
Chapter 37: Realization

Author's Note:

Hi guys another long update for you lovely people.

I hope you could enjoy reading this.


Lance couldn't stand the crooked smile on Terrence face. "Get out of here your face and that smile is distracting me."

Terrence got up to his seat and went over to Lance's table. "This face is what you are calling distraction? Come on man you know better that this face is anything but a distraction and this smile is the smile of VICTORY!" Lance can feel a headache coming because of his friend.

"Hey don't give me that look just because you haven't been laid you will give me a menopausal attitude. Well I do get what you're feeling cause for several months till last night me and my wife couldn't do it but damn! Because of last night my dick is alive again."

Lance glared at him. "Are you here just to pester me you show off jerk!" Lance scorn

"Oh I got an idea why shouldn't I just tell your wife that you've been waving your hot steamy sex last night. I guess he won't even let you sleep beside him." Lance took his phone but Terrence tried to snatch it away.

"I was just joking don't tell my wife please." Terrence pleas still trying to grab the phone from Lance hands.

"Yeah I won't, I won't just get your face away from me man." Lance said agreeing to Terrence.

"Show off!" Lance scoff. "By the way how is the Termination of Ms. Salvacion's contract going?" Lance asked coughing slightly.

"It has been taken care of. It was not hard really I mean the woman had a fair share to the reason why her contract has been terminated. She somehow jeopardize the company's name by dragging directly the Chairman's name to her issue. So don't worry about it."

"That's good at least I'll just have to focus in persuading my wife back and the other things in the company." Lance cough again.

"Man your cough doesn't sound so good. Your complexion too, are you even getting enough sleep?" Terrence asked. He can see dark circles around the Alphas eyes. He's happy that his friend is finally back but seeing how he abusively working his body too hard is not healthy.

"I'm ok, I just need to endure a little. I will be able to get some rest once my problems are solve." Lance leaned backward resting his head to his chair.

"Ok if you say so. Just don't abuse your body too much. Oh by the way I'll be in the states a day after tomorrow together with my brother and I'll be staying there for at least a week depending how things goes so if there's something just give me a call. I'll try to be as responsive as possible."

"Ok thanks for the info." Said Lance. "Are you still riding a bike when you go to work? Yeah but now no we are staying at Mom's house. Our apartment is under renovation. I had rooms set up in that apartment and made sure to make mine and my wife's room sound proof we wouldn't want others to hear us when you know."

"Fuck too much information, I can't believe it just get the fuck out of here. You are annoying me."


Liam was helping Dexter in sitting. "Finally after staying for too long in that horrible place. I'm home!"

"But you still need to comeback for check ups and therapy." Liam said.

"Speaking of coming back. Your husband has not been visiting you for two days now." Dexter looked at him with a funny face. "Aren't you even a little curious what he's been up to?"

"No he must be busy with work. That's understandable he has been neglecting his work for too long that it filed up." Liam said, he took out all the things inside the bag that they use in their stay at the hospital.

"Well that's all thanks to whom?" Dexter meaningfully said. Liam just didn't bother answering.

"He must've been really busy or maybe he got sick or got into an accident or may be he got tired of you. There are a lot of possibilities in that two days. He didn't even contacted you in that two days and yet here you are trying not to find out what happened to that man. For all we know he might be with that snake of a woman as of this moment."

That night Dexter's words keep repeating and running to his head not allowing him to sleep even a wink. Worries and fears filled him so he decided to get up and change his clothes he left a note on the door's fridge saying 'I went in Lance's house In won't be back till morning, Liam.'

It was already in the middle of the night when Liam arrived at Lance's mansion gate. He tried ringing the intercom doorbell and was greeted with a voice from the box. "I'm Liam, I know it's late but I was hoping to see Lance." The gate immediately opened after he introduced himself. The guard greeted him. Lance is already standing outside their house. He was about to ring the door bell when Sebastian opened the door for him.

"Seb!" Liam immediately hug the butler. "I miss you. The last time I went here when Lance took me to a dinner date you weren't here."

"I'm ok Liam. What brings you here in the middle of the night? Did the young master tell you about his condition?" Sebastian asked.

"Actually I came by because I was worried about Lance. He hasn't been visiting me for the past two days and he also didn't contact me. What happened to him and what about his condition." Liam asked worriedly.

