

"So, this is a date?" Frank asked while dancing.

"I don't know." I replied biting my bottom lip.

"Well, it is." Frank replied.

I just was kinda freaked out the way he said it but I don't mind if its a date with him. Wow, I am changed. The girl who promises to not to date anyone is dating the star of school. Actually, not dating... to tell the truth, on a date. Will he ask me to be his girlfriend? I don't guess he will.

SHOULD I ask her? This is the perfect moment but what should I do? I am just so confused. I guess I should. Hell yes, I have changed. Am I starting to like her for real? No idea, I'm just so shocked that I am thinking twice to ask her. Alright, go ahead.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Abby?" I asked.

She looked at me shocked. I hope she won't say no or I'll get hurt. Hurt? I'll get hurt is she says no? Why? It never mattered. Why with her?

"Yes." She replied softly.

I, for the first time was so much happy. I spun her around and she laughed.

"I love you." I said to her.

What that a part of plan? No, but she's not a bet to me anymore, I really do love her.

"I love you, too." Abby replied.

She's mine now and I don't care if I get a Lamborghini or not. I am not getting it anytime sooner. Seth's outta city so... anyway, she's not a bet, she's my dream and she's mine. Am I changed? Yes, I have for her.

Abby was cooking my brain. I had no intentions of passing the exams but for her I had to. Gosh! I was just so bored right now. I screamed in her ears and she screamed as well.

"Why are you screaming? Abby asked.

"I don't wanna study." I said and lied down.

"But you have to study, Frank." Abby said.

I sighed and took the book in my hand. I read quietly and then gave it to Abby.

"Ready?" Abby asked with a smile.

"Yeah." I said weakly.

She asked me questions and I answered correctly. Studying is fun..I guess.

"I'm quite impressed. I thought you were really dull." Abby said laughing.

"I am not dull." I protested back.

Abby laughed and hugged me. I love each second with her now.

I WAS just so happy with him right now. I wanted so much more to know about him. Because though it seemed like he was the most popular guy in school, he had something held inside of him.

"You hide a lot of things, don't you?" I asked him and he was kinda confused by the question.

"What'd you mean?" Frank asked.

"You don't say everyone everything, do you?" I asked.

He kept silent. He wasn't really speaking. I looked at him eagerly.

"You are right." Frank said.

"So, you can open up to me." I offered.

"Uh... maybe I don't know. I.. never talked... about...uh." He stopped.

I sighed and smiled.

"It's fine. Let it be." I said.

He smiled and the rest of the day went on talking and talking.


It was school time and Abby was with Frank. I couldn't understand why she was with him. I know everything she says but still I just don't get it. I rolled my eyes and was walking to my class. I looked over at Abby and Frank. Love birds! Give me a break!

"Do you know that he is playing her?" A guy said.

I was too curious to know so that is why I tried over-hearing.

"You mean that Abby?" A girl asked.

"Yeah! It was all a Lamborghini bet between Seth and Frank." The guy said and the girl gasped.

"Poor girl doesn't even know anything. I pity her." The girl said.

This is all a bet? Oh no! I must tell Abby but will she believe me? I quickly went to Abby.

"I need to talk to you." I said to Abby.

"Your boyfriend is here, By." Frank said chuckling.

"Shut up, Frank." I said angrily.

"Wizvi, you were better a boy and God mistakenly made you a girl. So sad!" Frank said.

"I wish I was a boy, I could break your jaw right now." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up you both!" Abby said giggling.

I took her to another place and made her look at me.

"What is it?" Is there something serious?" Abby asked.

"Yes, there is something serious." I said.

"What is it?" Abby asked worried.

"He's playing you. I just heard that this is all a Lamborghini bet between him and Seth. He's freaking playing now, Abby!!" I said and she looked at me in disbelief.

"If this is a joke then I hate you already." Abby said.

"I am not joking." I said crossing my hand over my chest.

She sighed and took me to Frank. Abby asked these all to Frank.

"She's lying. Why would I play you?" Frank asked acting like an innocent.

"Stop lying, Frank." I said clenching my fist.

"Stop it, Wizvi." Abby said and I looked at her shocked.

"You don't believe me?" I asked.

"I want to but I can't." Abby said and I can't believe that he changed her.

"Fine." I said and went to my class.

I can't believe that she doesn't believe in me. How could she do this to our friendship?

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