"I never thought that getting a stuff toy could be this hard."

"But it's fulfilling to have something that you truly worked hard for right? It makes you value it even more cause you spend your time and energy in getting it which makes it more valuable than the other toys you can just easily obtained right?" At that moment Lee realized instantly the deeper meaning of what Derek had said to him. He may only mean it literally but to Lee he learned a thing that nobody has ever thought him before.

"Certainly! Where is my Penguin by the way?" Lee asked.

"Why? I thought you didn't like it?" Dexter was perplexed a while ago Lee was so grumpy over the fact that he was not the one who got the Penguin so he thought that he doesn't like the Penguin.

"I do like it! Hmmmp after all you got it just for me.... I will give you this dog. Now give me my Penguin." Lee presented his hand asking for the Penguin stuff toy. Derek hand him the Penguin.

"Thank you, from now on this will be our baby and that dog is also our baby." Lee said Derek's face almost instantly fell.

"What are you a kid? Naming stuff toys as our babies?"

"What? There is nothing wrong about that. I have read in an article that doing such things will strengthen our bond. Well to be honest I know that you are still not ready to be a mom just yet so for the mean time they will be our babies."

"I told you I won't be bearing you a child..... Aarrgghhh do whatever you want! Arguing with you is futile." Dexter walk pass him without waiting for Lee.

"Dexy honey wait for me you can't just walk away from me." Lee scream.

"Hey are the two of you a couple?" A man in a funny clothes suddenly halted them. "We have an event and it involves couples to qualify for the event."

"Yes we are" Lee answered, Derek just rolled his eyes. What frustrates him is that he can't read the mind of Lee sometimes.

"So do you want to join? The price will be two Android phone for couple like you two." The man explained hoping that they will say yes.

"We love to... So where do we sign?"" Lee excitedly said, Derek blows a loud breath and step in front to talk to the man who is inviting them for the said event.

" Mr.... hhhmmm We, as you see we are currently in a hurry so we would like to decline your invitation."

"No! we will join... We will join" Lee insisted covering Derek's mouth so that he could not object. "Please register us now. "Lee and Derek."

"What the heck is your problem?!"

"What? it seems exciting owning a couple phone. It would be my first time doing that. More I can add to my book of firsts. Wait I think I should own one! A book where I can write all my firsts.I will definitely going to own one yeah" Lee talked to himself thinking all the first he had experience in the short time he has been with Derek.

"Really for a phone? When you can buy a thousands of that but you insist in getting it through a game?" Dexter could not believe what he is hearing. His inner self is already face palming.

"Yeah you said it will be more worth it and valuable if I worked hard for it. That's why I want to work and win it together with you." For a second there Derek thought that Lee was so handsome looking so sincere or so he thought when Lee suddenly speak again "And it will be a commemorative of our first ever date filled with love." Derek wants to smack his head hard for agreeing to date such a crazy person.

"Hey Dexy honey wait don't leave me here." Lee run after Dexter who is following the man who just invited them. "Faster will you? They are already calling the candidates. You have been day dreaming." Dexter said.

All the couples are asked to line horizontally with one meter space per each couple.

"So we are now going to begin the special game of our event. We have invited a total of 15 couples to fight amongst themselves in an endurance game" said the host. People who are watching cheers.

"The last couple that will remain, will be the winner of our grand price. So are you people excited about the game we are about to play?!" The host face the audience and asked them. " What do you think our game will be?"

"Maybe something that will require team work." Said by one of the ladies. The host walk back to the center revealing the game that everyone has been all waiting for. The crowds went silent as they wait for the host to utter the name of the Game.

"I know everyone has been dying to know what would our grand game for tonight be. Without further ado.... The name of the Game (insert dramatic drumming sounds) is called DO AS YOU ARE TOLD! (end drumrolls sounds) Now I won't let you people wait for long and will proceed to the mechanics of the game." The game master showed a mischief smile that made Dexter nervous.

*This is deffinitely a bad idea.* Dexter thought he wants to regret ever giving up to Alphas pleading.

"Hey you ok?... Isn't this exciting?" Dexter looked at him and see the glimmer of excitement and innocence in Lee's eyes. * Maybe it's not that bad of an idea after all. He maybe crazy but he is an interesting kind of crazy.* Dexter said in his mind.