Sebastian blows a sighed. "The young master has been working very hard these past few days also added the fact that he has been squeezing his time for you in his schedules which resulted for his health to deteriorate."

Sebastian lead Liam to their room. "He caught a cold plus he has been over fatigue that's what the doctor said. He needs complete rest." Sebastian opened the door to their room and Liam went inside.

"I'm going to leave the two of you. Call me if there's anything you need." Sebastian said.

"Thank you Seb. I'll take it from here go and rest." Sebastian nodded before closing the door. Liam slowly walk towards the sleeping Lance. He sat on the bed just beside Lance, he can see the tiredness on his face.

"It must have been so hard for you." Liam said he carefully lying his body to the bed facing his husband as he slightly curl up. He looked at his husband's sleeping tired face till sleep finally consumed him.

Lance couldn't believe what he's seeing making him ask himself if he's still dreaming or if he's now fully awake. So in assurance he slapped his face so hard that it made him scream. "Ow, ow, ouch that hurt."

"You're awake." Liam quickly put the back of his hand to the side of his neck and on his forehead. "You're still hot? Where are your medicines and when was the last time you took your medicine? What did the doctor said about taking your medicine?" Liam's one after another questions.

"W-what are you doing here Love?" Liam looked at him with the *isn't it obvious look*

"Of course to take care of you I'll nurse you till your well. So answer my questions for me to properly take care of you." True to Liam's he really did took care of him. He cooked for him, fed him and wipe his body clean, except that wiping his body clean is the most challenging part of nursing Lance.


Dexter heard the someone rang the door bell. He slowly got up supporting himself, using his crutches he slowly make his way towards the door of his unit. "Just wait a minute." He shouted for the the person on the other side of the door to hear. Dexter's face quickly darkened out of angered and frustrations just from seeing the Alpha in front of him. He can't seem to figured out why the absence of the man made him even angrier than he were before when the man constantly pay him a visit just to annoy the heck out of him.

He was about to close the door when the Alpha stopped it by holding and blocking the door with just his one hand. *Just how strong is this mongrel is?* Dexter thought.

"Hey Dexy honey don't be like that. I brought you breakfast." Lee enthusiastically raised the square box he is holding where the breakfast he brought is inside.

"Why are you even here anyways? After not showing up for a couple of days yet here you are again just to annoy me." Dexter scorned.

"So you missed me?..... In those days the I have not visited you?" Lee teasingly asked moving closer which made Dexter move backward but because of his broken leg he got out of balance and was about to fall when a pair of hands caught him. Their face are just inches away and Dexter can't understand that feeling which makes him breath heavily, makes his heart race and is making his stomach crunch.

"Are you ok Dexy?" Lee broke the silence by asking that question still not breaking his gaze from him. The two were really in an awkward position Two grown man big and bulky, with his half body leaning backward and was about to fall but got caught by Lee so Lee is leaning forward supporting his half body from falling while they are still at the door step. Dexter finally got back to his senses and quickly untangled and fixed himself from the alpha.

"Come in we shouldn't be doing this kind of thing in front of the door. Others might see us and misunderstood the situation." Dexter continued to walk using his crutches when the other Alpha just suddenly lifted him up. "Hey what the heck are you doing?! Put me down!"

"Hey don't move too much it's dangerous, we might both fall. Well for the lease I already have fallen, I don't mind you falling cause I'll make sure to be there to catch you." Dexter suddenly stopped moving upon hearing Lee. He's feeling hot in the face. Lee sure is a sweet talker.

"There you go, that's a good boy." Lee said placing him on the couch while raffling his hair.

"Hey don't treat me like a little boy!" Dexter scoff.

"Considering how big and masculine you are? Yeah definitely not a little boy." Lee lean closer to Dexter's face close enough that he can feel Lee's breath. "but I love you nonetheless." At that moment Dexter felt like the only person in the world is just him and the Alpha. Until a snap of a finger brought him back to his own senses.

"Dexy honey to Earth? Earth to Dexy honey?" Dexter looked at him and grab his face away from his using his palm. "Get away from my face you are making me throw up."

"Hey my face is not that disgusting to even make you feel like throwing up." Lee hold the part where his heart is located and act all hurt and depressed. "I'm hurt.... like literally hurt."

