
Life and Powers

"" -> Speech;

'' -> Thoughts;

[] - Beep Boop;

[Chapter Two : Life and Powers]

[*POV Oliver*]

It has been a month since I was born into the Xia family as the twin brother of Xia Qingyue. We're currently in a room in the Xia house being fed by our mother and maids. The [Guide] told me I could start awakening my bloodline after 8 months because my body just came out and has to get used to walking, crawling etc.

My father is Xia Hongyi, my mother is Yue Wugou, she is currently staying because she fell in love with father and because of her memory loss, she will eventually gain back her memories and leave the family to keep the family safe. What a good mother I guess.

Man, I have to say my mother is probably the most beautiful person I have every seen, not that she compares to me *cough cough* I'm not narcissistic. Everyday I would play with my sister and mother when I can. My sister wasn't the cold person she will be after mother leaves in our 4th birthday yet. So, I tried my best to connect with her and become friendly since I accept her as my sister, she was pretty cute too! And no, I'm not a sis-con.

I got many gifts from God to help me in this world, [Heaven's God Movement (Technique)], [Heaven's God Cultivation (Technique)], [Heaven God's Soul (Technique)], [Heaven God's Godly Vein (Profound Vein)]. They all were useful for me since I was going to buy techniques from the store but now, I don't have to. I mean I could just bend reality or use time manipulation to change my age and make no one notice but my Dragon God bloodline is sealed for until I reach 8 months of age and being a child isn't that bad I mean you could just lay around all day and poop your pants.

[(Time-Skip - 8 months)]

In the 8 months, I learned how to crawl and say simple words like "Yes" and "No" they were not spoken fluently they sounded like "ni" or "yi." Thanks vocal cord. I make sure to keep Qingyue in watch, don't want that Adoptive father of Yun Che to come in and steal my cute little sister.

[Guide - *Beep* Host, your bloodline is ready to unlock - (Y/N) / Host is recommended to do it at night because you will lose consciousness for 6 hours at most!]

[Me] - "Sure, unlock my bloodline when I'm asleep"

[Guide - *Beep* Noted.]

[(Time-Skip - Night)]

I was asleep at this time, babies need to sleep you know? The [Guide] began unlocking my bloodline, my muscles began to spasm, I didn't feel anything since I was deep asleep. My skin became more pale and harder, my bones became to refine themselves breaking and repairing to make them stronger every time, I guess this is the benefit of immortality. I looked the same but my height got a bit taller, anyway my max height will most probably be 6'1 when I age, not too tall and not too short. My body basically started to develop, this went on for 6 hours straight, honestly I felt nothing was probably in a deep sleep or a coma of some kind.

Oh boy was I excited today! I was finally going to test out my powers after I woke up that is.

[Guide - *Beep* Learn how to use Powers (Y/N) / Host will be given experience directly into host's memory to how to use powers of your bloodline - (Bloodline Memory)]

When I heard that, I was so excited I had to yell in my mind,

[Me] - 'Yes, [Guide] give me all the sweet experience!'

After I said that memories flooded my head it kinda hurt a bit. In the memories of experiences of my power I learned a lot, now I basically have mastery over my power. I quickly manipulate time and freeze it to make sure no one notices I was gone, I then use my senses to find other realms and places in this realm. I found every realm in ATG, Dragon realm, Moon Good realm, Star God realm etc. I went to every realm with my space manipulation to see what it's like, then I go back.

I unfroze time, I have to say some realms are beautiful. Anyway I haven't used Shop and Status yet because I haven't needed it yet.

[Me] - 'Shop'

[ -Menu-






Points: 100 billion (720 billion);

] (*Beep* Talent is set at birth)

[Me] - 'Shop, how much is shadow clone from Naruto?'

[*Beep* It's 20,000 Points, host]

[Me] - "Buy me it!"

[*Beep* Purchase successful, points remaining: 99,999,980,000]

[Me] - 'Shop, Show me information on Shadow clone jutsu.


Information: Host can summon infinite amount of Shadow Clones, Shadow Clone jutsu is from Naruto... allows user to experience what clone has experience.


[Me] - 'Damn, infinite amount of me! I can create an army of me. Hahahahah'

[Me] - 'Shop, show me my status'

[ -Status-

Name: Xia Oliver,

Age: 8 months old,

Charm: Infinite,

Profound Vein: Heaven God's Godly Vein,

Cultivation Technique: Heaven God's,

Movement Technique: Heaven God's Movement,

Body Technique: Heaven God's Body,

Soul Technique: Heaven God's Soul,

Energy-Type: ALL (Can use any-type of energy), (A/N Chakra, Ki, Profound energy, etc.)

Affinity: ALL (Has affinity or talent to use every element), (A/N Fire, Water, etc.)

Cultivation: Mortal - (Hasn't cultivated yet),

Talent: Supreme,

Body Strength: Elementary Profound Realm Stage 1,

Life-Span: Immortal

Status Note: The most talented trash.

] (*Beep*)

Crap, I might have made my self look too good, I'm not trying to be narcissistic but I will most probably look like a shota from hentai anime, I mean I already charm girls by just being there.

[End of Chapter two]

Próximo capítulo