"Why are you smiling while looking at me? Are you perhaps falling in love with my handsome face. I know that I'm handsome face. I know that I'm handsome but don't make it obvious.... aaw aw aw ouch let go aw. " Dexter pulled his ear hard that made the alpha winced in pain. Other couples who witness them can't help but laugh at what the of them doing.

"Go listen to the mechanics. If we lost in this game it will be all your fault." Dexter warned. He get back to listening to the host talking.

"First there will be two bowls in this game. Each bowls will contain specific tasks for each one of you and that task needs to be done. Now the game master which is ME will pick from the bowl which task will each one of you needed to perform. For every new task, the two of you needed to stay in that position not moving for 15 minutes unless otherwise told so. Even after 15 minutes has passed you will are not allowed to break from the position you are in. The last one to remain till the end will win the price. Now isn't that exciting?"

*Definitely a bad idea* Dexter told to himself.

"Couples are you ready?" The host asked. The contestants eagerly shout yes with too much energy. "Ow wait I forgot, Please hand them the news papers." The beautiful lady gave each couples a piece of a newspaper folded in half. " That news paper will serve as your border. Now, anyone who will step foot outside of that news paper will be eliminated automatically. " Dexter step inside the half folded news paper. The limited space made the two of them face up to close to each other. They are about the same height only that Lee is much taller than him a little. Dexter can feel Lee's warm breath. * I never thought I could find a man's breath alluring.* Dexter thought. He can't help but to simply get drawn to him. His mind was brought back by the Host's voice.

"Now couples are you ready for the first task?" Everyone shouted informing the game master of their readiness.

"Lover on the left will have to step their feet on top of their lover's feet. Now that wouldn't be to hard ey?"

Dexter who is standing on the left took off his shoes and step on Lee's feet. He hold Lee's both arms to have a support. There close position earlier is now even closer that they are literally staring face to face with each other. *This is awkward* Dexter thought. He averted his gaze to lessen the beating of his heart. There it is again He inwardly reprimanded his heart that is beating wildly.

"Is your left foot ok? Does it hurt? Just hold on to me tightly ok. Don't be afraid to fall cause I'll definitely catch you." Lee's statement made him feel hot on his face. He doesn't get how easy for Lee to utter those weird and cheesy lines.

"Smooth talker" Dexter scorn

" I'm just saying what's on my mind and in my heart. I'm just being true with how I feel."

Lee grin grew bigger as he enjoys the closeness that the two of them are having right now. *I'm right to play this game. I'm getting a good feeling that this game is my gateway to my Dexy Honey's heart.* Lee says to himself.

"Why are you smiling like a creep? Gggrrrr that's disgusting dude." Dexter said.

Lee just shrug "I'm just happy. That's all. If I had knew I could be happy doing this simple cheap stuff then I would have done it a long time ago " Lee looked at him in the eyes. "Of course it wouldn't be the same if it's not you I with."

"Ok 15 minutes is done. Couples are you ready? For the second task. Lover on the right circle your arms around your lover's waist." The lover standing on the right side start circling their hands on their lover's waists. People start squealing because of the romantic posture and vibes that the game is giving.

Dexter is now too close to Lee that he can now feel the beating of his heart. "Can you feel my heart racing?.... I never felt that way before to anyone, only to you. The first moment that I saw you.... Sadistic as it may sound but I was kind of great full that I run over you with my car. If it weren't for that accident then I wouldn't have met you."

"Can you.... c-can you stop it? You are making me feel weird and it might cause us to loss this game.... Just concentrate in the game. Focus " Dexter said. He really wants to hide now. He feels embarrassed and weird with what Lee has been doing since the game start. 𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂. He thought.

"Ow I got an interesting one. Lover on the left place your arms around your Lover's neck while placing the tip of your nose to your lover's nose.." People are going crazy because of what is happening.

"I didn't know that this game will make you look at me straight in the eye. Cupid really is on my side."

Dexter click his tongue. "What does cupid anything to do with you?"

" Simple — He keeps giving me all the right cards to play in making you mine."

"Keep dreaming!" Dexter scorn. He really wants to storm out and quit that game because of embarrassment. His heart has been palpitating since the start of the game and his is confused with his feelings. But he knows that if he walks out from there it will make Lee sad and he knows that he can't bear to see Lee's sad face, he can't even explained why he doesn't want to see it.

"Yeah I will till all my dreams come true. After all reality always start from a Dream and in this case my dream is to be with you... always till we are old." Dexter was speechless. He can't believe that the Alpha was already thinking that far with their relationship.