Dexter blows a loud breath before supporting himself to stand up using his crutches. Lee looked at him and start helping him to stand up. "Dexy honey where do you plan on going?"

"I'm going to get us plates you moron... You brought us breakfast right? Unless you just plan letting it sit inside that box you are holding, it won't transfer all by itself on the plate unless one of us got up, get the plates to transfer that and finally eat it." Dexter said sarcastically and went to the kitchen. Lee followed him watching him as he get them two sets of plates, fork and glass.

"I just asked one single question but you gave me tons of answers." Lee said complaining he move to the other side of the kitchen table just across Dexter and Dexter glared at him.

"Why do you hate me that much by the way? I just can't seem to understand.... Other's would die to date someone like me and take note it is actually the first time I asked someone to date me." Dexter hand him a slice of apple pie and a glass of orange juice.

"Well definitely it's not me.... I'm not one of those who would throw themselves at you given a chance."

Dexter looked at him scanning his every features. "I admit you are really handsome but I don't think you should be wasting your time pursuing me.... Go find yourself a good female alpha that will match up to you. An Alpha male is no good with another Alpha male and there's still discrimination with Omegas unless you are one of the few Alphas who can take on negative criticisms about being together with Omegas. A beta partner is a good choice too why don't you focus on them and not to me."

Lee put down his fork and intertwine his fingers in front. "Since you are getting serious, I think it should be fair to be serious with you too..... I want you, it's the first time I wanted someone so badly."

"What if what you're feeling right now is a temporary thing. Maybe you just got the high from the excitement of getting someone who doesn't want to be yours - seeing it as a challenge. It's a psychological thing you see. The more you are having the hard time getting what you want the more you will thrive but the moment you had it that's the time you'll loose your interest." Dexter laugh.

"I don't want to be someone's pass time. Besides we don't cut out for each other, we will looked weird both masculine Alphas going out together we will be a joking matter." Dexter said shaking his head he can already imagine how disastrous it will be.

"Then try going out with me and see if which one of us is right. If you are right I'll let you be, like none of these has ever happened but If I'm right then you are mine forever, there will be no going back."

"Has anything I ever said to you instilled in that tiny head of yours? Didn't you get any of what I said or do you want me to say it one by one again to you?" Dexter said frustratingly.

"Yeah I get it but I'm proposing in doing a bet with me. You'll loose nothing out of this. We won't have sex unless you want me to, that won't be a problem to me I'm confident enough to make you scream even though you are an Alpha." Lee smirked.

"Who will scream! I told you I'm the top!" Lee smile even wider.

"So still a virgin from behind." Dexter glared at him.

"Of course I'm an Alpha male what do you expect of me!"

"Anyways so are you in or will just be a pussy?"

"Ok, ok. I'm in." Dexter agreed.

"Good from now on the two of us are already officially dating. We will do all dating couples do--"

"Except sex. I didn't consent for having sex with you." Dexter said cutting off what Lee is saying.

"Yeah except sex but once you give me your permission then we can do it." Lee said still pushing the topic.

Lee walked over to his side and corner Dexter against the kitchen table with his both arms. "From now on we are now officially dating my Dexy honey and I won't stop until you are fully mine." Lee declared.


Liam stayed by Lance side for the whole 4 days till the Alpha Finally regained his strength back. He's currently looking at the sleeping Alpha. He can see how what happened had cause not their marriage but also his Husband's health.

Liam was still busy looking at his Husband when his phone ring. He quickly answered the phone afraid that it might disturb his Husband's peaceful sleep. He lower his voice but enough to properly talked to the person on the other line without waking Lance.

"Hi Brother why did you call?" Liam asked Dexter.

(I will just ask if you're going home late again today.)

"Yeah I'll go home." Liam said. The other person went silent.

(Liam I want to ask you something? Do you want to get back and move together with your husband?.... cause from how I see it, your heart is ready it's just your mind is still not.)

"Dexter, I don't know I want to be with him badly. I miss him so much but I'm scared what if..."

(Stop living with what ifs Liam and start living with what is. You won't get the answer you have been looking for if you don't try again.)

"I love him, I'm just still not yet ready." Liam stated with finality in his voice. He can't bring himself to fully open up his feelings again to his husband when his fears and what ifs are getting the best of him. He sat beside his husband to look at his sleeping face before placing a sweet kiss on his lips. After a while Liam get up and said his good bye and good night to Lance who is still asleep before going home.

The moment the door shut close Lance opened his eyes and sit up moments later he finally brake down to tears. Little did Liam know that his husband heard everything. He can feel the heavy weight of what he has done and it seems to him that no matter what he do his mistake will always get in their way of fixing their marriage no matter how Liam loves him, Liam can't just bring himself to trust him again and without trust their marriage is about to crumble and Lance can't take it.

"Good morning Seb, Is Lance awake?" Liam asked he just arrived at their house. "I brought breakfast. Here" Liam handed the breakfast which he prepared and was about to go to Lance's room when Sebastian stopped him. "Young master is not here. He already went for work." Sebastian said.

"Work? Is he well enough to be working again? Did the doctor said it is ok to go to work again?" Liam asked question after questions. He's getting worried about Lance health. He may be a dominant Alpha but it doesn't mean he has a super human ability or what.

Sebastian remain silent. "I'll be going to Lance office." Liam said.

"He went in an of out the country business trip. He needs to fix something there." Sebastian said. Liam felt hurt knowing that his husband didn't even informed him about the his decision to work again much more about the business trip. "Oh, Ok. I think I better should be going now."

"Young master was pretty down this morning. I shouldn't be telling you this but unless I don't then he wouldn't tell you this himself." Sebastian blows a loud breath.

"Young master is having a hard time seeing you getting torn between forgiving and giving him a chance — your marriage a chance. He knows fully well that he destroy the trust you gave to him and it is hard for you to trust him again. He's considering of letting you go, he ask me if he ever let's you go will you be happy? Will you finally be free from the burden of being with him?... He said that if ever your marriage with him comes to an end he will respect that but he will never going to get married again — he said he can't imagine being with someone else other than you but at the same time he is also thinking about your heat and the bond.... So he decided to deal with that business trip and reschedule his other appointments.... maybe to think things through."

Liam feels like he's suffocating he didn't know that his Alpha felt that way. He didn't take in to consideration that Lance might also feeling that way, he only thought of what and how he's feeling but he never thought on how his husband felt of their whole marriage situation.

two days pass but no Lance contacted him and no Lance show up at the door it was until the third day that Liam received a phone call from the Doctor informing him about an accident. Liam quickly grab his wallet, left a note for Dexter and went straight to the hospital where the call was made.

When he got there he immediately went to the reception area and asked the nurse Manning that station. "M-Ms. Where can I find L-Lance Kerstien Montero? I-I received a call." Liam is trying to hold back his tears. The nurse gave him the room number after asking him some few questions. When he arrived there he saw Lance sleeping on the hospital bed, bruises on his face and arms, bandage wrapped around his head. Liam hold Lance hands and gently kissed it. He didn't thought that the next time he will see him is that he will be lying on a hospital bed full of bruises and scratches on hiss face and body. A knock on the door made Liam get back from what he is thinking.

"You are perhaps the person I spoke with over the phone? Your number was on his in case of emergency." The Doctor asked. Liam quickly wiped away his tears. "Yeah, yeah I am I'm sorry."

"Are you perhaps his?" The Doctor asked to properly address him.

"I'm his wife. Liam Sy Montero, Lance Montero's wife." Liam showed him his ID. "What happened to my husband?" Liam asked.

"He has been in a car accident. He suffered from mild concussion, bruises and some scratches but anything major no. He just needs to rest a little — it appears that he's been over working himself that his body hasn't able to keep up. He just needs some rest and he will be good to go." The Doctor explained. "I remember the inspector would want to speak with you. He may drop by here later to have a word with you. You're Liam right?" Liam nodded in response. "Yes I am."

"The inspector said he needs to speak to a person named Liam." The Doctor said before leaving.

"Ok, I got it." Liam sat at the chair beside Lance bed. A lot of things running to his mind, he hold Lance hands and carefully brought it to his cheeks feeling the warmness of his body heat as if assuring himself that his husband is ok that he is alive. Till one tear escape from his eye then another one and followed by another one. He was still in that position when he heard a knock which was followed by a voice asking for a permission to come in. Liam looked at the middle aged man who he thinks is the inspector that the Doctor is talking about.