"Do you even know what you are saying?" Dexter asked like a whisper but Lee still managed to hear it.

"Yeah I and now I'm sure. I never been this sure in my whole life — only now."

" Now I got a hard one. Finally I think we will have couples who will be eliminated in this round. So all you lovely couple's ARE YOU READY?!" The game master asked and the crowd seems to get even more excited for the host to finally reveal the next task. "Lover on the right please carry your Lover's in bridal style while not breaking your noses connection and without lovers on the left breaking their hold around their Lover's neck."

"Now that's challenging. Dexy honey I'll support your back. Now when I say go, just drop your whole weight ok?" Lee instructed.

"Bit I'm heavy can you really do That?"

"Don't worry just trust me ok?" Dexter did as he was told and it didn't took Lee much effort to lift Dexter up in a bridal style. Half of the contender's didn't make it.

"So it looks like a lot of couples was not able to do it. Anyways for the next round lets see. Ow this is getting HOT!" The game master looked at the audience and smile playfully. " Are you guys ready to witness the love of these couples have for each other?" The crowd shouted yes.

"Lover on the left place your lips on your Lover's and gently kiss them without breaking any of the previous tasks." Dexter can hear the crowds chanting Kiss kiss kiss kiss repeatedly. He leaned a little forward from their position to touch Lee's lips. He never thought that Lee's lips are so warm and soft. Time seems to freeze and the only person in there are just the two of them. The cheering and squealing of the crowds seems to fade and the only thing he can hear is the beating of his heart and the breathing of Lee's. He closed his eyes as he slowly nibble Lee's soft lips, he felt Lee's body stiffened from what he did but later on felt Lee's lips curve into a smile and answer his soft, shallow kiss. Dexter felt intoxicated and addicted to Lee's kiss. He never thought that kissing someone can be this so addicting.

Dexter was till at lost when the game master finally spoke again. "A kiss really is a man's weakness. I would like to commend this 3 couples who manages to stay in their position while kissing their lovers. You 3 will receive a consolation prize. But — but, but, but, buuuuutttt. We still need to have a grand champion of this game. So for the final task. Lover on the right, you will need to lift your left leg off the ground and place it behind your back. This maybe dangerous so kids don't try this at home. You need to stand in one foot while carrying and kissing your lover at the same time. WHO will remain standing will be our grand champion."

Lee lifted up his left foot and placed it behind his right foot. Finding the right balance is not easy when he knew that Dexter was already at lost. He can feel how Dexter's trying to get the kiss deeper and it's making it harder for him to control his self not losing it himself. He is already feeling hot down there. Dexter is such a good kisser and Lee never thought that this is how the two of them will get their first kiss. *It's so unfair to be the only one needs to stay focus the whole time we are kissing* Lee thought. Lee almost lost it back then but the game master's voice brought him back to his senses. One of them should remain focus or else they will loss the game. But how can he do it when he felt Dexter pushed his head against Dexter's mouth to deepen the kiss. He is aggressively trying to insert his tongue inside Lee's mouth.

*AAAAARRRGGHHH Whatever* Lee shrug inwardly telling himself as he finally give up to Dexter's kiss and respond in aways that made Dexter moan. He fight Dexter's tongue and have his way in with him. He can't explain how the two of them manage to kiss that hard without breaking their nose connection.

People's eyes are on them witnessing that overflowing emotion from the way they kiss each other. It was not for a show but rather a real kiss with real feelings that being transferred to them. They can feel the love and excitement from the two of them.

"It seems that we finally have a winner" The game master announced. The people cheer and clap. "But it doesn't seems they want to stop any minute now" The hosts said referring to the two of them.

Dexter felt like someone is gazing close to him so he opened his eyes only to get startled by the face of the game master. He immediately broke free from Lee's embrace. " Getting cozy are we ey? The game is finally over and you two are the winners of this game CONGRATULATIONS!" The game master interviewed them for a little before telling them where to go to claim their price.

Lee excitedly open the phone boxes and gave the other one to him while the other one he quickly open. He can see how happy Lee is with his new phone. "Hey Dexy honey come on let's take a picture together." Dexter doesn't want to but Lee keep on persisting that he gave up. "From now on this will be my personal phone that I'll use every day and our photo will be my lock screen and wall paper, so that I will always be inspired every single day." That smile on Lee's face, that kiss and his racing heart. There is no point in denying it. Maybe I'm falling for him Dexter thought.

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