"Yeah you may come In." Liam fixed himself and tried to properly face the inspector.

"Inspector Clarence by the way and you must be Liam I assume? The Doctor already informed us about you." The inspector said straight forwardly.

"I'll cut down to the chase. The reason why I'm here is to explain what happened to the whole accident and to give your husband's personal things." The inspector handed him a brown big envelope. Liam opened it and saw Lance phone, watch, and letter.

"Frankly according to the police investigation report. It seems that your husband was driving towards you — which I'm assuming base on the bouquet of flowers found in the back seat of the car and a letter address to someone named Liam which is you, but unfortunately the bumper of his car was hit by a 8 wheeler truck that lost his breaks. Your husband was pretty fortunate though cause the truck manage only to hit the front part of your husband's car which throws the car to spin that reduce the speed and impact before it finally hit a post. If he had cross that intersection a little early the damage to his body would have been great and in worst case scenario we might have loss him." The inspector looks at Liam who is still holding the letter which the inspector is pertaining to.

"Loss him?" asked.

"Yeah, your husband is a pretty lucky man. Here are some photos of the accident. I know we shouldn't be discussing about this here but we want to know if you are planning on filling a case against the truck driver." Liam looked at the photos of Lance car the right part of the car was totally wreck it still stuck curving to the post and the front has been dismantled. Traces of blood still can be seen on the driver's seat.

"You see if it the car hit the left side of the post he could have died and if the truck Happened to hit the whole car and not just the front he could still die. He is a lucky man but luck still not the issue here we want to know if you want to file a case against the driver who hit your husband's car." The inspector asked again.

Liam who is still shaking looked at the inspector. "We will settle all of this once my husband regain his consciousness. Right now I just want us to be alone. Thank you for handling this case thoroughly." Liam said calmly. Right now he can't think straight, right now fear is engulfing is whole being.

"I understand, I'll be taking my leave then. Just call us whenever you feel like discussing this matter. Thank you and get well." The inspector already took his leave.

Liam on the other hand drop to his seat he feels like all his energy left his body. He was still shaking, shaking from the fear of loosing Lance. From the fear of not seeing him ever again, fear of not able to feel his warmth. He looked at the letter addressed to him and read what was written on the envelope. "To my beloved wife who I love so much. From your jerk of a husband who is stupid. Please read this when I already went home." Liam laugh.

Liam opened the cream color envelope with red roses prints on it. He found a letter folded and slowly opened it.

"Dear Liam,

By this time I'm already on the way home to the home that we used to share. These past few days I have been thinking, I know my selfishness have brought you to a difficult situation where you have to weight between our marriage and yourself, between the maybes' and the what is and most of all between your love for me and your trust for me.

I know I have broken your trust too many times, since from the start you met me, the moment we lost our first child and to the time about Bea. I know I hurt you a lot and I thought by trying my best I will be able to help you make a decision, I will be able to help you regain your trust towards me but I think I was wrong again. I guess business is the only thing I'm good at handling not my relationship with you.

I have decided to go on our separate ways, maybe that way I won't be able to to hurt you any longer. You won't feel the pressure of forgiving, loving and trusting me again. You won't be torn between our marriage and your own self because as much as I want to save our marriage I don't want you to sacrifice your own self, your sanity, your emotional health. I want you to be happy and if that means I have to endure the pain of letting you go then I would.

Don't worry about me. I promise to take care of myself. I won't drink anymore, I'll eat properly, I'll try to sleep properly I'll do everything that you want just promise me that you will be happy and that will be enough to make me happy too.

I'll be giving you all the time in this world to think things through without the pressure on your shoulder. I'll be freeing you from that burden.... and when the time comes that you realize that you still want me I'm just here waiting for you even if it gets to the point that I'm old and wrinkly I will still wait for you. I will only be married to a one person in this lifetime and that is to you.

I Love You so much this will be my gift to you and my advance birthday gift to our son.

I Love you so much from the bottom of my heart,


Liam kept on crying and crying while mumbling. "Idiot this didn't made me happy at all. You think cutting yourself from my life will make me happy you idiot."

"But I'm the most idiot one here." Liam said to himself.

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